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This book was AMAZING !! Suzanne is very talented and I love her writing style !! She knows how to make my heart beat fast because of the adrenaline !! The book was just incredible !! I'm extremely thankful for her to write this book and share it with us !!

I have to admit that I liked Khloé and Keenan in the previous book, but that was it, I wasn't waiting for their book as much as I was waited for Devon and Tanner's book !! But wow, now that I've read it, I can clearly say that Omens is definitely my favorite book is the Dark in you series !!
I don't want to give spoilers about the book, but I'll just say that I was happy to read about Khloe and Teague's relationship and Khloe and Ciaran's relationship !!

The characters are great and the plot was just freaking awesome, Suzanne definitely put me on my butt with this book, and I'm very happy that she did !!

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I have been highly anticipating Omens; I fell in love with Khloé’s brand of crazy in Burn and could not have been happier to hear that the next book in the series was Khloé’s and Keenan’s. The Dark in You Series is one of my all-time favorite series by my all-time favorite Author and let me tell you this book not only lived up to but surpassed all my expectations.
*Since Omens has not been released yet, I am going to try and stay vague with my review as to not ruin the book for anyone else. So please keep that in mind. *
Omens is the 6th book in the Dark in You Series and is the story of Khloé Wallis and Keenan Ripley. Khloé is an Imp Demon who is absolutely hilarious and bat shit crazy but in a good way. I really enjoyed getting a more in depth look into the different aspects of Khloé’s personality, while learning more about her and her back story. Plus, as Harper’s cousin and one of her closet friends we got to revisit some of my other favorite characters. Plus, in general the Wallis Imps always end up making me laugh.
Keenan Ripley is an Incubus Demon and part of Knox’s Sentinels. We were also first introduced to Keenan in Burn and one of the biggest aspects of his character up until this point has been his need for control and always trying to save Khloé from herself in some of funniest ways possible. Keenan’s character is impossible not to fall in love with.
Omens starts off not far after Shadows ended (Devon and Tanner’s story) and let me tell you it was one hell of a ride. From the first page this book sucked me in, and I could not put it down until I finished. I ended up staying up all night reading this and it was so worth it. It had me laughing out load in certain parts (my family thought I was crazy with how much I was cracking up) and it also reduced me to tears at a point. And for me that is rare to have a book bring me to tears, but I was that invested in this book.
I am not sure if its just me, but I felt like Omens was a little darker than some of the other books in this series, but in such a good way. I had no idea where exactly this book was going to lead to and that is always such a great surprise when that happens. Like I stated earlier I do not want to give away the plot, but for Khloé and Keenan to get their happily ever after, man did they have to go through some stuff!! And let me just say that I absolutely adore little Asher, he is beyond adorable and really took this story the extra mile. And Maddox, all I can say is wow!! I really can’t wait for his and Raini’s story which is coming out next summer.
As always Suzanne Wright has created a fantastic novel with characters that contain such depth that you feel like you know them and become invested in their world. If possible, I would give this book 10 stars, it was that good. I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good paranormal romance. And while this is the 6th book in the series it could easily be read as a standalone.
*** ARC generously provided by Netgalley for an honest review ***

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This book was just as amazing as I have been imagining it would be! The build up to Khloe and Keenan was intense and almost all consuming. I’ve been hoping and prepaying for this book since their first encounter. There was so much emotion and story progression in this book. I LOVED Chloe and all of her craziness and loved seeing Keenan finally crack and take what he wanted. Five fantastic stars!

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I love this series and this book is no exception! I have always liked Khloe, but through most of the series she seems a little goofy and mostly you see her as being drunk and giving Keenan a hard time. Ironic how she is always on him about being an alcoholic or her mother being one.

This book allows you to see a whole other side of Khloe. She is more powerful than you know and she is pretty bada**. Keenan is finally unable to stay away from her and what they have between them is pretty powerful. This book has all the action and steam you could ask for and more!

I am looking forward to more stories, the hints about Raini make that an anticipated story. I also wouldn't mind a story about a grown Asher because that kid is going to be even better than Knox if what we have seen so far is any indication.

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Omens is the sixth book in the wonderful Dark in You series. Here we have Khloe and Keenans story and what an exciting one it is.
Khloe a mischievous imp and Keenan a hard vodka drinking incubus and protector of the prime Knox should not work as a couple but as they finally come together their passion jumps off the pages whilst extremely hot their relationship has great depth, both of them having had difficult childhoods.
With the usual cast of characters here we have a story with depth, humour and some horrific scenes that all add to make this a great read.
With Khloe life in danger all stops are pulled out magic,angels and demons working together brilliantly.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly

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I was so excited to read this book as I have anxiously been waiting for Khloe and Keenan’s story since book one. As an imp Khloe loves to stir up trouble and can seem like she hasn’t a care with her non serious outlook on life, but there’s more to Khloe than meets the eye. She loves to torment Keenan who is uber serious and loves to be in control of all aspects of his life due to his rough childhood at the demon orphanage. So how does this crazy, fun loving demon have the power to unravel his control to the point that the incubus has no control over his body around her , which is unheard of for an incubus. A simple bet between the two adds some sparks and when it looks like Khloe is in trouble with a super creepy demon ( really, really, really creepy) Keenan and his inner demon realize how much “his imp” means to him. This book has lots of heat, lots of laughs, a bit of danger and intrigue and the right amount of relationship balance that make it a great read. It is a continuation of the Dark in You series and while you don’t have to read the other books in the series to enjoy this you will get a better understanding if you have (although I really recommend the other books as well). You will also see a ton of familiar characters. This is a 5 star must read. I received an arc copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher for my honest review.

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We have had glimpses of Kloe and Keenan’s chemistry since the start of this series and I have been so looking forward to finally reading their story. On the surface you would think they are such polar opposites they they shouldn’t work as a couple, but when Kloe is in danger, Keenan steps in and the scene is set for them to finally get together. I found this book addictively immersive from the very first page and literally couldn’t put it down! For me, the author’s dry wit and her highly original, quirky characters are a big part of why I enjoyed this book so much - Who would have thought that demons could be so much fun?! There were some interesting plot twists and crazy shenanigans along the way to the final denouement and I enjoyed every minute. At the end of the book I had a big smile on my face and am looking forward to the next instalment!

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This book get's 5 steamy/emotionally charged stars for me.
I adore both Keenan and Khloé individually. But together they just give me all the good feels. I can honestly say that I could not put this book away for the life of me. I read while cooking dinner, and almost had a phone coved in food at one particular scene. It made me laugh, scream and cry. And just was an over all delight to read. I can't wait to see what this series will continue evolve into. There is nothing I love more than a book that can just suck me in and completely make me forget the world around me Suzanne Wright Is a genius with her words and ability paints an amazing visual. I eagerly await any future books she writes and I would 10 out ok 10 recommend giving Omens a read.

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***ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review***

So, I wanted to wait until the book came out to write my review, but I can’t, this is way too good!
It’s been over 2 hours since I finished it and I still feel every emotion. I’ll do my best not to spoil it.

Plot: in my not experienced opinion (other than an avid reader) it was great. It keeps you on your toes, on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens next. Khloé helps her Prime with a task and becomes the target of a mad (no other word for it) demon. At the same time, we finally see sparks fly between her and Keenan. Finally!

”Should she touch it? Should she lick it? Should she feed it a peanut?”

Khloé: She is fun, nothing fazes her. She reminds me a lot of Harper, which they are blood related, so it makes sense. The way she annoys people, is enlightening, lol. I want to be like her, really, I do. And even though she is afraid of commitment or relationships and doesn’t know what to do, she tries, which is what any of us can do.

”You look like shit again. She tilted her head. “Brown and turd-shaped?”

Keenan: I have been in love with Knox, it was love at first letter. But maybe because I never paid much attention to Keenan, I never noticed, but he is INTENSE, super intense.

Ending: there’s no cliffhanger, we do have a happy ending, but before that ending, you will cry. Fat tears!

I want to say so many things, but I can’t, I want you to experience it the way I did. All I can say is KK love was so effing awesome. And read it! Can’t wait for the next book!

Predictions: My gut tells me we will see either Larkin or Raini’s book. I’m betting on Raini’s.

[Notes: I would have loved to see how Knox and Keenan made up and if they did, it wasn’t really mentioned, only implied?

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Omens is the long-awaited story of Khloe and Keenan and it was every bit as amazing as I thought it would be! Khloe, our favorite imp specializing in thieving, ridiculous shenanigans, and driving everyone around her crazy is paired perfectly with Keenan - an incubus with extraordinary control and a decisive authority.

Part of me wondered how someone as outlandish as Khloe would mesh with someone as tightly wound as Keenan - would she have to turn it down or would he amp it up? The answer is neither because their differences compliment so well without dulling either of them as characters. Khloe's harebrained antics drive Keenan up a wall, but it also distracts Keenan when he's upset and keeps him grounded. Plus, she's incredibly strong so she matches him on a power front too! And Keenan is ever the exasperated chaperone, but he keeps Khloe safe and indulges her wild side to see her happy.

The plot to this one was really interesting - I admit I saw most of the twists coming but I am VERY familiar with Wright's stories and read her stuff obsessively so I know how her brain works! But I loved the overall conflict because it was so different to what we've seen in this world so far. I could immerse myself in the Dark In You world forever!

*review will be posted to GR and IG on 26 Jul 2020)*

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I loved this book! Amazing story!

Wow we finally get Khloe and Keenans story!! I love all of Suzanne Wright’s books! Her books introduced me to the paranormal romance genre, and I’ve been a huge fan of the genre AND Suzanne Wright ever since! She did an amazing job with their story. I love how we finally get insight into their thoughts and feelings as Khloe has been a tough one to see what truly is on her mind, especially with her aloofness.

After Khloe made one drunkenly bet with Keenan, it’s game on. Khloe loves to mess with Keenan by driving him insane, while the tension between them have been super intense for years.
The heat between Khloe and Keenan has been simmering for many many years, but neither of them ever did anything about it. Until Khloe gets in to trouble (shocking I know), however this time the trouble is not going anywhere. This makes Keenans protective instincts flair and their chemistry is now burning. Keenan thought he could walk away, however he will soon find out that it’s not as easy as he thinks,

I loved their chemistry and I know we all have been waiting for this book ever since we caught on that their might be something more to Khloe and Keenan than Khloe driving him crazy.

And now I’m really looking forward to Raini and Maddox story specially after the ending to Khloe and Keenans book;)

Thank you Suzanne Wright for creating yet another amazing story! Your books are the books I always go back to and reread, and this one will definitely be on my rereading list!

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I love Khloe !!!
Since the beginning of this serie I’m a big fan of her. The things she says are hilarious.
And of course little Asher still the show every time he shows. I can’t wait to see more of him and his powers.
The connection between Khloe and Kennan was undeniably since the met. And I loved how she took everything, she is a great heroine. Kennan is great !!
This serie is magnificent, the world building, all the characters, the powers. Has unlimited potential.
I hope to se more of Raini, Levi, Larkin, Lou and all the others.

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Highly awaited book 6 Omen's The Dark in you series by Suzanne wright i have loved Khloe from book 1 and now we get Khloe and Keenans story and what a story! You get to find out why Keenan gets so irrated with Khloe apart from the obvious funny imp antics and you get to know more about Khloe along with new bad guys, i laughed out loud and cried in places during this roller-coaster of a story this book is amazing on its own without the raunchy scenes but put them all together and boom! I would love to have a night out at the Xpress Bar with Khloe, Harper, Devon and Raini they are hilarious together.
I have not read a Suzanne Wright book yet i didn't like and I've read them all, this can be read alone but i strongly suggest you start with book 1 Burn, this series just gets better and better all your favourite characters from the dark in you series. Not forgetting the Adorable Asher. I'm so looking forward now to Rani's story now
Got this advance copy from for an honest review i had already pre-ordered this book in April because you can rely on Suzanne Wright to deliver a spectacular story I'm also excited about the Audio edition when it comes out. This Author never dissapoints.

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Loved every thing about this book it was amazing to finally learn a lot more about Keenan and Khloe and was really nice to read about lil man and the rest of the gang cannot wait for the next book... this book was extremely gripping from the first page loved loved loved it so much!!! Khloe was hilarious in this book

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This book reminded me of Roni and Marcus’ book Dark Instincts in the pheonix pack series, the already had know each other for quite some time but were always attracted to each other, the female main character also fought her own battles instead of having the male main character there protecting her all the time. Keenan’s reason for staying away from Khloe wasn’t great but it was understandable and he made up for it with his total commitment to her. You hear more about Raini and her Anchor Maddox who will have the next book in the series which you will be obsessing over once you see the two of them in this book. Asher of course makes an appearance and continues to prove that he is truly THE COOLEST child ever and we all need to start petitioning now to make sure that he gets his own book. The villains are numerous and the end will surprise you and make you questions what would happen if Knox just revealed that he is an arch demon. Of course an ex of Keenan’s shows up but there is always an ex in these books and Keenan is extremely dismissive of her so she won’t matter to you or make you doubt Keenan and Khloe’s relationship. I could honestly go on for hours about this book but there is no way for me to do that without giving away spoilers. Just know that this was one of Suzanne Wrights best books and that you learn more about their fictional world that will have you hoping for Suzanne Wright to write a few new series ( okay just one spoiler they are only mentioned but apparently this world has dragons and how freaking awesome is that like now I really want there to be another arch demon and for them to mate with a dragon but that might just be me).

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I have been waiting for this book since Burn and oh boy, it did not disappoint. I was out load laughing within 10 pages, Khloe and Keenan are just so funny together and then you add in everyone else and it's pure magic. The glimpses that we have seen of their relationship in previous books dosen't even come close to how perfectly imperfect they are together.

I love Suzanne Wright, her books are always so well and the characters are all complex and unique in their own ways, no cookie cutter people here. This book was the perfect addition to the series. Having read just about every book that she has ever published Suzanne is the only author that I would pre order a book before reading the blurb. I cannot wait for Raini and Maddox’s book.

**I was given this ARC for an honest opinion by NetGalley, thank you so much NetGalley and Little, Brown Book Group UK for the free read it was amazing.

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I don’t know where Suzanne gets her inspiration from to write these books but I hope she never loses it. Yet another fantastic instalment of the Dark in You series. Although this doesn’t concentrate on Harper and Knox, there presence is felt throughout the book. Khloe and Keenan have been dancing around each other since Burn and finally we got to witness the dances end. As usual the plot takes you on twists and turns but this book had such emotion (no spoilers) at a pivotal point in the book. We learned many more secrets about our favourite demons and secrets from intriguing newer demons. A must have book to be added to the collection. If you haven’t read Burn, why not? Get that started and I guarantee you won’t stop until you get to this point. Amazing as always.

I received an arc for an honest review.

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I Absolutely Loved this book and I love all the characters in this book anyone who buys this book will fall in love with it just like her other books Suzanne Wright is a Amazing Author and writer.

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Suzanne Wright has done it again.
Written another fantastic book.
I have loved Khloe & Keenan since we first met them in "Burn".
There relationship has been a laugh to read about.
Omens was the one book i have really been excited about because of Khloe & Keenan and this book does not disappoint.
You find out why Keenan is the way he is.
Why Khloe is Khloe.
The whole gang is mentioned too ;)
The way she mentioned the next couple makes me excited to see what happens next !

Haven't read a bad Suzanne book yet and i doubt i will.

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