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In a Holidaze

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What a cute holiday book! I love Christina Lauren as a writing duo and this book was not a disappointment. I loved all of the characters especially the relationship between Maisie and Benny. Obviously “groundhog day” type books require a lesson learned and this one was a good one (e.g. not cheesy or corny). Definitely recommend especially if you’re a follower of Christina Lauren.

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Automatic +1 star for delightful Christmas Magic. After being disappointed by the Honey Don't List, the Christina Lauren I know and love is back with a vengeance. This was the perfect Holiday romance. Actual magic? Check. Shenanigans and hi jinks? Check. A wonderful cast of character you want to know more about? Check. This book really hit all the marks for me, and I could see myself pulling this out year after year for some holiday joy

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4.5/ 5 stars

I love Christina Lauren and have been completely obsessed with them for the past few years. When Christina Hobbs and Lauren Billings write a new book I always drop everything to read it. I was so beyond excited to read In a Holidaze.

I went into it completely blind. I think that it's completely different if you know the premise of this book (the book blurb really goes into detail about this story).

The narrator is Maelyn Jones (26 years old - 1st person POV). I'm not sure if I would call this a romantic comedy or a contemporary romance. I think maybe it is somewhere in the middle. The book was quite funny. But there were also parts that were a bit sexy.

The story takes place at a family cabin in Utah around Christmas time.

It's really hard to describe this book without spoiling the main premise (you can read the book blurb if you want to know, but it's something unusual). But this book is quite different from what I was expecting.

Maelyn, her brother and her parents have gone to a cabin every year since they were little. Her mom and dad's closest friends and their families all go there. And they are all like one big family. I loved this idea so much. My favorite friend was Benny. I loved how Mae would confide in him.

I enjoyed this book very much while reading it. But I kept waiting for some type of explanation for what was happening.

The romance in this book was very interesting. I liked how it played out with the brothers and everybody at the cabin.

There is definitely one part of this story that was super bizarre. And I was surprised at how much I didn't mind it. I just went with the story and tried not to overthink it.

Overall, this book will be a great holiday read. It is about a family and friends that have made themselves into one big family. The story made me teary-eyed at times. And it made me happy at times. And the ending was good. However, the ending was not what I was expecting. And I think I just wanted more from the story in the last chapter or two. But I did enjoy it a lot.

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Reading this holiday read in August was the best idea ever. I've been a fan of Christina Lauren's books for a while now, and while I do miss that their books as steamy as the Beautiful series and the Wild Seasons series, one thing that I will ALWAYS love from their books is how they write characters, the banter between the love interests, and just their ability to write such great social circles surrounding their main characters. Also.. this book got quite steamy at some moments, so YAY ;)

I love me a good christmas feel good movie, and this seriously felt like it. Mae has been spending Christmas at a cabin with her family and her mother's best friend's family for as long as she can remember. Her parents are divorced and her mother has remarried, but they both still attend this christmas extravaganza every year at the cabin. Mae has also been super close with her mother's friend's son, Theo, for a long time, and she has also harboured a massive crush on Theo's brother, Andrew. On this one particular christmas when she finds the vacation ending, there is a car accident, and Mae finds herself jumping back in time and reliving the vacation from the beginning again. She takes this as a sign that whatever happened the "first" time around was a sign from the universe that it wasn't the way it was supposed to be. It is absolutely hilarious seeing this groundhog day scenario with Mae and certain days being relived certain ways.

It's some serious christmas magic because it has all the stuff you would want from a christmas romcom - a bit of tension, some family dynamics, incredibly swoooooony male lead, and just a really romantic story. This is definitely going down as one of my favorite CLo reads ever and I know what I'm definitely giving as a gift to many of my family and friends this holiday season ;)

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A really fun read,. All of the characters were fun to get to know. The plot twist was fun, the relationships amongst all the family members were so sweet, the traditions were lovely and the resolution was satisfying. I did however expect more explanation on the plot twist ( don't want to add be detailed and spoil the plot) and I needed to understand how she was able to stay....

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Groundhog day for Christmas! Mae has been vacationing at the cottage for years with her family. Its tradition. Everyone gathers to celebrate the holidays together, playing Clue, scavenger hunts, sledding, animal creations, and of course decorating the tree. This year is different. Mae is struggling, she’s not happy in her job, no current BF, and she recently moved back home. One wish - to be happy- changes everything. Now Mae is stuck reliving the same day over and over. Can she find happiness?

Okay so Christmas came early!! This is such a feel good holiday romance- exactly what I was hoping for. Full of Christmas traditions, family, food, and a blossoming romance between long time friends. Christina Lauren does not disappoint!!! She has a knack for creating characters that are witty, sarcastic, and completely individual. The reader is easily able to picture Mae and Mandrew in their family cottage (being Canadian I pictured Muskoka) surrounded by annoying siblings, Benny the “funcle”, and the ever present parents who “only want their children’s happiness”. I admit to binging it in one sitting - a gift for myself.
I highly recommend for anyone who loves the holidays, loves romance, and is looking for a feel good read!!!

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3.5 stars. This was exactly what I am assuming it is meant to be - a light, fluffy read that doesn't take itself too seriously. Was quick and fun, and I enjoyed it.

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I was super excited when I got approved for this book, from netgalley. I’ve never gotten approved for a book, from such a well known author before.
On a lazy Sunday afternoon, I picked this book up and I couldn’t put it down. I finished the whole thing in one afternoon. It is a very easy, fast read. I really enjoyed the “Groundhog Day” theme. Mae was in charge of creating her own happiness, so she kept reliving the same day over and over again. When the family first got into a car accident, I was thinking the book would be her getting over that throughout the whole novel. Which, I would have been okay with. But I’m so glad the authors went a different route and Mae woke up back on the plane on the way to the cabin.
The way this family spends Christmas week all together doing different activities, reminds me of childhood memories of my own family. We always made a big deal about Christmas. Just having the whole family all together, despite Mae’s parents being divorced was one of my favorite parts.
This book was very warm and fuzzy, but also showed the main character Mae and Andrew go through growth. Which I appreciate in a book.
Overall, I enjoyed reading this and would recommend it.

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In a Holidaze by Christina Lauren is an absolute delight. I wanted to read it again as soon as I finished, it's <b>that</b> good!

Not many things in life are going right for Maelyn "Mae" Jones. She hates her job, had to move back home with her mom and her mom's new husband, and just made a huge mistake that might have shattered her chance at a future with the man she's been pining for since she was thirteen. As if that's not bad enough, she also might have just spent the last Christmas at her family's friends' snowy cabin in Salt Lake City, which also happens to be her favourite place in the world.

With Christmas turning out to be the saddest time of year, Mae makes a simple wish asking the universe to show her what would make her happy. To Mae's shock, the universe replies by sending her back in time to relive this Christmas all over again. Armed with the knowledge of what went wrong the first time, can Mae avoid making the same mistake as before and finally discover what would truly make her happy?

I <b>loved</b> everything about In a Holidaze! The prose is utterly charming, the sense of found family and community envelops you like a warm hug on a cold day and the characters are incredibly endearing. Mae is one of the most relatable heroines I've ever read and I thoroughly enjoyed reading her journey. I also adored Benny and all the family friends at the cabin. The reflection on Christmas traditions was so well done and something I'll be paying closer attention to as I set out to celebrate Christmas this year.

I think In a Holidaze is the author duo's best work to date and I can't wait to see what they come up with next.

In case you couldn't already tell from my rave review, I cannot recommend In a Holidaze enough! I'm keeping my fingers crossed the film rights get optioned because it would be amazing to have a movie version of In a Holidaze.

Many thanks to NetGalley, Gallery Books and Christina Lauren for the chance to read this digital galley.

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REVIEW | In A Holidaze by Christina Lauren

Every year, Mae spends Christmas with her family and her parents’ friends at the cabin. She’s spent her whole life crushing on her parents’ friends’ son, Andrew. When the holiday doesn’t go as planned, she finds herself wishing to be happy- and strangely ends up in a time loop. Will she make the most of it and go for what she really wants?

Full disclosure: I’m reading this in August but damn, it got me in the Christmas spirit. Here are some of the things I loved:

🎄Mae’s holiday traditions with all the families was so heartwarming. It made me so envious and desperate to do some of those same holiday activities. And it showed how close some non familial bonds can be.

🎄The concept was so unique and well done! Admittedly, it stressed me out, but I liked how it was handled in an easy, casual way that really allowed me to suspend belief.

🎄As usual with CLo’s books, the dialogue between Mae and Andrew was adorable. I really liked seeing their relationship develop.

🎄The cabin setting was so well described. I wanted to rent a winter cabin ASAP after reading.

Overall, I really recommend this one for a light, fun, feel good holiday read. Massive thank you to Simon and Schuster Canada, Netgalley and Christina Lauren for access to this ARC.

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As soon as I got approved for this ARC I started reading it. I couldn’t put it down!

This is the perfect Christmas story. I love that it is family and romance heavy! The family aspects are perfect for Christmas. In the book they have so many family traditions and activities. They have a day where they make snow animals which is so cute and reminded me of how my family always plays charades and mafia together!

The romance was so cute. It had me smiling with so much happiness! It was SO adorable! The banter was written so well, it was so much fun. I really liked the love interest. This romance gave me major Jenny Han vibes but the adult version! The love interests were childhood family friends which is one of my favourite things!

I can’t wait to reread this during Christmas!

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I received an e-galley from Simon & Schuster Canada in exchange for an honest review.

This review contains spoilers.

I’m a fan of Christina Lauren’s books - I’ve always enjoyed the books I’ve read from this duo and so it was with an eagerness that I jumped into this latest release - In a Holidaze. I love contemporary romance novels and Christmas is my favourite holiday - so it truly seemed like it was going to be a great read. But unfortunately, I felt like I was disappointed and for 75% of the book, I was constantly looking for more.

Here is a brief synopsis that I jumped into the novel with: one girl, two brothers, time travel in which the Maelyn keeps jumping back until she gets it right. And so we have the two brothers - Andrew and Theo - one of which Maelyn kisses the first time around in a drunk episode but it’s not the brother she’s been infatuated with. So, the set up of the novel led me to believe that perhaps she goes back in time, to realize that the brother she didn’t mean to kiss is actually the one meant for her the entire time. Not the brother she’s been infatuated with. But then things progress and Maelyn manages to start something with the brother she’s always wanted. And while I am all for a happy ending where the girl gets her first love and all.. I sort of felt cheated out of ever knowing about the other brother.

We never get to really get to know this other brother. We are told things about him but even these are contradictory statements from the Maelyn herself and the people around them. And there is just too much in the story and the characters that is not developed that convinced me that Maelyn was with the person who was truly right for her.

I ended up feeling so confused and unsettled with he novel. Did I enjoy it? Yes, I did enjoy certain parts of it - the going back in time storyline is always interesting to see play out. I enjoyed some of the side characters in the story. I liked the general romance at Christmas time vibes. But I truly truly cannot get over how the love triangle that’s set up never got to be fully developed in the story.

Thank you to Simon & Schuster Canada for the read.

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I read this book in a day... and I don’t do this often! Well I usually do it with Christina’s books. I was soooo excited to get a copy of this book! I can’t Thank you enough!
This book was a holidays book like I love them: funny, romantic and full of surprises and then not really. We all want the cheesy cute ending and Christina always delivers it to them. I really loved these characters and I will miss them all. You get attached to them and wish they were your own family ❤️
I will probably get this book and reread it at Christmas time

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