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Little Bones

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Member Reviews

Excellent thriller, perfect for a Halloween release!
I liked the way the main character was presented. She wasn’t perfect, she wasn’t the usual victim type you can get in thrillers. There was a hard edge of steel running through her that fit in well with what she had gone through as a child.
Enough subplots to keep you guessing and a fantastically twisty ending - I look forward to recommending this to people on publication.

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An excellent read with endless twist and turns. N.V. Peacock does an outstanding job at leading readers astray with minimal foreshadowing and multiple plot twists. Character development is minimalistic but made up for with a well established plot. Highly recommended for book clubs everywhere with boundless discussion points.

Thank you to #NetGalley and @AvonBooksUK for the ARC for #LittleBones which was read and reviewed voluntarily. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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An enjoyable thriller, with a really interesting take on the current vogue for True Crime podcasts and what it would mean to be the subject of one. Dark and escapist.

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Ok so this was like amazing! It immediately drew me in from the first chapter!
This was packed with page turner after page turner!
I mean who wouldn't love a good suspense about the daughter of a serial killer?
I was really excited about this one.
The storyline was good.... Could have been better I thought.
The characters I enjoyed pretty well.
There was some parts I thought to be boring but it soon picked back up

Thank You NetGalley Publisher and author for this gifted ebook!

Rating 3.5

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Little Bones was a fun Thriller from the perspective of the daughter of a serial killer as a new true crime podcast uncovers her name change and her son goes missing.

I loved the mentions of Mr. Bones and definitely thought I knew who took Robin and was surprised to be wrong! For an avid Thriller reader that was pretty neat.

A great debut for Thriller and murdery book fans! TW: child murder.

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Excellent thriller and very creative story! There are all kinds of books about serial killers nowadays and this was a creative perspective that kept me entertained.

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Brilliant! I found this book from N.V. Peacock gripping, exciting and utterly compelling. You are sucked into Cherrie's life from the outset. All of the twist, turns, and ups and downs of emotions. It takes you to parts of her life as the daughter of a serial killer Trying to distance herself from her past, but being constantly dragged back and down whilst trying to find the kidnappers of her son.
Well done on an amazing thriller and thank you to Netgalley for giving us the opportunity to read it.

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I received an advanced copy of Little Bones, by N V Peacock. It was a very good read, kept me on the edge of my seat. Great Halloween story. There are creepy people everywhere, even in your own family.

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I found this book about a serial killers daughter a very unique and intriguing read. Cherrie, as she now calls herself, went through a lot as a child-should the children of a murderer pay for the sins of the father? The story takes us through Cherrie's normal life and the action begins when a "podcaster"starts to do a new podcast based on Cherrie's locked-up child killer of a dad. I would highly recommend to anyone who likes thrillers that find a way to build the action up slowly and all the while cleverly feeding you bits until the climactic ending.

Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for a chance to read and review.

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I really thought I knew the "who did it" pretty early in this book and man was I wrong! Cherrie Forrester has been trying to make a new, quiet life for herself after changing her name to separate herself from her infamous serial killer father Mr. Bones. Things are going well, until a young boy in her town disappears and a podcast catches win of similairities and exposes Cherrie's true identity to the world. If that isn't enough, Cherrie's young son Robin disappears with little to no leads.

This story took me on an emotional rollercoaster (or ferris wheel if we are making puns from the book). I couldn't put the second half down.

As this is NV Peacock's first adult thriller, she killed it. Thank you to NV Peacock, NetGalley, and Avon Books UK for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Little Bones is a tale full of mystery and suspense that sucks the reader in. This first in a series novel follows Garda Cathy Connolly in her quest as a kick boxer until her world is turned upside down. After finding baby’s bones in a dress she becomes enthralled with the case and there are new mystery’s with each turn of the page. This series opener makes the reader want more and comes highly recommended!

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What makes a ‘bad person’? Is it nature or nurture? Cherrie (aka Little Bones) is the daughter of the notorious serial killer Mr Bones. Now grown up, with a new name, home, circle of friends and a child of her own. She’s constantly living under a blanket of secrecy that she can’t even bring herself to understand let alone tell her boyfriend. When he own son goes missing and her past is flung into the spot light, Cherrie finds herself desperately trying not to spiral out of control.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It’s lighthearted, easy to read and fairly fast paced. I loved the premise of the book (that’s what drew me to requesting it) but I feel that with a bit more editing it could’ve been much more edgier. The book has echoes of ‘Silence Of The Lambs’ and ‘Good Me, Bad Me’ by Ali Land but fails to truly explore its central theme.

Some of the plot twists were a bit predictable but that aside, this book has a great backstory, good character development and in places she tried out a dark and sinister tone which I felt worked well.

A great, fast read and a fab debut into the adult crime fiction genre - is certainly read another of Nicky Peacocks novels.

Thanks to NetGalley for my advance copy in exchange for my honest review.

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I wanted to love this book. I really did. The plot though a bit dark and gruesome even for my taste was enough to keep me hooked. A mother taking the law into her own hands and trying to find her missing son. To add to the plot this mother is the daughter of a famous cereal killer. Many of the plot twists were nicely placed and I’m so happy the initial thoughts I had were not correct. Though the revelation at the end was a bit anti climactic. I don’t know why though. Did I want more fight or more grit in order for everything to come together?? I’m not sure. But it was a fun read just not completely rewarding

Thanks to NetGalley for an arc in exchange for my honest opinion

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Thanks Netgally for allowing we to read this book This book is about Cherrie, Her father was a serial killer who would take her with him on his killing sprees. This book kept you guessing from beginning to end. This is the first book I have read by N V Peacock and it wont be my last.

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This book is about Cherrie. Cherrie lives with her boyfriend Leo and son Robin. She is keeping a secret. Cherrie changed her identity at the age of 17 as she is the daughter of serial killer Mr Bones who used to kill young boys to make art from their bones. When a young boy in her area goes missing a podcast covering the case reveals Cherrie’s real identity. Cherrie later is convinced to go to a psychic with some workmates. The psychic warns Cherrie that her son will go missing and that prediction comes true. The rest of the book is about Cherrie trying to find her son and defend herself against those who think she killed her son.

This was a fast paced thriller. It was well written and kept me interested and wanting to keep reading way after I should have stopped. The main character really annoyed me at times and I felt that she did some really silly things and kept some things from the police that could have helped in the search for her son. I was a little disappointed I guessed the ending so quickly but overall I really enjoyed it and look forward to reading more of this authors work.

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Who doesn't want to dive into the mind of a serial killer? To figure out what they did, how they did it, and what drove them to make their decisions? Do you ever wonder about a killer's family? How has their experience affected them?

Little Bones is N V Peacock's debut thriller / mystery about the daughter of a serial killer who is known to many as Mr. Bones. This novel watches as her re-structured life is quickly derailed after an amateur podcast exposes her family's past and attempts to relate her to a recent crime.

Thank you so much to Avon Books UK and Netgalley for allowing me an e-ARC of this novel in exchange for an honest review. This novel had such an interesting premise and pulled me in from the beginning. As a Forensic Psychology minor in university, I am fascinated by the minds of society's worst psychopaths and sociopaths. When I saw the description of this book, I knew I just had to pick it up.

This book was intriguing and full of twists and turns, family drama and a serious "taking matters into one's own hands" attitude. I had a confident prediction about who was to blame by about 40% of the way through, but with that being said, I did second-guess my detective work a few times before the end.

I had really high hopes going into this book, but can't bring myself to give it more than three stars. The premise and plot were fantastic and definitely kept me engaged, but there were times that I was driven nuts by the protagonist and her over-the-top dramatic internal dialogue, and that's a real deal-breaker for me. With that being said, I will definitely be picking up N V Peacock's next book for another interesting, but creepy, read!

cw: violence, murder, mental illness, kidnapping

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This was a pick for a book club discussion.

The book starts out from the mind of a killer seeking his prey and gloating how no one would ever suspect him.

Then the book picks up with Cherrie Forrester, the mother of a young boy, Robin, and she works in a deli. Cherrie lives with Leo, the father of Robin. Cherrie has carefully rebuilt her life, changed her name, and has told no one. Not even Leo.

Cherrie, used to be Leigh-Ann Hendy, then dubbed Little Bones by the media. Her father, William 'Billy' Hendy, a serial killer was known as Mr. Bones.

When a young boy turns up missing, Cherrie worries, she knows that missing children not always come home. While searching about the missing boy, Cherrie comes across a podcast, The Flesh on the Bones. The journalist wanna be, Jai Patel, shares tidbits with his listeners that can destroy Cherrie's carefully built new life. Cherrie becomes obsessed with the number of subscribers; as long as it's a low count she may still be safe.

Cherrie's life is about to come unhinged with the past rearing its ugly head once again. Time is running out, people already believe she's guilty by association, after all, she shares the same DNA as Mr. Bones.

I felt for Cherrie, she's living the worst nightmare, while having grown up with a man, who had two sides to him. One, a caring father, but the other was very evil. She was labeled and had her character tainted for simply being a child of a monster. Everyone has already convicted her, so what does it matter if she goes a little crazy on them? When I read the ending, all that came to mind was: OH! Yikes! Round 2? Good thriller!

I received an ARC from NetGalley via Avon Books UK and I have voluntarily reviewed this book.

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This book started off really strong for me and then fell flat. It could have been so creepy and ended up being repetitive. I almost didn’t finish, but I wanted to see what happened and who was the kidnapper. I felt that her dad should have had a bigger role to make the story more creepy.

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Captivating! I couldn’t put it down. I read it in one day. It’s a great thriller. The story flowed really well. The Synopsis is Cherrie is the daughter of a serial killer (caught and in prison). She grew up in foster homes from the age of 8. Her mother committed suicide after her father was caught. At age 17 she changed her name to escape her past. Fast forward to today - she is now 35 lives with her boyfriend and has an 8 year old son, Robin. A young boy is kidnapped then found murdered. Then Robin goes missing at the fair. People find out her past, her real identity and rumors fly that she may have murdered her own son and the other boy. They call her little bones. I don’t want to give anything away so get the book. It’s a really good fast paced book right to the end!

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Imagine having to hide from your past. You change your name to start a new life. You have a man in your life and a wonderful son.
Now imagine your past catching up with you.
Your father killed 8 young boys. He used their bones as art. You were a child. Barely eight years old. You went with your father on his hunts for boys. He even had you there when he cleaned the bones and made his art.
Now your son is missing. The police think you are involved in the disappearance of your own son just because of who your father was and who you are. Innocence has nothing to do with it.
I twisted of a read with an astounding ending!!

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