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The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus

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Another great duel time plot by Ms. Wright. Very well written. I was never a fan of duel time plot until I started reading this author’s books. She masters it. My thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for my advance ebook. This is my honest opinion.

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Really bummed to DNF this one at 30%. But neither MC are compelling to me at all. The pacing seems tedious and I find myself not wanting to pick the book up. I've finished 2 or 3 other books while I read this one so I am letting it go.

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This book was told with dual timelines. I thought the present day time line was more interesting than the past.
It was a bit confusing at times, there’s a lot of characters to keep up with.
I thought the synopsis of the book sounded good, I like ghost stories. This book was just a bit too confusing for me
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the copy

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This was a very well written, heartfelt, mystery who done it, multi timeline story. I enjoyed both Pippa, Chandler and Hank, the big guy. The switching between time lines was done very well and both had a great story to tell.
I felt that I also learned quite a bit about the workings of a circus. I never really thought about the financial benefits of a newborn animal, but I can now see its importance. Everyone has a history, some hold secrets that will come out at some point. Rarely do I read a book twice, but this one may be one that deserves it. Really good story.
I have several other Jaime Jo Wright books to read and certainly looking forward to them.
I want to thank Bethany House Publishers and NetGalley for allowing me the opportunity to read and review this book for my honest unbiased opinion. This is a 5-star review. Highly recommend.

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I have always liked the Circus and the whimsey that can be associated with it, though the only time that I have been to it was when I was a young child. I have to admit, as an adult, I can see how there is a darker side to it as well. Jaime Jo Wright explores a bit of both sides (though, mostly the mysterious and dark) in this story. It took me a little bit to get into it, but once I did, I was hooked! I enjoyed both the historical and the present day stories as they showed how very connected the present is to the past, especially in a small town. Another winner from Wright!
I received a copy of this book from Bethany House. This is my honest review.

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“The Haunting of Bonaventure Circus” is Jaime Jo Wright’s 5th novel and all are in a dual time era and she is certainly good at writing this way. One time frame is historical, in the 1920’s as in the circus and the other one is contemporary. These two stories, parallel in many ways. Each centered around a circus’s main headquarters and the small town it resides in. Secrets, suspense, even a murder or two, and so much more. The characters from both the historical and the contemporary are presented in such a way that you feel you are right in the scene with them. So real and believable. We have Pippa Ripley, a girl with a deformed leg who was adopted as a baby by the famous Riley Circus owner who has always felt that she belonged to the circus and has a deep longing to know who her parents are and she is sure they were part of the circus……Then we have Chandler Faulk, present day, working for her uncle’s real estate building, and trying to prove to her family that she can manage single motherhood and also the project of renovating the Circus Train Depot and its buildings in Bluff River City, turning it into something profitable. But she becomes distracted because of the haunted building she has to work in and also the museum seems to be haunted with past members of the Ripley Circus. Tales of a serial killer, was there one? But then Chandler discovers a hidden skeleton in the train depot museum…..This is a super good mystery that will have you on the edge of your seat as you keep reading to unravel the mystery of the Haunted Circus…..Thanks to the publisher via NetGalley for letting me read and review this interesting novel

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The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright is a wonderful story! It's a duel timeline set during present day and 1928 while the circus is at their home base. Great characters and wonderful atmosphere for a mystery to unfold.

1928 Pippa Ripley is the adopted daughter of the owner of the Bonaventure Circus. Raised in a privileged background but unhappy because she wants answers about who her parents were, as she knows that she was born to someone from the circus. In her search she helps with a wounded baby elephant, a romance and discovers a killer.

Present day: Realtor Chandler Faulk, is trying make sure that the circus' train depot will be restored for it's historical value and not be torn down. In search of the history of the area she finds clues about the mysteries and the history of the circus all while trying to keep herself from losing her job, raising her son and struggling with her health.

Wonderful reading. I have really enjoyed all of Ms. Wright's books. The time period is interesting and her writing is detailed and informative. I can't wait for her next book.

I received this book from the author and Bethany House Publisher. All opinions are my own.

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This was an amazing story in many ways! Dual timeline stories are not easy and can sometimes be confusing, but Jaime Jo Wright is a master in this genre! The plot flows naturally from present day to a almost a century ago… The plot is a complete pageturner that will keep you intrigued, at the edge of your seat, and wanting to know more about how can this complex and haunting story will unfold in both scenerarios.
Pippa Ripley feels like an outcast. Her adoptive father is the owner of the Bonaventure Circus, but she was once part of the Circus family and then left abandoned as a baby at the Ripley’s family doorstep. She has lived a life of privilege since, and even if she was accepted into this wealthy family, in spite of deformed leg and all, she has never felt loved or that she belongs. She has always acted on her father’s orders and her mother’s instruction, so she doesn’t know who she really is. She’s even been offered in marriage to a man she doesn’t love. Will she always have to do what others expect from her? So when she starts receiving mysterious missives from an elusive man called the Watchman, she is sure he’s the connection to her family origins, so she keeps this relationship a secret and tries in vain to discover who he is. This search leads her to Jake, a circus employee, who is bent on avenging his sister's murder by a man who resembles the little she knows about the Watchman. Is the Watchman worth pursuing in order to discover her real identity or is she walking into the path of a serial killer? Also, her family depends on the survival of a newborn elephant, who has been injured and to which she feels a bond. Can she nurture him back to life? Or will the baby elephant’s death be the Circus undoing?
Chandler Faulk, present day, working for her uncle’s real estate building, and trying to prove to her family that she can manage single motherhood (she adores her son and will never part from him), has on her hands the proyect of renovating the Circus Train Depot and its buildings in Bluff River City, turning it into something profitable, be it a touristic historical attraction, or flipping it into something else profitable. But as she begins to research the property, she discovers it posseses haunting and terrifying secrets. A woman murdered by a serial killer who seems to haunt the place… And then there’s Hank Titus, a man who appears everywhere she turns and who is trying to solve the mystery of his uncle’s missing sister, which he claims has something to do with this old place… He seems to want to help her too, but is he a safe person to trust? Then, when her autoinmune disease activates, and they start to discover clues to the unsolved murders of the past, she wonders if this too much for her and if she’s calling in for more trouble she can handle or a danger that can threaten her life and her son’s…
The story was a complete page turner, and I can really say this was a book I couldn’t put down! It was not only the mystery of the murders, the angst of the serial killer, or the spookiness of the circus ambience. It was the main characters on both timelines that pulled me in. Pippa’s hidden dream of belonging, of being accepted as she is, it was tender and so heartwrenching. I was really rooting for her the whole book, she deserved to be truly loved, and that totally immersed me in Jake’s story, intrigued to know if he was her match. Could he overcome his revenge desires in order to become the man Pippa needs? Two broken souls… Are they broken beyond repair? And I also loved Chandler’s character. So resilient, and her love of her son so fierce that she was willing to do anything to keep and provide for all his needs. Hank was a mysterious character at first, but I found myself loving him too. Above the mystery and haunting of the story, this was an inspirational story about who we really are: children of God, loved unconditionally by Him as we are, broken and hurting. It’s a story of forgiveness, of second chances, of redemption. The journey that take the characters to real spiritual freedom was a sight to behold. Epic! I love how this autor’s stories bring redemption to the most grieving and struggling of characters, and it shows me how we can all heal our wounds in the Real and True Healer, God.
This is a story you shouldn’t miss! I would give it more tan five stars if I could! Can’t wait for the next story from Jaime Jo Wright!
I received an advanced copy of the book from the Publisher vía NetGalley but wasn’t required to post a positive review. All opinions here are completely unbiased and totally my own.

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Yes finally a unique story! I love the diverse cast of characters and issues. I also enjoyed how the author gives a perspective from both the past and the present. I am not fond of circus themed stories but this one is an exception. I rooted for not only the humans at times but also the elephants. I loved the weaving of the heartfelt, suprising/thrilling, spooky, and hope. I had read reviews that criticized how some christian elements were not shown correctly or left in the air but, that did not bother me since this is a work of fiction and not all christians agree on the same views and interpretations. I also feel for a correct standpoint of christian belief on the subjects it is not for a fiction book to explain all that instead it is the job of scripture and theology and the church so i was good with how the book went. I much enjoyed the story. Thank you to the author and to netgalley for letting me read/review the book.

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This book was so good! It hooks you on the first page and doesn't let go. The author brings the book to life with her words and keeps you turning the pages to see what happens next. I highly recommend this book. Loved it! Thank you Bethany House via NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book All opinions expressed are my own.

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Just wow.
Okay, I know I need to say more than that, but I’m still wrapping my mind around all the twists and turns of this beautifully crafted story. And that was after losing sleep because I stayed up way past my bedtime to finish it. You just have to read this one. Full review is at my website.

I received this book complimentary as a member of the author’s launch team. I was not required to give a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed here are honest and my own.

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Jamie Jo Wright is my favorite author when it comes to Christian suspense.

The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus, like all of her novels, has a dual timeline. In the present, Chandler, a young, single mother, travels the country working for her uncle. It's up to her to determine if she thinks a property he's bought should be razed and rebuilt upon or restored to its former glory. The Bonaventure Circus buildings, particularly the train depot, are the latest project. In 1928, Pippa Riley, daughter of Bonaventure Circus's owner, is engaged to be married to the man her father's chosen for her. Pippa is surrounded by unrest and secrets.

As much as I want to tell you every amazing detail about this book, I won't! Believe me when I say, you will want to discover all of the amazingness yourself! I will tell you that this is a must-read.

When I read Wright's novels, and I'm reading the "past" parts, in my mind, things look foggy and gray and creepy. Though I picture it in color, of course, it's always muted. This is just how well Jamie Jo Wright gets the mood across to the reader. She doesn't actually say, "It was a dark, stormy night...." but the way she weaves magic through her words just leaves me feeling as if I've been transported to the past and then spit out into the present which is full of color and light again. Needless to say, I absolutely love that feeling!

In addition to having this amazing atmospheric mood, The Haunting at Bonaventure circus also has completely believable characters. No matter how big or how small a part they play in this novel, they are totally fleshed out. They've got unique personalities. Subtle quirks and habits set them apart from each other. You'll miss them (well like 87% of them) when you reach the end of this novel.

I cannot recommend this book enough. You will want to sit down and devour it in a day. It will stay with you long after you've read it, and that's true about all of Wright's novels. I have read them all and highly recommend them.

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A unique story line enhanced by skillful writing has produced a book that sets the reader on an emotional journey within a haunted train station that housed a circus in the early 1920's. The circus life was a rough existence for the society "rejects" that lived and worked under the big top. Each person had a story that had brought them here, joining a family built of circumstance and shared miseries. Pippa was such a girl. Raised by the circus owner and his wife after her own parents could not face raising a child with disabilities, she spends much of her part of the book trying to figure out who her parents are and becoming a part of a killer's plans. Her story could easily have ended there.
Fast forward to current times where a young woman finds herself working at the now derelict train station to restore it while building a good life for her young son. The past has no intention of remaining buried, using the young woman's presence to uncover a killer's identity.
A truly fascinating book that is unique, yet familiar enough to keep the mystery building and readers guessing just how everything will come together in the end. But it does and you will LOVE how Jaime Jo Wright brings every thread together at the end.

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*This book was received as an Advanced Reader's Copy from NetGalley.

Pippa knows she was once part of the circus. But that life was ended for her as a baby when she was left by her parents on the owners doorstep and then raised by them instead. She was raised to be proper, a lady, and most importantly, to obey. But events and questions, and the arrival of a very special elephant make her question if she wants more out of her life. Years in the future, Chandler is trying to raise her son and complete a project; tasks that are made harder by her illness, solitude, and the fact that apparently a murder, that was part of a serial streak of murders, happened at the project location. As she stumbles deeper into the mystery, it, and the people around her, threaten to overwhelm what she's capable of.

Pippa was a bit of a timid character, which is what she was supposed to be, so it was nice to see her grow throughout the book. While I wondered at the motivations of the people around her sometimes, I think that she stayed pretty true to herself. Chandler was a bit tougher; she very much wanted to isolate herself because of perceived reactions and while I understood a little bit of it, it was done in more of a heavy handed way. Which was kind of true of some of the other motivations in the book; there were some I had a little trouble believing were authentic and not just used to make the plot actually happen.

The mystery was good, although not quite what I expected at the end and a little unsettling, just because of aforementioned motivations. While I realize humans are complicated, it did seem a little contrived. I will say this is one of the more approachable Christian fiction books I've seen out there. I didn't even know it was one before I started reading it, but little tells in the book (and a search later at what genre it was included in) clued me in. That being said, it wasn't heavy-handed and was more seamless in the plot, which I appreciated. While it raced to the ending, that too wasn't so bad and overall I think it was an interesting story.

Circuses, intrigue, murder; so many interesting things in this book!

Review by M. Reynard 2020

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Jaime Jo Wright has once again delivered an intriguing and heart-pounding story, cementing herself as a master of the time slip genre. Truth be told, there's no one writing stories quite like Wright's. This book delivers suspense, mystery, and horror amidst hope-giving truths of deep faith. In addition to the lyrical and vivid storytelling Wright is renowned for, I found the heroines of Pippa and Chandler to be particularly real and relatable. Come one, come all to the best from Jaime Jo Wright we've seen yet. Like watching the peculiar misfits and mayhem of the ring, it's impossible to look away from the rare and unmistakable brilliance of The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus.

I received a complimentary copy from the author but all opinions expressed here are my own.

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I am giving The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus five stars, but I will say that if I had not been familiar with Jaime Jo Wright's books, and had not trusted that she would be true to Christian values, there were places I would have closed the book and moved on. My trust was not misplaced, and I am very glad that I read on. The book takes place in Bluff River, Wisconsin, home of the Bonaventure Circus and the Watchman. Pippa Ripley is the protagonist in 1928, as Chandler Faulk is in the present day. In 1928 the circus was still in its hey day, but animal rights activists were already bringing attention to the circus. The Bonaventure Circus and the Ripley family were being plagued with unsettling events and circumstances. In present day, Chandler Faulk, as a representative of her uncle's company, is stirring up the past as she seeks to renovate and repurpose Bluff River's old train depot, one that was home to the circus train, and the circus owner's office. Her attention is divided between her career and parenting her son, Peter, while trying her best to reflect confidence and bravery.

Jaime Jo Wright is a wonderful author. Her plots are unique and edgy. I am grateful to have received a copy of this book from Bethany House via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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"Welcome to the circus. A place where eccentrics come to hide and where, even here, they abandoned their own."

Jaime Jo Wright has delivered another time-slip suspense novel filled with family angst, personal struggle, mysteries that are linked across time and just enough romance.

This is both a creepy atmospheric tale AND a redemption story like only Jaime Jo Wright can write.

I personally love how this author illuminates people struggling with disabilities. If you like atmospheric novels with a fall, Halloween vibe, stories of small towns, abandoned historical buildings, serial killers or unsolved mysteries, this is the book for you.

Genre: Christian Fiction, Suspense/Thriller, Mystery, Historical
Overall rating: 5 stars
Suspense level: 5/5 stars

**I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the NetGalley. All expressed opinions are my own.

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“What was the circus really but a façade for them all? A pretend place of wonder when behind its beautiful and celebratory cover were hurting hearts, broken people and wanderers who had no where else to go.”

The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus by Jaime Jo Wright takes readers on an epic journey. Set in two time periods with connecting mysteries, the story centers around a traveling circus in the late 1920’s. Pippa Ripley longs to connect to her real family. Abandoned by her parents, all she knows is that they once worked for the circus. A mysterious phantom of a man called The Watchman seems to hold the answers, if Pippa could find him. In the present time, Chandler Faulk tries to keep everything together. A single mother, she moves to Bluff River for work. She’s trying to renovate an old train depot but gets sucked into local lore that has the place pegged as haunted by the ghost of a murdered woman.

The novel enchants readers from the start. Jaime Jo Wright has an amazing way with words. The backdrop of the circus brings out incredible imagery – yet it’s almost a behind the scenes tour for the reader. The focus isn’t the glitz and glamour of the show with the big tents and epic acts. This is the story of the people who work in the shadows, the ones who live to entertain others but hide themselves behind a curtain. Jake Chambers is a brooding man that just wants justice for his sister’s murder. Clive is a dwarf dealing with being rejected because of his stature. Their stories come to light as they try to figure out the mystery behind the Watchman. No one knows who he is, but he appears around the circus in a burlap bag mask and is associated with a string of murders along the circus stops.

The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus definitely gives off some creepy vibes. The author creates an ambiance of Gothic imagery that adds another layer to the imagery and plot line. It all works together to create this world full of magic and mystery, that spans decades and reaches into the broken hearts of the characters with offers of redemption and healing. Many of the character find refuge in the circus, yet the modern setting reflects the same hidden identities of the performers. Both Pippa and Chandler just want to be seen, they long for a place to call their own where they are known and loved. Their parallel stories seem to intersect seamlessly. Chandler tries so hard to overcome her past, that she self-destructs by thinking she can’t manage. Hank Titus brings warmth and depth into her life by seeing her for who she truly is and not expecting her to manage everything by herself.

As far as the suspense, the entire story is a complicated and twisted mystery. Chandler uncovers information about the 1920’s murder, and someone wants her to stop looking. The old train depot definitely makes a great setting for a haunted place. This novel kept me flipping pages to figure out the ending. I had to slow down to make sure I read every word because I just wanted to find out the identity of the Watchman.

I’m such a fan of Jaime Jo Wright! Between the mystery that spans decades, the incredible imagery, and the broken and beautiful characters, this story is one of my favorites!

Overall: 5 stars (I loved it, couldn’t put it down)
Suspense: 5 stars (Non-stop edge-of-your-seat suspense from start to finish)

I received an ebook review copy of this book through NetGalley. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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Finding the perfect balance between mystery, suspense, spooky and redemptive is no easy feat and once again, Jaime Jo Wright has demonstrated her ability to master this genre. Wright has a gifting in being able to share dark themed stories with enough Light to keep my heart at peace (never mind the perpetual racing it endures in this story). A dual timeline centered around the circus, a serial killer, and broken, messy families will draw you in and keep you captivated the entire time. The characters are well developed and absolutely draw you into their stories. I could not get through this book quickly enough because I had to know exactly what happened and how it all tied together. Readers will be thrilled, delighted and blessed by this exceptionally creative story.
I received a complimentary copy from the publisher via NetGalley and all opinions expressed are my own, freely given.

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There's something about the circus. The duality of oddities and mystique that surrounds the circus can effortlessly pull you under it's spell, even just as the setting in a story.

The Haunting at Bonaventure Circus was a delightedly surprising read for me. I found myself intrigued by each character in this book and clamoring for more about what makes them tick. Throughout the book you get the dual story lines of Pippa (in the 1920s ) and Chandler (present time). Somehow, though roughly 100 years have passed, both women find themselves wondering - is the Watchman a murderer?

This Christian fiction truly has it all: careful character crafting, abandoned historical buildings, small towns, romance, elephants, mystery, and the hint of the paranormal.

I will admit, it did take me a few chapters to get into this one. I really wasn't a fan of Chandler's POV early on, she's kind of intense, but she grew on me! This was my first book by Jaime Jo Wright and I was pleasantly surprised. I hope you will be too!

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