Member Reviews

I really enjoyed reading this devotional every morning as I had breakfast. It centered me and made me feel closer to God. I would encourage this book to others too.

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This book is a wonderful way to begin your day in God’s Word. It won’t take the place of a deeper a Bible study, but using this book as a guide to begin your day can have a positive impact on your mindset for the day. I liked the format of each day’s devotions that include a verse for the day; insightful questions to help you think about what the verse is saying; a short devotional; and a prayer. If you’ve never developed a habit of reading your Bible daily, but would like to begin, this book would be a help in doing that. If you already have a Bible reading plan, use this book as meaningful “wake up” thoughts before you begin your study for the day.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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I loved that the 5-Minute Bible Study for Women by Author Annie Tipton is written in such a way that it encourages ladies to have their devotion time each day even on the days you are in a hurry!

The lessons are applicable to real life as well and I really appreciated that.

I would recommend this book to ladies on the go who want to prioritize their daily time with the Lord.

***Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the digital ARC of this book. All views and opinions expressed in this review are my own.***

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This 5-Minute Bible Study for Women by Annie Tipton is set up so that it is so easy to have a devotional time even if you are in a hurry! And with the way our lives are so full, this shows us how we can accomplish our devotional and still do all the things we need to get done. The way it is set up and the references that are there make it ideal for the busy mom that is taking care of her family as well as the woman that works outside the home. The lessons are relevant as well. I would recommend this little book to not just women, but men as well as they too have such a busy life and it is important to take time to reflect on life and its meanings.

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I really enjoyed this. I don’t normally do bible studies mainly because I’m not consistent but I did give this one a fair shot.
I loved the break down. Reading the versus Daily. Understanding what was said and the purpose and meaning behind the versus. Apply what you have read to areas of your life and then pray about it. Pray how God can show you what he wants for you to take away from this.

Great bible study for busy women.

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#The 5-Minute Bible Study for Women: Mornings in God's Word by author # Annie Tipton is a thought provoking novel. The steps are useful. And it's wonderful to have.

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This is a very accessible devotional book that highlights a variety of passages from the Bible and offers simple, brief takeaways with a prayer prompt. It does not attempt to provide scholarly insight or take you through a chronological or topical study, it simply provides devotional topics and brief passages for daily contemplation. The 5-minute title is correct, and I think many women will enjoy having something that gives them a few minutes of quiet reflection without demanding deep effort and time each day. Each topic starts with the title or take-away topic for the day (e.g. God's Faithfulness Has No End), followed by a few verses for you to read. Then a key verse is highlighted and included in the text, followed by a few questions or paragraphs of insight to consider, and then the topic is capped with a sample prayer you can offer or that can inspire your own prayers for the day. While I personally enjoy scriptural studies that go deeper, there's no question that there are times and seasons where we simply need a helping hand to keep going each day in scripture and prayer and we don't have 45 minutes to devote to it. This book meets that season with kindness and heart. Thank you NetGalley for the ARC.

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A Bible study guide that helps women Read, Understand, Apply, and Pray. I was personally encouraged and renewed as I used this guide to help me spend more time in God's presence. The devotions are not too lengthy and thus easy to follow and understand.

This guide is practical and applicable for everyday life, covering helpful topics to speak to each lady's heart. Highly recommend this guide as a way of beginning your morning in God's word.

The layout is easy to follow, for each day Annie provides a Key verse, which we have read and understand. This followed by apply, which illustrates how each reading can be applied in our lives. Then we are provided with a guided prater section.

I would like to thank Annie Tipton, Barbour Publishing, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Women in search of a way to begin a habit of staring their mornings in God's Word need look no further.

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This book is the perfect companion for daily quiet time. it especially encourages one to develop spending time in God's Word starting in small increments. I highly recommend this book. I received this book from Barbour Publishing. The opinions expressed are my own.

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I enjoyed this book. It made me take a few minutes every morning to reflect on my life and my faith, and that was something I desperately needed.

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( received complimentary e-book in exchange for review )

Really appreciated this book, as the well-written entries while small in size, were large in content. Easily able to b tailored to fit any time range of Bible study. Planning on using for gifts, and will be revisting title when I take my next Daniel Fast or micro retreat. Highly recommended.

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I love devotional books, so I was happy to have the chance to check this one out.

As is typical with devotional books, there is a scripture to read before the passage. There are three sections: understand, apply, and prayer. The devotions are undated, so it's easy to start this any time during the year, which isn't always the case with devotional books.

As the title states, each reading is quick, but it's easy to go deeper by delving into the verse used in the devotion. As is, the short nature makes it easy to fit into a busy schedule.

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Life doesn’t seem to slow down and it is always a struggle to carve out time with God when so many other things compete. Then the guilt and frustration set in. Hence the perfect timing and book to help bring focus back to the Lord and bring peace for the day ahead. A must for every woman’s devotional time

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I love this book. Wonderfully presented. Thanks to Netgalley, the author and the publisher for the arc of this book in return for my honest opinion. Receiving the book in this manner had no bearing on this review.

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This book is a great little devotional/study for someone looking to add a little extra to their "quiet time" or that busy someone looking for something time easy that packs a punch.
It is completely undated, something I love in a devotional especially when life get life-like and missing days lead to guilt then losing interest or motivation.
Each study starts with a scripture passage or verse to read, the main three or less verses is actually written out, translation varies, then moves into the "study" of the verse. There are three sections here; understand, apply and prayer.
I love how easy this book is to use. I can spend as little or as much time as I have going through everything and take it with me to ponder throughout the day. It has made for some great journaling.

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I’m a fan of anything that gets us in The Word. A five minute alignment sounds great ... sign me up!

The examples and discussion content didn’t quite click with me personally, but overall it’s worth a peruse to see if it clicks with you.

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This is a great Bible Study Tool. In 4 easy steps, you can study the Bible each day. The 4 steps are Read, Understand, Apply, and Pray.

Each devotional starts off with a header summarizing the key point for the study. You then are directed to read a passage of the Bible.

The devotional then highlights the key verse that helps you understand the meaning of the passage, offer reflection to consider and ends in prayer.

This tool hopes to help you develop a daily habit of Bible study and that you will continue beyond the final entry.

I received an ARC from NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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The 5-Minute Bible Study for Women: Mornings in God's Word by Annie Tipton.

I didn’t grow up in church like a lot of my friends, and I often wondered how they came about bible studying or even doing daily devotion.

The layout for this book was very easy for me to follow. Each day you have your Key Verse which is the Bible reading then a section that breaks down the meaning called Understand. Next there is Apply which illustrates how you can apply the lesson to your own life, finally closing it ends with the section called Pray which is a guided prayer.

Overall I enjoyed this.

I requested and received an Advanced Readers Copy from the Publisher and NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Women looking for a way to begin a habit of staring their mornings in God's Word need look no further than Annie Tipton's book The 5-Minute Bible sTudy for Women: Mornings in Gods' Word.

Tipton guides women to Read, Understand, Apply, and Pray. Let me say that I think Tipton does a great job of helping women see that this habit of daily time in the Word is attainable and they CAN do this. The topics and Scriptures she has chosen meet women where they are. They're practical and useful for everyday life, hitting on topics like the future, using their words to build up others, being chosen by Christ, choosing what to wear, being content, and not letting circumstances define them.

I do wish that Tipton had chosen a different word for her second "step" in the process. Hermeneutically, when we say we seek to "understand" the Bible, we are seeking to understand what it meant to the original audience, because Scripture has only one meaning--what it meant to the original audience. While Scripture has one meaning, it has many applications. To me, the questions that Tipton includes in her "Understand" section fit more with application to today rather than understanding the original meaning of the text.

Still, Tipton's resource is a good one that will certainly help women learn to study the Bible for themselves and make it a regular habit. Don't let my hangup with the vocabulary keep you from a basically good resource that just chose a less-than-helpful word for one step in the process. It's still a very helpful Bible study guide.

Note: I received a copy of the book from the publisher in exchange for this honest review. The opinions expressed are my own.

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I love this book! It's so convenient and so relevant. I found myself doing quiet times with God, discovering myself, reconnecting with God, and just journaling more. I love love this book and I recommend it!!

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