Member Reviews

This book was a good read for me, it was a bit predictable but overall a really sweet story that had me routing for Ros the main character.

I love how strong of a friendship Ros has with her friends and I felt like every scene with the four of them was like grabbing wine with my friends. Ros is a like able character and I was truly routing for her to get out of her funk and live in the now! Her parents are absolutely hilarious and I found myself laughing out loud many times.

This book is the perfect, funny, romantic book that you won’t want to miss. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars only because it was a bit predictable and some parts were rather slow. Thank you Net galley and publisher for this advanced read.

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A fun romantic comedy that kept me on my toes throughout the entire journey. The characters were engaging and believable. Highly recommended!

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Talk about pruh·dik·tuh·bl.

Now before diving into this review, I just wanted to mention that the sushi scene was down right funny as shit and probably this books saving grace. Plus this scene alone saved me from dropping this book all together since I loved the rekindled romance/reconnection between Ros parents. No fucks were given and honestly I was probably more invested in their story than our lead heroine.

Ros failed to impress me and I just wished she pushed her romantic focus to our hot brooding bartender John from the get-go instead of reverting back to something that was doom to fail. There was a definite spark there and unlike her relationship with the 'one that got away', it was far more realistic and he seemed to always have her best interests at heart. But as any predictable romance story goes, she just fell right back into a relationship with ex-boyfriend Patrick *cue the eyeroll* and brushed aside all the issues as to why they originally broke up. Like come on? Do you seriously believe in won't be a key factor for any future problems? That you can just ignore it and pretend nothing ever happened? That's stupidity at its finest people.

In short, it was alright despite me wishing there were a few things that could've been changed to better my reading experience but all in all, I'll give this author another go.

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I love Lindsey Kelk and her writing. I fell in love with her I Heart series, and it is one of the few series, aside from Harry Potter that I have read more than once because I loved it that much.

When I heard Lindsey was releasing a new book, I was so excited to get my hands on it! This story had all of the humor, charm, and romance that you can expect from her stories and it gave me nostalgic memories of the first time I read I Heart New York. This story is so funny. The banter and sarcasm between the characters makes the book feel so real and the inner thoughts of our main character, Rosalind, makes this book that much more relatable.

Ros's parents are also hilarious. First they make her sleep in a shed, yes literally a shed, and then they are acting like sex-crazed teenagers and want to renew their vows. Every scene that featured them was hilarious.

When Ros was hired to put together a podcast for a teenager gamer, Snazzelchauff, the whole beginning of that was quite entertaining.

This book is light-hearted and makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. It shows the value of friendship and family and also encourages readers to focus on the future, even when we feel that our best days are behind us, there are many more good things to come if we keep our eyes, and hearts, open. This is the perfect beachy, summer read for fans of light-hearted romances and funny dialogue.

Overall rating: 4 stars (because Patrick was so unlikeable and I wanted to hit Ros in the face several times when she was falling for his BS again.. he is the ultimate fuck boy.)

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This one started a bit slow for me, I'm not sure what I was expecting. Definitely predicted the relationship arc with Ros. I ended up really enjoying it and appreciated the reason she left America to go back home, it was refreshing! 3 stars.

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This was a quality modern romance read. We meet Ros in the middle of a mid-life crisis, as she moves back home after being fired from her job in America, and she realizes that all of her friends have been moving forward without her. She gets back together with her ex and gets a new job, but ultimately has to question if this is what she really wants.

Lindsey Kelk did a great job here with character development. I loved seeing the way Ros changed throughout the book, and I especially loved watching her stand up for herself and her needs. Although I could predict the ending from the start, I really enjoyed the ride to get there. I'll be reading more of her books in the future!

Thanks to the publisher and to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book.

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I absolutely loved this book. The story was so original, the characters were loveable. I'm so glad I read this book, I flew through it in a day!

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This book is brilliant. I laughed so much reading it and found it tough to put down. In Case You Missed It is about Ros who has recently moved back to England after 3 years in the States and is living with her parents. She finds that a lot has changed in those three years with her family and friends. What follows is fun, funny, sweet and a fantastic tale of friendship, finding yourself and love. The characters were great and I found myself cheering on Ros through her adventures. I really enjoyed this one from Lindsey Kelk and will be sure to read more from this author.

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"In Case You Missed It", was an enjoyable read. I liked that the main character wasn't perfect and that we got to see her failing and dealing with the insecurities that come with that. It is refreshing to see an author realize that just because someone is in their 30s doesn't mean that they have it all figured out. That they can have baggage and faults. I also appreciated all of the pop culture references that allowed me to relate to the characters and where they are in their lives. I do wish that the author had spent a little bit more time on the main romance but it was nice to see a more realistic representation of romance.

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Oh, sweet Ros. Haven't we all been in her love situation before? Everyone has pined away after an ex at some point in life! Ros returns home to London after working abroad in the states. She ends up sending out a mass text to everyone in her phone to only have a message sent to her ex! Ugh! Anyway - this is a sweet, fun must-read!
Thank you to Netgalley and Harper Collins for the ARC ebook!

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A cute british rom-com and it has amazing supporting characters. It was a fun read and enjoyed the banter between Ros and John. I was frustrated with Ros when she chose to go back to Patrick after one terrible breakup.

My main issue was that the last 30% of the book was the best and had all the fun/amazing/entertaining parts of the book. Only at that point, the chemistry between Ros and John takes to the next stage so I wish the author gave this relation more detail than the one with Patrick.

Fun and cute romantic comedy!

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I love a cute British rom-com! Ros and her friends and family made me laugh a lot. The writing reminded me of Sophie Kinsella. It was a fun read! This is my first Lindsey Kelk book, but I have another (One in a Million) downloaded already.

From the Publisher: "When Ros comes home after three years away, she’s ready to pick up with life exactly where she left it. But her friends have moved on, her parents have rekindled their romance, and her bedroom is now a garden shed. All of a sudden, she’s swept up in nostalgia for the way things were.

Then her phone begins to ping, with messages from her old life. Including one number she thought she’d erased for good – the man who broke her heart. Is this her second chance at one big love? Sometimes we all want to see what we’ve been missing…"

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an advance copy of this book! This title will be released on September 8th, 2020.

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Thanks you to the publisher, netgalley, and the author for gifting me an ARC of "In case you missed it."

Ros leaves her London hometown, friends and boyfriend for a chance to work for a Literary company in DC... only to be back home 3 years later with no plan, a makeshift bedroom in a shed in her parents' backyard, and a mass message sent at a bar one night to let her contacts know she is BACK.

Only that message opens up a past she wasn't planning on coming back to with her ex/love of her life Patrick.
Getting a second chance at love and life with her friends maybe isn't what Ros needs to set up a new life in the present.

I loved Ros and her friends and the way they uplifted her and found the best in her somewhat strange situations, and if I'm being honest, I knew I was team John the minute they were in the mens room together.

In Case You Missed it is a sweet, clean, and funny story about a woman's journey to find herself and let go of the past instead of trying to make it her future.
This was my first book by Lindsey Kelk and I am already excited to find one of her others to read now!
Would highly recommend if youve read and enjoyed Evvie Drake starts over!

Also London is my favorite city of all time and I was so excited to be immersed in that city again!

4/5 stars!

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This was really good! Wow, I didn't have many expectations but Keik writes a damn good romantic comedy with a top-tier cast of supporting characters, all of them vibrant and funny.

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This book was such a treat! It was so fun to look through the world as Ros and meet her friends. This book brought me to tears more than once and gave me hope for the future.

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Sweet, funny, and hilarious! Supporting characters were well-written and enjoyable.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Okay so I really did like this book but I did have a hard time relating to Ros (the main character) even though we are close in age. I loved the romantic comedy aspect of the book- the romance was believable and I did laugh out loud several times. Ros’ friend group was super special and I really enjoyed them! I think overall that if you’re looking for a solid rom-com that you’ll enjoy this!

I was given an ARC from Netgallery for my honest review.

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This book exceeded my expectations. Drawn in by the cute cover and premise promising the rekindling of an old flame due to a mass text, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth and detail in this story. Our heroine, Ros, has returned to her home of England after working in America for three years. Upon arrival, she sends a mass text to her contacts, updating everyone of her new number and her return to England. Everyone, including her ex-boyfriend. However this story is so much more that Ros' potential new/old romance, it's about an early-30-something whose trying to live in the past live more in the present. There's so many subplots revolving around Ros' friends, her job, and her parents, that not a page is boring and fun tidbits await at every turn. While a "finding oneself" book can sometime delve on depressing, this book is incredibly witty with plenty of laugh-out-loud moments (especially provided by Ros' parents). I would do anything to be a part of Ros' friend group (consisting of old friends--the very pregnant one, the lesbian lawyer, and the obligatory male--and the new one--their local bartender). They show that true friendship stands the test of time, even when it seems as though everything is changing.

I reserve only two minor grievances, one being a kiss under a giant stuffed rabbit (yes, for real) that didn't quite seem consensual but was cast as magical, and the other being the terrible romcom trope of a rushed "I love you" at the end of the book, when it is most definitely way too early. This is a trope that certainly needs to be retired. However, these two sticking points didn't ruin the book for me, and it has so many truly excellent moments, it merits five stars regardless.

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I enjoyed this book. The author has some witty banter and I liked the characters and their friendships. I could have done with a little more of the romance which I felt was the only thing missing here. Thank you to netgalley for the ARC.

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In Case You Missed It was such a fun read! It was a really cute romance and the perfect vacation read. I loved the author's writing and her use of humor throughout the book. I was actually laughing out loud at some points!
I loved Ros' interactions with her family as she finds herself living in their shed after returning home to London from a three-year stint in the US.
The romance wasn't always the focal point but I didn't mind that! This was a quick and entertaining book that was both emotional and hilarious.
Thank you so much to Netgalley, HarperCollins and the author for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!

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