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The Invisible Husband of Frick Island

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Well this was a good one! A contemporary romance set on the tiny Frick Island in Chesapeake Bay. And when I say tiny, I'm talking like 100 people. Piper Parrish lives on this island and is happy, except for the fact that her husband Toms crab boat capsized and his body never recovered. She still continues to talk to Tom, and do the things that they used to do he's still alive. The other folks on the island love Piper and just go right along with it. Then Anders Caldwell, a reporter, comes to Frick Island to cover their Cake Walk. When he meets Piper, he really falls for her. But what he is trying to understand is why everyone is pretending as if Tom is still there. He doesn't get how Piper can believe that actually still there.

I absolutely adored this story. It was so heartwarming. I loved the people of Frick Island, and Piper wAs just a lovely, sweet character. This deals with loss, grief, friendships and new beginnings. Such a unique read, and I really loved Oakley's writing. I can't wait to check out more of her books!

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy! All opinions are my own!

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Frick Island is full of unique and fresh characters. Piper is the most unique character among them. Her husband Tom is dead, or is he...she believes he is still alive.

Anders, sorry I didn’t get his character at all. Anders didn’t seem like someone I would like to know in real life. I question his morals. How could he broadcast Piper’s ‘delusions’ via his podcast? Honestly, I was waiting for a big show down about the podcast, but it didn’t really happen.

When the book started, I couldn’t figure out if Tom was dead or not...I’m not going to spoil that for you but all is revealed in the end.

The book alternates between Anders and Piper’s POV. It helped because I probably wouldn’t have understood what was going on with these characters without hearing their POV.

The book slowed down for me in the middle, but picked up for the big finish. The plot was laid out so well it really made the ending a surprise. Although, the book didn’t end the way I thought it would.

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Piper Parrish’s husband Tom is dead — although she doesn’t appear to think so. He disappeared when his crab boat capsized, so it’s unlikely he survived.
Piper carries on conversations with him, walks him to the docks and meets him for dinner at a local restaurant. And the people of the small town decide it’s best to go along with her delusion.
When journalist Anders Caldwell comes to the island to cover a local fundraiser for the community newspaper, he discovers that the real story is Piper Parrish and just why all of these people are willing to pretend Tom is alive. Anders has his eye on improving his lot as a podcaster, and this is the perfect topic. The key will be getting Piper and everyone else to talk with him.
I loved this book, which tells two love stories at once: those of Tom and Piper, as well as Piper and the community members who love her.

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The Invisible Husband of Frick Island by Colleen Oakley was a cute and unique story with enough serious subject matter to engage me, and plenty of mystery to keep me turning pages. The best takeaway is the message that everybody grieves in their own way.

I liked the tiny island community (based on a real island off Maryland) and how close-knit they are. They were pretty standoffish to visitors, but that helped keep up the mystery a bit. Each character had a little quirkiness that made them pretty endearing, and they were all in each others' business which was fun.

For much of the book, I was on the fence about how I felt about it because I what was happening wasn’t going to help Piper. However, by the end all the pieces fit together and I liked the well-resolved and sweet ending. (There was a pretty unpredictable twist that I appreciated, as well!)

This was definitely unlike any other book I've read before and will make a great beach read!

Thanks to Berkley Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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This was a fantastic novel that had me enraptured in the story from the very beginning.
One that you want to read for sure - you will love it !!

I received a copy of this from NetGalley in exchange for fair and honest review.

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Piper Parrish thinks her husband is still alive, despite all the evidence that shows he was lost at sea in a boating accident. For some reason, The people on the tiny little island she lives on support her delusional idea even though they know it’s not true.
Anders is a journalist from the mainland who has been sent out to cover the annual Cake Walk that they have been holding for decades, though it’s losing steam over the years. After his first visit, he starts a podcast about the tiny islanders and their lives, and starts to uncover all kinds of things he never expected to.
In coming back and forth to the island to get stories for his podcasts, he meets Piper and finds out from the townspeople what some will do in the name of love. As his podcast grows in popularity, issues crop up between him and Piper and him and the townspeople and Anders has to figure out hats best for him and for them, and if they can be the same thing.
I was truly on the fence with this book for a vast majority of it because I felt like what was going on wasn’t going to help Piper, but by the end all the pieces fit together and I liked the ending.
I think this is going to make a perfect beach read this summer.
Thanks to Berkley publishers and Netgalley for this Arc in exchange for my review.

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From the Psalms, “Remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered”...

How is it that the days can seem so short and yet the grief can seem so long? When her beloved husband Tom is gone, Piper Parrish must find a way to live with the dead. In the unshakeable bond that is the community of Frick Island, she does not have to do it alone. Piper and her Frick family navigate the tides of grief in an unusual and mysterious way. Anders Caldwell, a journalist with a savior complex, is fascinated with this mystery and doggedly pursues the story that has the potential to be his greatest success or his tragic downfall.

Colleen Oakley has written a story of the winding path of grief and shows us that the love of friends is a rare treasure on the journey.

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One of my top 10 books of the year! This book is fantastic and it gave me all the warm and fuzzies but also made me cry my eyes out. I want to go to Frick Island and meet all these amazing characters! I was hesitant at first to read this but I was immediately pulled in and never wanted it to end! Colleen Oakley is a fantastic writer and brought everything to life in this story. HIGHLY recommend reading this!!

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Okay Colleen Oakley, where have you been all my life?! The Invisible Husband of Frick Island is the first book I have read by Oakley, but I can tell you it made me immediately want to read every single one of her other novels ASAP. I binge-read this book in one afternoon because once I started I could not put it down. The premise is pretty simple and surrounds a woman named Piper who is walking around talking to her missing husband like he is right there. Enter a young, struggling journalist named Anders who comes to Frick Island to cover a cake walk piece for his newspaper, and finds a whole lot more than he bargained for. I loved the way the book switches between both Anders and Piper's viewpoints and they have very distinct voices and stories. Frick Island felt like a character in itself, and I loved the mysterious vibe the entire book had.

I also loved the dash of romance in <i>The Invisible Husband of Frick Island</i>, and it is a very heartwarming and quick read. It took a while to find out the mystery of why the people of the island are pretending Piper's husband is there, and the whole way leading up to it was filled with laughter, some tears, and a whole lot of heart. The story completely consumed me, and I found myself wishing I could move to Frick Island just to be with all of these characters. I can't think of any that I didn't like, and Piper and Anders were the best. I loved Oakley's writing style and she has already become an autobuy author with just this book! I have an eGalley, but you can bet I will be buying a finished copy as soon as I can. Highly recommend The Invisible Husband of Frick Island to people that want to feel all the feels and wrap themselves up in these characters.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Heartwarming! I loved every character in the book. What I loved most, was the message that everybody grieves in their own way. The book rocked my emotions from laughing to crying, and I think Oakley did an impeccable job with words to illustrate this enchanting world.

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This was a wholesome book. Like, you could gift this to just about anyone and wouldn't be worried about content. I'm not sure what I was expecting going into Frick Island, but I found myself skimming a LOT. The town was full of quirky characters, but I couldn't keep track of who's who. No one was memorable. The story was just okay. The ending was fine too.

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At first I really wasn't sure what kind of twist was going to happen here. Sometimes I find books predictable and this was not one of those! I greatly enjoyed the characterization and plot development. I felt like it was really well written and engaging.

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Two young people meet on Frick Island after experiencing loss. Piper's husband was lost in a boat accident and Anders' first love moved away and into the arms of someone new. Piper works in a bed and breakfast on the island and Anders is a reporter for a small town newspaper as well as a podcaster with aspirations to be the next Ira Glass.
Piper hasn't accepted that her husband perished in the storm and still sees and talks to him. The citizens of the island go along with it but they know what happened. Anders can't figure it out or why everyone is willing to play along. Loneliness, loss, acceptance and finding the courage to move forward are just a few themes touched on in this novel. It's filled with quirky characters, some relatable and some not. This could be just the novel if you're looking for a sweet, light distraction from real life.

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This was a fun and unique read with just enough serious subject matter to keep me engaged and connected to the characters.

Piper and Tom have been in love for what feels like all their lives, so when Tom dies unexpectedly out at sea during a storm, Piper can't seem to come to terms with it. In fact, Piper still sees Tom and behaves as if he only left for a short period of time and is back with her. What's more odd, is the entire island where she lives is going along with it.

When Anders is sent to Frick Island to cover another story, he stumbles upon Piper and her invisible husband. Seeing an opportunity to create an interesting podcast that could finally get him on the map, Anders decides to ingratiate himself in Frick Island life and learn what he can about the clearly disturbed Piper and the mysterious "Tom."

This could have been a really sad book with Piper losing the love of her life and clearly having a mental break, but Oakley did a great job keeping the overall tone light and fun. I had vivid images of Frick Island and the run down houses, lack of modern conveniences, and scenic beauty. It was easy to get caught up in the magic (and isolation) of the island and see how the whole community quickly went along with Piper in order to spare her heart.

The middle of the book started to lag for me as the excitement of the unique plot line wore off, but Oakley did a nice job introducing some minor twists and red herrings to hold my attention. I actually thought the book may be headed in another direction, but I was glad to be surprised.

The characters were well developed and quirky in their own ways which helped make them relatable and likeable. I loved how tight knit the community of Frick Island was, though they were a bit discriminatory and hostile toward outsiders at times.

Overall, this was a cute read and truly unlike any other book I've read before!

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley for a copy of this novel.

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This book is really special. I was captivated from the very beginning and couldn't put it down. Unforgettable. The setting, the feeling of community, the MC, all of it made for a lovely read. This is exactly the kind of book I love--a little quirky, very emotional, and just beautiful. I'll definitely be recommending to friends!

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This was such a unique read, and I absolutely loved it! It did take me a little bit to get into the story, but once I did, I found I could not put it down. At the beginning I found the islanders to be so rude to Anders, but thankfully Piper made it better. Anders was such a fun and quirky character, he just took in everything that was thrown at him and moved on. Piper was such a great character, you could easily see why everyone on this island loved her.

By the end of the story, I loved Frick Island, it seemed like such a fun and peaceful place to live. I wish I could visit a place like Frick Island, it seems like it would be the most relaxing getaway! This book will have you feeling all the emotions, but you will end with a smile on your face. I also loved the way they talked about grief in this book. Everyone grieves in such different ways, and you can’t help but feel for Piper as she grieves the loss of her husband. If you love small town books, and quirky characters, I highly recommend checking this book out!

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4.5 stars

This was such a charming and heartfelt novel. It was a wonderful balance of sweet and quirky, while also being mysterious and intriguing. It's an emotional journey that will tug on your heartstrings and probably have you reaching for a kleenex or two. The unique and almost frozen in time setting of Frick Island was perfect. The novel fell more into women's fiction than romance for me, but there are certainly romantic elements. Ultimately, the book is more about the love story between Frick Island and its residents than it is about any specific individuals.

Colleen Oakley's writing was beautiful and transported me right to the Chesapeake Bay. I really enjoy the multiple points of view that she often will include to show a single event from several perspectives. The characters and plot points were woven and tied together with great care and the slow reveal kept me turning the pages way past my bedtime. I really appreciated how organically the friendship between Anders and Piper unfolded after their awkward meet cute. They both helped the other be better and see things from a new perspective. Honestly, I could have done without the romance between them, but I liked that it wasn't the main focus. The residents of Frick Island were wonderfully unique and endearing. They all form a sort of patchwork quilt family, and it's that love (for better or for worse) that really drives the novel. Those found families were such a vital component to the story. I also thought the topic of grief was handled very delicately and honestly throughout.

Deception plots aren't really a favorite for me and I did feel that the main drama with Anders's podcast and Piper dragged on for too long, but I liked that the resolution wasn't rushed. Similar to her previous novel, You Were There Too, I appreciated the hopeful (and somewhat bittersweet) conclusion. The Invisible Husband of Frick Island was a heartwarming and beautifully human novel.

CW: death of loved one, grief, depression, parental abandonment, stroke

*I voluntarily read an advance review copy of this book*

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This book was very charming and Colleen Oakley delivers a heartfelt plot that reminds you what it means to be part of a community. I felt Piper's pain and how lost she felt...she did what she needed to do to get through a tough time and I applaud her for that. I also loved how the town came together for her...Then she meets Anders and he becomes enamoured with her. He wants to do a story on Piper, but he also wants to help her and she in turns wants to help him to write an article but she doesn't know she is the subject matter. She thinks he is writing about climate change...and he honestly thinks he has a story there but that idea changes into something completely different.

I just loved this story so much. This book had me equal parts laughing, swooning with little bits of heartache along the way. Piper and Anders' interactions were precious and I looked forward to each and every one of them. In helping each other, they in turn helped themselves. I don't want to give too much away but I think most people would enjoy this uplifting book.

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Anders is an ambitious young journalist who is sent to Frick Island in the Chesapeake Bay to write a fluff piece about the community's annual cake walk. He finds himself drawn to the unique, isolated community and particularly to Piper a young woman recently widowed. When he receives an anonymous email accusing him of being unobservant of the real story on the island, Anders believes that the community and Piper may provide him with material for his struggling podcast. He realizes that Piper still behaves as though her husband is alive. Surprisingly, the islanders are going along with this behavior even to the point of greeting Tom as though he were there. Anders believes that this alone is worth investigating and then he begins to wonder what really happened to Tom.
Oakley's plot and characters are engaging making this novel a most engaging read.
My thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an advance digital edition for review.

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The Invisible Husband of Firck Island is a story about grief, love, and misunderstandings. The main character Anders goes to Frick Island for a story he is researching and meets Piper a woman who has recently lost her husband in a boating accident. Or has she? I really loved this story, the characters were all written so well. Frick Island had a small population but they make up for it in personality. I laughed, I cried, and I was all in all satisfied with the ending. The author has such a wonderful writing style it is hard not to get swept away. This is a fantastic book that will leave you wanting more.

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