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Pie Academy

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You can see for yourself that Ken Haedrich is a “pie genius,” when you look at his impressive cookbook, Pie Academy: Master the Perfect Crust and 255 Amazing Fillings, with Fruits, Nuts, Creams, Custards, Ice Cream, and More; Expert Techniques for Making Fabulous Pies from Scratch . It seems there is nothing that isn’t included here, and having already tried some of the recipes, have learned that everything is as it seems, and that these are recipes that actually work.

Haedrich has obviously set out to teach every baker out there, whether beginner or advanced, that they can not only make pie, but can make excellent, mouthwatering pie. His recipes are easy-to-follow, and give bakers all of the information needed. He has also included excellent photographs of many of the pies that we all will want to bake. Not only are there fruit pies, but also cream pies, specialty pies, and variations so that everyone can use their imagination and come up with even more that is included in the book.

Of course, Haedrich has included all of the basics, so that serious pie students can master the art of pie. He covers equipment and techniques and includes excellent step-by-step instructions. The crust chapter is amazing; never would anyone imagine that there are this many crusts to line a pie pan. Once you master crusts, you can mix and match with fillings to make probably hundreds of great pies. However, the subsequent chapters are equally amazing and cover everything you ever wanted to know about pie, varieties of pie, and new ideas for pie.

This is not a book that features one pie with a favorite fruit such as apple, rather there are at least a dozen varieties of apple pie alone – some slab pies to feed a crowd, some with caramel, and others with streusel and other toppings. He has even included the classic original Ritz Cracker Apple pie. It goes on with other fillings and varieties.

This is an excellent cookbook, and is highly recommended for anyone who wants to be a perfect pie maker.

Special thanks to NetGalley for supplying a review copy of this book.

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Lovely book on pie! This was a beautiful book with over 400 pages on some really gorgeous types of dessert pie. The author gives you 25 types of crust, and a wide variety of fruit, custard, and holiday pies. Simple, easy to use directions, and various types of toppings and whip cream recipes, and lots of tips and tricks.

What did I like? I have never baked a pie.... and I’m not a big eater of desserts. The only pie I have ever eaten....sadly is store bought. That being said I have always wanted to bake a pie. The pictures in this book are gorgeous, but the wealth of information is what really caught my eye. You can pick up a recipe just about anywhere but trying to really get tips and secrets reduces your mistakes. Ingredients for pie are not cheap. The only downside to this book is that I did not see any meat pies... not a dessert lover so I’d probably try a pot pie first.

Would I buy or recommend? This would be a strictly dessert lover of pie... tons of different kinds of pie. From custard to ice cream pies. Beautiful pictures, but not a picture for every pie. Some great decorative pies, and lattice work. Also a food processor dough recipe, which looks simple. You can tell the love that was put into this book. I’d recommend it, and I’d definitely buy a copy or give one as a gift.

I received a copy to look at and give my honest opinion. Beautiful book!

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I devour books about pies like I devour pies themselves! This particular book rises to the top of the stack. It is clear, concise, and provides enough information and instruction to make everyone, beginner and master alike, successful in baking pies. There are recipes in here to suit everyone's tastes and desires. This will fly off our shelves!

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The photos in this book are BEAUTIFUL! Well lit and nicely styled. Curated thoughtfully and elegantly so that you have no other choice but to deeply crave pie, of course :) I have been baking a ton since covid hit, but have felt bored of the classic apple pie and pumpkin pie variations. This book has SO MANY pie recipes and it is divine. I was drawn to earmarking pretty much all of them which is rare for me with a cookbook. Looking forward to using up a ton of fresh fruit and perfecting my crust this summer thanks to this hefty manual. It truly does feel like a resource, with many different tips for success.

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One of the best pie cookbooks I've seen. This book is very organized and it has lots of techniques and great recipes. The author's photos throughout the book makes it more personal and fun. It's nice to be able to see the person behind all these amazing recipes. The pie photos are breathtaking! There are lots of great tips including how to mail a pie! There are lots of different crusts and fillings for you to choose from. From the traditional pies (pumpkin, apple, chess) to fancy and well elaborated pies. I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

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If you’re not hungry when you start reading this book, you will be when you are a few pages in. It is filled with recipes for delicious pies (no less than 235 fillings and 25 different crust styles!) and mouthwatering pictures.

The book is perfect for pie-making beginners, starting out with a chapter on tools and basic information (bonus points for the bit about how to mail a pie!), followed by a chapter about basic ingredients like flour and fillings:

The rest of the book is dedicated to crust styles and doughs, and of course those 225 delicious filling recipes.

The instructions are all very clear, and ge many pictures make is easy to understand them.

I can’t wait to try the oreo crumb crust, the blackberry-peach pie, the blueberry-lime pie, and so many more!

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Pie Academy by Ken Haedrich is full of amazing recipes and techniques for making all kinds of wonderful pies. Full of all the information you need to know on how to make the pastry and the various fillings.

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Pie Academy by Ken Haedrich is a comprehensive book of pie making for any skill level.

This book goes over the tools and things you need to know before you start. It contains a very comprehensive troubleshooting guide that is organized by category. My favourite little addition was the list of pies you can mail to people. I would never think of mailing a pie to someone, but that could be a fun idea.

The book covers several crusts and fillings. Each pie has a very detailed step by step instructions written out. They are accompanied by beautiful, clear, crisp photos of the steps as well. I’m a very visual person. I learn by seeing someone do something. So, while the instructions are clear, the photos really help me grasp what is needed to be done better.

The pies are also broken down by their type. Each of these sections has special facts and tips you need to know for that type of pie. Some seem obvious and some are guaranteed to save you from some major mess ups. Along with that, each pie also has specific tips on it.

I really appreciate the attention to detail in this book. It gives me the confidence to try harder pies, that I have not had the courage to try in the past. I highly recommend this book and will be purchasing a hard copy of it when it comes out.

I received an electronic advanced reader copy from Storey Publishing through NetGalley. All opinions are 100% my own.

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One aspect that I loved about this cookbook is that it includes more than just recipes for making pies; it also includes a few chapters in the beginning of the book that educates readers about the art of pie making! A definite must for anyone looking to improve their pie-making skills!

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"One thing you won't find here are detailed instructions on creating labor-intensive pastry still lifes, the sort of pies that become Instagram starlets."

Tips on how to mail a pie were super handy. He is all-inclusive with his advice.

I appreciated how the author, our “dean” of the Pie Academy, is accessibly and friendly in his tone - not lofty or self-important.

Amazingly vast assortment of recipes, though I wish there had been more photos. Also, for the photos present, wish there was a caption to confirm what I’m looking at - though I suspect the final physical books will rectify that.

The little asides really make the book, such as a challenge for knotting cherry stems with your tongue while you wait for your pie to bake - or historical fun facts. Lets the personality of the author shine through. He’s also great about giving credit where credit is due, and I’ve found many other appealing cookbooks to check out thanks to perusing this one.

Occasionally there are instances of over-explaining or stating the obvious, but that just makes me feel like I’m getting advice from a kindly grandpa.

Bottom line - I’ve never read through a cookbook and saved this many recipes. I have a busy summer ahead of me I suppose.

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Wow! I can’t say enough great things about this book. This book. Overs everything from how to make the perfect crust(s) to the toppings. There is even a troubleshooting guide at the end. This book is full of pictures, tips, and tricks. It is the perfect resource for anyone who likes any pie! Highly recommended for everyone!

* I received an advanced reader’s copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review

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Great for pie lovers and bakers. Different crusts and fillings to look at. As well as techniques and information. Nicely put together.

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This book looks amazing. Very through and an impressive collection of recipes. I have already bookmarked a few to try while I have access to this title. I imagine that this book will be a perfect gift for holiday season 2020.

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This book was received as an ARC from Storey Publishing in exchange for an honest review. Opinions and thoughts expressed in this review are completely my own.

I could not get enough of this cookbook. Our patrons including myself are fans of cookbooks that show step-by-step photos throughout the baking process because sometimes when you follow a recipe, you're unsure if you are doing each step correctly and having a picture to show for it makes it a lot easier to make a fantastic pie, Can't wait to try to make a lot of these pies including blueberry, strawberry and the cream pies. This will definitely be a candidate for our cooking demo and I know our patrons will love it too.

We will consider adding this title to our TX Collection at our library. That is why we give this book 5 stars.

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My only complaint about this book is how much weight I'm going to gain now - I want to make and eat everything in it! I have already made the cookie pie twice to rave reviews and can't wait to try more out

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Absolutely lovely pie cookbook that offers guidance to all levels of pie makers. I appreciate the Recipe for Success tips at the bottom of the recipes. There are a staggering amount of recipes in this book and it is a wealth of pie baking information. Wonderful!

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Pie Academy is more than a collection of recipes. It is all things pie. From Part One "Behind the Scenes" to the troubleshooting guide at the end of the book, this is a stockpile of knowledge. I especially love the tricks "recipes for success" included with some of the recipes. I can't decide which pie to make first.

Thanks to netgalley for the advanced reader copy.

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Wow, what a beautiful book with mouthwatering photos and recipes! Can’t decide which one to start wi5h, but I bet it will be yummy.

Thanks to NetGalley, the author and publisher for an advanced reading copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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What a gorgeous inspiring book of pies! Imagine, 25 different crusts, then more than 200 recipes with some interesting combinations - fig and raspberry is just one of the pies I'd love to try. There are plenty of tips throughout - love the one on sending a pie in the post for example. You feel in very safe hands,

I am so disappointed that weights are not provided, simply cups throughout - the author feels that weights could confuse the user. There is a conversion table right at the end but it really does limit the audience. This is my sole reason for rating it 4 stars rather than 5.

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A nice comprehensive guide to pie baking. The beginning is filled with nice pictures and clear instructions plus tips and tricks for pie baking.The recipe portion is wide in variety and easy to bake yourself: I often have the problem as an european to get the american special ingredients but I feel confident to not need to go out and buy special ingredients which is super nice. I only baked two pies from the recipes but they truly turned out great and I think other delicious pies will follow. This is a staple cook/bakebook and also a nice gift for someone who loves or wants to get into baking.

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