Cover Image: The Tea Dragon Tapestry

The Tea Dragon Tapestry

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The final instalment of "Tea Dragon" series brings the whole story to a beautiful end. It takes place one year after "The Tea Dragon Society" and many years after "The Tea Dragon Festival." We get to see Greta, Minette, Erik, Hesekiel, Rinn, and Aedhan again. I totally recommend reading the previous books first for full enjoyment as I am unsure if this book would make sense as a standalone.

Tea Dragons did not actively participate much in previous books despite being the main theme. But since Ginseng, the Tea Dragon under Greta's care, is having troubling dealing with her grief of losing her last owner, her storyline is now part of the main plot. I love other little details of the Tea Dragons, too. Chamomile’s eyes are always half-closed, and he is just adorable. Then there is Rooibos, following chickens around. All Tea Dragons are unbelievably cute, and I cannot help miming their facial expressions. Um, yes, I look at their cute little faces and reenact their expressions without consciously doing so.

A kind reminder: don't just read the dialogue and skim through the illustrations, but really examine the drawings. There are so many details in addition to the lovely colour palette. Not all sketches are reflecting reality, and they show us how the author’s brain works. When brewing tea, leaves and flowers are in the background even though they are not really there. They paint a picture for the scent of the room. Literally. There are other things: fish with antlers, the lighting, etc. And after the epilogue, be sure to read the extracts from "The Illustrated History of Tea Dragons," too. They are so informative and helpful for understanding the peculiar species in the story.

"The Tea Dragon Tapestry" conveys beautiful messages in alluring illustrations. It is about sharing memories, finding belonging, reigniting passion, dealing with grief and loss, and providing support without being overbearing. My only complaint was that it ended too soon and would probably cover all subplots better if longer. With all the characters we have gotten to know throughout the series, this is a perfect ending.

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It was so good to be back with these characters in this final chapter of this lovely graphic novel series. I loved how both Minette and Greta had their own storyline and things to solve and I'm happy with the conclusion this series has got. Also, tea dragons are still the cutest creatures ever!
Katie O'Neill never disappoints when it comes to drawings, they're breathtaking and the colours she uses are so delicate and enchanting.
I totally recommend reading this!

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A big thanks to Oni Press and NetGalley for the digital galley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

Brimming with cuteness and love, The Tea Dragon Tapestry by Katie O’Neill is a precious conclusion to a heartwarming series.

For almost 2 weeks, I’ve been experiencing exhausting days after work, and my mental health is not in a good place. That’s why getting approved of this title was a ray of sunshine that brightened my dark days. I really, really love this series, and reading this graphic novel felt like being wrapped in a safety blanket.

Going back into this world and meeting all the characters again gave me a feeling of catching up with old friends whom I haven’t met for a long time. The plot revolved around topics like understanding yourself, your passions, and the love and friendship that you give and receive. It also shortly discussed about what we can do to someone who was grieving. The characters and the story touched me. Because of many factors, I am in the part of my life thinking about what path and future plans I would really like to pursue, and the uncertainty of risking and losing my path scares the hell out of me. However, this novel reminded me that it is totally normal to feel these kinds of overwhelming emotions. What is more important is what I would do with them.

Of course, the art style was beautiful as ever, and I really liked the warm colors. I adore the characters so much, especially the tea dragons. They are all so cute and if they were real, I would really want to have one.

Overall, The Tea Dragon Tapestry wrapped this series with love, hope, and warmth. I will never get tired of saying how I really love this, and it quite saddened me that it finally reached its conclusion. I highly recommend this series to everyone!

5 stars!

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Review to come on August 5-7th on my blog, August 17th on Goodreads.

I received this book from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review.

OOOHHHHHHHHH *squee* I am so delighted that this series is still going strong and that we get more stories about old and new characters. I just had to click request and a big thank you to Oni Press for approving my request! You made my day.

Just like the previous books this one will be a bit of a mix of thoughts while I am reading + afterthoughts. It is a bit chaotic, but my mind is a bit fried at the moment after a busy day.

From the start we have Minette and Greta! We see some cute dragons, see that Greta is working hard at the blacksmith with her very adorable coal spirit (I would love one). Greta is worried about Ginseng, and I could definitely understand. He looks so sad and lacklustre and I was wondering what was wrong with the little fella. It couldn't be Greta, she is taking care of him so well. Throughout the story we see various things being tried to cheer Ginseng up/get him back to health and happiness. For her to come over the loss of her old owner and accept Greta. I was just in tears at times as nothing seemed to work. Not to mention other parts that I can't really talk about.. because spoilers. It was just very emotional.

We meet Kleitos, an old bull who is apparently very interested in Greta. I was delighted to see that he had a test for her, and that there was talk about apprenticeship. OMG, that would be so great for Greta. Though... if everything continues would she be able to leave her home?
I loved seeing Greta and her mom talk, about the apprenticeship, about her mom's work, what to make for the test (I was so curious what she would make). I also loved seeing Greta's mom's work. Can I please wear that armour?

Next up Minette (who is just as sleepy as her dragon) has a dream and can I just say that I loved her dress in there. She was just so gorgeous. And she has more dreams, and she will have dreams throughout the book. Dreams that were at first a bit confusing to me but later on get explained. I could see why they hurt Minette. I could also understand her feelings. Of feeling lost. Homesick, but also not. I am glad that she has people around her with whom she could talk about that.

I just love all the Hesekiel and Erik moments. Those are just so pure and soft. I am happy we got so many of them. They are definitely my favourite couple.

I was delighted that Rinn and Aedhan from book 2 come to visit as well! *cheers* They were so cute together and I loved reading their conversations and seeing their interactions. So happy they are doing well and are having a good time together.

The ending was such a delight and it definitely sets the tone for more! I so hope this series continues. The art was just a feast for the eyes and I enjoyed it very much. I would highly recommend this one to all.

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I adore Katie O'Neil's work. This is one of my favourite cute graphic novel series and the third instalment is just the cherry on the top. The best thing about Katie's work is that it is always inclusive and soft.

I wish I had more of this kind of books when I was growing up. I am sure The Dragon Tapestry and all the other tea Dragon books will be an amazing addition for everyone's library. The drawings are gorgeous and the story is original, thoughtful, funny and incredibly cute.

I love the idea of Tea Dragons, I hopelessly wish I had my own. I would take it everywhere with me.

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I loved reading this so much!!

The artwork was absolutely adorable (I loved the choice of colours!), and the characters were so relatable! I couldn't stop reading till the very end and i'm CRAVING more stories from the world of Tea Dragons!
It was great to see such a diverse range of characters in the story and I really enjoyed the calming atmosphere that was created.
(Now I just need to get my own tea dragon!)

I hope to continue with the series from here, and would definitely love to see more stories within the Tea Dragon world!
Highly recommend as a short and sweet comfort read!

Rating: 4/5 stars

[ I was provided an E-ARC via Netgalley in return for an honest review. All opinions are my own.. ]

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Thank you Oni Press for an ARC!

This book is just everything I've come to love in the Tea Dragon world. Katie O'Neil is just amazing. It hits home and you really come to connect with the story and characters. Her art, coloring, and style is amazing like always. It's said to see this world come to a close but still amazing book.

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I can't even properly express how much I love this series. It feels like fuel for the heart. Not only is it full of a diverse cast who has meaningful and loving relationships with each other, but the tea dragons are so stinkin' cute.

This one is a little sadder than the other ones, but it's what I needed right now. It's about change and realizing that it's okay to be a different person now than you were once. And it's about grief and learning how to move on.

The art is an absolute delight, and I want to have the physical version of this book because it is probably even prettier in person.

Thank you SO MUCH to NetGalley for the ARC. This review is of my own volition.

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**I was provided an electronic ARC from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for honest review.**

Katie O'Neill's third installment in the Tea Dragon series of graphic novels, The Tea Dragon Tapestry, continues with the previously established characters on a new story arc.

I had already pre-ordered The Tea Dragon Tapestry before I knew I was approved for an ARC, I was so very certain I would love it. I have loved the other books in this series, and the same is true for this installment. Katie O'Neill's stunning art style meets a wholesome, feel good story with all manner of inclusion and representation. Let alone, the building of a beautiful world with well thought out creature lore and associated magic. I have never heard anything bad about the series, and I really believe that's because there is something in the story to appeal to anyone.

I enjoyed seeing the stories of the characters expanded in this book, and getting more of a full description of their histories and how those came to impact their present selves.

Katie O'Neill's Tea Dragon books are autobuys for me, and will continue to be based on the high quality content she has continually put forward.

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This was a delightful little graphic novel involving one of my favourite subjects, tea! I had heard of The Tea Dragon Scociety, however had never read any of the books and was pleasantly surprised. Obviously aimed with children in mind, however worked really well for a young adult too. The illustrations were quirky and unique and the storyline was touching however had an important message for children. You did not have to have read the other books to dive straight into this world and feel for the characters. I loved it and will be finding the first book to read it.

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I know, I know, I shouldn't read things out of order but the first two were hard to come by where I live and are on backorder so I just jumped in.

I'm so glad I did.

Though this is the third and FINAL Tea Dragon book, it was my first glimpse at The Tea Dragon Society. I loved it, this book focused on grief, from the loss of loved ones to the loss of a past self.

The artwork is just as gorgeous as O'Neill's always work tends to be and I would lose time just gazing at a page and taking in the beautiful details and colors.

Gorgeous book, can't wait to reread it after I get my other two.

Thank you to the publishers and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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5 / 5

This was truly perfect. Not only has the art gotten even more beautiful but I loved so many themes of this story in particular. The dialogue was beautiful and so very quotable. I want to live in this story and this world forever!


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I *loved* this SO much! This was everything I could have hoped for in a conclusion! I cannot believe this story is over. This was so perfect.

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Katie O'Neil does it again with tea dragons and their lovable owners. Rooibos's owner makes pottery. She has been trained by a master but the best of the best master has rolled into town. She must be worthy as an apprentice, otherwise, the master will choose another. The light colors bring a sense of calmness to this graphic novel and the characters are all charming. Reading this graphic novel is like walking through a field of flowers with no direction. It's beautiful and leaves you in awe.

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Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy of “The Tea Dragon Tapestry” by Katie O’Neill. Thoughts and opinions are my own.

I’ve only read the first book, “The Tea Dragon Society,” but I definitely want to pick up the rest of the books in the future. Having not yet read the second book, I’m sure I missed some pieces of the world, but I still very much enjoyed the story. The art is lovely and makes me very happy to look at it. There are poignant and moving discussions between the characters about passion and purpose in life and these lessons felt very welcome to me in the difficult current state of the world. I think anyone suffering from a creative block would find solace in these pages and feel seen in their struggles.

4/5 stars

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The art in The Tea Dragon Tapestry is gorgeous. The colours are soft but make the characters and scenery stand out without being eye-popping and a strain to the eyes. The design and detail that goes into the characters, outfits, and backgrounds gave life and magic to the world of Tea Dragons as it introduced elements that enriched the world and the story.

It was a still sort of story, not filled with thrilling action or with fantastical rituals and performances. Instead, it was content with exploring memories and desires, quiet dreams and little hopes of the characters, who were a fascinating and diverse cast with their unique personalities and memorable appearances.

I loved how across a 100 pages or so, I was able to grasp the personalities of these characters and get to know them, though I’d probably need the first two books to feel more connected and invested in their stories. Even so, I was touched by the determination and the innocence the characters had and admired the way they overcame their fears with courage and with the help of those around them.

The reasons behind my idea that this book would be great for both adults and children are that the wisdom, the ideas brought up in this book – Greta’s indecision, Minette’s fears of change… these things are faced directly in the book. Its openness would appeal to children, who would see these fears, this indecision and come to their own conclusions, interpretations, and opinions of these things. As for adults, who already have been exposed to these things, it is a nice direct reminder of the things we have forgotten or have convinced ourselves that we know enough of.

I enjoyed The Tea Dragon Tapestry and it definitely piqued my interest enough to want to read the previous two books. If you’re looking for a cosy, heartwarming read with beautiful art, then you might want to give this a go. (Also, Tea Dragons are super adorable.)

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5/5 stars

Thank you so so so so so fucking much to Netgalley for providing this arc.

Do i really need to explain the beauty that is this book series? Not really, you just need to read it for clear skin and a better life. The art style is so pretty and mystically diverse in the most subtle ways

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Another excellent addition to the Tea Dragon series. In this (perhaps) final installment, Greta is having trouble caring for her grief-stricken dragon, Ginseng, as she's working hard to obtain an apprenticeship for a legendary blacksmith. Meanwhile, her friend, Minette, is plagued by nightmares of a mysterious past which upend the gentle tranquility of her present life.
Reading any of Katie O'Neill's books is like warm tea after a long rainy day, or a hug from a friend you haven't seen in a long time; it's delightful. As always, though dialogue in these books is slightly wanting, the art in them is often even more magical and breath-taking than its own whimsical yet meandering plot. The primary color palettes in this volume especially have a beautiful automnal feel: olive greens, pale peach-yellow, plum reds, burgundy purples... Alongside a charming cast of characters and its feel-good story, this is certainly a beautiful book to own solely for its exquisite visuals. You come out of it feeling that refreshed, wholesome rejuvenation many will associate with Studio Ghibli movies.

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Thank you Netgalley for letting me read this book in return for an honest review.

What it's about:
The third part of the Tea Dragon Series which shows how Greta grows as a tea dragon owner as well as a budding blacksmith. It also shows Minette learning more about her past and coming to terms with what happened. The diverse cast are all wonderfully entwined together and overall, this book just makes me yearn for more.

When this comes out physically I intend to buy it as well as the first two books (Tea Dragon Society and Tea Dragon Festival) which I currently have digital copies of on ComiXology.

The art, just like the first two books, is stunning
The characters have a good journey of growth
Every character is equally included
The characters and the universe it is set in is truly awe-worthy and magical
No cons

Would I read it again
1000% yes

Would I recommend it
Yes. Yes and Yes.

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I’ve to start this saying that this is the most beautiful and sweet story I’ve had the pleasure to read. The artwork is spectacular and soft and I love everything about it. The Tea Dragon Tapestry is a sequel of the first book, here one year later we can see the characters life and their changes.
This book talks about understanding yourself, how our passions and purpose in life can change. Sometimes this can be clear but when what we know changes or it isn’t what we want, at first it can be confusing and we can feel lost but the time is the most important thing that helps us to find ourselves and start growing again.
This story talks about grief and loss, love and support and the friendship you forge.
I really loved it and I need to read more about the author.

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