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Little Bones

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This was a very solid crime thriller I enjoyed. We meet Cherrie, and come to learn she has a hidden past with a father who was a serial killer known as Mr. Bones. Cherrie's nickname back in the day became Little Bones since she was often with him unknowingly while he picked up victims. While she tried hard to erase this part of her life, it comes back when a boy and her own son go missing in the town. I really enjoyed the "did she do it" "didn't she do it" in my head throughout the plot right until the end. This would make a great film and kept things moving.
Thankful for the ARC!

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As a Mother and a gran i didn't think id be strong enough to read this book but so glad i was. i felt very emotional pain that Sherrie did in loosing her son, it was brilliantly written of course the ending was a huge surprise, no one could have foreseen that, loved it! 5*****

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I scored this 4.5 but have rounded it up to 5 stars.

I could not put this book down and what a rollercoaster ride it was!

The prologue sets this book up perfectly, was especially creepy and throughout I was forever referring back to it to see if my theory on who it was matched up….oh yes I got completely involved with trying to solve this!

Weirdly I’m a big fan of true crime and even though this was fiction it felt at times like a true crime book. It was very interesting to see what the daughter of notorious serial killer, Mr Bones, thought about everything that happened. As it turns out she used to help her dad, although she was a child at the time and didn’t understand the true extent of her Dad’s crimes. Throughout the book she looks back at her past and the stories are pretty gruesome but it felt very real and you could see why she did still love her Dad despite everything he had done.

Leigh-Ann also known as Little Bones discovers a podcast has been broadcast about her Dad revealing her true identity. Meanwhile another child has been abducted and then her own son goes missing. The book mainly revolves around her trying to figure out who took her son, even enlisting the help of her Dad! I think the fact this is about a child going missing was what had me on the edge of my seat.

This was full of twists and I honestly thought I had it figured out from the beginning, to the point where I was going to only give this 3 stars because it was too easy to solve….but no I was completely wrong and no matter how hard I tried or referred back to the prologue I still never figured it out and the ending linked back to the prologue perfectly!

Overall this was a brilliant thriller, that was nail bitingly good and had me on the edge of my seat throughout. If you love a bit of serial killer crime thrillers then this is the book for you!

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Her father was Mr bones, she was little bones, a daughter of a serial killer, a name she thought would be forgotten. Now her child is missing and Cherrie will do whatever it takes to find him, even if it means contacting her father again.

I found this book quite frustrating, i did not like the main character, she reacted quiet oddly to situations. I guessed the twist, although I feel the twist needed a bit more work. Saying that I was hooked and it had the promise to be a really good read, if the characters had been a little more developed & the story tweaked.

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I was so into this story until things started to go downhill. Cherrie started to do stupid stuff like be erratic and breaking into people house and just yelling at people. Wish is understandable because she is trying to find her son. But girl. The way she went about things was not thought out. Remember the psychic i mentioned? Cherrie would constantly ask her if there was updates on Robin. As I was reading I was thinking there was so many suspects on who 1. killed Thomas and 2. took Robin but who both suspects ended up to be left me MAD. MAD. Especially involving Robin. It took literally the WHOLE book (up to 90%) to find Robin and when we did I was just angry. UGH!

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Little Bones is a book that is absolutely perfect for me. I knew that from the beginning, seeing the title and the cover and reading the description. I am a huge fan of crime stories and Thrillers and this book was almost everything I was hoping for in a crime novel.
It was a hell of a ride. I absolutely love books written of the perspective of the killer or, as it was the case with this one, the killer's family members, here his daughter. I am also a huge fan of True Crime Podcasts and this book was just getting better and better and more and more perfect to me. The only issue I had - I knew who the villain was from a pretty early stage, so I was not much surprised how this turned out.
Cherrie's character was a bit too annoying for me sometimes and especially her inner monologues were tiresome.
The ending, or rather the epilouge, was my second favourite part of the book, next to the prologue. That last sentence - marvellous! I adore books with a semi-open ending, giving the reader room to continue the story rather than having to accept that it's over and done with.
Since the culprit was quite obvious to me and Cherrie was annoying me slightly for a couple of chapters, I have to cut a star, which is disappointing. I would have loved to give this book a full five stars, because it satisfied my every need in a crime novel.
I received an ARC by Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought the pace of the book was good and it was really gripping at times when Cherrie was so lost in anguish and grief in trying to find her son. She herself undergoes a moment of identify crisis and must look deep within to learn who she really is; the daughter of a serial killer or a loyal and caring mother and wife?
At times, Cherrie's character was strong but I found the other characters didn't have as much depth and could have been from any book.
I was let down by the ending and thought the 'twist' at the end was quite underwhelming. It was as if the author just had enough and wanted to tie up the story and thus gave us pretty anticlimactic and disappointing ending.
So overall. there were elements of the book that I liked but in the end it just didn't quite meet the mark for me.

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What a great book. The story is about Cherrie who is carrying on her shoulders a secret about her childhood who caused her to change her name at the age of 17. No one knows her secret and she is living a happy life with her partner Leo and her son Robin. Then it all changes with a flick of a switch. A podcast is produced which leads to all sorts of problems. Cherrie confronts Jai, the man who produces the podcast and asks for it to be taken down. Of course, he does not want to do that but his mother helps Cherrie for this to happen but the drama does not stop there. Eventually everyone knows she is the daughter of a serial killer of children who is in prison for life. Things take a turn for the worse when her son is taken from a fair and the rest of the book continues in a great way with her trying to find her son and also trying to steer clear of the problems her dad caused with his killing spree. She does not get a lot of support from her partner Leo in the beginning but eventually he comes around and she does find her son who has not been harmed in any way. I would recommend this book 100% - I thought it was fab

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Cherrie’s life is turned upside down when a podcast reveals her true identity - that she is a daughter of a serial killer! The book was fast paced and had some really dark parts - but like the majority of the readers on Themis site, I found her to be really hard to like! The ending was a little disappointing- but over all a good read with a unique storyline.

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I enjoyed this book but was let down by the ending unfortunately! The whole premise was very excited and the background story of ‘Little Bones’ is right up my street but some of the characters were unloveable and I thought the storyline was quite slow.

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So this is a tough review because I had such a mixture of feelings throughout. The best part, was it was fast paced. It kept me hooked & wanting to read on! I loved how it was written and it definitely did well at keeping the suspense. I did like all the little hidden messages throughout & think that helped enjoy the book more because I wanted to know what they meant.

I really struggled to like 'Cherrie' I mean towards the end I definitely liked her more, however throughout there were soo many times she irritated me or some things she'd say I was just like what 😳 I just found it really hard to understand her or just like her at all.

I did love the storyline, I just think some parts didn't fit or was abit rushed. But overall it was a good Thriller, definitely dark in places!

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A child goes missing, later to be found dead.
A mother Cherrie, visits a medium, and is told her child is in danger. But who from? Cherrie has a secret, but a podcast reveals her true identity. Then Cherrie’s son Robin does go missing, and her past life catches up with her. Is she responsible for the death of a child and the kidnapping and possible death of her own? Has her father passed on his genes in more than one way? And what secret is her partner Leo hiding in the locked extension that he works all hours in?
Gripping tale of how the lives of families of serial killers can be affected by what they did. Great read!

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Cherrie's world come tumbling down when a podcast reveals her true identity. She thought she had put the fact that she was the daughter of the serial killer known as Mr Bones behind her but someone who is holding a grudge is now aware of where she lives. So aware that when her son Robin goes missing, she's on a frantic hunt for him. You can argue about whether she's a likable character but she's certainly an intriguing one- and a woman who has carried a heavy burden for many years. It's twisty and suspenseful. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. No spoilers from me.

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This book was just okay for me. The story kept me turning the pages, but it disappointed me in the resolution. It left me thinking.."Really? That's it?" I don't want to say too much and spoil anything, but it all seemed a little too contrived. On top of that, Cherrie was SO incredibly unlikable as a character. It was hard to care about what was happening to her when she brought SO much of it on herself. 🤷In fact, I am not sure there was a single likable character in this book. *shrug* So yeah...just okay.

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Little bones is an interesting idea, Should the child of a serial killer be held accountable for her fathers crimes? Basically Little bones has tried to leave her past behind her, shes changed her name and has a family of her own, no one knows that she is the daughter of a child killer, that is until a boy goes missing in her neighbourhood and when her name is leeked to a podcast everyone starts whispering behind her back.
The novel gradually builds up the suspense but it is let down a bit by the ending but all in all its a good read.

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Little Bones follows Cherrie the daughter of a serial killer whose new identity is revealed in a podcast after the disappearance of a young boy, another disappearance of someone close to her leads her on a journey to uncover who is behind the kidnappings.

I did enjoy the writing style of the book and the first half however I found it really hard to connect to the book because the main character was so annoying and hard to like. The first half of the book has more suspense/mystery – there were obvious red herrings but I did like the built up to the reveals however the second half was disappointing and focused more on Cherrie’s spiralling behaviour and her rash/stupid decisions. It was frustrating to read and it felt like the story was repetitive and not going anywhere in terms of plot and mystery, it felt a bit all over the place and the messy plot meant the book lacked a build up to the final reveal – which I liked but by the time it came up I just did not care about the story. In general, there was so much unnecessary information/details in the book which I found boring like the focus on food throughout the book.

Most of the characters in the book were unlikeable especially her boyfriend or there was not enough of them in the book for me to form an opinion, some of the relationships in the book were weird because they came out of nowhere and suddenly these characters were very close to each other. I also found that the book did not focus on the past as much as a I expected it to, most of the focus on her old life is through the podcast and the aftermath of it – everything got revealed pretty early on and there was no mystery surrounding it like I expected.


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Review of Little Bones: N. V. Peacock’s Little Bones is a thriller told from the POV of a woman who is both victim and villain and it’s this combination that makes this book a page-turner.

Cherrie was born Leigh Ann but changed her name as a teenager. Her father is notorious, a serial killer dubbed Mr. Bones because he abducted and killed young boys and used their bones to make art. She was known as Little Bones, having been his daughter, and she’s maintaining a tight but fragile hold on her life. She’s got a little boy of her own who she would do anything for.

Cherrie’s trouble starts when a podcaster decides to look into her life and connects her to her father. Cherrie is horrified that her secret isn’t safe anymore since she hasn’t told anyone about her past.

Her life slowly unravels. She sees a psychic who predicts danger in her life and sure enough, her little boy is taken when her back is turned at a county fair. She spends the rest of the book knocking down doors of some truly horrific men (and sometimes kicking their asses when they deserve it). Honestly, this is less Lifetime movie and more, Big Little Lies without anyone having money or fancy houses.

Cherrie is scared because she knows what could happen to little boys that get abducted. More than that, she is pissed because she will be damned if she will allow her little boy to be harmed and she doesn’t give a crap what terrible man she has to take down on her way to getting him back.

Little Bones is a page-turner. I ended up reading it in a weekend. It was also soothing because the main character isn’t afraid to be ugly or to make a scene. She is a mess as she looks for her little boy.

A must-read for fans of Tana French and Jane Harper.

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Suspenseful and gripping. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat! Very much recommend it! You will not be disappointed.

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This book was a decent read. I liked it, but I didn't love it. I didnt really like the main character. Maybe that is why it was a slow read for me. There were parts of the book that were also hard for me to read.

Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for the arc in return for an honest review.

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Cherrie is the daughter of a serial killer. Nobody in her new life knows of this fact however. Cherrie's life is turned upside down when her identity is revealed. When her own son comes up missing, everyone of course thinks Cherrie is behind it. Is his disappearance related to her past? Is Cherrie the guilty party? Many of the characters in this book are unlikable, but not all of them. I enjoyed this book but did not love it.

Thanks to netgalley and Avon Books UK for the arc

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