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This book was harder to get into. I’m not sure why. This book is about a princess who gets pregnant and a jealous friend, who ended up deciding to do take things in her own hand after the princess dies. The story is good, It ends good but just this book was harder for me to get into. I would recommend this book still to the people that like to read her books.,

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Okay- know up front there is no Princess Charlotte and that this is a fairy tale, nota reimagining of the lives of one of the Windsors. That said, it's a fun read about a young woman who falls in love, suffers tragedy, and then about her daughter, who is a secret from everyone. It's 1943 and Charlotte is the youngest princess. They never thought that Charlotte would fall in love with Henry, the son of their friends, nor that she would become pregnant. Charlotte never imagined that Henry would die (although that loomed large for young men of the time) or that his mother and father would succumb to illness or, worst of all that she would die, leaving behind infant Annie. No spoilers from me on how things work out for her but that's the charming part of this tale (which has a lot of sadness getting there!). It's classic Steel = it's not too deep, it's got strong female characters, and it has a happy ending (that's not a spoilers!). My only quibble is that this is set in the UK- it might have been more transportive had it been set in an imaginary country because I would not have constantly harkened back to real life. Nonetheless, a good read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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Oh Danielle Steel! I grew up on this woman! My mom was and still is an avid read of Danielle’s and I feel like I watched all her TV movies as a teen. So I was beyond excited to dip my toes back into Danielle Steel greatness!

This book was great! Danielle gives us an escape to England durning WW II. And gives us a story about a royal family and of course love. Danielle gives us an amazingly strong lead woman Annie. I loved reading her journey of her trying to define the odds!

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I thoroughly enjoyed the beginning of this book. Charlotte, one of the daughters to the King and Queen is sent away due to the bombings in the city. However to keep her protected, she moves to Yorkshire under an alias. Without giving too much more away, things become complicated during her stay at Yorkshire and the book follows along from there.

As the story progresses, I felt a disconnect from the main character. Everything just lined up too perfectly for her. It seemed a bit unrealistic to me. However I did enjoy the book and look forward to upcoming releases by Danielle Steele.

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I used to read this author years ago. I stopped because all of the books sounded the same. I enjoyed this book. I didn’t love it and some of it seemed unbelievable. When the royal princess hides for a year during the war, and nobody doubts her? Or discovers her? I didn’t buy it. I don’t want to give more away. The story itself was interesting and filled with drama. Thanks netgalley for giving me this opportunity.

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A long time fan of the author! I love it when the stories take place in a different time and place. This story fills the bill, especially during these Covid times. I escaped and read about the royal family, life in England during WW II, commoners, love, and family. Annie is a strong central character, I really cared about her and was so glad that she was strong in her desire to pursue her dream of becoming a jockey, during the times of only male jockeys. Exciting to read about her journey pursuing her dream. Thanks to Net Galley and the publisher for the opportunity to read an advance copy.

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A riveting good read that might be short, but never feels it, as it packs in the yearning desire and amusement to overflowing!!

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Annie is a character to be emulated as she was strong yet sweet and was never dissuaded from achieving her goal as a prize winning jockey. She was willing to sacrifice love to pursue her dreams. This book is set in the midst of war where death and rationing is commonplace and the as well as Lucy and Jonathan certainly experienced their fair share. What Lucy did was wrong but she truly loved Annie and wanted to make sure she was taken care of. That she found such a wonderful partner in Jonathan was testament that she was capable of great love. I also enjoyed the characters of Alexandra and Victoria as despite being of royal bloodline were not docile in the least. Great book.

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I really enjoyed “Royal”. It brought me back to the style of writing that endeared me to Steel many years ago. The characters came alive to me and I found myself caring about what happened to them.

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I really needed a Women’s Fiction book during these difficult times. Royal fit the bill. The story developed clearly, moved along quickly, and held my interest throughout.

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This story is all about the fallout of war and secrets. As the book opens, princess Charlotte is sent away for her own safety. No one thought it would be for more than a year. Well, a lot happens when the year in question is during a war. And in true fiction style, a lot happens in Princess Charlotte's life within said year. Not only does she keep her true identity secret, but she falls in love, gets pregnant, gets married, becomes a war widow, gives birth and then dies. The rest of the book is centered around her daughter, Anne Louise who doesn't learn of her heritage until she's an adult.

There were parts of this story I had a hard time connecting with. Most of the story had me fascinated. What originated out of revenge grew to a genuine parental love between Lucy and Anne. You kept waiting to see how the truth would unfold and it didn't happen in a way I expected. You didn't always want to like Lucy. Her motives weren't always good in the beginning- but they changed over time. She gave Anne a happy and solid life full of love that she probably wouldn't have had otherwise,

Not being a big horse fan, I wasn't pulled into that part of the story. While I like the groundbreaking leaps Anne made for women in the equestrian field, I wasn't as pulled into this aspect of the book as I was with other parts.

The area I had the hardest struggle with was the last 1/4 of the book. Anne's transition to royal life wasn't at all what I expected or thought likely. Nor was I able to get behind the romance of Anne and Anthony. In a matter of a paragraph she goes from seeing him in a brotherly view to confessing her love in a romantic view.

Overall, it was a moderate read. There were amazing parts and equally disappointing parts to this story for me. I wasn't as gripped or invested in this book as I have been with previous Danielle Steel books. I don't think I would buy this particular book. I love her historical fiction, but this one wasn't one of her bests. It's a great summer beach read, but not among my favorites.

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This book was a beautiful, heartwarming escape from all of the ugliness currently going on in the world right now. It’s a story that will tug on your heartstrings because of the sheer amount of emotion weaved into the pages. A fairytale with a royal flourish, you will be swept away by both the characters and the events taking place throughout the story. Danielle Steel weaved together a tale about love in its purest and truest forms, and offers hope to anybody who is in need of a story that will lift you up and help you to see light in the darkness. Because while this is very much a heartwarming story overall, there are still some tragic happenings and devastations that occur throughout, but the touching, hopeful aspects balance out the bleaker side of things.

Danielle Steel touches on many subjects and things in this story, including love (in all its forms), loss, and the importance of family. There’s also romance, mystery, scandal, and so much more. Woven all together, these elements make for a very compelling and emotionally impactful read. Fans of historical fiction, romance, and more specifically, British royalty and British history, will fall in love with this story and its characters.

This book centers around a girl who is raised as a commoner, unaware of her true status and family. As the dramatic events of this story unfold and as secrets are unveiled and brought to the surface, she comes to find out that not only is she a member of the royal family, but is a princess.

Between the story of the secret princess, her birth parents’ tragic but beautiful love story, her adoptive parents of sorts, and her assimilation into the royal family, this book will enthrall you from start to finish as you delve into the lives of these characters and their connections to one another.

Despite some of the bleaker, heavier parts of this story, this book is ultimately a beautiful, heart warming story that will bring a smile to your face and remind you of the beauty of life and love despite the hardships that come along.

Fans of The Crown, and other British related shows and books, will certainly find this book appealing! As well as anybody else seeking a story that provides a pleasant escape and showcases hope and happiness even in the darkest of times.

Thank you for this touching, spellbinding story Danielle Steel! I look forward to falling in love with more of her books in the near future!

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I read this book in one day...absolutely could NOT put it down. What a fantastic read! I fell in love with all of the characters! Annie is born during the war. She somehow survives and grows up to be a lovely young lady who has a love for horses. When a secret about her birth is revealed, it sets Annie off on a different, but more exciting path than she’s ever imagined!

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What an enjoyable read! As with all of her books Danielle Steel pulls you in with her well developed characters and attention to detail.

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I enjoyed this book! I liked the characters and the storyline. It moved quickly with characters that were worth reading! Here’s to never giving up on you dreams !

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Another beautifully written emotionally moving novel by Danielle Steele.Characters that come alive British history part of this wonderful read.Highly recommenced.#netgalley #randomhouse

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Royal, by Danielle Steel is a book that will grab your heart and not let it go. I have been reading Danielle Steel since the 70’s and I always love them. Danielle Steel always gives you characters to love and some times to hate ( no haters in this book ) and she will give you scenarios that make you feel a part of them.
This is a modern fairy tale of a girl who is raised as a commoner but discovers her connection to the Royal family and is actually a princess. This book is set in England from WWII through the late 60’s early 70’s. There are names dropped of many places that we all have hear about because of Princes Diana and the current Royals ( Windsor Castle, Buckingham Palace, Balmoral Castle).
The perfect escape has once again been provided by Danielle Steel.
Thanks to Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine, Edelweiss and NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book.

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Another winner from Ms. Steel! Besides having a good storyline, I also learned alot of Brittish history. Wish the book was longer, it ended too soon!

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This Historical Fiction book fulfilled so many needs that I like in Historical novels.
There was love, mystery, scandal, and so much more that kept the book moving forward and interesting. Royals created such a well-rounded love story starting with the beginning main characters and continuing throughout the story with other characters.
The only negative I have about this novel was sometimes it would have an almost omnipresent moment where everything and everyone's thoughts and feelings were known. It just threw me out of the story every once in awhile, but did not cause much a change in my opinions about this novel.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book from Netgalley and Random House. These are my thoughts.

I am in the minority here because I was not totally enthralled with the story. I would probably give it 2.5 stars but I will round up. I understand that this is fiction and we need to use our imagination and extend our belief but this goes beyond that.

Princess Charlotte is sent to the country to live with a family during the war to keep her safe. Her identity is only known by the owners of the estate. During her stay she falls in love with their son, Henry, and they marry before he goes to war. She is widowed at 17 and dies shortly after giving birth to their daughter, Anne Louise. All in the space of a year. During all this time no one tells the King and Queen what is going on and then the people she is staying with die too. A housemaid, Lucy, who loved Henry takes Annie and raises her as her own and when she dies 20 years later she tells her husband, Jonathan, the whole story. He approaches the queen and they verify that Annie is Charlotte's daughter and she is assimilated into the royal family.

There was a lot of repetition. Without the repetition the book would be a lot shorter.

I liked Annie. I thought she was very down to earth and knew what she wanted in life and didn't let the fact that she was a princess really change her much. I had no sympathy for Lucy. She was hateful to Charlotte because she felt she stole Henry from her and felt it was her right to take the baby. I wasn't feeling the great love she had with her husband, Jonathan. I did like Jonathan. He was very loving and was a true father to Annie.

The bottom line is I think fans of Danielle Steele will love this book. It was a quick read but just not my cup of tea.

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