Member Reviews

I finally got around to this one, and I was excited for it , but the stories fell a little flat for me. I enjoyed learning about the female politicians and how they strive to change the world but I feel like a lot of the information was recycled through the stories.

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In my opinion, this book is an important resource for young girls especially. It shows that they have a lot to offer, and that they can accomplish whatever they set their mind to. I also appreciate the diversity of the females being celebrated in this book.

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I really appreciated how this was written in kid friendly language and would easily make this accessible to all students. I also enjoyed the plethora of female figures across the aisle. I hoped that there would be an even amount of text for each person, but some had just a paragraph while others had more. Regardless, I think this would be a great book to put in the classroom to expose students to other political figures they may not be familiar with.

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I wanted to learn more about feminism and politics. And this book is an amazing way to start learning about these subjects. The graphics are amazing! The women are inspiring.

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Caitlin Donohue does a phenomenal job of presenting historical figures through history who made a difference in politics. I really appreciate that she included lesser-known historical figures.

This is the perfect read for people who enjoyed Bad Girls Throughout History by Ann Shen, Women in Science by Rachel Ignotofsky, or the She Persisted books by Chelsea Clinton.

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"Studies show that women's voices are a key element in maintaining governmental stability."

I want to preface this review by saying that although I at one time had an advanced copy of this book, I ended up reading a published version that I checked out from Hoopla. That may make parts of this review even worse, if I'm being honest.

I'm a big fan of these nonfiction books for middle grade and young adult readers that take a theme and present readers with short bites of information rather than sharing so much information at once it becomes overwhelming. I personally learn a lot about a wide variety of, in this case, people and I have found if there is a person that stands out to me, I can pursue further resources to learn more. I love that this book features different women who have made/are making a difference in politics. What an inspirational book for today's young women who also want to get involved in politics!

Each of the women who receive a full biography has the same layout of information: time in office, hometown, top causes, early life, agenda, achievements, and quotes. In some biographies there was a box that explained things like PACs or the filibuster. All of the information appeared to be fairly nonbiased and similar in length despite which woman was being written about. The biographies appeared in alphabetical order by last name.

Things I Liked:
*The biographies were all 2-3 pages so they weren't super long which is great for my attention span! I did like how each person followed the same layout so I knew exactly what type of information I was going to receive about each person. This also prevented the author from sharing or not sharing certain aspects of a woman's career because each woman had the same exact topics included.
*I really liked that this book featured some women who are involved in international politics. I have heard of a few of these women but it was nice to know there are other women out there doing neat things for their country.
*The illustrated portraits were a fun way to visualize each of the women included. This was almost better than having actual photographs included.

Things I Didn't Like:
*Some women only got a paragraph. For example, there was a one page addition of famous first ladies and five first ladies got a paragraph each. These pages were randomly inserted into the collection so you'd flip the page expecting a full length biography and instead be met with five mini-biographies. This was jarring every single time and I had to wonder what prevented these women from getting a full biography as opposed to a single paragraph.
*I was reading a finished copy of this book and I was so ticked off that not every woman had an illustrated portrait. It wasn't even a 50/50 split which seemed bizarre and unfair. Why did some women get an illustration and others didn't? While I knew most of the women featured in this collection, there were some I wasn't as familiar with and I really wanted a picture to help me visualize who was being written about.
*While the biographies that were included were fairly unbiased, it did seem to me that there were far more Democratic women included as opposed to Republican women. While I know part of this is indicative of how progressive each of the parties are, it also make me worry that this book will not do as well as it could if the women were more evenly split. It seemed that the only women who were included are those who have hit the national stage in their country. I think the balance could have been better had some women who are making waves in their home states had been included as well.

2.5 stars

**Thank you to NetGalley, Lerner Publishing Group, and Zest Books for the advanced reader's copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This is the book that girls need right now. It showcases those females who have strived for equality and stood their ground to pave the way for the rights of other women. The 44 women featured are presented in an approachable way, and their actions inspire anyone who reads this book. I couldn't be happier to have this in my classroom and expose young women to the women who have come before them. The illustrations are lovely and eye-catching. This is a great addition to the library of every school and public library out there, and every home library as well.

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One of the most powerful and feminist book I have ever read. I love all the stories it tells and how the world changes with these women. In this time of a more crucial economy, women mostly be neglected and turn off the wall. This book opens up a world where women dominates the world and prove that they are not only a 'women'.

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I didn't really care for this book. While I enjoyed learning about women of all political backgrounds, I feel like some of the folks featured did not really deserve to be in this book as they have views that are problematic. I did, however, enjoy learning about non-US folks.

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She Represents is a collection of mini biographies about 44 women in politics around the world. Each woman has the years in political office, position(s) they've held, their party affiliation, hometown, and top causes represented, as well as a short summary of their life story, their agenda, achievements, and a collection of memorable quotes. The book primarily focuses on political figures in the United States, but does include women from other countries as well.

This book does a fantastic job at introducing different female political figures to readers, across the political spectrum, and across the world. The pages are full of interesting information about these women. The level of inclusivity was great -- different races, ethnicities, and sexual orientations were represented, ensuring that readers would have someone in the book with which they identified.

She Represents is a great book to read for those who are interested in politics and feminism. I will say that while conservative women were featured, a higher majority of the female politicians highlighted have liberal views.

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I was pleasantly surprised with this book - it explores the success and political backgrounds of a variety of women who have made an impact in countries across the world. The women range from both sides of the political scale and simply details their lives, the causes that are important to them and the impact they have had on their respective countries and/or political parties. It was interesting to learn more about the backgrounds of high profile politicians, from all kinds of backgrounds, such as Leila de Lima, Benazir Bhutto, Hillary Clinton, Elaine Chao and Betsy DeVos, A great book, full of information and details about the rise of women in politics and the challenges they face.

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ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

Yes Women in politics! I really enjoyed this book. As Caitlin Donohue states in the beginning, "Many of the women's stories are inspirational, but politicians are not celebrities." We should learn from women in politics, not glorify them. They should be praised because of what they stand for and what they do, not just because they are women in a predominantly male field.
I enjoyed how the "chapters" were broken down: quick facts, biography, political work, quotes. it made it really easy to take in bits and pieces of information without feeling overwhelmed, as we often get when talking politics.
This will be a great resource for teens who want to learn! And even adults. Don't let the nice illustrations fool you, this book is one to read.

Many Thanks to NetGalley and Wattpad Books for this ARC

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An excellent idea but there is a lot of room for improvement in execution.

So the good:
- The book has a light chatty tone, an excellent approach when introducing politics to a young teenage audience (and that is definitely the target audience)
- There are some really inspiring women and stories profiled (some obvious and some not so obvious
- Even though there is a dearth of women from the other side of the aisle (you do get Elaine Chao and Betsy Devos) the few that are profiled are dealt with a surprisingly warm light in a good attempt at being as non-partisan as possible.

I guess it is important to also state that I am not the target audience, so my criticism should be taken with a grain of salt.
And so on to the bad:
- The chapters are short - almost too quick and breezy. The profiles are very broad strokes and do not give enough time to the reader to focus on the exceptional work these women have done and the barriers they have broken. There really isn't a time for contemplation.
- Interspersed are many paragraph long summary bios of other powerful women - but often there is little context or connection. Overall the book thus feels very poorly structured. It feels more Wikipedia rather than a narrative.
- Although it would mean more work and more research, I would have also liked to read more about or from the women who they have inspired down the line.

#Netgalley #SheRepresents

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Great across-the-aisle profiles of women in politics, how they got to where they are, and inspiration for a new generation.

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While I am continuing to post my regular content, the BLM movement is still going on. Please keep referring to my story and linktree to find ways to help out.✊🏻‼️

One thing that I am loving about having a netgalley account is finding titles I
might not have picked up. Most of those titles are nonfiction, and I am so thankful that this website is providing me with these amazing books to remember.🥰

She Represents is a collection of true life stories that highlight womxn who are politicians. It covers their early life and how they got into politics, with their political agenda included. It also features two other sections called Awesome Achievements and Quotables, sharing even more about this fantastic womxn in power.🤩

This is that exact history lesson I want, instead of the white washed, man flooded mess I get in my US history class currently. Not only does this story cover amazing womxn, but also several womxn in the LGBT+ community which was double the fun! Since the US is kinda late on the whole, ya know, womxn in politics thing, the author also includes other womxn from other countries. Did you know that Iceland’s first female president was in the 1980’s?! I highly recommend this to anyone, as because I don’t agree with some of the political views some of the womxn have, I still have so much respect for them as a whole.😍

Do you read any nonfiction? What topics do you read about? Let me know!💋

Dm me to talk about all things book or writing related! I’ll be looking forward to it! —Em😌

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Sadly my phone which I was using to read this book screen had broken and so sadly I couldn't finish the book because it was past the archive date and I couldn't download it onto a different device, but I did start the book.

From what I did read of this book it was a very empowering read, the stories of some of the women were truly. The book did make me see a lot of the hardship that some of the women suffered somewhere in their lives. overall of what I read it was a really enjoyable and empowering read for a teenage woman like myself to read I can't stress how much I enjoyed the start of the book and hearing other womens' stories to the places in society today or previously.

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I gave this a three out of five stars, I really enjoyed this book. I liked how we learned more about women in politics.

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An important book for today a book that should be taught in classroom
S.These women who are strong leaders excellent in role models enjoyed reading about the,m.#netgalley#she represents

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She Represents: 44 Women Who Are Changing Politics . . . and the World is a wonderful book of celebration of diverse women and their impact in politics and society. I really enjoyed this book on women, both from the United States and abroad, that have profoundly affected history. This would be a great book for young women to read to show how powerful and inspiring women can be. While I don’t agree with the politics of some of the women included, I do appreciate that Caitlin Donohue didn’t appear partisan in her choices and can therefore possibly appeal to a wider range of readers to educate them on feminism and female power. I will suggest this book to my government students to read more in depth on some of the leaders we discuss in class. ⁣

Thank you to @netgalley for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.⁣

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Wonderful book. I loved it. It's such an empowering book for young females. It shows them that they are able to be in places that historically only went to men. Women can lead. They can do what men can do. Even adults can learn a lesson or two from this. I learned a lot about these women as well.

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