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Nightingale House

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First and foremost- this isn't a horror story. It's more of a haunted house ghost story and a story about grief. Tragically, Nicole is killed just after she, Daniel, and Caitlyn find Nightingale House. Daniel decides that he and Caitlyn should move in anyway- it's going to be a fresh start for them, except it's not. Caitlyn, in particular, is having trouble which manifests itself in an imaginary friend - or is it? Daniel's decision to research the history of the house opens up a whole different perspective. His story is interspersed with diary entries from Rebecca, a young woman in 1900. No spoilers as to how this relates to today but know that it's nicely done. Daniel and Caitlyn are totally believable and you will want to give both of them a hug. I liked this more than I expected- in part because it was different from what I expected. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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This book was fantastic! I am a new fan of Steve Frech and will definitely be reading more of his books. It is hard to write paranormal and it is even harder to make the reader scared! This book is exactly what I was hoping for and more.

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Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for a copy of this book to review, it was such a pleasure to read.

Nightingale House
by Steve Frech

Excellent book !
A fragile family moves into Nightingale house, a beautiful old waterfront mansion in a quaint village located in New England.
Told in duel timelines, which I tend to favor, the present must rid the house of it's dark past to survive.
The reader is hooked quickly with a shocking development in the beginning and keeps it's fast pace making this a hard book to put down.
Daniel and Caitlyn move into the spooky mansion to be immediately troubled by strange whispers, noises and apparitions. A dormant spirit has long been at rest but has awoken to make the lives of it's new residents hellish. Best haunted house book I have read in awhile.
If you enjoyed “The Haunting of Hill House” and writers like Shirley Jackson, Stephen King & Simone St. James, you are sure to love Nightingale House.

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Nightingale House by Steve Frech...
I give this book 5 out of 5 stars 🌟💫...
At last a proper old fashioned ghost story! I’ve been looking for one for a while and this was great to read. Throughout I could imagine it being made into a horror film 👻. I even got goosebumps at some parts....when children say ‘she’s behind you’ it always gives me chills ❄️! But with it being a book you didn’t have the scary music building suspense so BAM a scary part just comes from nowhere! I also really enjoyed reading the snippets from the past and trying to tie them in to present day events 😊.
This was unputdownable and I read it late into the night to finish (which probably wasn’t the best idea it being a horror 🙈 haha).
If you’re looking for a paranormal horror that really captures the imagination then I highly recommend!!
A big thank you to @netgalley and @stevewritesstuff for this ARC 🖤....publishing date 19th June!

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A light horror story but definitely has a very interesting storyline. I was kept up all night reading this. Felt a little scared too! Hahahah.

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Thank you to Netgallery and the publishers for the chance to read and review this book, this has not influenced my views of the book.

Wow! This book will have you scared of your shadows and jumping at seemingly innocent noises!! Not one to read in the dark before bed, unless you like to be scared!
The book tells the story of Daniel Price and his daughter Caitlyn as they move into a new house, following the death of his wife. The writer conveys the emotion of the situation well and draws you into the story and history of the house. If you had the time you could read this in one sitting as you just want to keep turning the pages to see what happens next!
The storyline has the potential to go a little of track as others in this genre might, but Frech is on top form and does not let that happen. The characters are all likeable and you begin to feel their emotion and feel that you are in the story with them.
Well written and enjoyable, certainly one I would recommend to anyone who enjoys this genre of book.

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WOW. I was pulled in from the first page when Daniel asked if his daughter Caitlyn was ready.

I honestly didn't read the synopsis going into this book. I knew Steve was coming out with his second book and as soon as it was ready for request on Netgalley (HUGE thank you to Netgalley, HQ Digital, and Steve Frech for the copy!) I was all over it.

I knew it would be a paranormal type thriller, but I wasn't expecting the entire book to be paranormal, or done so well!

I loved the entire book. I very quickly connected with Daniel and Caitlyn. The story sucked me in instantly and once I hit 40%, I couldn't put it down.

The only issue I had was Daniel referring to Caitlyn's exaggerated stories as lying. I think 8 year olds still have very active imaginations, but I did see how exaggerating negative things about real people in her life could be problematic.

I will recommend this book to everyone. Honestly, one of the best paranormal thrillers I've ever read 5/5 stars.

**I did catch one typo where feel was used instead of fill.

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This book starts as Daniel and his daughter Caitlyn are about to move into Nightingale House, an old property right on the lake. This was supposed to be the dream home for the family but we learn Daniels wife, Caitlyns mum, was killed in an accident before they moved in. Struggling to adjust, the new house has a strange feel. Caitlyn's behaviour is changing - she's lying and has an imaginary friend. Daniel is having vivid nightmares and strange things start happening in the house that are becoming harder to ignore.

This is brilliant book - such a page turner. I read it on one sitting! We start in modern times with Daniel and Caitlyn but then get transported back in time to 1900 to see events unfolding and what actually happened at the Nightingale House which might explain some of the occurrences.

I often think that mystery and paranormal books are hard to get right as different people are scared by different things. I love books of this genre but I think it's really difficult to bring them to a satisfying conclusion. However, this author nails it! I swear I was reading so fast at the end I had to read the ending twice so i didn't miss anything!! Everything is so frantic and highly charged at the end there was no way I was stopping till I'd finished it! As you'd expect, it's not a happy tale. But it's a compelling tale that is really well written and atmospheric. I could see this being made into a movie. I have just one tiny niggle which is that Rebecca's story seems to get a bit lost - I'm not sure what happened to her.... I understand why her story ended abruptly but I guess I'd invested in her and wanted to know about what happened to her after her journal ended.

This is a brilliant story, a gripping tale that is well told. Don't start it if you don't have time to finish!! It will keep you up all night!

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This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. This is the story of a father and his eight-year old daughter that move into an old house with a history of its own. This is interspersed with diary entries from 1900. These entries and the present day story intertwine. This is the story of a haunted house, and what led to the events of the previous owners not leaving. The ending was a page-turner for me. I like some stories about haunted houses and this one fit. It wasn't too terribly creepy or scary.

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Oh my goodness. I don’t even know where to begin with this one! I am not usually a paranormal fan, but I loved “Dark Hallows” so much that I knew I had to give this one a try too! It did not disappoint! I could not put it down! The characters were interweaved in the most fantastic and perfect way! This book deserves all of the stars. I loved it!

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I don't know what it is about haunted house stories, but they get me every time. I was thrilled to receive a copy of Nightingale House and quickly dove in.

Daniel had just purchased his family's dream home following the successful publication of his debut novel when his wife is killed in a tragic car accident. He and his daughter Caitlyn move into the home, coping with the loss and determined to adjust to their new normal. But from the get-go, Nightingale House proves to be creepy, and Daniel realizes that in order to save his daughter, he's going to need to dig deep into the house's history and uncover the truth of a century-old disappearance.

I really enjoyed this book. As a narrator, Daniel's voice was clear and crisp and easily readable. His grief manifests at night and in quiet moments when he misses his wife, an ache in the way she would've decorated a room or discussed an issue with their daughter. His care for Caitlyn was sweet, and I enjoyed their dynamic. Neighbor Mildred was also a personal favorite, and while her image shifted as I read, I found her most enjoyable when I pictured her as the old aunt from Ray Donovan. She serves as a much-needed comedic release when tensions run high, and I enjoyed their unlikely companionship.

Told in alternating POVs--Daniel in the present and a series of diary entries from the 1900s--I will say that I found Daniel's investigation and overcoming challenges more interesting than the past voice. Her character felt a little more flat, more underdeveloped, and more stereotypical than his, and because of that, I wasn't too surprised at the course of her character arc. I wanted to like her or relate to her, but it was pretty clear where she was headed from the first entry.

Frech did a wonderful job establishing quiet creepy moments, and I found those to be the best part of the reading. There's a certain chill factor before the mystery reveals itself, the gray area before you know if it's real or in the narrator's imagination, where the best tension lies, and Frech pulled some eerie haunting goodness from the depths. As a horror buff, I also liked the reference to House on Haunted Hill, as I'd been thinking of Vincent Price with the subtle allusion in the character's name.

Pacing, structure, and voice were all on point, and overall, Nightingale House is a thoroughly enjoyable read. I highly recommend to anyone looking for a good summer haunting.

Thank you to HQ and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for honest review consideration.

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A nice slightly creepy ghost story. I love old houses and theVvictorians and ghosts and mysteries so I was bound to enjoy this book. I think the author did a good job of creating his characters especially with making the daughters voice sound authentic. Most authors make little kids sound too old but Caitlyn was perfect. I was a little bit disappointed in how he abandoned two of his plot lines though. There was never any closure between Daniel and Denise. They went so deep on their date and then she was hurt by him but there was never any more intreraction. Even just an apology would have been appropriate. And then the same thing with the story of Rebecca, her character was so important to the story and then poof she was gone. So for that reason I can't give this book more than 3 stars.

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First book from this author and it won't be the last. Loved the way he writes, kept me on the edge of my seat throughout, twists and turns all the way.

Good descriptive characters and easy reading chapters, just brilliantly addictive.

Thank you to Netgalley and HQ Digital for giving me the opportunity to read this fantastic book.

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This was a pretty enjoyable haunted house mystery with bland characters and a mediocre ending. It definitely wasn't scary but more of a historical mystery. Daniel Price and his daughter Caitlyn moved into the Nightingale House after a family tragedy and immediately start meeting the former residents. It was refreshing that the adults could see things moving around the house because usually they don't believe the children. Also, the fact that the kid wasn't scared of seeing a 100 year old ghost was also refreshing. Unfortunately, both characters felt flat and needed to be more fleshed out.
The story moved along at a slow burn pace, which wasn't bad but I hoped it would lead to a thrilling ending, or at least some sort of twist. In the end it was good not great.

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What a fun little nugget of a horror story.

Daniel Price is a best selling writer, a recent widower, a single father and a new home owner. He and his 8 year old daughter Caitlyn move into The Nightingale House, a beautiful and historic house on a lake in a small New England town.

From night one, something is off. Caitlyn starts talking about a pirate and a new friend who lives in her closet. Daniel isn't able to sleep. There's a darkness in the house and the sound of a drip. Daniel is also seeing figures, a little girl, a man, his wife....

Told from Daniel's point of view, spliced with a journal from a young woman over 100 years prior, this story is a quick read with just the right amount of terror.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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My thoughts about this brilliant mystery horror thriller was outstanding amazing characters Daniel's character I feel for when he looses his wife in a car accident and he has to look after his daughter who Is his only eight year old child they move to a new home nightingale house to start a new life but when they move in life doesn't seem to be better its just the beginning of a nightmare that will not go away until it is solved an amazing story that teaches as to protect the ones we love Author Steve Frech has written brilliant story that will touch your heart and give me chills I would like to say thank you to netgalley and the author for giving me a chance to read and review this outstanding book highly recommended 💥💥💥💥💥⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

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I love a good haunted house story. I was drawn to the book by the promise of a haunted house. I couldn't wait for the thrills and chills of reading one. And this was a good one.
Nightingale House by Steve Frech is a light horror story about the protagonist, a widowed writer, Daniel Price, and his young daughter, Caitlyn, who move to a beautiful historic house by a lake in the hope of starting a new life. But soon after their arrival, weird and terrifying things start happening to Daniel. And he knows there is something amiss with the house.
We see the story unfold from Daniel's point of view in present-day and from diary entries from the 1900s.
The plot flowed quite well, and I thought the author did a good job of creating an uncomfortable sinister atmosphere and keeping me involved. I loved the characters of Daniel and Caitlyn and their father-daughter relationship was heartwarming. Their characters and their development is what makes the book a really good one where the author also addresses their grief and coming to terms with it.

I enjoyed this a lot and it did keep me turning the pages. My little grouse with the book was that although I did love Daniel and his relationship with his daughter I wish that the house had been further described and made to be another character in the story. Would have definitely upped the sinister ante of the book.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers HQ Digital for sending a digital ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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"For fans of Stephen King, Mark Edwards, and The Haunting of Hill House comes a dark tale of a mysterious house haunted by tragedy.

The Nightingale House is a new beginning for widower Daniel Price and his young daughter Caitlyn. After months of grief, this will be the place where they start their life as a family of two.

But something is wrong - Daniel can’t settle. There’s an odd, cold feeling in the master bedroom, and a mysterious dripping noise that seems to move from room to room. Whispers of I can’t sleep echo through the corridors, long into the night.

And then Daniel uncovers the chilling story of the family who lived in the house years before, of betrayal, tragedy, and murder. Could the Nightingale House be not the home Daniel dreamed of for his daughter - but a place that will bring their worst nightmares to life?"

Everyone should have a good haunted house story to read in the summer months.

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Daniel Price and his daughter Caitlyn, move into a beautiful and historical house (called Nightingale House), after his wife, Nicole’s death in a tragic car accident.

Strange things start to happen, as he hears whispers from his daughter’s bedroom at night, while she’s sleeping, sees a creepy dark figure standing in the darkness, and has some dreadful dreams and hallucinations of his dead wife blaming him for her death.

His daughter also makes an imaginary friend, who she says lives in her closet, and she talks to her “friend“ all the time.

Side by side to Daniel’s story , we are introduced to a young girl’s diary entries from the year 1900.
The source of the mysterious happenings in the present are very much tied to the grievous past of Nightingale House.

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me hooked till the end. I especially liked the diary entries, as it gave me a glimpse into the past of Nightingale House and how actions from the past, resonated in the present and haunted it.

I would definitely recommend this book to people who love a good ghost story, with a mystery at the heart of it.

Thank you to the author, the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with an advance reader’s copy of the book for an honest review.

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The Nightingale House is a a fast-paced light horror story about a widower and his young daughter who move into a beautiful historic home. Shortly after moving in strange and terrifying things begin to happen. The master bedroom seems cold and uninvited, there are strange dripping noises and whispers in the night. Something is lurking in this house but what or who is it?

Nightingale house quickly draws you in and doesnt let go. The combination of the easily flowing storyline, characters that are developed phenomenally and a tense and foreboding atmosphere meld together to create one satisfying ghost story.

More than your average ghost story, Nightingale House is a story about the struggles of loss, coping with your grief and finding the strength and courage to move on.

Overall I truly enjoyed this book and highly recommend it.

I received a digital copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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