Member Reviews

Fabulous book! Kids and teens will love this book. And Adults will learn a lot, too. So pleased this book is published. It's wondrous.

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Wonderful resource - my 4 year old is thrilled that I can finally offer more help with the night sky! Highly recommend as a resource/learning guide for every family, educator, and group. Looking forward to publication so I can purchase and give as gifts!

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Firstly - this book is stunning, and I will be buying myself a copy when it is released... And likely another few for various nieces and nephews.

Secondly - I have learnt more from reading <i>this</i> book about astronomy, than any teacher taught me while I was at school. Jargon has always confused me, no matter the subject and this book, with its mix of pictures and text just perfectly explains so many concepts that I simply couldn't figure out in my head before. HAPPY!

Third - The examples given in each section where required/needed include both northern and southern hemispheres which is more interesting (and varied) than I realised.

Fourth - Every section of this book is filled with illustrations, activities and detailed descriptions that are genuinely understandable and gorgeous to look at. The vibrancy of this book made me just want to keep reading, to see what else I could learn and figure out.

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This book definitely exceeded my expectations! The amount of information provided was vast and interesting. There are sections on the weather, planets, constellations, and so much more. I thoroughly enjoyed that it dove into both night and day, as I feel most books tend to gravitate towards the night sky. The activities were cute and are definitely ones I can see being easily incorporated into a classroom! I would definitely recommend this to all ages!

Disclosure: I received a complimentary eARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes. I'd like to thank NetGalley and the publisher for providing me this opportunity!

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Wow! This book far exceeded my expectations! Not only does it give you information about Sky Gazing to see stars with kids, but it contains TONS of information, science facts, project directions, charts, photos, diagrams and tips that will open your eyes to how to view anything and everything in the sky!

It is broken down into sections that allows you to find what you're interested in very easily. Within each section (Moon, Sun, etc) there is a wealth of information. The beginning of the book even gives you information about weather, clouds, etc. Honestly, this is SO much more than just a Sky Gazing guide. This book is a winner, for sure. I highly recommend this to children and adults alike. Anyone who enjoys gazing upwards needs this guide!

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Thank you to the publisher for an advance copy of this book via netgalley!

This book is very well made and has extensive information on anything relating to stars, space and plants. Even thought my daughter was a bit young for this book (she is five), she enjoyed having me read to her about the various subjects. This is a book that will grow with her as she gets older. Her favorite was the beautiful pictures of the stars! As a parent, I enjoyed the fact that most of the pictures in his book are actual pictures of the various stars, planets, etc. It fascinated my daughter to see what each planet actual looks like. Highly recommended for any child that is curious about what’s out there!

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This was a cute and informative book about space! The information was descriptive but easy to understand and grasp. The book was also packed with beautiful photographs and illustrations. I especially enjoyed the photos of the nebulas and surfaces of the planets and moon.

What I really loved about this book though was the how to’s and activities within it! Things like how to make a star wheel, or use binoculars to view stars is not something I would think about but it makes a wonderful addition to the book. I think it will really help kids get excited about space and viewing the stars. Heck I wanted to do some of the activities.

Another great part of this book was the inclusion of star stories from different cultures like the Native Americans, Polynesians, and Chinese. This is a great way to teach kids about different cultures and history.

Overall this was a beautiful written and illustrated book for kids! I am totally recommending this book to my nieces and hopefully they will become interested in space.

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*

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This is a 132 page informative book for kids. It includes hundreds of pictures and so much astronomical information about stars, planets, galaxies, moons, etc. It is an easy to read format and has many fun facts along with descriptions. This would be a wonderful gift for any kid that wants to learn more about astronomy.

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This is a fantastic astronomy resource. I highly recommend it for home schoolers, educators, or really anyone interested in studying the sky and all it has to offer. I love that this book not only included well presented factual information, but also note booking suggestions and activities to try (experiments). The pictures and illustrations were purposeful and beautiful.
"I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

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