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Fangs by Sarah Andersen is a refreshing take on vampires and werewolves. It’s punny, sweet, and integrates its characters in a way that’s grounded and believable. It strays away from vampiric or werewolf stereotypes that are angry and violent, and presents characters in a balanced romantic relationship. The artstyle is adorable, the cover & cover art are pretty, and the central relationship feels light and cute.

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I have been a huge fan and a follower of Sarah Andersen's comics for several years now and I've reviewed every bind up of her Sarah's Scribbles comic series here on the blog. When I heard she was going to be drawing a new vampire comic for Tapas, I was intrigued! The concept of Fangs was so different from her Scribbles stuff that I didn't know whether I would love it or hate it.

Good news! I adored it so much! It was funny and new way to look at classic werewolves and vampires. I instantly fell in love with Elsie and Jimmy and found myself counting down for the next comic to release. I was drawn in immediately and loved watching Elsie and Jimmy work through their differences and strengthen their relationship. The art style was both fun and stunning and so different from her style for Scribbles. It really worked with the story line!

As someone who faithfully followed the comic on Tapas as it was being published, I was hesitant at first to request an ARC because I thought I had read them all. Then I saw on someone's Instagram that physical copy was going to have never before seen comics she specifically drew for this edition. I requested the ARC so fast after that because I needed to see what she had added to the story. It was well worth it and I immediately pre-ordered a copy to put on my comics shelf next to my Scribbles collections.

I agree with the synopsis that this comic has the makings to become a cult classic. It's quirky and fun and just a delightful read all around! I can't recommend this paranormal love story enough to friends. I can promise that you won't regret picking a copy up for yourself. The only complaint I have is a small one. I really wish we were going to get more comics for this story but it sounds like it's finished. I would love to keep reading this comic for the next decade if the author wanted to draw it. That's some of the highest praise I can give a comic collection.

ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley.

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Thoroughly spooky and sweet, clever and creepy. Lovely art. Surprisingly no angst, just a lovely romance between two dangerous creatures.

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I haven’t found a Sarah Andersen book I haven’t enjoyed yet. Her arts completely beautiful and you always get a good laugh every time. Thank you NetGalley for allowing me this advanced copy. I picked Fang up to get ready for the spooky season, I went into it really expecting something different but I’m so glad with what I got. This is a modern day love story between a vampire and a werewolf and how they balance a relationship along with themselves. It was brilliant and so funny. I laugh out loud multiple times and was left wanting more! Loved it

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I love Sarah Andersen and all her comics!
I already read a bit of this comic on another web platform and I loved seeing it in an ebook Format!

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If you ever wondered whether dark humor could be cute, this book is your answer: an unexpectedly sweet romance between a vampire and a werewolf in modern times. The characters are distinctive and charming; I loved all the puns. However, I expected this to have a narrative arch of sorts, and the lack of it did disappoint me. It's more a collection of moments throughout their relationship, which again it's adorable, but I wanted more.

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I love that I can always count on Sarah Andersen to crack me up. After 8 months with her Adulthood is a Myth day calendar, this was a very different kind of humor, but still delightful. I've always loved supernatural stuff, and all the lore that comes with it; this book was adorable and hilarious, my two favorite things. I kept showing pages to my spouse so we could laugh together. It'll be a fun Halloween title, and I'll be pushing it at the holidays as well!

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Fans of horror, Gothic lit, and Sarah Andersen, in general, will love this book. It's a cute love story about a vampire and a werewolf. Over the book we see their relationship grow as they deal with sticky situations like how to go out in the day time or learning to clean up after a night of terrorizing the town. It's a simple, but cute story that's charming and has Andersen's off-brand humor.

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I gave this a four out of five stars. I really enjoyed the art style and the story. I want to get myself a physical copy of this one!

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Former web comic now as a hardback! This graphic novel edition is hilarious and absolutely wonderful! I read it a few months ago and still giggle out loud when I think about scenes from it.

The graphic novel follows a vampire, named Elsie, who is obviously a little older than most, but living as a paranormal in our normal world. She meets Jimmy, a werewolf that strikes her fancy and we are along for a hilarious and wonderful ride as they adapt to one another's specialties and issues. The plot focuses on their love story and how they are together but also so very different but also how it all works. There is some awkwardness along with the hilariousness and it makes for a really adorable graphic novel. I absolute adored it, would read it again and again, and will be picking this one up for my collection.

Perfect for fans of the paranormal, gothic, and funny romances.

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I received this book free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Fangs is a comic collection from the creator of Sarah’s Scribbles, Sarah Anderson. It’s the snippets of a relationship between a vampire and a werewolf and I’m going to share my full impressions with you.

I wanted to check out this book because I’ve been a follower of Sarah and her Sarah’s Scribbles comics for a while now. So seeing a collection of comics that depart from the Scribbles but keep some of the clever and relatable humor had me intrigued.

Like I said, this book is a collection of different comics that feature Elisa, a vampire, and Jimmy, her werewolf boyfriend, and their unique relationship. There is no chronological story necessarily but there is progression throughout the book of their relationship.

I found this book to be very cute and clever. There are many fun references to common werewolf and vampire tropes that are incorporated well and made me laugh out loud at times. It was almost a point of pride to get the joke and think “Ha I get it” to myself.

I really like the simple black and white art, which is common for Sarah’s work as Sarah’s Scribbles is the same. But the styles between the two differ which really makes Fangs stand alone and stand strong. The art for Fangs fits Fangs really well.

Overall I found Fangs a very cute and clever comic collection. It was an enjoyable and quick read that I recommend to really anyone, especially fans of her Sarah Scribbles works and slice-of-life comics in general.

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This unique story was one of the first I followed on Tapas and when I saw it was turning into a book I was so happy!

This is a refreshing love story about two different creatures of night and how they make their relatioship work.
It's funny, cute, has a dark humor that I love and it's a must read from Sarah Andersen.

Thanks NetGalley for the opportunity to read it.

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What happens when a 300-year-old vampire meets a charming werewolf in a bar? Well, in Fangs it’s the start of a beautiful – if odd – relationship.

There’s a lot to like about this book. The humour is – sorry not sorry – ‘fangtastic’ (haha!). I loved the doggish behaviour from a big scary bloke who turns out to like having his tummy tickled on a full moon as much as any labrador. And the vampire doing her makeup in a mirror that shows nothing of what the makeup is being applied to.

And yet, it took me a while to get into this, and it was hard not to write ‘I wanted to love it more than I did’. I really really love Sarah Andersen’s Sarah’s Scribbles comics, and it was perhaps the very different artwork style here that threw me a bit. It’s a bit disjointed, too, less a story and more a series of humorous vignettes – although that’s maybe less surprising – and the humour is rather gentle, if a little dark.

But then… It wasn’t hard to keep reading and as I did I realised it was less about pity one-liners and more revealing about relationships in general. The match here is rather sweet, all things considered. You don’t have to be undead or a shapeshifter to see the rather lovely way this portrays a … unique? … partnership, and what makes it work.

Take it for what it is rather than comparing it to the author’s other work, and actually this is a really nice, if slightly slim volume.

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Best known for her popular webcomic Sarah's Scribbles, cartoonist Sarah Anderson has branched out into new avenues with Fangs. In this release, which collects strips from the webcomic of the same name, readers follow the relationship of a vampire and werewolf through a series of gags.

Each page is a self-contained gag strip. A lot of the jokes take advantage of the books premise, finding humorous takes on romantic situations through the lens of the paranormal. This includes jokes like Elsie, the vampire character, getting dressed for a date in the mirror but unable to see her reflection. Other times, we get gags that are just about vampires or werewolves, focusing on lusts for blood or the full moon.

Fangs isn't romance of grand gestures and racing to the airport. Just like Philippa Rice's Soppy, it focuses on the small moments. It's the domestic variety of romance that's all about the times on the couch, walks in the park (or graveyard), coffee in the morning, and more. The real kind of romance everyday couples experience. Or as real as it can be with vampires and werewolves.

Anderson takes a different approach to her art when compared to Sarah's Scribbles. It's a less chaotic approach, with more deliberate fine lines. Characters have more detail to them, showing off unique character traits through subtle expression, fashion choices, and backgrounds. At the same time, readers are never bogged down in this detail, with the cartoonist only giving us a much as we need. The use of grey also helps, by softening backgrounds and giving additional depth so it doesn't blend into the foreground.

Overall, Fangs is a charming read that has plenty of laughs. By focusing on the small moments in a relationship, we get a domestic approach to romance but one that readers will find parallels in their own life. If this is your kind of thing then you won't be disappointed.

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Sarah Anderson is mostly known for her witty, socially isolated characters from her Comic Sarah's Scribbles. She can convey so much about the human condition by capturing brief moments in life.

With Fangs, the author creates a sweet love story between two unlikely characters, a werewolf and a vampire. This is a compilation of an online Comic, called Fangs. It is a truly delightful, quick graphic novel to read.

What I Liked:


The two characters are super endearing. I loved how they both are self-conscious about who they are (commonly thought of as monsters), while also embracing their tendencies.


The humor in this book is heavy on the irony and the macabre. The author is very sly with her use of typical couples situations and then twisting them with dark humor.


The drawings are sweet and bring out the emotions in each character. I loved her use of aspects of vampires, such as not seeing themselves in mirrors, and of werewolves and their canine instincts. The drawings are really funny.

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I love Sara Andersen's work Sarah's Scribbles and Fangs is no exception. It's a very quick and absolutely adorable graphic novel about a vampire and a werewolf who fall in love. The couple is exceptionally sweet without being too cutesy all the while making no excuses for the fact that they're both technically "monsters". I hope this isn't a one off, I would love to see more of this couple and their world. I received a free e-copy from NetGalley.

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Fangs by Sarah Andersen is an absolutely adorable little graphic novel that is a must read for romance and fantasy readers.

I was pleasantly surprised and enchanted by this book! It was a great and adorable little read! It's quick and easy to read, and quite fun! The book gives off a slice of life vibe but from monsters, making it highly comedic yet super sweet.

Three out of five stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and Andrews McMeel Publishing.

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I love Sarah Andersen's Sarah's Scribbles comics, so I guess it's only fitting that I love Fangs as well. This was entertaining, and Sarah's illustrations are always top-notch!

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Fans of Sarah Andersen's work will not be disappointed. Fangs delivers a darkly humorous look at the budding romance between a vampire and werewolf. With plenty of puns and sarcasm to make it occasionally feels tropey, what could be brushed aside as silly comes across as sweet and funny. Overall it is a fun and quick read that will make you smile.

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When you are perfect for each other but oh, so different...

Super cute graphic novel involving snippets of the life between a vampire and a werewolf. Almost every page with bring a smile if not a chuckle with its humor and wit. The jokes are fun, dark, and poke fun and has cute graphics.

I absorbed this book when looking for a break and enjoyed the snippets/glances into their life in modern society while being paranormal creatures.

Super cute, super fun and a great read!

Thank you to Andrews McMeel Publishing and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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