Member Reviews

Ten Rules for Faking It will find any and all heart strings you have and tug on them all. I love these contemporary romances that have a deeper story to them and are a little more thought provoking. As a huge Bachelor Nation fan, I loved this little take on the 'bachelor' style romance with main character Everly and her terrible dating life going viral after a mistaken on air rant about her cheating boyfriend. This would have made a really good Bachelorette Season!

I loved what Sophie Sullivan did with her main character Everly, with serious social anxiety and how she dealt with it. I loved the side characters who supported Everly despite her anxiety and treated her normally. It was extremely refreshing to read a positive book about something that so many people struggle with and need to feel less alone and more 'normal'. The only thing I would have wanted to be different about this book was a little more open door romance, but I think in this case, what was done was perfect for this particular one. I got all the warm and fuzzy feelings from this book and this cute romance, I highly suggest!

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I really loved this novel. It was super awesome. The characters are really sweet. It was a great fake relationship romance. There were super sweet moments highly recommend.

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Thanks NetGalley for the preview!
This book was the definition of the slow burn. Unfortunately, the highly anticipated moment of the first kiss was lackluster. Everly and Chris were both fine characters but I didn't find myself connecting to them. They didn't give me a reason to wish for their happily ever after. I also felt like all of the characters were underdeveloped or bland and there was no diversity. Very glad that Everly goes on a self discovery journey and stands up for what she wants but I wish the entire story carried that much passion.

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I really appreciated the realistic depiction of anxiety in the main character. It's a topic that is often approached but usually not adequately done. I liked the slow burn romance.

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Everly has really bad birthdays, and this year is no different - after catching her boyfriend cheating on her, she vents to her radio DJ friend about it ON AIR. She’s worried about how her boss, Chris, will handle her outburst, and when he spins in into a Bachelorette-style promotion, Everly ignores her anti-social tendencies and agrees to go on dates. However, Everly quickly realizes that the most eligible bachelor in her life might just be Chris?

I started this and stopped this several times, but I really enjoyed it once I finally got into it. I thought Everly and Chris had a fun relationship, and Everly’s anxiety issues really resonated with me. I think this was a fun read - perfect for the pool or beach this summer!

Thanks to @NetGalley and St. Martin’s Press for my ARC!

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A slow burning contemporary romance that has likable characters that are very entertaining. The story is told by the female, Everly, and male, Chris, main characters. I enjoyed the alternating perspectives since made the story more interesting to know why both characters reacted the way that they did in each situation.
Everly is a radio producer that desperately wants to save her job so she agrees to the radio station manager Chris' idea of a radio show based on the Bachelorette with Everly staring as the bachelorette. Chris does not know that Everly suffers from severe social anxiety and that she is just following her new '10 Rules for Faking It' to get through this social experiment. Chris' main goals with the show are to show his father, who owns the radio station, that the station can be successful and profitable before it's time for him to move on within the company. Chris is attracted to Everly but does not want to act on his feelings because eventually he will be leaving. On the other hand, Everly tries her best to ignore her developing feelings for Chris because she does not think he has the same feelings for her.
The character development throughout the story is wonderful, especially for Everly. With each chapter I got to know them even better and felt their heartbreak when they each decided without the other's knowledge that they could not act upon the feelings that they had for the other. Everly's struggle with anxiety was very well portrayed while Chris' struggle with telling his father that he wanted to be his own man was well developed.
This was a very slow burn romance and although it did drag at a few points overall it was an enjoyable escape into the worlds of Everly and Chris. I recommend for those who are fans of rom coms.. I am grateful to Netgalley and the publisher's at St, Martin's Press for the opportunity read an ARC of this delightful book in exchange for an honest review.

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Adorable contemporary rom-com. Was particularly impressed by the authors attention and description of anxiety. Felt very real and that realness was present in all parts of the book. These characters are people I can easily believe in and their story was a page turner.

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Thanks to Partner NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the digital ARC of Sophie Sullivan’s Ten Rules for Faking It in exchange for an honest review.

This is a fun and quirky story of the trials and tribulations of life and how to make lemonade out of lemons.

I love rom-com stories, and this was good. Pick it up, you will enjoy it too!!

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A modern rom-com debut story. Radio producer Everly Dean finds her bf with his assistant in bed unfortunately her day keeps getting worse. She and her best friend, Stacey discussed it on the air without realizing it. Her best friend and the station manager Chris come up with a great idea to try and save their time slot on the radio station. A series of dates for Everly which happens to have social anxiety. I completely loved this book. I really like how the author showed Everly's anxiety and how Chris takes it very serious and is willing to act a fool for her

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Loved this sweet novel, which also had a good bit of depth to it addressing Everly’s anxiety. I loved how accepting most of the characters were about mental illness; it served as a great model for how the world ought to view it (as a personality trait rather than a major flaw to hide). I also loved the bachelorette-style competition, which added a lot of fun to the plot!

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Anyone else listening to more audiobooks than ever before? I know @reallyintothis is as well, I think I’m really enjoying the immersive escape they provide and this was another delightful escape for me.

This mixed mental health issues, Bachelorette style dating and good old rom com vibes into an adorable, feel good story. It had a great cast of supporting characters, a believable love story and Everly was the type of character you can’t help but root for. A fun listen for sure, I’ll be curious to see what the author comes up with next ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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It was just formulaic, a typical romance to me, and at this point I'm really looking for romances that bring something new or fresh to the genre. I'm sure it'll have folks that love it and champion it but it's just not something that brings me many feelings one way or another.

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Blah blah blah. This one of so sticky sweet and cliche. I just couldn't read more than a few pages at a time without getting a stomach ache. Plus the cover is dull dull dull.

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Everly made it really hard for me to love this book. She was a frustrating character to understand and it made her hard to like, which is problematic when she is the main character of the book. She held everyone to impossibly high standards, there was never going to be any pleasing her. Unfortunately she was the downfall of this book for me.

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Ten Rules for Faking It
Sophie Sullivan
St. Martin’s Griffin, Dec 2020, 320 pages
Contemporary Rom-Com
Provided by Pub via NetGalley

These illustrated covers are here to stay, I guess, so I will have to get used to them. I will say, the title of the book is typically the main event on these covers, which I really like. Also, when they portray characters from the story they attempt to do them the way the author describes them to some degree. And this one uses my blue! That’s always a plus.

This book hasn’t gotten great reviews, which I read before I read the book. So, I was a bit leary about reading it. But, it was time and I was committed. Initially, it was a little bit difficult to get involved because the first scene in the book is so chaotic, plus the main character has severe anxiety disorder associated with social gatherings (more than 2 people). It is explosive and hard to keep track of who’s saying what. Once I got into the book and was more comfortable with the characters, I went back and re-read that first scene and it made so much more sense.

The main love story was so sweet and innocent and strung out over the whole book. The dating games were well done, too. There were so many volatile relationships in this story. I can see how these people ended up the way they were. There were also some extremely strong friendships here, the kind that last a lifetime.

The author’s treatment of anxiety disorder was outstanding. The busyness of her mind, the overthinking of situations, the caution, and fear, as well as the physical symptoms that go along with it. It’s easy to describe the physical ones, but to write how busy a mind is as it spirals into a panic attack outside a restaurant…that was amazing. I found myself needing a cool drink and a few minute’s break after that. And the list-making was wonderful! Totally recommended!

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Not your average love story. There's a much deeper element to it also as there is a deep dive into the main character's anxiety at play which is another element to the book which gives it depth! Would recommend!!

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This romance goes so much deeper. Sophie Sullivan nailed so many ways that anxiety can stifle your life. That inner dialog that Everly has throughout is so very real. It is such an amazing feeling to see a part of yourself on the page. The friendship between Stacey and Everly is not to be overlooked either. The kind of friend that loves you, even with the flaws, is absolutely priceless. Chris and all his baggage is no less heavy than Everly's and that is all that it takes to put them in a stalemate before anything gets started. Ten rules is all heart and a must read!

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It was perfectly fine but I somehow couldn't fully enjoy or like it. I've read so many romances at this point that this feels like another version of the same thing. The circumstances were different, yes. But it starts with a woman who has a really bad day and makes rules for herself, to have a better life. There's a love interest who secretly likes her. The woman goes through growth as she goes on dates and puts herself out.

If I read this a couple of years back, or even last year, I would have enjoyed it. But now I just need.. more from romance books.

The one thing I really liked was the anxiety rep in this book. Other than that, everything was meh.

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**3.5 Stars**

Everly tried to surprise her boyfriend the morning of her birthday only to find him in bed with another woman. When she gets to the radio station she works at, she had no idea her friend/DJ had her live on air ranting about her ex and men in general. To save the station from her outburst, Everly needs to participate in her own dating challenge and let listeners vote on who moves on. The only problem is that the guys she really wants is off limits.

I will gladly admit that I adored all the pop culture TV references for all the things I love (Veronica Mars, Friends...just to name the top 2).

Chris was such a sweetie, so caring and patient, I really adored him and his level of care for Everly. He never pushed her or judged her and was basically the ideal man. I really enjoyed the slow burn relationship, where the characters got the chance to know each other (Chris knowing Everly way more than she seemed to know/understand him) as friends before there was ever any romantic effort made. And when I say slow, I mean it, the real romance doesn't start until basically right at the end. Chris was a main character/narrator, but I feel like he was not the star of the book, that would be Everly and her mental health.

Everly on the other hand was a much tougher character. She deals with a very high level of anxiety, causing panic attacks and her having issues in almost every social situation (she was triggered almost at every encounter)- and she was fully aware of her issue yet never thought to seek out help or treatment. Her life was so restricted and at times painful, yet she just accepted it as it was and did not really try to find better ways to cope. Keep in mind that I have never had anxiety or experienced a panic attack so I do not know how real this was, it felt painful as an observer to experience second hand and I really wanted to help her even though she at times thought her reactions were totally normal. But she did have one of the best female friendships I have read in a while and I shipped these two ladies!

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**2.5-stars rounded up**

Everly Dean is a producer of a radio show, working alongside her best friend, Stacey, the DJ. On Everly's 30th-birthday, she catches her boyfriend, Simon, with another woman. Not a great way to start a day. Arriving at work, she proceeds to rant to Stacey about it. Unfortunately, the microphone was on and now all of their listeners know of the problems with Everly's love life.

Trying to spin a negative into a positive, Everly agrees to participate in a Bachelorette-style dating show hosted by the station. Their numbers have been struggling and it may boost their ratings just enough to keep them going. This is a really tough sell for Everly. She suffers from severe social anxiety, so even the thought of going out on a series of random dates with a bunch of strangers causes her to hyperventilate.

Her cute boss, Chris, the one who doesn't seem to like her at all, thinks it is a great idea though; as does Stacey. She'll give it a shot. What's the worst that could happen? As it turns out, the dates aren't too bad, but Everly can't stop thinking about her boss.

Alternating between Chris and Everly's perspective, the Reader gets a front row seat to all of their pinings, doubts and insecurities, as an adorable friendship develops. The first half of this book, I was pretty into it. I liked the characters and although not super romance heavy, I enjoyed reading about their friendships and issues.

Everly's anxieties were relatable and I thought she was doing a great job getting outside of her comfort zone and working at lowering her walls. I really liked Chris as well. He was in a difficult position. His father owns the radio station, but he didn't want any of the employees to know. He wanted to be judged on his own merit, not because of the fact that his father is super rich.

Chis has a huge crush on Everly, but doesn't feel like he is in a position to make a move considering he is her boss. That makes sense. I get that.

Everything was going along nicely, but then somewhere around the 80% mark, it just went off the rails for me.

It got beyond frustrating. I actually started to get angry with the characters Everly ended up turning into one of my least favorite characters ever. She was so rigid. Holding everyone to these impossibly high standards. It was so freaking aggravating.

It was like she had never made a mistake before. She's a 30-year old woman, judging people based upon decisions they made when they were 20-freaking years old.

I don't know, something about that just rubbed me the wrong way. I couldn't get over that distaste once it was in my head and the rest of the story suffered for it. I rounded up to 3-stars, because I feel like this has the workings to be a good story, and if you don't have the same issues with Everly that I did, this could work for you. Unfortunately, it just wasn't a great fit for me.

I did adore Chris though. He deserves better, in my opinion, than the end of this book.

Also, although this didn't have an impact on my rating, I know for a lot of Romance Readers it might, there is zero steam in this story. There is more steam in a Hallmark movie than in this book, so if that is what you are looking for, look elsewhere.

Thank you so much to the publisher, St. Martin's Griffin, for providing me with a copy of this to read and review. I do appreciate the opportunity to provide my opinion. While this didn't knock it out of the park for me, I would definitely try more from Sophie Sullivan.

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