Member Reviews

The Christmas Table is a beautifully book. Great plot with believable characters. Loved this book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and this is my unbiased review.

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This is another Christmas story that takes us to Glory’s Place and the colourful cast of characters readers have been introduced to in previous novels. It does help to read earlier novels as there are so many characters now it may be a bit confusing for readers unfamiliar with Ms. Van Liere’s books.
I loved how this novel connected two different time periods – 1972 and 2012. I quite enjoy reading time slip novels so this was definitely a treat.
This story picks up with Lauren and Travis setting up house after their wedding. Lauren purchases a refinished table and discovers recipe cards tucked inside a secret drawer. Never having cooked much or memories of family dinners around the table, Lauren is determined to start now before little ones arrive.
In 1972 we see the love and dedication that went into crafting the walnut table and the tragedy that surrounded the young family who built it.
What I found a challenge was to read both stories in present tense as if it was happening RIGHT NOW. It was a bit jarring at first, but after a while I got used to it.
There are characters to love and moments to cry along with them. But, it is a Christmas story so there is a happy (or at least satisfying) ending.
This story has all the feels.
I received an ecopy from the publisher through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A very sweet romance with dual storylines emphasizing the importance of family. A great romantic story. Loved this one!

Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher, and the author for my ARC. All opinions are my own.

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The Christmas Table by Donna VanLaiere

Is fate or Destiny part of Gods Plan? This book could make you think about it!
I was crying by the middle of the book because of the inspirational message that the author was developing between the characters. I literally had to go into my home and start praying. I didn’t know what or who I was praying for and I think that is what the books message is Today is the day! Pray!
God puts us in places where he thinks he needs us most and sometimes he calls our loved ones to stand by his side to be his angels to do work for him. I have no earthly idea why he chooses the ones he does, but I can only pray that my loved one is in the safety of his hands.

The author does a masterful way of taking us from 1972 to the present time and how she connects everyone is unequivocally exceptional! All the characters flow and the storyline is phenomenal. This is one Christmas book everyone should have in their collection! I have her whole collection, but I without a doubt say this is my favorite now! I cannot wait for the hardback!

Thank you to the author and publishers who work diligently for us the readers.

I received an advanced copy from NetGalley and I am willingly giving my thoughts and opinions.

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This was a very moving, engaging book and I really loved how it all wrapped up so nicely at the end. The characters are well-defined and you really feel like you get to know them. I did not see the small plot twist coming, and honestly I had a small moment of annoyance when the name/nick name situation was explained, but I was so happy with how it worked out that I got over that very quickly.

This was a nice holiday read and I could totally see this becoming a holiday movie.

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This Christmas book by Donna VanLiere reminds us what is truly important in life and that is the interconnectedness of people. We may think that our lives don’t impact those around us, near and far, but they do! This story follows two families, decades apart. I love how the importance of family and how people connect over meals was highlighted in this book. The ending was truly a surprise I didn’t see coming.

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The Christmas Hope series continues in this dual time story. I loved the idea of the story surrounding learning to cook by recipes handed down with encouraging notes to the recipient. I wasn't sure how the two stories would intertwine but loved the conclusion. The recipes included are an added bonus that readers will enjoy. Recommended!

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“The Christmas Table” is a heart warming Christian story about faith, hope, love, and family. This book spoke to me especially since we are in the middle of a pandemic. What memories do we want our kids to have, chaos and fear or love and hope? An easy to read well written book great for a weekend read.

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The Christmas Table is a magnificent holiday tale by Donna VanLiere. Ms. VanLiere has brought the stories of two families to life in this well-written book. She has created a cast of characters that are fun and heartwarming. This book is the blending of two stories, a table, recipe cards and faith. Joan struggles with cancer in the 1970's and Lauren is starting her family in 2012. Kudos to Ms. VanLiere for her masterful weaving of these two stories. The Christmas Table will make you smile, it may make you cry. But it's positively going to keep you entranced. I loved every page of this book and look forward to my next book by this talented author. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This is the first book that I’ve read by this author- I thought that I would give it a try when I was offered a copy from the publisher. It is a very sweet|clean story that takes place in 1972 and 2012. The two situations tie up quite nicely at the end of the book in a surprising way. There were unexpected moments throughout the book that made my heart happy.

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I absolutely adored this book and couldn’t put it down. I read this, basically, in one sitting. The book was written well and the characters grabbed you. I teamed up in parts and was left with a feel good glow. I especially love the addiction of some of the recipes in the back. Thank you.

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This was a very quick easy book to read. I was really expecting more of a Christmas story. I guess it is but not quite what I was expecting. It does have a nice Christian message. I enjoyed the story.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the early copy

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I really enjoyed this story. It is a heartwarming tale. I really liked all the characters, especially Lauren. There's great dialogue and the storyline flows really well. I liked this book so much that I plan to find more stories by this author especially since she writes Christmas stories.

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The Christmas Table will make you feel all the feels. Set close to Christmas and told in two points of view, we get to follow two sets of people. I love getting to revisit Gloria and her gang again. The characters are all sweet, fun and loving and will have you wishing you could go for a visit. The banter between Gloria and Miriam is one of the best parts of each story they are in. You will find yourself rooting for Joan and excited for Lauren. There was a little added mystery that was a treat as well. I look forward to any future installments of this series.

Thanks to the publisher for the chance to read and review this book. Any opinions reflected are my own.

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My heart was filled with joy as I read Donna VanLiere's latest faith based Christmas story. It is such a delight to read knowing you won't be assaulted with uncomfortable images or unkindness. I found myself wishing that I could visit Glory's Place and get to know these people. I felt comforted knowing that people like this exist in this difficult time in which we live, even if they are in the author's imagination. I found that inspiring and hopeful.
I loved 'The Christmas Table', and can't recommend it highly enough.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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Donna VanLiere never ceases to give us a wonderfully delightful Christmas story.

She introduces us to two families in different time periods who are drawn together by a table made by Joan’s husband in 1972. Lauren purchases the table in 2012. The story goes back and forth between the two characters and their families, which I found sometimes hard to follow, but I still enjoyed the book very much and how these two families are brought together.

I recommend it for anyone who likes to read sweet Christmas stories. I was given a copy of this book by the publisher, St. Martin’s Press and NetGalley. Opinions expressed are my own.

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"The Christmas Table" by Donna VanLiere is a delight to read! It make me laugh and cry. The book tells the story of 2 different families, one in 1972 & one in 2012. So the timeline goes back and forth, but it is easy to follow. Both storylines kept me wanting more and wondering when they would merge. I believe this book would be considered women's Christian fiction, but it was sweet & not in your face.

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Thank you to NetGalley and St Martins Press for the ARC to read and review.

This is a typical heartstrings Christmas tale about two families connected by an heirloom table.

The novel is comfort food for anyone looking for an inspiring Christmas love story.

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The Christmas Table is a heartwarming story about the importance of connections via a handmade table. It's also about family recipes passed down from generation to generation. Told from two seemingly unconnected POVs the story moves between 1972 when a young wife and mother is battling cancer and 2012 when a young wife is figuring life out. I enjoyed it all and was happy to find several recipes at the end. This book would be a wonderful gift this holiday season.

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This book was an excellent read. A good, wholesome story that sucks you in until the very end. I received an ARC from Netgalley and the publisher. And this is my honest review. A definite recommendation!

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