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Fifth a Fury

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This is Pepper’s triumph in the Goddess Isles series!
My emotions were raw reading this book and I actually had to pause reading as my tears blurred the pages. Pepper knows how to pull your strings between suspense, hope, fear, dread and happiness. Sully and Eleanor’s story will become one of those remembered in time as a testament to true love! This series is a must read for those who love romance with a dark twist.

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Truly speechless!!!

This book, this entire series has shredded me, it gripped me, it seriously wrapped itself around my poor 'lil heart and at times it obliterated it! The darkness and the way Pepper tells the story, puts you right there in the midst of it, I felt every single emotion, I cried, I laughed, I felt heartbroken and yet it was also heartwarming! And!!!! Believe me when I say, this most definitely should NOT be read in public!!!!! Oooh, I definitely needed to lie down in dark room a few times 😘

The storyline?....people, whatever you thought? Whatever you expect? Whatever you hope for? Forget it!!! Your wrong! And you'll thank all things you were because the way it all panned out?... perfection at its finest!!!!

At times I tried to take a break, I needed to take a break! But I just couldn't and although I tried to take my time reading it because I didn't want it to end - I couldn't, I NEEDED to know what happened next!

Pepper Winters has a special kind of mind to be able to write like this and I thank her deeply for sharing it with me!!!

The best series by far that the author has ever written!!!!!

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“A god who hadn’t been able to protect his goddess. I was no longer divine. I was no longer human. I was a vampire thirsting for blood. I was hell. I was death. I. Am. Fury.”

Holy moly. Cheese. On. A. Stick.

What an absolute whirlwind of emotions! I had no idea what the final installment of goddess Isles would be like, but I was not expecting the heart pounding got wrenching emotional roller coaster this book took me on.
The absolute darkness and twisted imagery that Pepper Winters takes readers on with the story about Drake. (I nearly upchucked a few times) And the intense love story that she takes her readers on between Sully and Eleanor.. oh man!

“The hum that never failed to spark between us struck a smouldering match. Our linked souls sank deeper into their connection. We were joined, knotted and tangled. For always.”

I cried. This is the book that got me. You never know when an author is going to rip a character away or if they’ll give you that happily ever after that we all try to root for. I feel like Pepper Winters executed keeping us readers on our toes for a long time before we knew how this story was going to end. And I absolutely loved that it wasn’t completely predictable.

“I’d loved her before, but now? Now, I couldn’t comprehend the depth that’d carved me out and filled me with eternal, ever after, and every unconditional love imaginable. I love her.”

Thank you Pepper Winters for giving me this experience of reading advance reader copies.. I ended up buying them all in paperback because I know I’ll love and enjoy diving into this world again and again.

5 amazing stars.
Picka and Skittles. I love you.

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Pepper Winters has brought me to me knees with Fifth a Fury. She clearly brought her storytelling to yet another level with this conclusion, never allowing me to take the breath I needed because there is exquisite emotion I just had to absorb on each and every page. Although I was caught up in this roller-coaster ride happily and despite more than once wanting to get off, I had to believe that it would be worth all the unease I felt. And I'm talking major unease. Hanging on for dear life kind of unease that when you're so wrapped up in a story, you almost can't bear to know what happens next yet you couldn't look away if you tried.

Picking up right where we left off in Fourth a Lie, Eleanor and Sully's lives hang in the balance, both literally and figuratively, and from the first few words, there truly is no looking back. It is intense and exhilarating. Incredulous and honest. Some scenes were horrific yet necessary and my stomach was in my throat over and over again. To say what these characters endure is beyond staggering is the understatement of the year. I took numerous breaks because at times it just became all too much with my anxiety through the roof and the awful thoughts running through my head of how it might inevitably end.

But through it all, it's the strength, the stubborn as hell perseverance that continued to leave me in awe. With Eleanor, in particular, and the way she won't dare allow the love she has for Sully to be in vain. Holy smokes. Despite her young age, she is one fierce warrior. THE goddess of these broken isles and her on the spot decisions, the sacrifices she made, they were something to be admired. It's no wonder Sully fell for her as hard as he did. Her capacity to love is a thing of beauty and for me, what clearly drives this final book.

Fifth a Fury plays out like a movie at times with an abundance of action combined with a gut-wrenching myriad of emotions. The severity in which these feelings capture one's soul is quite stunning and a bit mind-blowing. And it never felt too wordy, too long nor was anything for me thought to be unnecessary. All the jagged pieces of this complicated puzzle had a place but how they would all actually fit was anyone's guess.

In the end, though, it's the love that somehow smooths out all the rough edges, acts like a balm to a badly-bruised and broken heart and offers a bit of hope when there is endless despair. In this series, Winters beautifully uses her love of animals with the feathered scene-stealing due of Pika and Skittles as standouts, to show that love comes in many shapes, sizes and forms. And that, although Sully became a bit too bitter over the two-legged creatures that always seemed to threaten his secluded world, even he had to recognize that maybe, just maybe a love with the right person can be all that you ultimately need.

This entire series pretty much goes from zero to sixty in a heartbeat, has enormous highs and lows and features an all-encompassing kind of devotion from characters who inevitably seek what they are missing in their lives and somehow find it when they least expect it.

Expect to gasp often, want to throw your kindle a time or twelve and even sigh a bit when there is that rare moment of respite that makes all the madness palatable. All in all, if I could give Fifth a Fury more than 5 stars I would, and with that said now it's your turn to find out for yourself if love can truly conquer all. Trust me, you'll love every heart-stopping minute.

5++++++ stars!

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This book had me struggling to breathe the whole time. It felt like Pepper Winters had her hand around my throat and squeezing never letting up. I cried and wanted to throw things.

Sully had me crazy through the whole book. Jinx she is such a strong woman. She really came into her own.

Sullie gave me a hard run at my favorite male hero. Dang it may even be he surpasses Ren... and everyone knows of my love for him.

Y’all, I never saw that one coming. This really is one romance of a lifetime. SO SO GOOD!

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Reviewing on behalf of Relentless Book Chics Ramblings and Reviews

An unforgettable and phenomenal conclusion to an epic series.

I’m a huge fan of this author and this series has been incredible so I couldn’t wait to read the final book in the Goddess Isles series.

After the major cliffhanger at the end of the previous book, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I started reading but I never imagined any of the events that transpired at the start.

This book is full of anger, revenge, love, pain, devotion and hope and as the reader, you will feel every one of those emotions as if you were there experiencing it yourself. Anything said about the storyline at this stage would be a major spoiler but if, like me, Sully and Jinx own a piece of your heart then you’ll want to find out how their story ends.

I would definitely recommend this book, this series and everything else this author has written. You may be an emotional wreck by the end but it’s a story you’ll never forget.

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I don't even know where to start. Pepper will rip your heart out, stick it back in, and sew you back up and you will love every minute of it. If you haven't read any of her books yet, this series will start you off with a bang. Buy the entire set because you won't want to stop reading. She NEVER disappoints.

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Reading the final book in a series is hard. You want to read and you don't. Especially when the author likes to make her characters suffer, monumental suffering and hardship that will shape them and mould them into something new. Something strong and resilient, able to take on any and all threats to the ones they love. Sully and Elanore are two such characters. They have grown and evolved. Their love is a palpable thing. Something you can feel in your soul. The evil they must stuff out is horrendous and will stop at nothing to make their suffering ad painful as possible. They will risk everything to save each other and you will not want their story to end. I know I didn't. I cried and cried and at times I just wanted it to end. But I persevered and stuck it out and it was one of the authors best works. I am in awe of this story and the depth of the characters love for each other. Thank you for this epic story of pain and healing, heartbreak and love. It will forever be remembered and treasured.

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4 stars

What a finale!!!

I promised no spoiler in this review so I will talk in terms of feelings and general considerations.

First: at some point I truly was disgusted. And I didn’t know if I liked Sullivan anymore or not. We get even more information about what he’s done in the past and even knowing he was a anti hero, I couldn’t condone what he had done nor what he did in the beginning of this book.
It arises the question: can you forgive everything if it is to defend a just and noble cause?
Let’s not forget that he was like an enraged beast at the beginning of the book and Sulli did make some crazy choices that would have dire consequences!

Second: can you atone for your sins? Sullivan will go to purgatory and even hell in this last installment. He will suffer deeply. He will also have to look back into the mirror and really think of who he was, is and who he wants to be. But does everyone deserve a second chance? And when you are truly remorseful, can you still live with who you are and what you did?

Third: Eleanor had already proven that she was strong but in this last novel she will have to shoulder everything and make really hard and harsh decisions. She has so many reasons to despair, to let go, to retreat into her shell. But she will face every hard truth, every ordeal with courage, strength and a will of iron!
Eleanor is also the epitome of survivor. She has learned to adapt to survive the circumstances, right from the start of the first book.

“I gave up trying to predict or control. There was no predicting or controlling when you were someone’s prisoner.”

I can say with certainty that she is a very strong heroine. Honestly, I would not be surprised if she suffered from PTSD in the future.

Fourth: it was a roller coaster of emotions. As Eleanor said “I’d cried in horror, terror, grief, and hope”. At some point I just wanted to stop reading because it was too much for my heart and mind!

Fifth: It was absolutely impossible to predict the path Pepper chose to lead us on in this final part of Sulli and Eleanor’s story! This was a crazy ride and I didn’t predict a single plot twist from the past books! I also loved how characters from past stories, Jethro and Q will make an appearance in this series!

Conclusion: this whole series is the darkest and most twisted I’ve read by Pepper Winters! For as much as I do enjoy dark romance from time to time, I think that now I’ll need a nice, sweet and bubbly YA romance to let my heart get back to his normal heartbeat and my blood pressure lower to less dangerous level. If you are a fan of dark romances, you HAVE to try this series.

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I was given this ARC and the previous four by the author for an honest review. I had never read anything by Pepper Winters until, "The Goddess Isles" books. From the very first book you are hooked and she takes you places you don't necessarily want to go. Fifth A Fury picked up where it left off from the fourh book with your heart in your throat and wondering if you wanted to continue the story. Sully a man who has known relentless tourment, loss, bitterness, cruelty becomes a dark storm that will destroy all and anything in its path meets Eleanor, sweet, kind, generous, caring and through trust the storm starts to beak and there is a hint of calm. When the trust and calm come together and love blossoms, the storm and everything it brought with it breaks and the sun in all its glory comes through to peace, love and a brighter future. This is a story I won't soon forget and Pepper Winters has become one of my favorite authors. Five stars is not enough for this series.

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ARC received from Next Step PR

The long awaited conclusion! I went back and forth on enjoying this one. All in all, a very appropriate ending. I was surprised with how quick the Drake stuff got fixed, but loved the creative ways he was taken down. Since he was “so evil”, I almost wish this took up more of the story though. Then there was such a lull in the book for half of it. On one hand, I enjoy how realistic it all was. Considering the damages done, I would be angry if all was fine with him so soon after. This part also gave way for Cal and Elanor to make arrangements with his company and assets. What I didn’t enjoy was the detail it went on about. Considering the lack of changes for half the book, I feel that a time jump would have been perfect here. Even a couple of time jumps, so the important stuff in between is included. I found myself very bored in many parts of this one.

How the crazy story was concluded is very appropriate though. Without giving much away, I can confirm it is an ETA that even features characters from previous stories. I especially loved the ending Jess and Cal got and would love a novella from them. Jess mentions Cal’s sexual preferences, so I suspect a steamy novella would be a great addition to the story. We could also get more insight into how her wounds have permanently affected her.

As such, I give this book officially 4.5 stars. For a series conclusion, I wish it was a bit more engaging. Can’t wait to see what is next from this author

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Oh my freakin God!!! So I'm so torn like I'm so happy that this book had finally arrived but at the same time I'm so sad to see Sully and Eleanor go. Like even though I ached in between each book to know what was going to happen and wanted the next book then and there. This book broke me more then any other in the series. I literally cried through more than half of it I believe. It felt like every time I turned around I was having to set my kindle down just to wipe my eyes to be able to read the words. But at the same time it was the most beautiful soulful brilliant book of the entire series also. Like I couldn't read it fast enough. I didn't put this book down until every word was devoured into my brain and heart. And I loved it!!! My heart was stitched back together again in all the best ways. Pepper is the queen of taking the dark and twisted and turning them into something so beautiful and loving with that edge still there and I love every single bit of it!!! Oh and that little surprise at the end...... absolutely amazing!!! 5 stars isn't enough to do this series or book justice but it is the most I can give it so it will have to suffice. I highly highly recommend this series. Just remember it isn't for the faint of heart!!! -By Tina

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The book is very captivating.Pepper Winters is Queen of Dark romance.
When I started reading I couldn't put it down.Pepper Winters is magnifysent and amazing writer.Keep up the great work.You should definitely read this book.Can't wait for the next book.
Sully became a monster after his brother Drake took away Eleanor and almost destroyed all of his precious islands. He will do any thing to save Eleanor.Even if the price for saving her is his life.

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I wish I could give this book and this series more than 5 stars!!
This is the final book in this series and i'm not even sure i can put it into words.
What and incredible ending to a phenomenal Series.
Pepper Winters is without a doubt one of the most creative writers i have come across. She takes you on journeys you could never dream of, she takes you to boundaries you could never imagine existed, and she takes your emotions to a level you forgot even existed. When you read her words it becomes the reality your are existing in right along side the characters.
This final book was well titled, it was filled with Fury and emotion.
There is nothing more powerful in this world than love, and Love is all that keeps Sully from sinking, his love for Jinx, is beyond all that he has ever believed possible, and he will let nothing take her from him. Having defeated Drake now they have to find a way to save each other!!
This book just tore me apart and healed me at the same time. Both Sully and Eleanor have survived despite what they have come through, they
their bodies may be a mess and weak, but their love burns bright.
Sully will not rest till his queen is safe.
This isn't like any other book you will read, Sully and Eleanor are not like any other characters you will read about, they are unique and will push every button and boundary you have. I loved them in the beginning and i absolutely loved and adored them by the end. Life is always about changes, and this couple are put through so many test, and difficulties that its hard to see where they could land and if they could remain together. Just open up this book, open your mind and hold on tight for the one of the best reads of your life !!!

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Holy wow what a finish!! One of the things I love about Pepper's writing is that she can make me love a monster, though Sullivan isn't one of her depraved ones. This is the final book in this series and man it pulled at my heart strings. Eleanor was so dang strong and held it all together to bring her strong, protective, alpha, loving, sexy, crazy man back. Pika and Skittles oh how I love these two!! Let me just say if you haven't read a dark/crazy series in a while this one is the one, heck even if you have read one you still need to pick this series up! Pepper thank you for writing and taking me on this journey with you. Kiki thank you for sending me the ARCS!!!

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Wow Wow Wow this is the fifth and final book in The Goddess Isles Series and I can't believe that this series is over. What a series it has been with all it's twists and turns that kept me hooked right from the first page to the last one. Sully and Eleanor have a true connection that is so strong and unique after everything that has happened during this amazing series and I didn't want it to end and yet I couldn't turn the page's fast enough to see what would happen next. This series is so dark and so intense that there are times that you would hold your breath because you can't believe what has just happened and what an ending it was just incredible. Pepper Winters has a way of taking you into the story and you feel like you are living and going through everything with them and it feels so real that you forget that you are reading a book. Pepper Winters is a phenomenal author and writer and her books are so addictive and five stars are never enough for her books. You just have to read her books to experience everything that is Pepper Winters masterpiece because that is the only way you can experience this author. I definitely recommend you read this book, series and other books by her and you will never be disappointed.
I Voluntarily Reviewed an ARC Copy Of This Book.

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Fifth A Fury is an absolute epic ending to the Goddess Isles series.

This last book throws us straight into the action, and so many heart in the throat moments it gave me anxiety! Drake is by far one of the worst villains I have met.

From the start of the series to the end it’s amazing to see how much Sully changed from first meeting his Jinx, I went from hating him to swooning.

Pepper Winters took me on an emotional rollercoaster ride and I had no idea where I would end up, but what a ride it was!
If you haven’t started the series yet I can’t recommend it enough.

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I feel like I have died, gone to hell and then brought back to heaven by Pepper Winters in Fifth A Fury. My heart stopped and galloped. My eyes were not dry for long. And my whole body and heart was high on this genius masterpiece in every possible way. The worst and best book hangover of my reader life.

Sully has transformed into this monster for real after his vile and disgusting brother Drake took away Eleanor after destroying almost all of his precious islands. He will go to any length to save Eleanor, his goddess and his life. Even if it includes choosing death for himself. Elenor is the strongest woman ever but even her heart has limits. Will Sully's choice break them? Will they have chance at happily ever after?

I will say this story is about the last leg of a beautifully epic and dangerous journey. Sully is still the controlling powerhouse who oozes confidence and dominance in every step. But falling love changed him irrevocably. His blind obsession is no longer with bloody vengeance and ruthless endeavours to save animals. His obsession is becoming a better man for the goddess who saved him in so many ways. He was a dying decaying man and she pulled him out of the black hole. My respect and awe for Eleanor knows no bounds. She never stops surprising me. She embraced the darkness of her own monster and made him her own. She is a true queen with grace, compassion, fierceness and righteousness. Sully gifted her the fire she didn't know she has.

This story was hard for me. I won't deny it. Because Pepper Winters made me feel way too much. She filled this romance with thorns and barbed wire so that I had to bleed before reaching the soft and deliriously happy end. I swear I thought my heart with give out under pressure of so much pain. I wasn't only reading about their intense, mesmerising and breathtaking connection. I was right there with every tear, every sob, every scream and every agony. She broke me like never before and I am thankful for that. Because when I feel the real pain of fictional characters, I can safely say the author has done an excellent job. The sensuality, the depravity, the all consuming love, the suspense, the action packed adventures, the fantasies - everything was taken to an extreme of perfection.

Fifth A Fury and the whole Goddess Isles series is my all time favourite dark romance now. Pepper Winter's brilliant and incredibly powerful writing wrecked me in the best way possible. I am still reeling and dazed. If you read one dark romance this year, make it your choice.

Received ARC for honest review

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Sully. In this book, he breaks my heart and he was scarily intense at how driven he was for Jinx and how determined he was towards Drake. There is nothing that man won’t do to save his family, Cal, Eleanor/Jinx and Jealousy/Jess. I found myself falling even more in love with him in this book and I didn’t even know that was actually possible. He goes to extremes to ensure their safety and neglecting his own. He didn’t expect to get through it and yet he defied the odds. He found peace, and honestly from Once A Myth, I didn’t think that would even be possible. He defied my own expectations too.

Eleanor. She is a rollercoaster, she had hope and that hope carried her throughout this book. There were times where she wasn’t sure what was going to happen and of course she had times of doubt but her determination was a big factor in the decisions she made. She is one of those characters that you can’t help but relate to in many ways. She arrived on the isles completely lost, alone and unsure of herself and yet she emerges in this book as a fierce, determined and sassy female. The character development on its own awes me, couple that with the plot, the twists and the emotions, it makes for a satisfying book and satisfying end to a fantastic series.

Pepper always writes a story full of hope, heartache and chemistry. This applies to every book of hers that I have read. I find this book full of raw intensity and hope tinged with heartache, and a rollercoaster of emotions. There were times where I was sad, and scared. Other times where I had hope, and I was laughing at them as well as with them. If I had to try and find a word to define this book, it would be ‘unforgettable’. It really was the best way to end this series and whilst I’m sad that it is over, I am also full of joy because the journey from Once a Myth to Fifth a Fury was worth it. Every single second of emotional heartbreak and intensity really was worth it.

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I can't believe its over.
Sully and Eleanor are one of those couples that are going to stay with you for the rest of your life.
This series was absolutely perfect, Pepper Winters knows how to extract every emotion from you.
I've enjoyed every book in this series and would 100% recommend them if you like dark books and are a fan of Pepper Winters!

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