Member Reviews

I loved this, it’s hilarious and touching in equal measure. A beautiful story of a vampire and a werewolf who fall in love, and the reality that entails. The drawings themselves are beautiful, and I love the cover too. I can’t really say much more without giving away too much of the story. I definitely recommend it to anyone who likes vampires, werewolves or quirky love stories.

I was given a free copy of this book. My opinions are my own.

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I got this one because I love this author and it did not disappoint This book was an amazing read and once it is released I will buy a physical copy it is that good. .

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I picked up this title solely for its author. The art style isn't something I would really gravitate towards, but the humour made me smile and reminded me of one liners from Buffy.
A quick, fun, light read - just the dating life of a vampire and a werewolf! I fell in love. SO cute.

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This is a bite-sized (pun intended) review about a bite-sized graphic novel.

You have probably seen the amazing posts of @sarahandersencomics and to most of us on Instagram she needs no introduction.

Fangs is her latest graphic novel where a vampire and a werewolf falls in love. I haven’t read such a cute love story in a long time. From snuggles, to little fights, to bonding over not being ‘normal’, Jimmy and Elsie are like any other couple in love but they are much more adorable. The art isn’t in colour but it is pretty nonetheless with the light and shadow beautifully done. I loved it so much! (With the past few days being so hectic, I needed this.)

If you are a fan of cute graphic novels and Sarah’s Scribbles, this is a must!
Thank you Netgalley for the E-ARC.

4 out of 5 stars! This will make you go ‘aww’ and make your day a bit brighter!

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I loved this

Thank you to the publisher for giving me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.

I thought this was so cute! I loved how the vampire and werewolf were together. I thought it was so fun to see their relationship blossom. I think this is such a cute and quick read and I would definitely recommend this one to friends.

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While not an active follower, I've always loved Sarah's work and Fangs was no different.
The book is a collection of short comics about a couple - a vampire and werewolf, going through their quite quirky and unique life. It's lovable, hilarious, and surprisingly relatable, especially, given the species difference between us humans and the supernatural creatures of the night.

*Thanks to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing for providing me with an ARC of this title in exchange for an honest review.*

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I've read before the other cartoons that the author share through her social media and I love her sense of humor and this graphic novel is not the exception.
It's catchy, super cute and funny.
We can see the interaction between a vampire and a werewolf; their first met and the way they know about each other through their normal and funny life. Both are hilarious and they complement each other perfectly. I loved this novel so much that when I finished I needed more.

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I read the other cartoons of the author and they seemed super cute, adorable and fun but this new humor that she showed in "Fangs" enchanted me as you don't have an idea~.

Elsie's story focuses on how a vampire as dramatic and cool as she lives her day to day with the fierce but adorable Jimmy, who in turn is a werewolf.

This story will fill you with laughter and joy, guaranteed! Elsie is extremely sarcastic and special, the kind of weird girl who just makes your day simple and fun. And Jimmy ... Oh, Jimmy is ADORABLE! Her wolfish behaviors will get you more than a smile, you are seriously going to love him!

Although the graphic novel showed curious LITTLE moments in the life of these two wonderful characters (and although I would have liked there to be more bullets or more of them), the truth is that I LOVED with all my heart the story, the drawings, the characters and the dialogues!
Normally I don't tell dialogues a lot but Sarah managed to put a touch of irony and sarcasm on Elsie and Jimmy and the truth is I can't ignore how wonderful that was~.

I seriously recommend it too much, hopefully I will follow the story in another tome because Elsie and Jimmy stole my heart.

This review is also on GoodReads in spanish and english.

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Unlike her previous works, I really loved this book. To me, it was way better because it has a better art style and it’s about the romance between a vampire and a werewolf in the XXI century. Jimmy and Elsie are complete opposites but they understand each other because they’re creatures of the night. Ultimately, they do not hide their primal instincts around each other, and more often than not they share cute, adorable and whole-some moments that made me smile like an idiot from the very beginning.

This book was a light-hearted reading that shows the perks of being in a relationship with someone that is good to you, that complements your personality and who accepts you for who you are.

"Dogs can be leashed. But a wolf chooses to stay."

If you’re already familiar with Andersen’s comics, you know she has just the right amount of humor and fluff in every page. And of course, as a vampire lover, I must add that I loved Elsie’s clothes and personality! On the other hand, Jimmy was such an easy-going guy that I can understand why she fell in love with him. Both of them are adorable and I’m sure you’ll enjoy this graphic novel if you have the chance to read it!

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Seeing that Sarah Andersen wrote another book pulled me right in. Fangs is an incredibly sweet series of vignettes about the love between a vampire and a werewolf. While there are many cute jokes and references to the myths surrounding these creatures, the overwhelming emotion is the love between two people who feel like they don't fit in. It was a joy to read and quick to read as well. The art style is super cute and kept me staring - the dramatic dresses Elsie wears are amazing! I did wish the book had a bit more of a plot - as I said, it's a series of little moments. However, that does make it easy to pick up and put down, or to open to any page for a smile.

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"-Hey Jimmy, why do you think we get along?
-Well, you let me be me."

Thanks to the publisher for giving me and eARC in exchange of a honest review via Netgalley.

The story is very funny and fast, it took me 15 minutes to read.
I wish it could be a little longer, because I felt that should happen more things with the couple.

It's very cool see how Vamp and Jimmy are different and complete themselves. They have a different reaction to what happens day-by-day. It's cool see how they interact, they look like a real couple.

They are cute and have a lot of pretty interactions to make my heart get bigger.

The only bad thing it's that the start of the relationship could be more explored, from one scene to another they were already in love and living together! I really wanted some drama.

The illustrations are very simple and pretty, transmitting what they were feeling and their intentions.

I laughed a lot during my reading, specially when we had some references to the vampires and werewolves from the pop culture.

This is a very quick and great reading to do when you're feeling sad or stressed.

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Cute, funny and dark. Lots of cliche'd vamp and werewolf stereotypes make the basis for the funny panels describing the relationship between Jimmy and Elsie. Graphics are well drawn and dark but at times extremely beautiful. Page 86 is my favorite, it made me laugh out loud! Also really loved 98. I definitely want to see more of these two.

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Full of Sarah Andersen's wit and humour, this book is just perfection. Perfectly blending real relationship tropes with the supernatural is a simple stroke of genius which will have me coming back again and again.

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I adore the odd couple romance. The amazing puns! The simply perfect artistry of the black ink. This is an addicting laugh out load page turner.

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With Fangs comic artist Sarah Andersen ventures into 'fantasy' territory. Similarly to her Sarah's Scribbles comics, Fangs consists in a series of vignettes depicting everyday situations...except that in this case the couple starring in these scenes is not so ordinary. She's a three-hundred-years old vampire and he's a werewolf: puns ensue.
Many of the jokes allude to existing tropes/media about vampires&werewolves. So we have a lot of vignettes about blood, dogs, death, coffins, etc. Some of these were genuinely funny, some were a bit silly, and others were just cute.
The simple artwork fits perfectly with this sort of structure and humour. Fangs is a very wholesome and lighthearted read. While it may not be particularly memorable or 'substantial' it's bound to make you smile.

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A vampire and a werewolf meet and fall in love. I really liked their relationship, even though in many books, such as twilight, werewolves and vampires hate each other. I loved the puns and especially the joke about twilight. It was fun to read. The only issue I had was that there was very little development, which I can understand being a short graphic novel. Overall, it was entertaining.

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This was a short and sweet graphic novel about the relationship between a vampire and a werewolf. I believe the artist has shared snippets of this online before, because I had seen some of the artwork.

This was so quick for me to read, but just because it’s short doesn’t make it a bad thing! The relationship between the vampire and the werewolf was so cute, and even though they were both “monsters,” they worked so well together as a couple. This was filled with cuteness and so much humor, and I loved how the artist portrayed a relationship between two opposite people,

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Do you like cute couples? Vampires? Werewolves? HORRIBLE PUNS? Well then "Fangs" is for you!

Sarah Andersen, of "Sarah's Scribbles" fame, has created another wonderful masterpiece in the form of "Fangs", which is a series of short comics and art about a vampire and a werewolf who are very much in love with each other. Elise and Jimmy are super adorable, and neither back down from a pun opportunity at the other's (and their own) expense.

Sort of a "My Giant Nerd Boyfriend", Goth Edition, "Fangs" is funny, heartfelt, swoony, and all around perfect for putting a smile on your face!

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I really love the way the characters look, the way they have the old cliches of vampires and werewolves.
It's beautiful and lovely how the author put them together and they stay together it is just perfect.

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Hilarious graphics and story. A vampire and werewolf dating. Had me laughing out loud! Loved the art style in black and white. No gore! Loved her outfits!

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