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Float Plan

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Have you read a book that pulled you in different directions while reading?

I felt my emotions being tugged in two different directions while reading this one. On one hand there were lots of aspects I really liked. I enjoy the scenic writing of each place that was visited. The author's descriptions made me feel as if I was on board the ship with Anna sailing the open waters or exploring each island they stopped at along the way. I loved the visuals I had and how the story allowed my imagination to go wild.

There were other times where I felt the story felt stagnient. I would keep reading hoping for some excitement to the story and when it did come it was only short lived. I kept wanted to feel the story or be emotionally entrawled by it, but it was a bit lacking for me. The good parts were really good in the this story, but when it wasn’t, I easily lost interest.

I wanted to connect with Anna, but I had a hard time sympathizing with her and her situation. I hated how she just devoted her life to the memory of Ben. She regretted every misstep she took that wasn’t apart of his dream as if she was dishonoring his memory of she strayed from the course. She really hindered herself in living her own life because she so badly wasn’t to fulfill Ben’s. There wasn’t a slow transition or growth with her character development. It felt as if one day she was mourning Ben, the next day she was in love with Keane. I felt the in between was lacking.

I wanted so badly to fall I. Love with this book and characters but for me there was a lot that was missing. I kept reading hoping to feel the spark and when I did, it was short lived and few and far between. There was something about the writing overall that felt dry. I saw drawn in durning some scenes but other scenes seemed to drag on and I wanted so badly to be engrossed in the story. Thank to you NetGalley and St Martin's Press for the chance to read this book in exchange for an honest review

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I was on a sailboat once in my life many years ago. While reading the Float Plan, Author Trish Doller took me on an unforgettable Caribbean sail.

I experienced the salt-water breeze on my face, turbulent seas, an ocean like glass, scorching sun, sunsets that turned to a sky full of stars and more. So much more.

The loss of her boyfriend, Ben, is the cause of twenty-five year old Anna Beck's need to flee. The trip they planned to take together begins as a treacherous voyage of one who, despite her determination, realizes she isn't fully prepared to sail the vast seas alone.

Enter Keane Sullivan, the handsome sailor with struggles of his own that Anna hires to assist her on the voyage plan that Ben had meticulously laid out.

As their friendship grows in the close quarters of the sailboat they share, a romance begins to kindle.

As far as romances go, I found this book to be very refreshing. While both Anna and Keane find each other, they also find themselves and learn that it’s never too late to find a new future.

I thought the writing was excellent and the plot was unique! The cover on the other hand, I personally believe misses the mark as a representation of its contents. You know what they say, “Never judge a book by its cover.” This is so worth the read!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for a copy of this advanced book for an honest review. This book was so starts off with a suicide note from Max and then Anna coming to terms with everything decides to set sail on Max's boat for the trip "they always wanted to take" she meets Keane a drifter who sails on one boat and then the next.....oh my gosh what a great book about second chances and finding peace. Bravo!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the Publisher for a copy of this advanced book for an honest review. This book was so starts off with a suicide note from Max and then Anna coming to terms with everything decides to set sail on Max's boat for the trip "they always wanted to take" she meets Keane a drifter who sails on one boat and then the next.....oh my gosh what a great book about second chances and finding peace. Bravo!

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Ugh, man. So good.

Full review to come, but in the meantime: heartbroken heroine on a quest to find healing on a solo sailing trip through the caribbean after the death of her fiance by suicide. Irish sailing pro whose career is cut short by an injury that takes his leg. WEEKS ON A SAILBOAT IN THE CARRIBBEAN WHILE THEY HEAL EACH OTHER.

OMG so good.

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Trish Doller is a remarkable writer. In Float Plan she takes us on a journey with Anna Beck, a 25 year old woman who has felt lost since the death of her fiancé by suicide nearly a year ago. She decides to take a trip they had planned to take together; sailing from Florida to Trinidad. Soon after setting sail, Anna realizes she is in over her head. She hires Keane (a professional sailor dealing with some life changes of his own ) to assist her on her trip.
Trish Doller paints such a vivid picture of life aboard the sailboat and the experiences on the various islands they visit that I felt as though I was right there with them. This book is a wonderful escape and I would recommend it for that reason alone. There is so much more to the story though. Both Anna and Keane are such like-able, strong characters, it is easy to become invested in their story. There is an element of romance, but this is an artfully layered story which also deals with grief, strength, relationships and happiness. I highly recommend Float Plan, and predict it will be a book that I will re-read in the future.

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I absolutely adored this book! It really took me by surprise how much I would enjoy reading it and the emotions I would go through. I simply could not put it down, I finished it in one night.
The main characters, Anna and Keane, both experiencing their own kinds of grief and futures different from what they had expected for themselves, were both really likeable. I loved how the relationship developed over time between the two and that they seemed to really support each other throughout the story andworked well together...Keane is such a sweetheart!
Throughout the book there is a fair bit of 'boat talk' that I was not able to completely follow or understand all of the time, but this certainly didn't make it any harder to read or less enjoyable at all.
The message in the book of second chances happening and being able to start over whilst not forgetting the past was really well done by the author, with some really intense topics and situations covered perfectly also.
I highly recommend this one, really want to go sailing now!
Huge thanks to Trish Doller, St. Martin's Press and Net Galley for allowing me such a wonderful ARC to read and provide an honest review for.

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This book was SO good! It made me smile and made me cry (often at the same time), and gave me a wicked craving for sailing the Caribbean. I’m seriously considering running away and buying a sailboat now.

The main characters are lovely and nuanced, the dog adorable, and the imagery vivid. I could feel the sun and sea spray on my skin as I read. Anna’s grief and her process of working through it felt realistic and tugged at my heartstrings more than once.

The only thing that took me out of the story was the frequent sailing jargon without going into more detail. I had to stop and look up the terms she used several times per chapter just to get a visual of what was going on. I learned a lot about sailing, but it did make some of the scenes pretty choppy and confusing for me. But if you’re familiar with sailing, that won’t be a problem for you.

Five stars!

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⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Float Plan - Trish Doller (Out

Thank you to @stmartinspress & @netgalley for the advanced e-copy in exchange of an honest review.


Ben and Anna had planned to sail around the world together. But those plans came to a crashing halt when Ben dies by suicide, leaving Anna in shambles and trying to piece her life back together. The morning they are supposed to depart, the calendar alert Ben had left on her phone jolts her awake. Anna decides to sail the Caribbean alone, her first step to reclaiming her life since his death.


Sometimes you pick up a book and it is exactly everything you need it to be given your mood at that time, this book was just that for me. Float plan is the perfect vacation book to read when you need to stay where you are!
I have been absolutely craving a destination vacation (haven’t we all?!) and loved getting to take a Covid proof trip around the Caribbean on a sail boat with Anna & Keane. Every single page of this book felt like a nice, warm, hug and I didn’t want to put it down.


While this is a romance novel, it is first and foremost a story of finding yourself. I loved watching Anna rediscover who she was as a person, without a man to define her. I seriously adored every single page of this book, it kept me up way past my bedtime and I see myself reading more from Trish Doller in my future.

Fans of Katherine Center & Christina Lauren will absolutely love this book!

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Anna waits tables at a pirate themed bar in Fort Lauderdale. The last year spent in a haze as she grieves the loss of her fiancé and the life she hoped to build with him. The sailboat they refurbished sits idly at the dock filled with memories of Ben and all of their dreams. As the day set for their maiden voyage approaches Anna decides to take her chances at it solo. She sets off on the journey alone towards the Bahamas. After a difficult night at sea Anna realizes she cannot complete the planned trip without some assistance. She looks for an experienced sailor to get her to Puerto Rico and through the Caribbean. That is when she meets Keane, a gorgeous Irishman who fits the bill and more. Following Ben’s itinerary, Keane and Anna sail well together and they both learn more about sailing and life than either of them ever expected. If you love the romance of the sea filled with sunsets, dolphins and hidden island treasures you will adore this wonderful tale that reads like a cool breeze on a hot day. Highly recommend - although not out until 2021 - so keep your eyes open for it’s release! Worth the wait!

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Ten months after her fiance, Ben, committed suicide, Anna is still grieving. Lost and unable to cope, she abandons her life and climbs onto the boat she inherited from Ben and takes off from Florida to the islands, intent on following Ben's grand plan to sail the carribean. The problem? She doesn't know what she's doing, and when she accidentally nearly gets run over by a container ship she decides to recruit some help.

Keane is a world-class sailor, but when a car accident shatters his leg he's now a liability. All he wants to do is prove he can still race, even with a prosthesis, and when he runs into Anna on a tiny Carribean island he's still wallowing. But Anna is intriguing and he decides to help get her to at least Puerto Rico. So their adventure starts.

Float Plan is a sweet story about two people finding each other while learning to let go of their previous lives. While the story drags a bit on the islands, it speeds along on the water, and comes to a satisfying conclusion. You want to root for Anna and Keane. Plus, there's a dog. Can't go wrong.

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I enjoyed every minute of reading Float Plan. Anna and Keane are believable, likeable characters with genuine chemistry. The story is realisitic and well paced, and is filled with current, emotionally moving topics. I really appreciated that both characters had an opportunity for discovery and growth and that their relationship was integral to the journey. This has been my favorite romance of the year. I finished with a smile on my face and can't wait to put it in the hands of library patrons. Highly recommended.

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The first few pages of this book are a suicide note, which was difficult to begin with, but this book is so sincere and so full of heart, that I went along. It's been about a year since Anna's boyfriend, Ben, committed suicide. They'd planned an extended boat trip through the Caribbean, and she impulsively decides to go by herself. She quickly realizes that is not such a safe idea, and ends up hiring a hand, Keane. So much of this story is Anna reflecting on her past and hoping for a better future. Great characters, great plot -- this author is one of my new favorites.

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Anna is still drowning in grief from her fiancées suicide, when she wakes up one morning to a calendar event: a sailing trip around the Caribbean planned with her lost love. On a whim, she leaves her job and packs up her bags to take on the trip alone. After a perilous first leg, she hires help in the form of Keane, a sailor also struggling with his own grief: the loss of a leg and his previous life that went with it. As they sail the Caribbean they find solace in each other and in the adventure they are undertaking, and both learn to find a way to move on. I absolutely loved this book, and I can’t wait until it’s released so I can recommend it to my friends and family!

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This was such a heart-warming, adorable read which packed a surprising emotional punch. An awesome romance that also made "learn to sail" move even higher up my to-do list. I loved the warmth of the characters, the descriptions of sailing through the Caribbean and the emotional arc of the book. Perfect escape.

Thanks to NetGalley for the review copy, in exchange for an honest review.

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Anna lost her fiancé Ben 10 mos ago to suicide. When she woke up one morning to her alarm announcing it was the ‘Day they were to go SAILING’ - she decided she would honor him by taking this huge trip right before the holidays...alone.

Once she reaches her first destination, she realizes she needs a crews and meets Keane Sullivan. Keane is a breathe of fresh air. He literally hops from one boat to another crewing and sailing his way around the world- just what Anna needs to complete her trip for Ben.

Anna does quite a bit of soul searching, as does Keane. We follow both of their struggles to get stronger both physically and emotionally. It’s both heart wrenching and inspiring.

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"Float Plan", by Trish Doller, was the first novel that I have read by this author, and it did not disappoint. I wasn't sure what to expect when I first started it- was it a rom-com-type book? Serious romance? "Float Plan:" is the story of Anna, who lost her fiance, Ben, to suicide the year prior and is just barely making it in terms of moving on. She works in a bar and lives with her best friend, but she is not really living life. One morning she gets a reminder notice on her phone about a trip that she and Ben had planned and were scheduled to leave for that day- sailing through the Caribbean on Ben's boat. Upon seeing the notice, Anna decides that she is going to take the trip on her own, so she gathers her supplies, boards the boat, and takes off from Florida for their first scheduled destination. After her first night of sailing alone, and almost missing hitting a big tanker, Anna decides that she needs to hire someone to get her to Puerto Rico, and posts an ad while at port, She hires Keane, and Irishman, who is also going through his own struggles after losing his leg in an accident, and finding that things aren't going for him as he had hoped after the accident. Together, as they journey through the Caribbean towards Puerto Rico, Keane and Anna find themselves growing closer and closer, as friends, and then as lovers, as they help each other through their grieving processes.

I could not help but fall in love with these characters as I read through the book, and I loved seeing both the development not only of them as a couple, but as they each work through their own grieving processes, Anna is able by the end of the book to find that she can still love Keane , while keeping her memories of Ben, and she finds she can indeed give love a second chance. "Float Plan" was a quick read- it was hard to put down. It was not what I expected, but surprising so, and I genuinely enjoyed this book!

Thanks to NetGalley and St Martin's Press/St. Marti's Griffin for providing me with and advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. "Float Plan" is scheduled to be released on March 2, 2021.

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This book was a delight! While a book that begins with a devastating suicide might be impossible to get past for some, and hard to process for everyone, Trish Doller deftly navigates this topic. Anna is left unmoored by her boyfriend's suicide and decides, last minute, to go ahead and take off on their planned sailing trip solo. Along the way she meets people who help her navigate and steer her way, both literally and figuratively.

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I was looking for something fun and romantic to sweep me away since travel is still quite limited, and I got that and so much more. Float Plan is a heartbreaking look at life after love, and an examination of how we react when life doesn't go according to our plan. It features a refreshingly honest female protagonist-- my heart broke for her as she navigated her feelings for Ben, her frustration with Ben, and her confusion about her ability to move forward. Really just a thoughtful and beautiful adventure! Looking forward to whatever Trish Doller does next!

Thank you to NetGalley for the ARC.

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I. LOVE. KEANE. SULLIVAN. There was a lot of boat terminology that I didn’t understand in this book but it didn’t make it unreadable to me. I really enjoyed this book and the complexities of Anna‘s and Keane’s pasts. A great love story that I can’t wait to share with others! Thank you for the opportunity to read.

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