Member Reviews

n Never Gonna Happen, Sebastian is at his best friend’s 21st birthday party when the birthday girl overhears him promise to never date her. But she of course hears the worst part with no context. This sets off how their relationship works for the next few years. He feels like she barely tolerates him, but for his line of work, he figures that it’s for the best. She feels he only sees her as his best friends little sister, which he does, but to him, she’s off-limits.

Alyssa never knows how to act around Sebastian. He’s a big part of her life, and she sees him often, but she doesn’t want him to think of her as an annoying younger sister tagging along after her brother’s friend. But when Sebastian gets a text from her brother saying that his cover is blown and to protect Alyssa at all costs, all bets are off. He’s the kind of man who sets his sights on a goal and focuses all of his energy on that goal. Now? Alyssa is that goal. He is trying to keep his hands to himself every time she’s near, and she’s trying to figure out why he’s so concerned for her safety. The back and forth between them leads to some fun scenes, and I really enjoy when they bicker.

But this is more than a cute best friend’s little sister trope. There’s something big happening behind the scenes, and a couple of really big secrets are coming out. Can their budding relationship weather that storm?

This book is tangentially connected to the Wilde Ways series in that Eric Wilde is mentioned, but it’s a stand-alone book. This is a Romantic Suspense, but it’s not nearly as intense as some of this author’s other works. It is however, fun, sassy, suspenseful, and exciting all at the same time. With the fun cover, the lighter tone, and the great cast of side characters, this book has all the elements of my favorites, and I can’t wait to see if the author does more with it as a series!

***ARC courtesy of the publisher via Netgalley

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Another great book by Cynthia Eden! Fast paced, funny, suspenseful, and steamy romance! So if you enjoy reading about very possessive, alpha heroes with sexy times aplenty then this book certainly delivers this. Plus add in a woman who knows her own mind and a mystery to solve and this story will easily while away an afternoon reading. Bring on the next book by this author.

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Melt-your-Kindle hot and a great romantic story. Loved this one!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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This is the perfect book when you're in the mood for a fun romance full of mystery, suspense, and humor. Sebastian has been best friends with Antony since they were young but it's his younger sister, Alyssa, that he can't stop thinking about. Even though he knows Antony will kill him for violating the best friends sister code he can't help himself. When Sebastian gets a message from Antony that his cover has been blown and to take care of Alyssa, that's what he vows to do. Alyssa has no idea what he and Antony do, but it has put her in grave danger. Luckily, she has Sebastian which is what she's always wanted. Recommended.

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Never Gonna Happen by Cynthia Eden is the story of Sebastian and Alyssa. Alyssa has always had a crush on Sebastian who is her brother Antony's friend and business partner. Because of Sebastian's past he had never felt good enough especially for his friend's sister. But when danger comes to her door he can't help but to go into protective mode. I am a fan of this author's writing. I love her heroes who are alpha, possessive and of course jealous. So for me this was a must read. I will be looking for more books by this author.

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I’m ashamed to say that this was my first experience reading this author’s work. Ashamed because I have books of hers that are on my TBR list—I’m going to remedy that after reading Never Gonna Happen! This was fast-paced, with a good combination of romance and suspense. It had all the elements that I enjoy in romantic suspense novels. I loved the banter among all the characters and I especially enjoyed that the story didn’t just focus on Sebastian and Alyssa. I loved Dex, Winston, and Anthony’s characters as well. From what I understand this is a spin off of the Wilde series so those are on my radar now! Looking forward to reading more from this author. I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC for NetGalley.

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This was a spin off of the Wilde books, which I have not read all of, but you don’t need to for this story. I thought it was a good, fast paced read, even if it was highly predictable. I really liked the secondary characters and hope to see their stories soon. All in all, I would highly recommend.

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I received an advanced reader copy of this book to leave an honest review. I have read many of Cynthia Eden's books and thoroughly enjoy them. They are well written and have great plot lines; the story is easy to follow and doesn't jump around.

This is a new standalone book not connected to a series so far. It follows Sebastian, a super smart hacker/playboy, and Alyssa, his partner's little sister. From the first time they met, Sebastian was enamored of Alyssa but her brother, Antony, put her off limits if a partnership between the two geniuses was going to happen. So Sebastian backed off, until Alyssa was put in danger. Then all bets are off especially when he thinks it is his "second" business that is the threat. For Antony and Sebastian, their gaming company is front for side work for the government. Needless to say, you get to follow the pair on a crazy twisting ride as they try to figure out the real threat and find their way with each other.

Good book, well written, fast paced. Definitely a fun easy read.

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NEVER GONNA HAPPEN is a standalone romantic suspense novel by Cynthia Eden. This book will appeal to readers who like the “brother’s friend” trope. NEVER GONNA HAPPEN is also a great book for romance fans who enjoy stories in which the hero has carried a torch for the heroine for a long time without her knowing. Sebastian Ridgeway and Antony Kyle are business partners in a gaming company. What people don’t know is that they’re also spies for the government. When Sebastian becomes taken with Antony’s sister Alyssa, Antony makes Sebastian promise not to tough her. Sebastian agrees with the caveat that if she makes a move on him, all bets are off.

True to form, Cynthia Eden keeps the main characters and the readers off-balance with a million little twists and turns. A text that seems to be from Antony to Sebastian changes things forever, but especially the dynamic between Sebastian and Alyssa. The main characters struggle to keep one step ahead of the mysterious bad guy and it’s unclear exactly who the target is. Sebastian is a sexy spy/computer geek who is compared by another character as both Bruce Wayne and his alter ego Batman. The danger to Alyssa finally gets him to reveal his true feelings to her. The sexy scenes, as always in a Cynthia Eden novel, are extremely well-written – torrid yet tailored to the couple so that the passion is palpable. Alyssa has understandable reactions to everything thrown at her in a short amount of time. I like how she knows her own mind, resists being pushed around by the often well-meaning dudes that suddenly surround her. I also love that she calls out the hero when he tries to push her away for her own good because that is a pet peeve of mine. Thankfully, Alyssa doesn’t let Sebastian get away with it and instead tells the menfolk how her life will be based on her choices rather than their interference. Yay!

NEVER GONNA HAPPEN has spies, a shadowy mastermind, and plenty of passion. Although this book appears to be a standalone novel, I hope to read more stories set in this world and see what happens with some of these supporting characters in the future. It was nice to see so many strong female characters in NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. This book is not part of Cynthia Eden’s “Wilde Ways” series, but it does reference Eric Wilde. I look forward to Cynthia Eden’s next book.

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There is just so much to love about this story. Great characters, sexy romance, mystery, action, and a dose of humor that had me snorting into my coffee. I love Sebastian and Alyssa. The chemistry is off the charts and the lines where they are thinking to themselves were some of my favorites. I'm never disappointed by a Cynthia Eden book. There are so many characters that I want to read more of. This book is a great escape!

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Never Gonna Happen is a fast-paced but light romantic suspense, that's just fun to read. Cynthia Eden is an author who can be relied upon to give you a good story and great characters that will keep you turning the pages. Whether it is an intense thriller, or lighter romantic suspense, paranormal or real-world, her books are guaranteed to keep you addicted and coming back for more.

Never Gonna Happen is filled to the brim with this author's signature romance and heat. The suspense, although always present, is lighter than in many other of her books, which doesn't mean it won't leave you guessing. It's a fun read, and to read the author's notes, it was designed not to be taken too seriously.

Although this book was missing the intense thrills and angst of some of her thrillers, it made up for it with gorgeous characters and humour. It was so easy to fall in love with Sebastian, his possessiveness and complete adoration of Alyssa, and his attempts at being so very alpha male with her were glorious to watch. Alyssa was a great character too. Although she had no idea her brother and his best friend were actually spies, she was undoubtedly no wilting flower and gave as good as she got.

If you are looking for a romantic suspense with a strong ‘who is it’ factor, but without the intensity then I’d highly recommend Never Gonna Happen. This book had me smiling into my coffee quite a few times, and honestly, it was just a beautiful escapist read with enough action, suspense, and whodunit to keep me turning the pages until the end.

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Never Gonna Happen (Kindle Edition) by Cynthia Eden .. Loved this book...Spies, danger, gaming, brother/sister/best friend... laughter, danger, intrigue, tears, best friends, lots of steam...all leading to a HEA.

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Love a good suspense?? This is for you.

When you first meet a cute lady, you don't say, "you don't want to date her." It doesn't go over very well. Sebastian was warned by Alyssa's brother to not mess with her. So he did. Except when he got a message that Alyssa needed coverage. You see, sebastian and antony are spies. Then it all blew up literally! As secret spies, sebastian, believes that's why Alyssa was targeted; but with suspense we always know there will be twists and turns. And there are definitely twists. Oh, an action. Cause someone could die. But who?

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Never Gonna Happen is a bit of a twist for author Cynthia Eden. Still the danger and alpha to the rescue who falls for the heroine but also more humor that usual. I like it, I liked it a lot. Alyssa, best friend and co-worker is in trouble because of her brother’s secret but honorable activities, now Sebastian is going to keep her safe.

Secretly crushing on the little sister all grown up is at the heart of Alyssa and Sebastian’s story. It is more fun than scary danger for the read. There are many secrets that Alyssa was not privy to that now brings the bad guys after her. Protecting her brings all of Sebastian’s feeling to the forefront. Dealing with them makes this one entertaining story. With clouds and rain for forty eight hours in my neck of the woods, this feel good story was perfect.

4.5 Stars
An ARC of the book was provided by the publisher through NetGalley which I voluntarily chose to read and reviewed. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Alyssa and Sebastian show us the power of being all in! Their road is full of twists and action but also humor and emotion.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy for an honest review. When you pick up a copy of Ms. Eden's book you know you are in for a great suspenseful book! Alyssa is the younger sister of Antony. Antony made his best friend and business partner Sebastian promise he will never go after Alyssa...right? But when bullets start flying all bets are off. Another great book by this author. Love the characters and the author has a way to make the reader fall in love with them and root for them.

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Never Gonna Happen was an interesting read in that it there was some suspense, action, humor and some romance all wrapped up in one story. Sebastian and Antony are best friends who are spies who also work under the cover of a gaming business. Alyssa is Antony's sister and Sebastian has been in love with her for years (from afar) despite Antony's warning to stay away from her.

Things go wrong for Antony and suddenly Sebastian finds himself having to protect Alyssa 24/7, bringing forth all the feelings he has tried to push down for so long, and with the two of them in close proximity to each other, one thing leads to another....

There is a lot of action and suspense as Sebastian works to uncover who is behind all the danger and who is putting all of their lives at risk. I really enjoyed all of the main characters and thought Alyssa and Sebastian had great chemistry. I did think sometimes the story was a little all over the place, but overall I did find it enjoyable.

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One of the most fun books I have read this year! Sebastian Ridgeway is partners with Antony Kyle in Shark Gaming & Design. He is also in lust with Antony’s sister, Alyssa. He promised Antony that he would not pursue Alyssa, but didn’t allow for the fact that Alyssa might want to be pursued. When Alyssa is in danger and Antony “has gone dark,” Sebastian will protect her with his life. Alyssa will show Sebastian that she is used to people underestimating her and is capable of taking care of herself and if need be, him. The entertaining dialog between the two main characters keeps the story moving at a fast pace as they try to stay out of danger and find out who is trying to kill her. I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (by paytonpuppy)

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Sebastian has been resisting Alyssa for a long time. She is the sister of his partner, Antony, who has warned him off. When it appears Antony is in danger and someone might be out to harm Alyssa, Sebastian goes into protector mode. Where is the danger coming from. Can Sebastian continue to resist Alyssa. This was a fast paced read with a mystery and romance all rolled into one. Thank you to net galley for an advanced readers copy.

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Never Gonna Happen, has so many twist and turns that I had no idea who the bad guy was.
Alyssa is Sebastian's kryptonite. She comes first always and he'll do anything that she ask. Good thing she only wants what is best for him.

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