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You Are Invited

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You Are Invited is a thrilling, hard to put down, page-turner, I just needed to what was going on!
The premise was compelling and the eerie events kept me hooked! Whilst the second half was slower than the first, overall was an enjoyable read

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Sarah A. Denzil's "You Are Invited" is a thriller that had me on the edge of my seat! Right from the beginning, I was drawn into a tale of secrets, deception, and a mysterious invitation. Denzil's writing keeps you guessing, and the characters are so intricately developed that trust becomes a precious commodity. If you're a fan of suspenseful reads that keep your heart racing, this book is a must-read. I found myself utterly engrossed, and the suspense lingered long after I turned the final page.

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The setting of this story rules and there were so many awesome, creepy scenes! Any thriller/horror with a "You are invited to..." type plot will always grab my attention, but this book did that and kept it the whole time. There was a lot of tension throughout and some hard to read scenes, and sometimes I am not sure that all the mental illness scenarios were portrayed in the best/most accurate light, but I am no doctor and all of that aside I still enjoyed the rest of the story. Definitely worth checking out!

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This one gets points for placing a traditional 'locked room' style mystery in the modern era, complete with influencers, toxic personalities, the whole shebang. What this also means are incredibly vapid characters, a not-so-trustworthy protagonist who occasionally got on my nerves, and some not-so-believable plot points. I appreciated the juxtaposition of modern personalities against an ancient Transylvanian setting. Don't go into this one with high expectations, but is a great light read and I loved it's self-awareness for that.

Thanks to NetGalley for sharing this in exchange for my review :)

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I don't like the mental illness trope in a horror novel.
Also, I totally don't understand the concept of people paying influencers while watching them live (tell a story: 100$! You're so funny: 10&$!). Maybe it's me, but I thought it was weird and not interesting to read about.
I had no problem with the writing, but there was nothing grabbing my attention.

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I really liked the set-up for this book and it is very well written. Creepy and addictive, it was easy to get lost in this book. The end didn't really work for me and some of the mental health issues that other reviewers have mentioned were something I noticed as well. I will definitely seek out more books from this author.

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Wow this is a scary read in the likes of Stephen King! it terrifies the reader until the end, just before you think your heart will explode! Recommended for anyone who loves a good horror story.

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Horror novels that factor in the massive influence that social media has on our society these days are a small but growing niche in this genre. 'You Are Invited' is a brilliant example of how powerful these books can be as the author cleverly takes advantage of our internet addiction to showcase a perfectly plausible and utterly creepy scenario with popular influencers retreating to a remote location where their activities are livestreamed worldwide.

The tension increases as inexplicable events occur at the notoriously haunted Transylvanian monastery and the reader along with the character debate whether to buy into the hysteria or search for alternative explanations. I had my hopes that it would be a full-on haunting with paranormal activity rather than something that could be logically explained away, but the author stretched out the suspense for a long while where it could conceivably go in either direction. The gimmick of having an eager audience watching and commenting their thoughts and theories was so much fun for me, it felt as though I was one of them and made the reading experience a lot more engaging!

Whether or not you think this book sticks the landing depends on your expectations at the start. Personally I felt a couple of elements were a bit weak and events deteriorated too rapidly to be fully believable, but I had such an enjoyable time reading the story that the author had built up enough goodwill for me to be fully invested in how it played out. Definitely a worthy read for horror fans!

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I would like to thank the author and the Netgalley website for allowing me to read this book.

We find Cath who is invited to The Event an event influenced by social networks she can not believe her eyes. She will be alongside Irene Jobert the most famous influencer. She will be one of the five participants to stay in a renovated monastery in Transylvania.

Everything will be replayed live in front of the whole world. These five people will have nothing but the internet to connect to the world. Except that a sixth, well-hidden person is in the vicinity. They thought they were only five, but they will soon be served.

A book read in one go so much I was immediately hooked on the story so gripping, addictive, captivating, full of intrigue, suspense and twists with very endearing characters. I love the author's writing.

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I always enjoy Sarah A. Denzils's creepy stories and You Are Invited was another fast, fun read. Five social medial influencers are invited to The Event, a live streamed retreat in Romania. The five young people travel to the Carpathian Mountains where they take up residence in Sfantul Mihail, a former monastery, where strange things begin to happen. Thanks to NetGalley for my digital copy.

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Loved this one! So easy to read and lots of twists and turns along the way. Definitely a quick read and one I recommend.

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An opportunity of a lifetime for author Cath when she is invited to a retreat to a renovated monastery in Transylvania. Along with other influencers with the ultimate influencer Irene Jobert and a few hand selected others. Cath is quiet in comparison, doesn't have as many followers and is a bit of an introvert. They get sponsored to perform tasks, they have camera's all around and ones on their person to upload anything good. Before long it appears they are not alone, the fans are watching everything and the pressure is mounting.

The group are being watched, trying to get used to each other, everything is exposed and then things turn a bit creepy and spooky. It is a bit of a social experiment type story in the middle of a secluded and spooky location. A back story of a massacre of nuns and query some malevolent spirit still resides there, help is miles away.

Spooky, creepy, bitchy, shocking - a wee blend of some of the best elements in a story. I wasn't sure where the whole thing was going to be honest and couldn't have guessed. It made for interesting reading and a page turner because I HAD TO KNOW! 4/5 for me this time, this was my first time reading this author, it won't be my last.

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I have to say, I found myself just absolutely reaching for this book and wanting read more and more and more. It was a completely amazing atmospheric concept: four social media influencers, strangers to each other, invited by a fifth ultra-famous influencer to a remote Romanian monastery with a dark past, and I mean DARK, for “the Event.” Their every move will be broadcast to the world via social media platforms, which should make them feel safe - but slowly, things begin to deteriorate, as the audience notices strange things in the background shots, and the behavior of the participants deteriorates along with their mental states. Is there a simple explanation, or is history about to repeat itself?

The five characters were each fairly archetypical social media profiles and I liked that they were thrown together like this in a really different setting. It could only led to disaster, the only question being what kind, of course! And the story does not fail to deliver on that front. There’s a really heavy sense of dread that hangs over the book as thing begin to happen, and there are different points where the fourth wall is broken and the narrator, Cath, alludes to terrible events yet to come, confirming that we’re in for a bumpy ride.

It’s also very creepy to see not only the weird supernatural things happening around the characters, but the characters themselves begin to break down. I don’t want to give too much away, but it becomes obvious that there are two things happening: the haunting/manipulation/whatever of the monastery and the complete deterioration of the situation amongst the Event’s participants.

What’s going to do them in kept me hooked and turning pages late into the night. I was so hooked on this book I actually had to force myself to put it down.


My only minor complaint is that I wish the ending had drawn more on the history/supernatural elements of the monastery. It seemed like there was a lot of build up to a really good conclusion involving the history of the place and the spirit energy of the place - a really haunting ending, but things were very practical in the end, and that felt....meh. I wish things had been a bit more Woooooo, if you know what I mean. But that was fairly minor. I have some theories about how there were more ties to the supernatural in the actions of the five, and I can share them with anyone who wants to know them in the comments - just comment and let me know that you want me to explain! Also, feel free to share your own theories, of course!

Overall, this book was just what I needed to spice up my reading list. It was creepy, intriguing, original, and it left me wanting more.

If that sounds good to you too, you need to pick this one up.

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Infuencers in a haunted monastery in Transylvania, why would I not want to read this!?

I really enjoyed all the "storytelling" from Cath and and how it all twisted into the main narrative. It was interesting finding out more about Cath's past and her mental illness, she was a diverse character in more than one way.

The only thing I really wanted more of was to get to know the other characters a bit better. We did get bits and pieces about some of them, but since there were so many of them. They all had cameras as they explored their surroundings and the stories surrounding the monestary, so it would have been cool to see other viewpoints and aspects of the story in that manner. Other than that, it was a solid story and a quick fun read.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for a copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

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You Are Invited by Sarah A. Denzil  is a psychological thriller.

First, let me thank NetGalley, the publisher Victory Editing NetGalley Co-Op, and of course the author, for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

My Synopsis:   (No major reveals, but if concerned, skip to My Opinions)

Cath Fenwick is ecstatic.  She received an invitation from Irene Jobert,  to be one of five participants in "The Event".  Cath will be staying in a renovated Transylvanian monastery in the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, totally isolated.  She can't believe her luck.  Irene Jobert is the most famous social media influencer in the world.

As part of this retreat, Cath has agreed that almost every step she takes will be live-streamed to millions around the world.  Her followers, if they subscribe, will be paying for exclusive content. Along with Cath (a writer), there is Irene (a model), Nathan (a gamer), Jules (a blogger), and Dan (a fitness instructor).  The followers will be able to chat amongst themselves, and with the participants.

The followers are surprised to see a sixth individual lurking in the background of some of the pictures and videos, and warn the participants, but they are already aware of strange things happening in the monastery.

It is said that the forests around the monastery contain wolves, and other things.  It is said that ghosts walk the corridors of the monastery, that Sfântul Mihail is haunted.  Others say they are not ghosts at all.  They are vampires. 

It's a good thing that Cath doesn't believe in all that nonsense.

My Opinions:   

Basically this is a reality tv show, based on the contestants living together in a haunted house, and with plenty of access to their fans.  I don't watch reality tv shows.   However, I do read ghost stories, so this was definitely up my alley.

On the suspense and creepiness scale, it was right up there.  Very well done.  It was a little dark, and very atmospheric.  The characters were also well done, and their emotions shone through enough that you felt their fears.  You knew most of them were keeping a secret or two, and you knew that one of them you couldn't trust at all, but that didn't detract from the "ghost" story part of the book.

My only concern was that I'm not sure the mental health issues  were handled correctly,  but they were somewhat convincing. Personally, I think living with 4 other strangers would do me in.   Add the creepy location and strange events, and my anxiety would be at an all time high.  However, I think schizophrenia was the wrong label to apply, since the ending seemed to prove that a broken mirror and a dead nun could heal that. I have faith, but that didn't jive.

Overall, it was a really fast, entertaining read, and with this one the author hit the mark.

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this book was very intense and creepy. If you love horror stories you will love this. it has a topic close to my heart "mental illness" so that aspect was cleverly done.

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It’s got big The Haunting vibes, but for the social media golden age.

Cath Fenwick is one of five social media personalities invited to “The Event,” a live-streamed stay at a supposedly haunted Transylvanian monastery. Cath is an author. Then there’s Nathan, the video gamer. Irene, the cancer survivor turned media darling. Jules, the woke one who teaches “adulting,” and Dan, the fitness guru. Their quarters have been remodeled, but they are still isolated from supplies, and help. When strange things start happening, Cath can’t tell if it’s schizophrenia (someone stole her medication right off the bat), or if this dark place with a violent past really is haunted. The longer they stay, the weirder things get, and there’s this one “attendee” who keeps offering them large amounts of money to murder one another.

This doesn’t sound like something you’d want to read during “The most wonderful time of the year,” but I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one over the holidays. I had plenty of time to sit down and actually enjoy it. It was cold enough here to curl up in my lair of blankets and get immersed in the Transylvanian winter, and let’s be honest, I love horror any and all times of the year.

There are, of course, things I didn’t like about it, but I would say those are my own personal preferences, and this genre is so difficult to get right. There are so many subgenres and so many directions something like this can go, and I think Denzil did an excellent job. I was intrigued, I wanted to know what happened, and I enjoyed the ride.

It’s like a feature-length episode of Black Mirror (or The Twilight Zone for the digital age). I loved the social commentary and the examination at the voyeurism of this live-stream age. Good horror does that. It explores our fears and examines our current culture. It’s actually a a really great way to examine history to get a solid perspective on a particular decade or age. Know what scares us and you understand us.

It’s out now if you need something spooky to get you through to the new year.

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I really enjoyed You Are Invited. This book has some really creepy undertones and I’m completely here for it. The main character, Cath, is really relatable and I can see myself being good friends with her. I don’t know what it is about her character but she has inspired me to start writing again. Looking forward to reading more books by Sarah!

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One of the greatest horror novels to read for the modern horror reader. This takes tropes from horror novels and turns them on their heads. The interactions between the five inhabitants of The Event reflect the hesitant trust that can so easily break in the face of adversity, especially when there are suspected hauntings involving mysterious figures and remnants of horrible tragedies.

There are so many reasons to enjoy this book, but my favorite part would have to be the moment towards the end where Cath is rescued by the farmer and his wife. This breaks character for many horror novels I have read in that it shows there are good people still in the world, not those who would be considered naïve of the dangers present on the mortal and supernatural planes.

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This novel takes some time to get moving, but once it finds its stride, the tension never leaves the page. Written for a new adult audience, the story structure contains snippets of internet chat rooms to heighten the POV of our leading character and enhance the mysterious circumstances of The Event. The characters are a bit cliche, including the lead protagonist Cath Fenwick who has schizophrenia. I was worried about the use of a mental illness to create an unreliable narrator, but there was a good balance between presenting mental health in a respectful light and using it as a plot device.

This is more of an atmospheric read versus creepy or sinister. As the title suggests, it is a ghost story. Kinda. It took me to an unexpected ending, which I appreciated since the beginning of the story felt predictable. I would have liked more dark moments and higher tension in the first half of the book, but I flew through the last act.

The setting was a lot of fun, although I would have liked to have seen it exploited a bit more. The Carpathian Mountains, home of Dracula, makes for a promising horror landscape. Plus, there's a ghost story floating around town involving a group of murdered nuns. These make for an interesting backdrop for the story, but it could have been ramped up, especially in the beginning. Overall, it was a fun read.

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