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I received a copy of this book for a fair and honest review. All I had to see what this was based on Greek Mythology and I had to have it. There are levels to the Royal Court. Avery is going to her first Gathering to drink from a golden chalice to link her mind with her soulmate. This would put the thoughts of a stranger in her head. She on her journey she meets two guys and she is not sure which to pick. There is also the idea of her not going with what the gods wants and them bring angry at her. It was a good pacing for me and the characters were well done. This is my first book for this author and I want more.

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The start of this book was a bit dull and difficult to get lost in. It did get better, the main character is sassy but difficult to relate to. And I’m not sure that the soulmates storyline worked for me. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an egalley.

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i was honestly so excited to read this book. but, it was honestly just kind of bad and just felt off for me. i mean, my biggest thing was that there was so much that didn't make sense, and the writing was pretty bad. since the writing wasn't that good, it just made me enjoy this book a whole lot less.

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I received an advance review copy for free as part of a blog tour, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

This book heavily draws upon mythology which is a good thing as I like mythology books but I didn’t really like this one. I think it was the whole soulmate thing. It just drove me up the wall.

The whole book felt original but the soulmate aspect was an overused trope and that is where it completely lost me.

What also let this book down heavily was the underdeveloped characters. They just didn’t feel as dimensional as they could have been and it was a real shame as they all had so much potential.

I know I have said the whole soulmate aspect of this book is an overused thing but it didn’t feel like your stereotypical soulmate story. It was a bit more of that.

Overall, it was a good book but it just wasn’t for me.

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this was a really unique take on soulmates, I really enjoyed reading this book. I liked the characters and I really enjoyed the plot. I look forward to more from the author.

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I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily. If you like Greek Mythology this book is for you. Entwined is a page turner. The main character Avery is a girl who doesn't think she wants a soul mate. Enter the two men who just might change her mind. Vladimir, her best friend's brother. He is a lawyer who is wise and protective of the people he loves. Adrian who is her best friend's cousin. He is a fun loving guy who has had his heart broken. Will Avery allow her hear to fall in love or will she want to keep her independence. Let the love triangle begin! This book has a good plot, the character's chemistry is off the chart. I give it a 4 out of 5 stars. I can't wait for the sequel!!!

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I volunteered to read this book, through netgalley in exchange, for an honest review. This book is well written and the characters are described well. The pacing of this story is good. This is a interesting book. The characters are enjoyable. I enjoyed how it mentions Greek mythology. The friendships in this story is good. This book talks about the character named Avery. This is my first A. J. Rosen book. I can already tell you guys I will be reading read more books by this author in the future. I recommend this book to anyone and everyone. This book is in stores now for $10.99 (USD).

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Many thanks to Netgalley for providing this ARC E-book in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
When I started this book, the first 10-15 pages were full of explanations of how the human race and soul mates were created by the Greek Gods....and it's a little dry and stilted. I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this book at all. But, I was quickly proven wrong! It's a well written teen romance with a twist, travel and a little sprinkle of intrigue! The ending sets up a sequel and you should go buy this book so the sequel gets published. It's a fun read and different than most I've read lately!

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A.J. Rosen has written a fabulous piece of work took Wattpad by storm. Rosen’s debut piece is an enjoyable read overall—the fantastic cover, nice plot, enchanting romance, compelling writing, interesting characters. I’m not typically a fan of love triangles but I softened up for this book.

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Oh my effing god… I wasn’t prepared to love this book so much. What can I say now? Entwined was all I needed and I didn't know it. Let's start with what I like the most of all: Avery ´freaking´ Montgomery, the Queen of stubborness. I love her, period. She has the dose of sarcasm, stubbornness and heart of gold that we all should have in our day to day life and I have really felt very identified. The plot is super original and very well managed. I've been quite hooked and I've had a thousand theories. It is a book that will make you fangirl for sure. Descendants of the Greek gods, myths, love, action, it has everything. Avy faces her first Gathering where she will have to drink from the golden chalice and awaken her clairaudience, with this also comes a terrifying gift: to click with her soul mate merging their minds into one. Who would want to have a stranger in their head reading their thoughts? Not me! Although Avy's plans are clear to her, nothing seems to go as she planned and so everything becomes more and more tangled. I predict a very prosperous future for this book, I am sure you will love it as much as I do.

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Entwined is a story about descendants from the Greek gods going through a ceremony to find their soulmate and how one girl finds herself in the middle of a love triangle and a mystery.

The plot was really well planned. I mean, I could hardly notice any flaws because it was so effortlessly smooth! No unnecessary dragging on one theme or one scene, no plot holes and a perfect pacing! It was quite unique as well.

The characters were quite well defined and each played a very important part in making the story more interesting. All the characters did a really good job at making the story look more relatable and emotionally attracting. I won’t go into much detail about them as I want you to read and find how wonderful every character is!

The writing style was very easy going and simple. It was quite intriguing. I was quite surprised by the fact that this is the debut novel of the author. I mean, she really did manage to make his words speak through her brilliant writing!

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Entwined is a story about descendants of Greek gods undergoing a ceremony to find their lifelong soulmate. Based off of this alone, the premise sounds amazing and unique. I LOVE that concept and the modernization of myths. That idea in itself was just five stars. We really do need more greek mythology stories!

Avery is a strong and independent character, she’s stubborn as well so while I liked that about her I think it came off as her trying too hard. The other thing that I really did not like was some of the writing. Instead of cussing Avery would say things such as “what the fruit” and “sweet roasted corn” as well as a lot of “oh my Posideon” and “oh geez Zeus”. I’m not going to lie but this drove me insane and I rolled my eyes every single time it was said. I understand she is 18 and so the target readers may be younger but it was done so excessively that it got under my skin. I REALLY hope the next book isn’t like that. i'm literally begging it won't be like that. There were also a lot of ?! placed everywhere. Some more editing would have been very beneficial for this.

That being said, even though some things bothered me, I still have to know what is going to happen next. I will definitely be checking out the next book when it comes out. Thank you to Netgalley and to the publisher for a copy of this book for review!

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I have always been interested in Greek mythology so Entwined was right up my alley. I almost got some Percy Jackson vibes, which I LOVED when I was in high school. I loved the different “castes” of the descendants of the Greek Gods. I feel like they are synonymous with the castes we have in the real world. I would have loved to visit their town that only descendants from the gods are allowed to visit/live in. I am planning a way to break in as I type this.

The author did a great job with the world building. It was contained to the prologue and I felt like it was just the right amount of information so as to get the idea of the world but not be entirely overwhelmed with backstory.

I have to agree with Avery on not wanting to be essentially stuck with someone and knowing their thoughts ALL the time. Can you imagine? Relationships need some mystery sometimes too!

I am not afraid to admit that I am a big fan of love triangle situations in books! So the interactions between Avery, Vlad and Adrian are muah (chef’s kiss.) I am surprised that there was not more jealousy displayed between Adrian and Vlad because they are both competing for the same girl. Waiting for Avery to try and decide between her feelings for Vlad and her feelings for Adrian really pushed me to read faster and faster.

I loved this book so much, I finished it in one day. I haven’t done that for a long time. I started it early in the week to have it done by Saturday but little did I know that I would be so hooked I couldn’t put it down.

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This was an okay book! The story was interesting and I couldn’t really predict the ending, but the characters were very shallow and I didn’t connect with any of them.

I was very interested in the story for the mythological aspect. At the beginning, I couldn’t really tell if it was a fantasy or not, because she built this world very nicely.

Although I liked the story, I wasn’t very interested in the characters because of the narrative. The author just introduces characters so quickly. And besides, everything happened very fast, I feel like I missed something. The book could’ve been a little bigger.

Really enjoyed the society she created here, very strictly divided between Regulars (people who don’t which gods they descended from), Royals (descendants from the gods from the Olympus) and Pure Royals (descendants from Zeus, Hades and Poseidon).

This reminded me a little bit of The Selection and Significance, I think because of the whole society thing and the soulmate plot.

I’d recommend this if you’re into greek mythology and young adult fantasies!

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Avery Montgomery despise the idea of soulmate. But being a member of Hellenicus—a race founded in antiquity and descended directly from the Greek gods- finding your soulmate is the only way to live life.

Despite all the odds she is attending her first Gathering where she will be tied with her soulmate forever. But all is not as it seems at the Royal Court. There are weird looks from people, strange dreams and whispering from the ancient Dodona tree.

Amidst all of this her feelings keep oscillating between wise and protective Vladimir and the passionate, fun-loving Adrian.

Can Avery fight her destiny and choose her own path? Or she is destined for something that even Gods can't change?


Right from the start this book throws you into the world of Zeus, Apollo and Hades. All the historical events and war and betrayal of Gods, the social status of the descendants in the real world and the working of the Royal Court. It is good that everything is sorted from the start but for a person like me who have no idea about Zeus or Apollo or Hades found it a little bit confusing and overwhelming.

Every character is distinguished, unique and has their own charm. Avery is a stubborn, independent redhead. Kris is a loving, caring and too sweet. Vladimir is a silent, attentive and protective. Adrian is a fun, heartbroken and honest.

The story takes time to build up but it is totally worth it. Because once the action start you won't be able to keep it till you reach the end. This book is definitely unputdownable (if that is even a word).

Author has done an impressive job in creating the world based on the descendants of the GOD. Characters arc, Royal Court, the intricate details in the story these are the true charm of the book. This book has friendship goals, love triangle, snobby royals, talking spirits, heartbreak, loneliness and the need of independence.

Love triangle between Avery, Vladimir and Adrian is so honest and true. You actually can't decide between the two and you feel the spark and connection with both of them. But at the same time both the relation have a different chemistry and understanding.

And I never saw the cliffhanger that was coming it was totally unpredictable and shocking(also because I was too engrossed in the story I didn't see the number of pages left). I can't wait to read the sequel of this book.

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I firstly want to thank Shannon at Smith Publicity and Wattpad books for involving me in the upcoming blog tour.

For me this was a very easy book to read, and it has gotten me out of the reading slump I have been in for the past week.
I found the writing style very smooth and it flowed nicely throughout the book, the dialogue was natural and I found myself immersed in the scenes.
I think the fact that the main character, Avery, had a different take on her future (compared to the others) was rather refreshing as there are so many soul mate novels out there where the protagonist is yearning for someone. Avery is a strong character who doesn’t agree with people/traditions, I am hoping we get to see Avery swear/curse a little bit more in the next book as it does make me laugh.
The twists and turns are cleverly done, and throughout the earlier chapters there are some nice hints if you can spot them!
I found myself liking both Adrian and Vlad equally, as they both offered something different and from the start there was no ‘clear winner’ in the love triangle.
As someone that is clueless about greek mythology I didn’t find myself out of my depth when reading, everything was explained to you which I appreciated.
I have also found myself longing for more, I felt quite disappointed to have finished the book. The last page is a nice ‘cliffhanger’ - I definitely want to read on and find out more about Avery, Adrian and Vlad!

If you are a fan of greek mythology, love triangle plot twists and quick easy reads this is definitely for you.

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Thank you to Netgalley for giving me the chance to read and review, "Entwined" by A.J. Rosen. I really enjoyed this YA book! The premise of the book is was unique and fresh. Pretty quickly, I found myself engrossed in the story and the characters. I like that this story wasn't predictable! Things did really pick up and happen quickly about halfway through but I was enjoyed the ride and the pacing. The ENDING left me on a cliffhanger and I feel like I am hanging from a cliff, waiting to read the next one. A great edition to the YA genre.

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This was a pretty fun read! I had a few issues that I noticed - like the way the main character talked with her parents (though it was sort of explained later on?), but I managed to push through it. The underlying plot was fairly interesting and kept me wanting to know more. Overall, I would still recommend for anyone looking for some Greek mythology in their reading.

(PS - on a VERY PERSONAL opinion, I am very tired of these love triangles where the guys are competing and seem like they’re making the girl choose. The fact that she had a click with two dudes... hi, polyamory is right there! But that’s... just. Me. [And I do realize that this is a teen book, but I mean... it’s still a thing that’s not often explored in teen media, and I feel it potentially could be? Again, this is personal opinion only!])

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Entwined is SO much fun - but that ending!! Hey A.J. Rosen - you can't just leave it like that. A sequel is needed very soon!!

Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for my copy of this book. Look for an extended review on my blog (Books, Tea, Healthy Me) coming soon!!

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I just wanted to say a 'BIG' thank you to Netgalley for letting me have access to read this book. I loved the how the author took Greek mythology and made her own adaptation to it and gave it a certain life. A.J Rosen definitely did some research and I thoroughly enjoyed that she did. A lot authors have some amazing ideas for their books but only did minimal research for them. Not Rosen, she definitely did the research and even added some back info pertaining to the God or the character.


Avery Montgomery doesn’t even know if she wants a soul mate.

As a member of the Hellenicus—a race founded in antiquity and descended directly from the Greek gods—Avery’s attending her first Gathering where she’ll gain the ability to entwine her thoughts with her destined soul mate and be tied to them forever.

But all is not as it seems at the Royal Court. There are severe and strange looks from the elders, whisperings from the ancient Dodona tree, and encounters with spirits who seem to know Avery better than she knows herself.

Throughout these whirlwind events at Court, Avery finds herself torn between her feelings for the wise and protective Vladimir and the passionate, fun-loving Adrian. Unwilling to surrender her independence or to betray her heart, Avery must decide once and for all if she’ll give in to her desires and risk the wrath of the Gods.

The reasons why that I am only giving 4 stars is because there were some aspects to the book that were introduced for the characters but either came up short or no explanation at all as to why the character is doing it, or the development for certain characters that were not the main ones. They would pop up do their thing like be a bully, protector, being part of the activities that they have to attend, and etc. But there was not depth to them.

What really threw me for a loop was the ending, it was definitely somewhat of a cliffhanger but what also got me is that it could of been an abrupt ending as well to the book. I bet the author will write another one and honestly I will totally read it!! It was a nice start to what hopefully will be a duology or a series.

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