Member Reviews

I like to dive into something from time to time and this book was just that for me.

Noni and Tai are siblings who are grieving the loss of their mother. While they aren't close, they get along as well as they can. I like when they can be opposites, it can give more to a story then two people who so close its like they work as one and it doesn't give as much fun and fiesty arguments as two who couldn't be the same.

Any way....

The story idea was good. The way it was built to be spooky in just the right moments to make sure its keeping you sucked in or jumping in surprise. I like that BUT there was way too much detail at points where you didn't need all of that and really took away from the story. Too much detail can make things boring and take my attention away from the book.

Overall it was an interesting story that with some more tweaking would have been the book that the thrills follow you even after you put tht book down.

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Our two main characters, Thais (Tai) and Manon (Nons), are sisters and daughters of legendary actress Mirielle Foix Hammick. I loved how the stories their mother told and her screenplay were incorporated in this book. We open up with a story, newspaper clippings, and other background information on who Mirielle is and who her family is. Then, we jump into the story.

While I was annoyed with Thais' character at first, she proves that influencers, their lives, and what they put out into the world is only a drop in the bucket of who they are. While phone addicted and a little self absorbed, Tai also shows that she's in tune with other people, always willing to jump in to help, and can make light of a situation as needed. And Manon? She comes across as very shy, has an overinflated ego, and a little mean towards Tai. But then we come to find she's also very strong, is aching for people to adore her like her sister, and generally an inquisitive person.

I really loved these dichotomies, not only as sisters, but between the beginning and the end of the book. As the oldest of three sisters, I could see myself doing/saying the things Manon said and my sisters acting like Tai too. Their interactions are relatable, if not sad at times.

Now, the actual plot - I really liked it! I love the mystery around their mother, her disappearance, and her past. The fact that the more they dig, the less they know. It was well set up, thrilling at the end, and had a great ending. I love the incorporation of the script in their search and trying to figure out who relates to who between fiction and reality.

If you're looking for a thriller that isn't paranormal or focused around a murder/murderer, you'll really like this book! It takes place in 2019 with some added technologies. Overall, well thought out, great ending, and great characters.

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I really wanted to enjoy this one. But this one fell short for me. It was entirely too long and it was very hard to follow with all of the characters and seemed a bit unfished even with the length it was

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This was a DNF. I had a lot of trouble with the writing style and the way in which the story unfolded. Also, did not like the characters.

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White fox is definitely one of the most unique books I’ve read. It’s atmospheric and very wild and for most of the story, I had zero clue what was actually happening. It took me awhile to get through though, mostly because I was confused at times. I also had a hard time differentiating between Thais and Manon’s POV because their thoughts were very similar. The last little bit of the book was a decent shock. All in all not my favorite thriller, but still not too bad.

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I was hoping I'd enjoy this book but I just realized that this genre does not work for me. I am sure someone else would enjoy it if they are a fan of the genre.

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"White Fox" by Sara Faring is a captivating mystery that follows two sisters searching for answers about their mother's disappearance. Faring's atmospheric writing immerses the reader in the surreal and eerie world of a remote Mediterranean island, and the use of a lost screenplay adds a unique twist to the plot. The well-developed characters are complex and intriguing, with their own secrets and motivations that add to the sense of mystery. Overall, "White Fox" is a haunting and engaging read that will appeal to fans of both mystery and family drama. While I am not 100% the intended audience for this work, I do appreciate the effort made to create a mystery that kept the reader turning pages.

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This was an incisive, page-turning, carefully-crafted story. I was on the edge of my seat until the end!

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This was a mildly interesting and surreal tale about the challenges of fame but unfortunately didn't make me care about the characters.

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I hate writing bad reviews but surely the author knew that this one would harbor some bad reviews right? It’s like she just gave up halfway through. Way too many characters. Way too many false leads. Way too many PAGES! This book should’ve been about half as long. I almost didn’t finish it. I’m so sorry, I really wanted to love it.

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Atmospheric and beautiful, I loved this book. The sisters were great and the story had me guessing. All of the details made this well worth a read. I’d definitely recommend.

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I could not get into the story of this one and I read a few reviews that made me believe I would never get into the story.

Unfortunately, this one was just not for me.

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White Fox is a ghost story of two sisters trying to unlock secrets of their lost mother. Using her last work, "White Fox" to solve her mysterious disappearance they work together on this magical ghostly quest. It is quite a nerve shatterer as secrets are revealed. Sara Faring knows how to keeps one's attention.

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White Fox is an unique and intriguing book! White Fox follows the mystery of two sisters return to their mysterious island home after the death of their father. Their famous mother mysteriously vanished ten years ago and the sisters find a lost script that they think will be the answer to her disappearance. White Fox deals with mental issues and the relationship between sisters. I found it to be a fine and compelling read.

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The premise for this novel captured my attention the moment I read it. Unfortunately, I found the reveal to be a let down. Once I got to the reveal, the characters didn't continue to captivate me.

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I'm mad at myself for not getting to this one earlier. It's such a great variation on the classic larger-than-life mother mysteriously disappears and leaves two very different daughters behind to live in her shadow and try to figure out what happened. So many secrets and revelations to go along with solid character development and interactions as Manon and Thaïs realize things about themselves and each other while following the clues their famous mother may have left behind.
I found the plot familiar, but layered and varied enough to still catch my interest and keep me in the story. Reading what it's about might make you think that this may not be the most original plot, but Faring does a fantastic job of revealing details and their connections in such a way that it still feels fresh.

Happy thanks to NetGalley and Imprint for the review copy!

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I read about 15% of this book, but I struggled with the story set up. This book did not suck me in and make me want to keep reading, so I decided to stop. I love the story idea and was excited to read it, but this ended up not being the book for me.

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Eerie and magical and spooky. I loved it and found myself swept up in the dark, fantastical world that Faring created.

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The description of the book had me excited and I love a good literary mystery, but this one was just okay. It was fine, but not something I'll remember the next day.

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The premise for this is definitely very intriguing and it took me a while to read - audio book after publication date.
The audio book gives you a much better feel of this book and the authors descriptions and just the whole vibe of the book was very atmospheric and usually right up my alley but I just kept putting this one down and forgetting to pick it back up.

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