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Tempting the Dragon King

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Member Reviews

Enjoyed this one, will read more from this author. I enjoyed the authors writing and story telling. I haven’t read this author before, and I was throughout the story high entertained and surprisingly enjoyed it to the end. Look forward to more.

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I've been in a dragon kind of mood lately so I took a chance on Tempting the Dragon King. Unfortunately I couldn't connect to the characters and the plot felt thin at best. The heroine was quite ditzy. She somehow managed to get locked in an abandoned alien space craft and spirited away from earth. When she lands on the alien planet, she ends up being super sweet, seriously naive, and she wanders around winning over people like a Disney Princess in a tween movie. Not quite my cup of tea.

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I seriously enjoyed this book. I love dragons and aliens and this has it. Juniper is a human who curiosity has propelled her into space and heading towards a whole new world. Tristan is newly appointed king of his clan. However he’s struggling with the death of his father, the constant war, and having to secure a marriage.

These two are not only navigating life changes but feelings, mysteries, and a whole lot more. Loved this book.

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June is from Earth. She has had a terrible life. Her father abused her, her brother, and mom. She had to kill him to keep him from killing her little brother. She ends up in an space ship she discovers while hiking. The Dragon King disables her ship and captures it. Tristen becomes enraptured with Juniper and it is unwilling to let her go.

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Tristan inherited his throne after his father died in battle. He tried everything he could to save his father, he thought he had many mare centuries before the throne would be his. But all is not well on his planet, there are those who think his crown is on a shaky peg and will do what they can to usurp him!

Juniper went for a hike one day but ended up on alien shuttle which self-launched! After eating pretty much everything on board she thought she was going to die in space. She may get blown up first if the ship that finds her has its way! But once the misidentification is cleared up Juniper is taken onboard Tristan's vessel and on to safety.

Tristan has vowed to get her back to Earth - but will he be able to let the tantalising human go?

There are fire fireworks galore between these two! Tris wants to do right by his people and make an arranged marriage to shore up his position but Juniper is who his heart and beast want. There are lots of twists and turns and plenty to keep your mind occupied.

I love this new series and can't wait to see what happens next. The characters have depth and personality and can be very snarky!

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Tristan Okora, king of the dragon shifters, discovers a beautiful human female aboard an enemy vessel. He offers his protection until she can be safely returned to Earth. When I started reading I couldn't put it down.Kiersten Fay is magnifysent and amazing writer.I cannot wait to read more of there books.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this books.Can't wait for the next book

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Well well well..... that was absolutely freakin awesome! How sweet, sexy HOT every page was, I was completely enthralled. These characters are so perfectly written, with such a fascinating storyline I could not put this down. I’m not surprised I have read other books from this author but hot damn this may be my favorite. I anxiously look forward to reading more into this new world of dragons.

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Das war mal ein erstes, heißes Buch, welches ich von der Autorin zu lesen bekommen habe. Ich kann jetzt bereits sagen, dass Kiersten in meine Lieblingsautoren Liste mit aufgenommen wurde. Nach einem Buch? Verdammt ja, denn Tristan und June waren einfach heiß, sexy, liebevoll und lustig zu lesen.

Auch wenn es ein Spin-off ist, ist es eine komplett neue Geschichte und man wird gut in die neue Welt eingeführt. Für mich war es super spannend und aufregend, denn ich hatte noch nie eine Fantasy-Sci-Fi-Erotik Geschichte gelesen. Und es passt einfach mega, denn der Sci-Fi Anteil ist relativ gering, da sich die Geschichte auf die Protas und deren Planeten fokussiert.

Das Zusammenspiel von Tristan und June war von Anfang an einfach nur perfekt – ich hab die Chemie genossen, das Knistern und die Gefühle. Ich hab mit beiden gelitten, gefühlt, und mich verliebt. Es ist nicht unbedingt eine slow-burn Liebe, aber für mich hat es gepasst, dass das Tempo nicht ganz so ewig langsam ist. Tristan weiß ziemlich schnell, dass er June will, spätestens, als sie von ein paar anderen Männern zum Tanzen aufgefordert wird. Aber dass es sich um Liebe handelt, dass merken beide erst später, da sich doch einiges zusammen durchmachen müssen.

Die heißen Szene waren wirklich heiß und perfekt – nicht zu viel, genau richtig. Und Tristan ist halt einfach auch mal verdammt sexy und attraktiv und das mit deinem großen, liebevollen Herzen.
Edel hat mir besonders gut als Nebencharakter gefallen, genauso wie Orik, das war einfach herrlich und ich fand es auch so super, dass Edel June eigentlich von Sekunde 1 an akzeptiert hat.

Der Verlauf der Geschichte wurde nie langweilig, man kommt super gut in die Geschichte rein, und das Ende war nur mehr wow! Ich bin schon gespannt, was es noch mit der Hexe auf sich hat, wie es den beiden denn geht, aber die Szene, als sich beide gegenseitig beschenken, war so romantisch und schön, dass es ein perfektes Ende war.

Ich freu mich auf mehr und ich werd mir auch definitiv die Shadow-Quest Reihe besorgen.


This is what I call a first, sexy, hot read. It was the first book of this author that I read and I can already tell you: Kiersten is going to immediately enter my list of fav authors. Why? Because Tristan and June were hot, sexy, funny and lovingly characters that I immediately fell in love with.

Even though this is a spin-off, it is a completely new story and you will be well introduced into this new world. For me it was super exciting and thrilling to read this as I never ever read a fantasy-sci-fi-erotic story before. And I must admit, that I was perfect. The sci-fi part is very little as the story really focuses on its protas and their planets.

The dynamic between Tristan and June was, since they met, just perfect. I really did enjoy their chemistry, the prickling feeling and the feelings. I suffered with them, I loved with them, I fell in love myself with the world and the characters. Even though it is not a slow-burn love, for me the speed of the story, of their relationship, was just the perfect mix. Tristan realizes quite quickly that he wants June, especially as June got some suitors at the ceremony. However, that both talk love, this takes a bit of time and I did enjoy accompanying them on their journey.

The sexy scenes were sexy as hell – god, Tristan knows how to make a woman happy. Especially since he is not only sexy and hot, but also caring and feeling with his wonderful heart of his.
Edel and Orik gave the story a nice, fun note and I also enjoyed that both of them accepted June from the first glance and supported Tristan. This is what family and friends do.

In general, the story line was well-written, I never got bored and I always wanted to know what’s about to come. And the end was just perfect – just perfect.
I am really looking forward to the next one that’s about to come in the series and I will also now get myself a copy of Shadow-Quest.

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Tristan inherited the throne when his father was killed by an enemy they hate. He's not comfortable with his new title yet and he needs to form an alliance with a female he hardly know because mating with her will strengthen his throne and position even if he's not looking forward to it.

Juniper is from Earth but while out on a hike one day stumbles onto an alien ship and when it takes off for outer space she thinks her days are numbered. When Tristan's ship starts firing at her because she on the type of ship that killed his father, she thinks times up and she's going to die.

Tristan is a dragon shifter, he finds Juniper (June) on a ship and agrees to take her back to Earth but there's something about her that attracts him to her the more time they spend together. She's like a kid seeing all these new things for the first time and Tristan likes watching her experience his world for the first time.

The longer they spend together, the more time Tristan wants to spend with her but he knows that he'll have to give her up at some point and he's not looking forward to that. But they spend more and more time together which some of the staff don't like because she's human I guess. But that doesn't stop the fireworks from going off every time they're together. There's a small amount of his people that believe a rumor that Tristan had something to do with his father's death which causes a big problem from which a huge twist is thrown at us. It was a good twist though and I didn't see it coming or the after effects of what would happen because of it.

I do love this author's books and I will keep reading them as long as she writes them. .

Disclosure: I was given an ARC of this book via NetGalley but all thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Tempting the Dragon King is the first book in Kiersten Fay’s Dragon Lords, and is packed with suspense, drama and combustible chemistry. Sci Fi is not usually my chosen genre, but Ms Fay does an excellent job of keeping the reader enthralled and entertained throughout the entire story. Interesting world building, twists and turns, and great character portrayals are all combined to ensure a fabulous read. I look forward to the next in the series.

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This is the first book in a spin off from the Shadow Quest series. King Tristan Okora is an alien dragon. June is a human who gets trapped on a space ship. Tristan saves her and promises to take her back to Earth. They spend alot of time together and start to get to know each other and there is so much heat! I won't go into details but if you have ever read one of Fay's book then you know there is going to be some steam!

I really enjoyed this book. I think the world building is great and the characters are amazing. I am looking forward to the next book!

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Tempting the Dragon King is the first book in the Dragon Lords series by Kiersten Fay. Tristan, a dragon shifter has been thrust into the position of King after the premature death of his father. When he meets Juniper, a human who found herself lost in space after being trapped aboard an abandoned spaceship she found when out walking, the attraction was instant but can Tristan tie himself to a woman who’s lifespan is measured in decades rather than the centuries of his own people – and you thought all you had to fear from a walk in the woods was the random bear or rabid squirrel!!!

In this book the main thing that draws the hero & heroine together other than the obvious sexual tension is that they are both wounded people burdened by the grief and guilt they feel over their respective losses – Tristan seeing his father die in battle and being unable to save him despite his best efforts and Juniper who lost her younger brother to a heroin addiction after an horrific childhood filled with abuse. The story itself is easy to read and drops hints of future plots for upcoming books such as the mysterious power hungry witches who also live on Legura. There are also several interesting secondary characters such as Orik, Tristan’s friend and his two brothers to the albino witch who saves the day when everything seems lost. I’m looking forward to perhaps reading more of these characters in any subsequent books in the Dragon Lords series.

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This is a quick-paced and fun read about two lost souls who make each other whole again.The quick and humorous banter throughout the story is also a delight to read with plenty of action and adventure.

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Although I hadn't realized that Tempting the Dragon King was a spinoff of the Shadow Quest Series, it was perfectly possible to read this one on your own. The only recognition I had where some of the names mentioned, but the story is a standalone. Juniper finds herself locked into a spaceship, when she accidentally starts up the thing as she discovered it during a hike. After being dragged into another ship and treated like an enemy, she finds herself stranded on an alien planet.
Tristan is a dragon shifter, who recently became king. Now he is faced with an enemy spaceship with a strange woman aboard. Is she a spy for his enemy? Or is she stranded as she claims to be? Tristan feels conflicted, because he is drawn to the woman. When he takes her in for the time being, he and June can't deny their attraction. Sparks are flying, but Tristan has a fiancee at home. So, no future there. Or is there?
Find out for yourself in this hot read. Four out of five stars from me and a special thank you to Kiersten for providing the arc.

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ARC received for review

Great spin-off from the Shadow Quest series.

Tristan helped free Kyra and her sisters' world, Faieara, in The Demon's Retribution. Krya and him had a fling when they were "teenagers." Juniper/June stumbles onto one of the bad guys, Kayadon (who are seriously creepy), ships that was abandoned on earth, she pushes a button, and off she goes to Faieara. Tristan rescues her and they fall in love. I loved his mother. She was great. There's a bad guy trying to get rid of June when they see them falling for each other.

Now, the teaser for the next book has another Earthling doing the same thing. I hope all the books don't start that way. Maybe one of the brother's can hook up with a witchling on their world. I'm also hoping for Aiden's book and the Phase Nine race.

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Tempting the Dragon King is a spinoff of the Shadow Quest series, picking up not long after the battle to save the Faieara on Evlon from the Kayadon, in which his father, King Mar, was killed. He is heading back towards Evlon for a celebration when he comes across Juniper (June) from Earth coming towards his ship in a Kayadon vessel. The attraction between the two is instantaneous and though he feels obligated to marry a neighboring planet's princess for status, soon realizes that June is the only woman for him. Dragon King is hot, action packed and contains an unexpected twist at the end. Great start to a new series - I am looking forward to reading the next.

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I had a hard time connecting with this story.... may have to do with mood or the characters. Tristan witnesses his fathers death, and he becomes the next Dragon King on a sad note. Bearing that sadness he finds a single human aboard a ship that they take over. Feelings start to overwhelm Tristan over the tiny human and fate intercedes.

I felt there was too much genre....anyone? Dragon shifters? Science fiction? Space the final frontier! Juniper was her own blend of sassiness but does duty override fate?

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC to read and give my honest opinion!

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An overwhelming attraction... an ugly rumor... a possibility of brand-new beginning. For June (Juniper), getting into the spaceship was just the first step in her journey. How she manages to survive and thrive is the thrill in the story.
Note: This is a spin-off story for the Shadow Quest series and some of the characters re-appear. While I always recommend reading stories in order, I don't believe it will be necessary to read one series in order to enjoy the other

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Tempting the Dragon King is set in the same world as the Shadow Quest series, of which I've read the first book The Demon's Possession. I don't think it really matters if you have read any of those or not, although it does help to explain the world that this series takes place in.
Juniper, or June as she prefers to be known found herself trapped on an alien spaceship hurtling through space to who knows where. She didn't know that it was a space ship when she entered and she has no way of understanding the controls or getting home. She is intercepted by the king of the dragon shifter race who doesn't know if he can trust her or not. It soon becomes clear that there is something between them that draws them together.
Spaceships and the like aren't usually my thing, but I really enjoyed this story. June and Tristan make an interesting couple and lets face it a romance is a romance wherever it's set. As long as there's plenty of chemistry and you like the characters then it doesn't really matter where they live. That's certainly the case here. Tristan and June work well together and I enjoyed reading about their growing relationship.
This was a good read and I'd certainly be keen to read more in the series. The epilogue certainly suggests that there's more to come from this world.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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I first became acquainted with the author when I received an ARC of The Demon's Possession from Netgalley. I enjoyed that book so much that I purchased the other books in the series though I have to admit that I was disappointed in the repetition of the story in Book 4 so I was a bit skeptical when I received this ARC.
This story picks up from where that series ended but begins a series about the dragon kings, allies to the faieara. While this story can be read alone I believe it might be better read after the shadow quest series.
Tristan is on his way to honor the alliance with the Faieara which is father died protected. On his way he runs into an enemy ship which when he stops and boards has only one occupant, a woman from earth who accidentally got trapped and shipped off space. For a shapeshifting dragon who's forgotten how to smile let alone laugh on the cusp of an arranged union for his Kingdom, Juniper Jones is a breath of fresh air.
Trouble is brewing in dragon land, his fiancée to be is in residence and yet Tristan can only focus on the enticing human who has him all twisted up. There's some adventure, an epic battle, a miracle and all ends happily after. Personally I did not feel this story is as strong as the Shadow Quest series that reeled me in. I do enjoy space opera and shape shifters so I may return for more in the future.

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