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Royal by Danielle Steel is an excellent historical fiction that has it all: romance, the suspense of England during wartime (WWII), tragedy, love, loss, friendship/family, and acceptance and forgiveness. Any historical fiction that includes royalty always initially draws me in, however it takes a talented author to craft a story of interest all the while creating an aura of respect and authenticity concerning the represented (albeit even loosely) royal individuals that then sets itself apart from the crowd. Ms. Steel has succeeded in all of those aspects yet again with this novel. I have to admit that I am late to the game when it comes to reading books from this author in the distant past, however I have read the last five, and she has impressed me each time.

This book was a nice change of pace from some of the stressful, quick-paced, and rough novels that are present at this time. I enjoyed the pacing, plot, and I enjoyed all of the details that Ms. Steel added in regards to the English royals that were wrapped into this book. I enjoyed reading about Charlotte, and in an effort not to give anything away to unsuspecting readers, I definitely felt for her during this book. But just when we think tragedy will take top listing, we find rays of light always breaking through. I also enjoyed Annie as another main character, and enjoyed seeing her life and future transform throughout the story. I really enjoyed the positive outcome despite all the obstacles, tragedies, and secrets. It definitely left me feeling warmth, happiness, and satisfaction.

5/5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and Delacorte Press/Ballantine Random House Publishing Group for this ARC and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR and Bookbub accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon and B&N accounts upon publication.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Random House and the author Danielle Steel. This story focuses on Charlotte who is 3rd in line to be the Queen of England. Due to medical issues she is sent away from the city during WWII. Her life is changed after falling in love, due to the war Charlotte chooses not to inform her family of the changes that are occurring in her life until she can do it in person. After a tragedy hits, her family is unaware of a child that is left behind. Many years later the child finds their way home and is welcomed with open arms. Royalty and spectacular horses play a big part in this story. Danielle Steel has once again written a five star book that I could not put down until I had turned the last page.

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What can I say? I have read Danielle Steel since the 70’s-80’s and whenever a new book comes out, I must read it! (This is my 31st book by DS). I really enjoyed this story and highly recommend it. A nice change of pace from all the thrillers I’ve been reading lately. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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Another heart warming story by Danielle Steel. I love historical fiction, and this was very interesting to see into the lives of royals.
The story starts during WWII when the King and Queen decide to send their youngest daughter, Charlotte, out of London where the bombing has been getting worse. While in hiding, young Charlotte meets and falls in love, and her life changes rapidly. Through a series of tragedies, a young girl is left orphaned, and another woman decides to raise her as her own. The story sees the reader through over 20 years and many changes. I don't want to give away any parts of the story and reveal too much.
This is a beautiful story of love, family, secrets and forgiveness. I recommend to all historical fiction lovers.
I received an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book and felt a lot of emotions reading it. It got me from page 1. It’s about war, young love, choices gone bad and dreams. I enjoyed this book a lot better then the recent Danielle Steel books before this one

# netgalley

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I loved reading this book. I found I couldn't put it down. Danielle Steel does remarkable writing on giving us a glimpse into history of family and royalty. In this fascinating tale the princess is sent away to during World War II to a safe house in the country, where she falls in love with the innkeeper’s son. The princess is far from the palace and the young lovers produce a baby girl. But, thru a tragic turn of events, the baby girl is orphaned at birth. Alone in the world, the child is raised by a plain and simple stable manager and his wife. The baby girls’ secret is hidden in a stack of letters that come to light 20 years later about her family background to the royal family.

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This is an enthralling book. The plot is completely captivating and had my interest to the very end. I highly recommend this fun, quick read.

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Mesmerizing story about love, loss and a shocking secret that will change the lives of everyone involved. This story broke my heart then put it back together. Lovely read!

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#Royal#Net Galley
Another great read by Danielle Steel.The book opens in the summer of 1943 as the King and Queen send their youngest daughter Princess Charlotte to the country live as she has health issue thAt put her at risk in war torn London.. Charlotte is using a alias so no one expect the couple who takes her in will know who she is.. There is another young lady, Lucy who lives there who has lost her family to the bombings in the war.. Lucy is not very friendly and jealous of Charlotte who has caught the eye of Henry the son of the couple who took them in. The Story continues with secrets and tragedy.
. Read this book and find out what happens to the commoners and the royals. Will the truth come out? What is the true story of the child and her family. Will dreams come true ?

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I have been reading Danielle Steel since I was a teenager. When I read reviews I don't like reviews that tell you exactly what the cover tells you, that really defeats the purpose-just my opinion. I am probably a little biased because I love all of her books, this one was such an easy read, right from the first few pages I knew it was gonna be a great one. At one point I was really upset with Lucy and her attitude but then I got so caught up in the story and everything that was happening that it just flew by. Drama., heartbreak, a mothers undying love and things made right, the main character goes on an incredible journey from England to Lexington KY (my home state), living out the one dream she has always had.

Such a moving story about war, love and loss, family and secrets, being yourself and living your dreams!! highly recommend this book.

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an advanced copy of the book.

I picked out this book as its premise sounded very interesting. However, as I progressed through the book - I was often bored. There was a lot of repetition, constantly reminding readers what happened earlier in the book that I did not think was necessary.

However, overall if someone is looking for a quick "royal" themed read - this is a good option.

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This was my first time reading Danielle Steel- shocking, I know! I’m so glad I was given an ARC from Net Galley.

What I loved about Royal was the storyline that captured my attention page one. I love historical fiction so this book was perfect for me. I also really enjoyed the ending.

What I struggled with was the way Danielle Steel writes. In a short time she covered several years and multiple characters so it lacked development. Some of her sentences were extremely repetitive and not very well written.

Overall, I enjoyed this book but wouldn’t call myself a Danielle Steel fan. I know many people that would love this book though!

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This story is about the Royal Princess who is sent to live in a far-away village during the war, to ensure her safety during attacks and bombings near the castle. The decision was a very hard one for the royal family, but one that was deemed necessary. While she was away, the princess falls in love with her keepers' son, and the story takes off from there.

An interesting view into royal families and what could be.

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I love reading Danielle Steel books, because she is always writing different types of books. There are very few I don't like, but it's not often This book, talks about royal families and how they are brought together. It reminded me of the current royal families, and I couldn't help to wonder what would happen if there were any events like the ones in the book.

In the beginning I almost gave up, because it was sad, but as I read it i really got lost into the book's world. there were two things I looked up, One was Prince Harry's last name, and the other was to see if there were any female horse Jockeys. I was surprised to find out that there was one, but I won't spoil it for you.

This book was a good one, I am grateful that Netgalley and the publishers let me read this in exchange for an honest review.

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Royal, by Danielle Steel, is an endearing story about the love and strength shared between soulmates and the unshakable bonds of family. This easy to read book captivated my interest from the very beginning and was impossible to put down. Danielle Steel has really shown her writing perfection in this story about love, loss, heartache, joy, and what it really means to be a hero. This beautifully written story is a testament to the pursuit of finding true happiness and the power of following your dreams. Royal is a much needed feel good book for people all over the world!

With a beginning backdrop of countries at war, the King and Queen make the hardest decision they’ve ever had to make. They send their youngest daughter to live with another trusted family in a safer area that has not been ravaged by the onslaught of terror and war. Presuming she will be safer there, they agree to keep the young princess Charlotte’s whereabouts and identity secret. Although she desperately misses her mother, father, and two sisters, she finds comfort in riding her horse and spending time in the stables. She has always been able to relate to horses more easily than people. Henry, the son of the family Charlotte is staying with, is eagerly awaiting his eighteenth birthday so that he can serve his country. When Charlotte shows up a few months before he turns eighteen, he is immediately enthralled with everything about her. Their fast friendship soon turns into love, but it isn’t long before tragedy hits. Lucy, another girl who was living with the family, resented Charlotte from the moment she arrived because she has secretly been in love with Henry for years. When the unthinkable happens, Lucy makes a decision that changes all of their lives and vows to live the lie for the rest of her life. Not all secrets can stay hidden though, and when the truths are finally revealed, there is no way to guess what the outcomes will be.

Royal, by Danielle Steel, is one of the best books I’ve read in a long time. It is guaranteed to touch your heart and life your spirit. I am tremendously grateful for Danielle Steel, Random House Publishing Group-Ballantine, Delacorte Press, and Netgalley for allowing me to read this book. It is a must read that I highly recommend! My feedback is voluntary and expresses my honest opinions.

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I have been reading Danielle Steele's books for over 40 years and I am not sure I have ever read one that I did not enjoy. Her smooth writing style, likeable characters, and a variety of settings make each a pleasure to read. "Royal" is pure Danielle Steele. This book showcases a heroine who is born to a royal family member in the difficult circumstances of WWII England. Her childhood is a pleasant one and she is raised by loving parents on the grounds of a beautiful mansion where her father oversees the stables. She is happy, surrounded by her one love, horses. But there is a mystery surrounding her birth and as the mystery is uncovered by her father a whole new world opens up for her. Ms. Steele's excellent characterization makes the royals human and highlights their different personalities. She uses her prose to showcase the luxury and the difficulty of the royal life, and in this book a woman's struggles in a man's world. As always this book was a pleasure to read and the end of the book provides the reader with a satisfying finish. Read Danielle Steele and feel the warm water of a good book surround you with pleasure.
Thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review #Royal#NetGalley.

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A royal princess hidden for 20 years. Then all is revealed to the Queen. Lovely story. So real it could have really happened. As all Danielle Steel books it will keep you reading until the end.

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I loved this book. This is an author that has continued to impress me with her writing skills and her attention to details. This story is a not only a romance story but a story that comes full circle. It is a historical romance story that ranks right up as one of my favorites. I had no issues connecting with the characters throughout the story. Parts of the story took me on an emotional roller coaster ride because of the situations the characters were going through. This is a well written story that is fast paced, engaging and a page turner. I highly recommend this book and this author.

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Danielle Steel delivers a modern-day Anastasia story infused with war, love and heartbreak. Unlock the leather box instead of jewelry and Annie in the place of Anna and the crown will be royally surprised with its new princess.

What started as Charlotte's story transitioned into Lucy and Annie's compelling tale. When 17-year-old Princess Charlotte was sent to the countryside to keep her safe during the war, little did the king and queen know that temptation was stirring.

Henry and Charlotte's affair was the product of war and their young but love for each other. Secretly wedded before the baby was born, the couple didn't realize that they unleashed a chain of events that would forever alter the monarchy.

Lucy’s spurned advances and jealousy of their relationship, prompted her to steal baby Annie after her mother's death. Raised as a stable manager and housekeeper's daughter, despite her modest means, Lucy couldn't hide Annie's heritage. Will Annie figure out the truth or remain a pauper instead of a princess?

Thank you #NetGalley and the publisher for the early read in exchange for an honest review. I loved Annie's story and the fact that despite her stately surroundings, she remains true to herself. Nature vs nurture, Anastasia syndrome and staying true to form are explored in Steel's latest serving.

I enjoyed the story especially the horse racing sections. I felt like I was flying along with the protagonist coaxing the horse to cross the finish line. That being said, the second half, I thought was stronger than the first. Once Annie learned the truth, the novel continued at a fast pace until its fitting end. Does Annie remain #Royal or return to her roots? Readers will have to wait until August 18th to reveal her decision.

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I’m a sobbing mess of emotions after this one! This is a beautiful love story that spans generations!

The beginning of this story starts off a little somber! A war, a short lived love and loss so great it could consume you! Through all the darkness though love creates a ray of hope!

This story shows us how love and family can help heal us from heavy losses! It also shows us that our dreams are worth fighting for!

I don’t want to dive into The Who’s and how’s because nothing should be given away! Just know that there are some very emotional events that take place but just as life is you have events that restore hope and solidify love!

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