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This is written in alternating tight first person POV. It took me a few chapters to find the rhythm, but once I did the story flew. (I also didn’t remember the first POV from the first books, so I wasn’t expecting it going in.) This series has been one of my favorites and it definitely ends on a high note.

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Blacklisted takes us back to Loveless, Texas and the Lawton family.

Presley is the half sister of Case, Crew and Kody Lawton and has suffered unduly at the hands of someone she called a friend. There is a continuing threat, putting Presley's safety in jeopardy.

The support of her newly found siblings has taken some getting used to but she is making every effort to be worthy of their loyalty.

When the lovely doctor is called to her sister’s bar, she daren't ignore the request for help.

Catapulted into a world of a motorcycle club and the Sons of Sorrow brothers, Presley needs some convincing of her worth but Shot, the club's President, doesn't like owing anyone a favour!

Shot is determined to keep Presley safe from the continued threat to her safety and in so doing develops previously unexperienced feelings.

Presley and Shot's journey to HEA is compelling reading with a hot alpha biker, who goes the extra mile to keep his woman safe from harm.

A great addition to the catalogue of Jay Crownover.

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Blacklisted by Jay Crownover
A Loveless, Texas Novel #3

A bullet riddled man on a bar floor
A doctor called in to save him
She’s the quiet type
He’s her opposite
She wants to avoid him
He feels drawn to her
There is family
There is a motorcycle club
There are evil people to avoid or take down
Is there time to fall in love, too?

This was a great conclusion to the series with Dr. Presley Buskin finally coming into her own. She is finally able to realize what she wants and move toward getting it…and that might just include bad boy Shot Caldwell.

What I liked:
* Presley: a bright professional with a heart of gold. She has been through fire but comes out golden
* Shot: a good man who lives by his own rules…and those rules might not be within the law. He has a lot to offer and is a good balance for Presley.
* Getting to see the couples from the previous books in the series
* The evil person is eventually thwarted
* There is a HEA/HFN for Presley and Shot
* Wondering about the possibility of a series that would be about the Sons of Sorrow

What I did not like:
* Exactly who I was supposed to dislike…Ashby and her paramour for sure!
* Having to say goodbye to good friends made throughout this series.

Did I enjoy this book? Yes
Would I read more by this author? Definitely

Thank you to NetGalley, Forever and InkslingerPR for the ARC – This is my honest review.

5 Stars

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With the ending of Unforgiven, I couldn't wait to see how the next book would play out. Blacklisted was Presley and Shot's story. These two met under unusual circumstances and seeing what would happen with these two was fascinating. Jay definitely kept me on my toes as I read. I didn't know where the story was going to go and I was so interested to see what would happen next. Presley had so much going on and it was nice to see how her new family brought her into their folds. The Lawtons are a very close family and it was seen not only in this book but throughout the whole series. I enjoyed Presley and Shot's romance. It was intriguing seeing how two people who are complete opposites actually were the perfect match for each other. Overall this was a good read and I enjoyed getting to know this family and their loves.

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Blacklisted is the last installment in Jay Crownover's Loveless, Texas series, and oh boy does it end with a bang!

If it weren't for Presley's assistance (the Lawton's half sister), Shot the President of the Sons of Sorrow MC would have died. From that moment on Shot cannot resist being close to the docter as he is drawn to her. But of course, he pretends it's because he feels indebted to her instead.

Presley is under stress. With finding out about her half siblings and the fact that her best friend is a psychopath who was responsible for the death of both her parents, she lives her life in hiding and under the watchful eye of her older brother, Case.

Now fair warning, please don't go into this novel thinking it is an MC read because it is not. The author has noted that MC books are something she struggles with. No matter, you still get Shot, an outlaw 100% dedicated to his club.

Presley and him are opposites yet their chemistry is undeniable. Shot lives his life on the edge while Presley goes by the rules; nevertheless, he gives her the courage to stand up to her enemies and fight for herself.

This is a book I recommend reading but definitely start the books in order so you get a sense of the characters and tie-ins as the story concludes with this one. Also, prepare to be on the edge of your seat! Both Presley and Shot's lives are in danger from people who wish to cause them harm.

Action-packed and filled with intrigue, Blacklisted gets pretty intense and interesting; so much so, you won't want to put it down!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from Forever through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.*

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J'adore la série "Loveless Texas" de Jay Crownover et le dernier tome "Blacklisted" qui est sorti le 28 octobre et que j'ai reçu en service presse via Inkslinger Pr (merci à eux) était vraiment attendu puisqu'à la fin du tome 2, on voyait que la demi-soeur de la famille "Lawton" Presley intervenait pour sauver le président d'un club de bikers "Shot", l'ami de sa demi-soeur Kody, blessé grièvement par balles. Bien que médecin légiste (et pas médecin tout court) elle arrive à le sauver et le suit même dans son club afin de passer le relais au doc des bikers. Depuis Shot se sent en dette et il rôde auprès de son appartement au cas où elle aurait besoin de lui. Or, la jeune femme est la cible d'une vendetta personnelle puisque la seule personne qu'elle considérait comme son amie a décidé de faire de sa vie un enfer, s'en est pris à sa mère -elle l'a visiblement tuée, s'en est pris à son père et même à la maison d'enfance de ses frères et soeur et a tout fait pour lui faire perdre son travail... Depuis la jeune femme se terre mais elle est protégée par Kody (et son futur mari qui est un Texas Ranger) et son demi-frère Case, shérif de la ville. Mais la jeune femme qui s'est débrouillée seule toute sa vie a du mal à accepter qu'on puisse s'intéresser à elle et surtout de pouvoir se reposer sur quelqu'un et notamment sa nouvelle famille. Quand, en plus, le président impressionnant du club de bikers se met aussi sur les rangs pour la protéger, la jeune femme a beaucoup du mal à accepter mais quand sur un parking, on tire sur elle ou sur Shot, elle va devoir prendre conscience que leurs vies sont liées. De plus, le biker badass ne la laisse pas indifférente mais ils sont si différents l'un de l'autres et ont des vies totalement opposées... Comment leur histoire pourrait-elle avoir un avenir? Si l'on rajoute les menaces qui pèsent l'un sur l'autre mais aussi le fait que Case ne veut pas que le biker s'approche de sa demi-soeur, on est en droit de se demander comment ils pourraient construire quelque chose? mais ne dit-on pas que les opposés s'attirent... mais le danger ou les dangers rôdent et même si Presley a décidé d'affronter son ennemie, pourra-t-elle survivre et surtout arrivera-t-elle à protéger ceux qu'elles aiment? Quid de Shot? arrivera-t-il à faire accepter son monde à cette jeune femme qui l'attire autant ou changera-t-il pour elle? la sauvera-t-il de son ennmie jurée? Lui-même est menacé depuis par Jed Colman : pourra-t-il intervenir avant que lui ou la jeune femme soit blessée? Et bien des réponses à toutes ces questions en lisant cet excellent tome 3 de Jay Crownover

Mon avis : je vous l'ai dit, j'ai adoré toute la série et étais impatiente de voir comment ces deux-là allaient se rapprocher vu qu'ils évoluaient dans deux mondes trèssss différents. De plus, leurs personnalités sont antithétiques mais l'alchimie entre eux est explosive et ils ne peuvent résister à leur attirance, malgré tout ce qui pèse sur eux (l'ex-amie pour Presley et Jed Coleman pour le second) Mais l'un comme l'autre fait ressortir le meilleur ou l'improbable chez l'autre : Shot la rend plus libre et la fait sortir de sa zone de confort... quant à Presley, elle le calme et lui apporte une tranquillité, le silence et une sérénité qu'il ne connaissait pas.
Mais tous deux doivent se battre non seulement contre un ennemi mais aussi contre sa personnalité mais aussi affronter le regard des autres : Presley a une famille extrêmement présente voire trop et elle n'a pas l'habitude : elle est donc déstabilisée et pense ne pas mériter sa place chez les Lawton malgré tout ce qu'ils lui démontrent et notamment Kody qui l'adore... Elle se sent coupable de l'infidélité de leur père et des menaces qu'elle a amenées sur eux. C'est une jeune femme déterminée qui a appris très tôt que la vie est dure (sa mère a été malade quasi toute sa vie et elle a dû s'en occuper très jeune) elle n'a pas l'habitude de s'amuser et de se laisser aller, il va donc falloir qu'au contact de tous ceux qui l'aiment, elle apprenne à vivre, tout simplement.

Shot est un biker qui n'est pas totalement un inconnu puisque son père Torch était intervenu dans le tome 3 des "Marked Men" consacré à Rome : abandonné par sa mère enfant, il a grandi auprès de ce père violent et est rentré dans les marines pour essayer d'avoir une vie : mais les militaires ont vu le potentiel et l'ont transformé en tueur implacable (il était sniper) : depuis, il a crée un nouveau chapitre des "Sons of Sorrow" et en est le président : il vit donc une vie dangereuse, a ses propres valeurs (il ne vend ni drogue, ni ne s'adonne à la prostitution, c'est un club, pas un gang) et s'est donné pour mission de protéger la région et la ville, quoi qu'il en coûte : il a été attiré par Kody mais la relation a vite tourné court car il savait qu'elle était amoureuse d'un autre. Mais quand Presley arrive dans leur vie, même si la jeune femme lui semble son opposée, elle l'attire inexorablement et le fait qu'elle soit en danger réveille son côté protecteur et il va évidemment tout faire pour la garder en vie et qu'elle soit sienne.

Mais une jeune femme avec un tel métier, un tel avenir, qui travaille pour la loi peut-elle se lier à un homme qui se moque de la loi et ne suit que la sienne? C'est le président d'un club de bikers donc, il a des hommes qui ont derrière lui, prêts à mourir pour lui et j'avoue que j'aimerais que Jay nous raconte leurs histoires, maintenant. C'est un homme qui n'a quasiment connu que la violence mais qui est un ami fidèle, un homme de parole, respectueux (avec ceux qu'il juge digne de son respect) et protecteur : en même temps, il a ce côté badass qui le rend sexy et irrésistible : qui n'aime pas les badboy, hein? (enfin, dans les livres)

On est ravi de retrouver les autres couples et de voir ce qu'ils deviennent : le mariage de Crew et Della approche et notre famille est prise par les préparatifs.. Quant aux autres membres de la famille et notamment Kody, je vous laisse les redécouvrir. On alterne entre scènes d'amitiés, d'amour (c'est toujours hot et sexy chez Jay) et moment de suspense et d'actions : bref, une réussite.

Bref, c'est encore une réussite que ce tome 3 et j'aurais adoré que la série continue : espérons donc qu'elle nous crée une série sur les "Sons of Sorrow" : il y a du potentiel. Je ne peux qu'espérer que la série soit traduite en France.

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Blacklisted is the classic opposites attract kind of romance. Shot is the President of the local Motorcycle Club/Gang and Presley is a doctor for the State’s Medical Examiner’s office, assigned to investigate deaths, suspicious and otherwise. So, while Shot is on the murkier side of the law, Presley is sworn to uphold it, but the heart wants what the heart wants…

These two are thrown together when Presley is called out by her half sister to tend to Shot after a life threatening injury and neither can stop thinking about the other after the incident. Presley has her own problems; a psycho trying to take Presley’s life apart because of a jealous obsession, and anyone close to Presley usually suffers blowback. The start of this played out in the last book, which is why I think it’s better to read the series in order. I guess in a pinch this would work as a standalone, too, but you’d miss the backstory of the Lawton’s, Presley’s newly discovered family, and the previous stories are really good!

I’ve been loving this series from the beginning, but I was super excited to get to Presley and Shot’s romance because I love the opposites attract troupe! Blacklisted did not disappoint. Presley and Shot had oodles of chemistry, and I was hooked into their little back and forth dance, mostly with Shot chasing and Presley trying to resist. So much fun! However, Presley’s psycho stalker, the things she pulls and then the question of when she would strike next kept me glued to the pages as well. I read the story in a 24-hour period, because I couldn’t put it down!

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✦Review: BLACKLISTED by Jay Crownover
Publication Date: October 27, 2020
Genre: Western Contemporary Romance
Reviewed by: Reading in Pajamas/ Donna
Rated 5 Stars

I liked this installment in the Loveless, TX series. Shot’s reluctant attraction to Presley was fun to watch. He was the President of a local MC, but the club was just a sidebar to the story. I liked him. An alpha that wasn’t in-your-face about it, and new to feeling love in a realistic way. Presley was likeable as well. Even though she made some decisions that conflicted with her supposed intelligence, I understood her.

This book managed to give enough time to their budding relationship even though the danger was always near her. The suspense was intermingled with some dark and gritty moments, along with friends and family pulling together. Their romance moved at the perfect pace until it developed into a hot and sexy relationship. I will add that I was happy when they worked through a problem without the time-worn flouncing and accusations. Nicely done.

The author’s writing style appealed to me and kept me anxiously reading to see what would happen next. I look forward to more.

*Review copy provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


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"Who would've ever thought I was going to end up with my very own hero...or rather, my very own antihero?"

I love this series and I was looking forward for this one!What I liked most was that the characters were so opposite but they find a way to be perfect for each others!They have an amazing chemistry, they were intense and so hot!I liked their connection!

We have suspense and romance and drama!I was so invested to the story!

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Presley’s life has transformed from tranquil to turmoil between the family she didn’t know about, losing her mother and a friend turned dangerous. The only thing that may help her through this tumultuous time in her life is knowing that Shot and Sons of Sorrow MC owe her a favor and it is time to collect.

Shot is the President of the MC who needed Presley’s medical skills and she didn’t hesitate to assist. Now that she finds herself in danger, he will do whatever is necessary to repay the favor but neither expected the chemistry or feelings between them that continue to escalate with every passing day.

From first appearances Presley and Shot couldn’t be more different but Shot shows that he is much more than the biker image he portrays while Presley proves she is stronger than even she knows. Although their journey started out on less than ideal circumstances, they couldn’t have been a better match.

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on avait pu rencontrer Shot et Presley dans le tome précédent et j'étais assez curieuse de voir comment leurs vies allaient se lier. J'ai beaucoup aimé leurs caractères indépendants et francs, ils n'ont ni l'un ni l'autre déjà connu l'amour et forcément, ils font des erreurs. Certaines choses vont parfois un peu vite mais j'ai beaucoup aimé la manière dont ils vont au bout de leurs idées, même quand elles sont mauvaises. La tension est bien présente, il pèse des menaces sur nos deux héros et j'étais impatiente de voir comment ils allaient s'en sortir. La fin est vraiment très chouette et c'est à regret qu'on les quitte !

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What can I say about this book? I loved it, that I can say but it doesn't seem like enough. Shot has intrigued me from the very beginning of this series and I was not remotely disappointed by his book. Presley is a strong woman, she's had to be to make it through everything she is going through. When they get together we see two people from completely different worlds figuring out how they fit together. Jay manages to make this the most riveting experience!! I got lost in this book and didn't want to come out! I actually took hours to read the epilogue to draw it out because I didn't want it to end!! Shot and Presley are both who you think they are and completely different from what you expect. I will definitely be adding Shot to my harem in actuality he just has a new room, I added him at the beginning of the series... If you are still wondering - READ THIS!!!

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Romance readers! There's a new book boyfriend in town and his name is Shot Caldwell! You might remember him from the previous book in this romance series from Jay Crownover. There's a good dose of suspense here as well.

So, when we last met Shot, he was, well, shot a number of times and Dr. Presley Baskin gets the call to come to her sister Kody's Lawton's bar to help him under police radar. It leaves Shot in the position of owing her one, an he doesn't like that. And he doesn't like the fact he's drawn to Presley in a way he hasn't experienced before.

I love a romance where the "never-going-to-have-a-relationship" hero falls really hard, and Shot does just that. He can't stay away from Presley, and she does need his protection since her enemy stalker is still on the loose. Presley tries to stay away from him, not wanting to jeopardize her relationship with her new family, but she can't. He's just too... persistent. Rawr.

When Shot collaborates with Case and Hill to bring down Presley's stalker, things don't go as planned with disastrous consequences. I was surprised by a few things in this book, and the ending was one of them. I just loved it!

Overall, I loved this book and this series. There was a nice amount of suspense complementing the romantic elements. There is a bit of a slow start with this one, but once it gets going, things really move along quite nicely. I loved these characters and I liked how the Lawton family comes together. And really, Shot was most definitely worth it!

An ARC was provided by the publisher. This is my honest review.

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Jay Crownover’s writing speaks to me on many different levels, and several of her complex, hard-fought love stories are amongst my all-time, top favorite books. I have really enjoyed the entire Loveless Texas series, but I’ve been most anxious for this story. In Blacklisted, Crownover does what she does best – pairing two seemingly ill matched people in a love match that works spectacularly.

No one does an opposites-attract romance quite like Crownover. She works her magic wonderfully by pitting otherwise incompatible heroes and heroines, and challenging them to make sense of their attraction and to fight for their happily ever after. In Blacklisted, Shot and Presley couldn’t be any more different, but despite those differences, they’re powerfully drawn to each other in a way neither has ever felt before. Sizzling chemistry wasn’t all this couple shared, though. In each other they both found more than either of them anticipated, but also something they both desperately wanted. Coupled with the culmination of an exciting suspense plot, complete with a couple of curveballs, Shot and Presley’s story kept me on the edge of my seat and devouring Crownover’s words.

Blacklisted by Jay Crownover gets 4.5 smooches from me!
~Danielle Palumbo, Red Cheeks Reads

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Jay Crownover's Loveless, Texas series concludes with Blacklisted, With this third in series, we finally get more Presley and more Shot. I was excited to see that we were going to be getting an opposites attract with this last bit of suspense. I loved their chemistry and fell into their story.

While Blacklisted can definitely be read as a standalone, the best reading experience would be as part of the series. Everything comes together with this final installment

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Blacklisted was so fantastic! I was on the edge of my seat, hooked the entire time. It was an exciting and passionate read with wonderful characters and an outstanding build. I couldn’t get enough!

I loved Presley and Shot and the whole opposites attract vibe they had happening. I love how they met, and the intenseness between them. Presley seems so buttoned up and in a bad place and I loved her metamorphosis over the course of the story. I really liked her relationship with Shot, how their attraction grew, and how she started to put herself out there. I loved Shot. He's sexy, sweet, and protective but alpha and hard. I loved their vulnerable moments and when feelings were shared, it felt so raw and real.

There was a thrilling suspense element happening that I really enjoyed. I loved learning all the details about Presley's history and all she was going through. I liked learning about Shot as well and the club issues he was dealing with. There was an excellent amount of drama and action happening that made for an addicting read.

I loved all the different relationships happening with the Lawton’s and Presley. I loved how they embraced her and brought her into the fold, especially Kody. It was a beautiful thing. There were some great updates about previous couples as well and I was so happy to get them.

This was such an exceptional story. It felt intense yet inviting and I loved the mystery element that was in play. This was an engaging read full of drama, emotion, and love. I loved the build and the characters, and this amazing family that came together. This is an outstanding series!

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It's exactly what I needed. It has some suspense, action, some scheming and an outlaw protective hunk of man. Yummmm. Shot is the type of man that makes Presley question what her type is. Question if being on the straight and narrow all her life was the right choice because he is THAT tempting. But being completely different works in their favor. Because she is the calm to his chaos. And  I like that Shot was intrigued by Presley but not automatically attracted to her. Made it believable. Made it even better because he took the time to be impressed by her, recognizing how strong she was. I was very much looking forward to Shot's story and it did not disappoint. This biker has a lot to offer with his good and his devious side.

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Thanks to her quiet nature and her mother’s longtime illness, medical examiner Dr. Presley Baskin has lived quietly and with few friends for her whole life, but all that changes when she learns she’s part of the Lawton family. The Lawtons are well-known in small town Loveless, Texas, and the tightknit family has brought their new half-sister into their rather chaotic fold. This acceptance is how she winds up stitching up Shot Caldwell, her half-sister’s friend, despite her qualms about his less than legal activities. Once she’s certain he’ll pull through, Presley wants nothing more than to steer clear of the president of the rough and tumble biker club based just outside town. She works directly with law enforcement after all and he is decidedly a law unto himself. But when her former best friend turned stalker seems to be moving closer, Presley only trusts Shot to keep her safe. He owes her a favor after all.

Palmer Caldwell, better known as Shot, has never been one for any serious relationship. His lifestyle typically precludes them. But he hates owing anyone and while he waits anxiously for Presley to call in her favor, he finds his protectiveness of her is like nothing he’s ever felt before. When she finally does ask for his help, Shot realizes this has gone beyond reciprocity and he’ll do anything to ensure her safety.

This book is unlike anything I’ve read before, but I was so intrigued by the description and cover that I wanted to give it a try. Shot wound up being an amazing protective alpha hero, even with all his very rough edges. It was nice to see him vindicated here and for Presley’s family to give him credit where it was due. Presley was frustrating for me in her tendency to hide and her inability to communicate, even if it was understandable. Even at the end I still didn’t feel like she quite had her priorities in line where Shot was concerned, and she didn’t fully understand the true depth of his feelings for her. This left me just a bit dissatisfied, like she wasn’t quite as invested as he was. The final action scene also didn’t pan out quite like I was hoping, and I think it could’ve been handled a bit differently to give Shot more of a chance to shine. Nonetheless, I really enjoyed the writing here and this book was delightfully fast paced. I couldn’t put it down and I haven’t been able to truly say that about a book in some time. I think anyone who has ever felt like they didn't quite fit in can find something to relate to here. I enjoyed this writing a lot and the Lawton family was entertaining enough that I’d like to go back and read the other books of the series to fill in the gaps I missed.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This installment picks right up from the end of the last book (Unforgiven). I think that reading this series in order will provide the best enjoyment because you would have followed the characters journey thus far.

In this story, Dr. Presley Baskin is still reeling from the revelation that she was the illegitimate daughter and half-sibling to the Lawton’s. And on top of that, her “best” friend Ashby had been gaslighting her and now stalking her. Presley was placed in protective custody because Ashby was trying to kill her, but Presley has had enough of hiding. With the help of Shot Caldwell, Presley plans to help catch Ashby and reclaim her life. As these two opposites band together to stop her former friend, they also find out that they have a strong attraction to each other. With so much danger and uncertainty, can Shot protect Presley from her enemy and keep their relationship from intensifying?

First of all, this story works on so many levels. These are characters that have been carefully developed over the course of the prior books. Then this story was told using a dual POV so we are given equal turns in Presley and Shot’s mind. I felt like I understood their values and motivations, so even though they were opposites, they fit each other perfectly. They had serious chemistry so be prepared for sexual heat in this book. I also love the interplay with the prior couples from the prequel all the way to the last book. This book completes the full picture of the Lawton family and their respective loves. That is a common thread with Jay Crownover stories, they always have family at the heart of the plot. If you haven’t tried this author, I highly recommend this series because as a storyteller she combines a bit of mystery and suspense with romance. But as I said in the beginning, I suggest reading her books in order.

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Blacklisted might be the final book in Jay Crownover’s Loveless, Texas series, but it won’t be the last of her’s I read. Maybe someone could persuade her into an MC spinoff series? I wouldn’t mind cameos of these characters in other books!

What I loved:

The characters are NOT twenty-somethings. So this statement is a bit hypocritical of me, maybe, because one of my all-time favorite books that I re-read and re-listen to all the time is Rule by Jay Crownover. And, you guessed it, the main characters are twenty-somethings. I don’t know why that book is different for me, but it just is, so there.
In general, though, I very much enjoy older, more established characters.

Shot. I do love me a mans man, alpha man, and that is Shot Caldwell to a T! President of the local MC, military veteran, and overall badass mofo. Yep, lurve me some Shot Caldwell.

I thought the storyline was so interesting. The heroine, Presley, is a medical examiner, which is a unique career from most of the heroines I read. The in’s and outs of her history along with Shot’s and how they overlap created some exciting drama.

Overall I thought Blacklisted is a great story, and I have enjoyed this series so much. Still hoping we might get to see some of the secondary characters from the MC in a spinoff, but this is another five star read for me!

*Side note for anyone who is an audiobook lover. I have listened to this series on Audible and enjoyed it immensely. I will also be listening to Blacklisted as soon as it’s out as well. So I highly recommend this on Audible too.

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