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My Life for Yours

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Member Reviews

This was such an emotional roller coaster! I was hooked from the beginning! Paige and Nick's story was so full of emotion! Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC!

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This story kicked my ass... I put off reading the last 30 pages because I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to get through it.
Emotional, heartbreaking, thought-provoking, topical and necessary this was a beautifully written book.

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Great book. Highly recommend and will most defiantly read more by this author and suggest to others!

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Read this for something a bit different and it definitely delivered. Great storyline and well written. Can't wait to read more by this author.

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Have your tissues handy for this one. What a tear jerker. So emotional, had me gripped from the first page with me holding my breathe at times. A fantastic read!.

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I really enjoyed this book! It kept me guessing up to the end. The characters were all developed well and I felt like I really knew them and could feel their pain. I found myself tearing up several times while reading. That's a sure sign a book has affected me! I will definitely recommend for purchase at my library!

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I really want to say I loved this story as much as lots of the other reviewers have but can’t. I think though that this says more about my choosing the wrong book than there being anything wrong with this one. It’s a very emotional read which doesn’t always suit me and that was my problem. Another day maybe I might have been more in the mood for all the sentiment but not unfortunately the day I did read it.

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Book blurb...
No parent should ever have to lose a child.
No husband should ever have to lose a wife.
No one should ever have to choose.
Paige and Nick are happy. They have a beautiful home, a loving family and, most importantly, they would do anything for each other. Now, they are having a baby and it feels like all their dreams are coming true.
But joy turns to despair when they discover that Paige has a rare, life-threatening heart condition and they lose their longed-for child. Heartbroken, the couple must accept the reality that they may not become parents after all.
Just as they begin to come to terms with their loss, Paige unexpectedly falls pregnant again. Paige’s heart is still weak, and to carry the baby to term puts them both at risk. The couple now face an impossible decision: Paige’s life or the life of their unborn child?
If Paige keeps the baby, she could lose her life and destroy the man she loves. If Nick tries to stop her, he may lose them both forever. It’s the most important decision they have ever had to make – and time is running out.
My Life for Yours is a heartbreaking, gripping and emotional story about love, loss and an impossible choice, perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Kelly Rimmer and Kate Hewitt.

My thoughts…

With a story that tugs on the heart, there isn't a mother or daughter who won’t find this latest Vanessa Carnevale novel heartbreaking. But it is also a story about hope.
The author’s challenge would have been planning when and how to reveal the results of this couples' decision for maximum impact. Vanessa nailed it!
Pace-wise, I admit there were times I was eager to move forward, but the narrative suits a storyline bursting with high emotions, so I sat back and enjoyed the journey.

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My Life For Yours by Vanessa Carnavale is a heart-warming story of a man and woman who overcome their grief of losing their near-term unborn child, Max, and saving their marriage in the process, although there were times that feat was in question. A heart disease called peripartum cardiomyopathy affected Paige. Sadly she didn't know it until it was nearly too late. Her mother and sister told her that the symptoms were typical of the end of pregnancy. They were. When her husband, Nick arrived home late that night from a trip, he recognized that they were much more serious than those that were to be expected. He rushed her to the hospital where doctors labored to save her life. Sadly, they were not able to save Max's. They were both without words and their inability to communicate nearly destroyed their marriage, but they found their way back. Several months later, Paige found herself pregnant again, far before it was safe for her to carry a baby. She could easily die. Her family and Nick all wanted her to terminate the pregnancy, which she considered.

This is a raw and gripping novel of a mother's love, of parents' love for an adult child, a husband's love for his wife, and acceptance. Acceptance was the hard part. Could they just be happy for the remainder of the pregnancy and not worry about the outcome? Paige was adamant. Nick was, too, but not about the same thing. Is love enough? Everybody weighed on the decision, including the reader. Their time together might be coming to an end. It hurt. Paige might be consigning Nick to the life of a single father. He was a pediatric surgeon. How would he cope? The story awoke so many issues that are important, but do not typically have to be faced by people: self, husband, parents, sister, brother, friends. It was a heart-wrenching and compelling story of love and how to be true to oneself. Amazing portrayal. Kudos Carnevale!

I was invited to read a free ARC of My Life For Yours by Netgalley. All opinions ontained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #mylifeforyours

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This book was an emotional read as it examines the very emotional issues of Paige as she has a very difficult decision to make. Nick and Paige are excited as they are expecting their first baby but their dreams are shattered when their baby boy, Max, is still born. They are then faced with even more heartbreaking news that Paige has been diagnosed with a very serious heart condition. The doctors explain that it would be too dangerous for Paige to go through another pregnancy at this time but when she unexpectedly falls pregnant they are faced with an impossible choice. The story is told in chapters by Nick and Paige giving their feelings and we watch them make their decisions. The book covers this heartbreaking topic in a sensitive way showing how their limits of love are tested and the outcome of it all. I found myself immersed in their story and couldn’t put the book down. A highly recommended read.
Thanks to Netgalley and Bookouture for giving me the opportunity to read and review this book.

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What a beautifully put together novel.

When Paige finds out Kate in pregnancy that she has a heart condition which is putting her and her baby Max’s life in danger, her and her husband Nick have to come up terms with something all parents dread. When the inevitable happens she finds herself in a predicament - another pregnancy could take her life.

A few months later she finds herself pregnant again and her doctor husband is against the pregnancy to save her life. What would you do?

This has me almost in tears in some parts, knowing that two people are being driven apart because of love.

The family support network these two have amazing and I found that I couldn’t pick a side.

This could be distressing for anyone who has lost a baby either though miscarriage or late term loss, but it it’s dealt with delicately and with feeling.

I loved this novel and it kept me gripped throughout.

Thank you to net galley for my copy in exchange for an honest review

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This is such a beautiful and heart-touching book.

Paige and Nick are a happily married couple who want to start a family. They are thrilled when Paige becomes pregnant. However, later in the pregnancy, Paige discovers she has a rare heart condition that may act up towards the end of the pregnancy and that they may lose their longed-for child.

Highly emotional and a well-written novel, the story is narrated in alternating perceptive of Nick and Paige.

A heartbreaking and intensely moving story that will stay with you long after you have finished reading this novel.

I would like to thank Vanessa Carnevale, Bookouture Publishers, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

A really difficult book to put down and even more difficult to forget. Highly recommended !!

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This is a well written and deeply affecting novel. It is a wonderful story and you won’t be able to put it down.
Many thanks to Bookouture and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This is a beautifully written story of love, life and courage. Really enjoyed it and fell in love with the characters. A recommended read for all.

Thank you Bookouture and Netgalley.

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DNF @ 31%

I couldn't get into this book. I really wanted to love it but I didn't feel connected to any of the characters and felt like it was dragging very slowly.

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The moment I started this one I really struggled to put it down! I was absolutely gripped right from the get go! I’ll definitely be recommending this one!

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Paige and Nick are a happy and successful couple. However, there is one thing that would make their life complete, and that is to have a baby. However, wanting and having are two entirely different things. What seems like a given and an easy thing to accomplish does not always turn out that way. In the end, they are faced with a decision that no couple wants to have to make. This is a heartbreaking and emotional story that will tug at you, and at times, force you to choose sides. Is Paige making the right decision or as a Pediatric Surgeon, does Nick know best with this extensive medical background? What will be their decision and how will if affect the rest of their lives? This book broke my heart and gave me “all the feels”. I did choose sides, but I must admit I was unable to make a definitive choice. This is truly an intelligent rendering of what happens when things do not happen the way you have planned. Keep your tissues handy and enjoy. Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for the opportunity to review this book.

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Paige and Nick have a love!y home,loving family and the thing they want the most is a baby. So when Paige gets pregnant they are overjoyed it then they discover Paige has a life threatening heart condition and they lose the much longed baby. While they are coming to terms with the loss Paige finds herself pregnant again. But this pregnancy will put pressure on Paige's heart and she will not carry to full term and she or the baby or both of them could die. They have to make a decision wether to continue the pregnancy .
This book is full of emotion
Get your tissues ready
Thanks NetGalley

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Heartwrenching, with a dose of hope, this book captured my heart immediately. At times I felt my heart aching whilst I read the story, and the way in which the author portrays the ways in which the characters are feeling is beautiful. Ths story itself is simply unique and one that I wont ever forget.

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When you are sat there with tears pooling in your eyes from the pure raw emotion in a book it's got to be given the full 5*!

A tough topic that was so highly emotionally charged throughout. At times I was left reeling, tearful, breathless and even angry, a real emotional rollercoaster from the very first chapter.

The characters are fully developed and so full of life you can literally feel there pain and anguish as you're reading. They are not only completely authentic and believable but most importantly relatable. Any parent could pick up this book and feel like they are living the life of Paige or Nick.

Its definitely a book that makes you sit and ponder the 'what if's' of the situation the characters find themselves in and it's really sat with me since finishing.

The ending was wrapped up brilliantly with no questions left unanswered which is always a good thing!

A really hard book to put down and will be a really hard book to forget.

A huge thank you to netgalley and Bookouture for the ARC.

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