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Wrong Alibi

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Petie lives in an isolated fishing camp in the wilds of Alaska and she has a secret past. Arc from NetGalley.

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Wrong Alibi is Christina Dodd's new thriller about a woman who was framed by a con man for the murder of a woman and her son. It was a great read with twists and turns with a good storyline. I really liked the main character Petie she was alittle naive and trusting but very likeable. My fave character was the mysterious and deadly Jeen lee a woman who ruled a empire and not someone you wanted to cross,but when petie gives her information about her son who was kidnapped years earlier a bond is formed and miss Lee is going to help petie to prove her innocence. And when petie's mom's new boyfriend turns out to be the real killer she must act fast before her mother ends up being his next victim.And if that isn't enough the dead woman's husband Zone Jameson is on her trail too wanting revenge for his families death. I really enjoyed this thriller,it's told with many points of view and some really great secondary characters like Hawley foggo petie's boss and his right hand man Miska both are very interesting and make me want to know more about them. I've been reading Dodd's books for years and her storytelling is awesome as always. Until next time Luv'sđź’•đź’‹

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This book kept me engaged from page one to the end. The characters were very interesting, the plot of the story kept me guessing until the end. There were so many plot twists that I did not see coming. Hope there are more stories to come.

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3.5 Stars

“Hope was a bitch who betrayed her every time. She had strangled hope, and by God, it better stay dead.”

At 18 years of age, Evie knows she is a bit naive when it comes to being on her own in the world. She’s thrilled to have found a job as a bookkeeper for a man needing help with his estate, even if it is in the wilds of Alaska. But as each day passes, her mysterious employer’s tasks seem to be a bit odd. When Evie decides to take advantage of his absence, she does the one thing he forbade her to do…go down into the basement…and that’s when her tumble into madness begins…

Since Wrong Alibi is a mystery, I’ll not spoil all the fun for you. I always hate reading reviews and all the bread crumbs to solving the mystery be provided before you even get a chance to read the book for yourself. There were passages that I had to remind myself this is a work of fiction, and suspend my belief of “no way…that would never happen”. Overall, this is what I consider a fun weekend/vaca mystery/thriller read, and would recommend!

**I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own. **

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An atmospheric tale that takes us to the wilds of Alaska and Petie, a young woman in hiding after being convicted of a crime she didn't commit. The story goes back and forth in time, giving us the history of Petie's life. She has spent a lot of her time over the years while care-taking a fishing camp through the winters trying to track down the person responsible for the crime and exact vengeance. When the time comes, she goes after him. I enjoyed the story, putting all the pieces together, seeing justice served, in a way. I appreciated the promise of a happy future for Petie in the end.
I received an Advanced Reader's copy from the publisher through NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving this review.

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A fabulous narrative that introduces readers to new characters from author Christina Dodd. Full of dark mystery, suspense, and a bit of romance, Dodd captures all the right elements to make this story intriguing and hard to put down. The purposeful uncertainty behind the storyline and superb character building was refreshing. Great read. 5 stars.

Thank you to #NetGalley for the ARC of #WrongAlibi which was read and reviewed voluntarily. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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i enjoyed Ms. Dodd's writing she's always able to write a great mystery. The characters in this book were great and I enjoyed the mystery plot.

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In this book by Christina Dodd, a teenager is convicted of a double murder she did not commit. She is a fighter and survives despite everyone turning against her. This story takes you through her trials and tribulations until the real killer is caught. I truly enjoyed this book and look forward to next Christina Dodd book

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The opening pages hooked me right away, and I started reading faster to find out what was going to happen. I loved the setting of Alaska.

There were only a couple of things that bothered me. There were a lot of switches in the points-of-view, and . . .


. . . the sex between Zone and Petie was hard to buy into.

Other than that, I LOVED this book!! The author masterfully brought all the pieces together for a very satisfying resolution.

Some of my favorite lines from the story:

"Outside, the storm roared. Inside, cold swallowed the heat with a greedy appetite."

"So much better than her last job, the one that led to her conviction for a gruesome double murder."

[I received an early copy of the book for free from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. This in no way influenced my opinion.]

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This was an average thriller. It kept my interest, but I never felt suitably unsettled by the actions of the characters. It is not a long book, which works in its favor.

Evie Jones finds a great job as a secretary for a reclusive man after she leaves juvenile detention. The best part is that the job is in the same town where her mother and sister have moved. Evie plans to visit them after getting her first paycheck, to show them she has matured and wants to be a part of their lives.

But that "great" job turns out to be nothing but a cover for a murderer, who sets up Evie to take the fall. She is sentenced to prison for the rest of her life, but escapes on the way to the prison when the bus overturns. Everyone assumes she is dead, and she finds a job at a fish camp in Alaska, where she feels safe.

But she is always looking for the killer, to make him pay for his crimes. And so is the husband and father of the women he killed. Of course, he believes that person is Evie.

This book lacks the tension needed to make it a great thriller. Certain characters make up in a way that doesn't feel true to the story, and the twist at the end isn't a real shocker.

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At eighteen, Evelyn Jones was convicted of a double murder she didn’t commit. She manages to escape prison and spent several years in hiding at a small fishing camp in Alaska’s wilderness. However, when the man who framed her turns up next to her mother’s side, Evelyn comes out of hiding to clear her good name and makes sure the real murderer pays for the crimes they committed.

Verdict: This is the first book in the Murder in Alaska series and oh boy, there is a lot to unpack here. There is a lot going on with this book which shot the whole theme out into the stratosphere on believability. First, we have Evelyn who had a really rough childhood, was convicted of embezzlement and a double murder, escaped prison via natural disaster, had some doctor perform plastic surgery drastic enough she no longer looks the same, then escaped into the wilderness for years without getting caught. Then we have Zone, Evelyn’s current love interest and widow to the murdered woman and child, spent years being held hostage in a foreign country and systematically abused before escaping and returning to the US to hide out in the wilderness. They both somehow end up in the same town and hunt down the killer who turns out to be a serial killer working with an accomplice. It was a lot to swallow and to be quite frank, too much over the top. The relationship between Zone and Evelyn wasn’t really necessary and almost detracted from the many twists and turns Dodd used to ramp up the suspense. That being said, it was an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon with a quick and easy read.

*Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for a fair and honest review*

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Evelyn made a few bad choices as a teenager, but in trying to set her life right ended up in a much worse position. Wrongly convicted of 2 murders, she spends the next 10 years as Petite in a remote fishing camp. Will she searches for the man responsible, she makes skies and enemies. An edge of your seat read a times, one can only hope that Evelyn/Petite triumphs.

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In this murder mystery, a young ex-con called Evie, has been set up to take the fall for an antiques conman, Donald. Through a twist of fate, Evie survives a horrific accident and returns to the Alaskan outback to deal out justice to Donald, who is now threatening to set up someone close to Evie's heart.

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The was a fun thriller. Although some parts were a bit predictable- it was fun seeing the story unfold. It was easy to read and would read this author again.

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I received this book from the publisher in exchange for a fair and honest opinion. I have never read Christina Dodd before and did not know what to expect with her writing or story telling. This book gripped me from the start. Petie is alone in the dead of winter, the caretaker for a camping resort aptly named Midnight Sun in Alaska. She is a young woman of 19 at the start of the story and you wonder how and why in the world, at her age would she end up there. As the lights go out and she is left in darkness, she has a flash back of a plastic tarpand the horror she discovered whereby she was arrested and convicted of a heinous crime. And this is where I was sucked in, right at the start because my mind started questioning, what act did she commit how did she get out of it, where is her family. The story is told in first person and although there was some back and forth in time sequence, it was not distracting to the flow of the story. Fast forward 10 years later, Petie is still working at the resort and has established herself loyal and invaluable to the owner, she also has had years and time to learn new skills including languages and locating lost items. And yet she has not been able to track down the one thing she wants to track down, the man who set her up for murder. In working at the resort Petie has met many interesting guests, including a business woman who comands respect and exhudes power, she is not a woman to be trifled with. Petie helps the woman and they become friends and allies. She discovers who Petie really is and thus begins the tale of how Petie ended up at the resort and the fascinating events of her life. My gut was in knots as the story unfolds. Petie was sentenced to juvenile hall as a teen and upon her 18th birthday she found a book keeping job on-line with the help from her counselor. While she was in JH her mom and sister had mved to Alaska. She gets the job and makes her way to Alaska to work for this man, and everything seems suspicious and yet not. He deals in antiques and has Petie run errands for him including making deposits for him every day at the bank. He tells her it is to help the family whose home they are staying in that he bought because the husband had been captured and was now a prisoner in a foreign country and the wife and child are with her parents. Petie thinks that's nice and admirable and yet she starts to become suspicious but still doesn't question much. One day she wakes up and discovers the man is gone, and the police show up to arrest Petie and charge her with murder. The investigation was shoddy and quick and she is convicted to 99 years. She protests her innocence but nobody believes her. In a twist of fate she is given a second chance and vows to find this man to clear her name and obtain her freedom. There are twists and turns and I was at the edge if my seat, when I wasn't reading the story kept playing in my mind and I kept trying to think what happened, where was this man and would she make it out alive if she finds him. So many surprises I did not expect and enjoyed every minute of it. Highly recommended and I look forward to reading more of Christina Dodd's books.

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Interesting plot line. Really enjoyed this read by Christina Dodd. I read all her books!
She has a wonderful way of writing that holds the reader's interest. Highly recommend.

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I've loved Ms. Dodd's books in the past and was excited for something new. This book has a lot of potential and I can see a series developing that will be fascinating. I do look forward to what might come next.

Wrong Alibi started strong, I was engaged and interested in the characters and how things went right or wrong...Sadly the middle of the book flopped for me. It's a lot of background and while not really extraneous information as it comes into play over time, it just kind of dragged on to the point I was almost ready to put the book aside The end of the book really makes up for it as it gets to be more fast paced and exciting.

I'm in the middle of the road with how I feel about this one. Should a series take off from here, you'll probably need a chunk of info from this book.

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The author of Wrong Alibi is a good writer. However, her plot choices are questionable. Although the book did hold my interest, I found many of the situations just too unbelievable. Although I can sometimes suspend belief when watching a good movie, James Bond films for example, some choices this author made were beyond what might happen to ordinary people, and therefore, in my opinion, quite annoying. I just can't recommend this book.

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So we have Petie which is the alias for Evelyn Jones who was framed and convicted of the murder of Michele Jameson and her son Timmy when she was eighteen years old and living in Alaska. While she was being transferred to the prison the bus got hit by a mudslide and everyone on board died but her. She was badly injured but she removed her prison clothes before she was rescued and taken to the hospital. They though she was the bus driver since with her injuries nobody could identify her. After she is all healed up she escapes from the hospital before anyone realizes that she isn’t who they think she is. She goes to work at the Midnight Sun Fishing Camp in Alaska whose boss doesn’t ask a lot of questions about workers without SSN or ID and which caters to big companies who use it for company retreats and affluent people. There is a chapter or two which is used for a flashback that goes over what happened before she was arrested. So Petie as she is known now has been working at the fishing camp for 10 years while also working to find people and artifacts that go missing. She has also been looking for Donald White who is the man who framed her this whole time as well. She finally finds him and ends ups going to make sure it is really him and get him arrested by the authorities. Meanwhile we get to know Zone Jameson who is the husband of the wife and child she was supposed to have murdered. He is an antiquities expert and he was captured in a hostile country and held for ransom while his family was murdered. He rescues himself and finally gets home a year after everything went down with a burning hatred for Evelyn even though everyone thinks she dead. They meet up again when Petie goes back to the Rockin, Alaska where the crime took place and Zone gets an anonymous txt with Peties location which leads him to the fishing camp and then her boss tells him where she is now since she had left to go find the killer and gets him booked into the room next door to hers in Rockin. Zone confronts her and she convinces him that she was innocent and tells him about the real murderer who is in town and she knows who he is and so does he.

All in all this was a pretty interesting story and a really good read while I don’t usually like a lot of flashbacks in a story the ones here worked well and really fleshed out what you needed to know about what Evelyn went through and also what Zone went through while held for ransom. This was predominantly a mystery and I really enjoyed it and there is a just a smattering of romance which is in the last ¼ of the book.

Thanks to HQN and Netgalley for the complimentary copy of this book in e-book form. All opinions in this review are my own.

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I've read a few Christina Dodd titles before, and I was in the mood for a mystery thriller laced with some romance. The blurb piqued my interest and I was excited to be approved.

Evie was young and naive when she agreed to work for Donald White and found herself framed for a double murder. Ten years later, she's created a new identity for herself, working at a remote fishing lodge in Alaska and spending her free time "finding people and things" in her search for the man who tried to put her in jail. When a wealthy client offers her a favor, Evie has to figure out if what she wants is a way out of hiding--or revenge.

This is the kind of book you can finish in a single sitting. It's easily readable, and the voices are distinct. Dodd is no stranger to developing her characters, and at first, I was intrigued with Petie and her life in Alaska. I loved reading about the smaller aspects of life there that you wouldn't normally consider, especially if you've spent most of your life in California. As an upstate NYer, I'm used to winters, but I loved the description of Rockin and the travel aspect of it was fascinating.

About a quarter of the way through, I felt like I was reading a different book. The writing style slightly changed, so where I thought I had a grip on Evie's voice, her diction started to sound more formal and awkward, and at times, this took me out of the story. This felt exacerbated by her conversations with other characters who also took on stilted cadences and formalized interactions. I wanted to be absorbed in the fishing resort where instead I was wondering why everyone had started acting so strange all of a sudden.

Zone's character, too, fell a bit flat for me, one dimensional in his suffering and depiction. Some readers I feel will respond well to the sudden spark between Evie and Zone, but for me, it came out of left field and felt entirely out of character. Will they make a good series focus going forward? I think so. With their layered backstories and magnetic personalities, I think there's a lot of potential, and I'd probably read the next installment.

Wrong Alibi has some shining moments and standard fares, but overall, I'd recommend to fans of serial reads or travel mysteries who want some impromptu romance.

Thank you to HQN and NetGalley for providing an eARC in exchange for honest review consideration.

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