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The Takeover

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I read The Stopover earlier this year and have been anxiously awaiting this 2nd book.

Now, I anticipated liking this book, but I had no way of knowing I would end up loving it as much as I did!

This book sunk its sharp nails in, and twisted and turned them until the very end where it finally let go. Even now, days later, this book still carries the heavy emotional baggage of my reading journey.

I knew I'd love Tristan but he ended up being so much more than the ruthless business man that he shows the world. His interaction and engagement with Claire and the boys was phenomenal, and his bond with each boy was beautiful!

I can't wait to read everything else by this author in the very near future.

*I was provided an ARC copy thanks to Netgalley in exchange for a honest review*

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Tristan Miles Took Me Over!

Finally! FINALLY! We finally get to Tristan in The Takeover and damn, was he worth the wait! I have needed a good laugh I think this whole damn year and this book delivered in spades, not only on that, but I truly reveled in reading it and enjoyed every single moment.

Claire Anderson is a struggling widow trying to keep her husband's media company afloat. Tristan Miles is the head of Acquisitions for Miles Media - the billionaire takeover king of New York. When he set his sights on acquiring a company he never fails to get it. And the company he's going for is Claire's, started by her late husband. Our very first meeting of these two characters is the outside veneer of Tristan - swoon worthy, gorgeous, pedigreed, a calm, cool, composed businessman sitting down to lunch and giving her an offer to takeover her failing company. Claire can only see that outside veneer of Tristan and is as defensive and angry as hell in their meeting.

Six months later, her assistant sends her off to one of those business empowerment seminars in the champagne country of France to de-stress her and of course, who would happen to show up as the guest speaker? Tristan fucking Miles. What starts off as a week of Claire avoiding Tristan while he pursues her, turns into the beginning of a very hot week long tryst that is supposed to end there because these two are complete opposites on paper.

Claire Anderson is hanging on by a thread whether she knows it or not with 3 sons to boot. She's been married and widowed. Her house is messy and her family secretly broken. Tristan, on the other hand, is streamlined, polished, single and eligible as hell with a mess free life. Yet for all of the perfect women he's seen before, Claire Anderson and her crazy family is what Tristan Miles can't help but want.

And from there, that's where it went from sexy and domineering to downright hysterical and full of warmth. Two of Claire's sons are absolute handfuls. One, her protector, who isn't going to let a man near her and the other one constantly in trouble and able to play some of the most awful tricks on people he doesn't like. Claire's youngest is the sweetheart but even he is loyal to his dead dad. But if you think this deters Tristan, who is looking at a picture of everything he thought he never wanted, you'd be wrong. The comedy that runs through the progression of this book is truly downright hysterical. But equally so, is Claire finally looking behind the veneer of perfection and realising that this man has a heart of gold and is unconventional in every way!

I adored watching his pursuit of Claire, I relished in his navigating their family dynamics and taking on one son at a time. I mean how many men do you know that would take a surly teenager that busted your ankle while stuffing your jocks in your mouth and give him a prime internship job? Tristan is undeterred! His dealing with the middle child bought me close to damn tears when not laughing at the sheer damage the kid's troubled mischief did to Tristan's life. And the youngest boy - such an angel - so easy to fall in love with and Tristan did fast.

There were many bumps along this road. The book dealt not only with hot sex and attraction and glamour. It dealt with the messier parts of life. It delved into the bittersweet and still painful that come with loss. And finally, it dealt with the most unlikely of Heros to decide to pick up the mantle and heal a broken family, one by one.

Tristan fucking Miles - Heart, Mind, Body & Soul - you blew me the fuck away!

A million ****'s to the moon and back for this one and the perfect man stepping in and showing that family is what you make it!

I couldn't love this book more if I tried and in the year of Covid, I will not forget this picking me up and bringing me laughter and warmth when I have felt none! To the author - you did good! Real good! And congrats because this IS my book for 2020!

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When you do an all-nighter, there’s gotta be a reason, right? Swan’s second novel in The Miles High Club series now marks her as one of my fave authors. Her unique take on the characters' dynamics, highlighting each and everyone’s flaws, strengths, and goals was quite brilliant. Two things that threw me was how quickly I become involved in their lives and how the entire story felt so lifelike and even though there’s quite a mix of roles, Swan pulled it off to a tee.

Throughout the book, the title niggled me. I didn’t want the worse to happen but actually, a takeover isn’t even the tip of the iceberg. I soon got to learn about Claire Anderson’s concern for her floundering company founded by her late husband. Reading about her determination to make it work and keep her head above water while bringing up three boisterous lads she loves unconditionally is something else. As the story progressed, the author gave me what felt like a bird’s eye view of her daily struggles, and I couldn’t help admiring her courage.

‘I’m suffering in a world of responsibilities.’

Claire and Tristen Miles have little in common and starting off on the wrong foot doesn’t help matters. Bachelor extraordinaire and astute entrepreneur, he always gets what he wants inside and out of the bedroom. Five years younger than her, the last thing Tristen wants is complications...but I could see that coming! In her eyes he’s a ruthless businessman, in his she’s as stubborn as a mule. Handling their scorching attraction for Claire means stepping over the line emotionally...the question is, will she be able to cope with these new feelings!

“Nice guys come last, Claire.”

Observing Claire trying to overcome her grief saddened me. This huge setback essentially puts the blockers on her even contemplating a serious relationship. She’s awfully protective of her kids which is understandable; however, in the thick of it, I thought she should have trusted Tristen more. Emotions run high, misunderstandings abound, and this puts her in a spot...not telling you with whom though. One thing’s for sure, I found myself laughing my socks off in one scene and sobbing my heart out in the next.

‘I see him, the man the world sees, the heartless takeover king in the expensive suit.
The one who’s dead inside.
This time, they’re right...I am.’

This isn’t just Claire and Tristen’s story, the kids taking up a huge part of it. I loved the way the author put a spin on their feeling; how they look after their mum, and how the oldest with all of his traits and attributes won me over with such ease. And his two younger brothers who have their own issues are simply adorable. But the plentiful good-natured teasing and off the charts banter lightens up some pretty awkward situations.

“My kids are off limits and not up for discussion with you.”

Narrated from a dual perspective, Tristen’s voice is heard so strongly that at times, my heart either bled for him or I wanted to give him kudos. Claire going hot and cold when memories are triggered irritated me a tad and although she’s far from heartless, I couldn’t understand why she refused to see what was in front of her eyes. I wasn’t so keen on the author’s repetition of how Tristen looked; nevertheless, this didn’t stop me enjoying the book to the hilt. My recommendation: read The Takeover. Bravo, Swan!

Advanced copy received from Amazon Publishing through NetGalley in return for an honest review.

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This is 10 star story sucked me in so deep in the heart of it that I basically read it in one sitting. I was hooked from the first page to the last one read.

Tristan is an arrogant prick that always gets what he wants and he wants Claire. She’s not easy to get. She’s a widow trying to keep her husband’s company a float. She has a lot going on and doesn’t have time for Tristan’s games.

Let me start by saying that is the ONLY story in the history of stories I have read that made me laugh so hard that I cried and wheezed. I would have needed my Albuterol. It had the funniest storyline and scenes. Besides being funny it had it’s heartfelt moments too. I loved ALL these amazing characters. Tristan is an all new level of arrogant prick. He cared deeply and was very protective.

The storyline was to die for. I really thought I would die of laughter. It’s addicting and highly entertaining. It’s a solid page turner. So sit back and enjoy the ride of a lifetime.

Standalone told in a dual POV with an HEA. I STRONGLY recommend this story.

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I'm now obsessed with this particular miles brother and will be immediately buying the first book in this series.

Claire is a single mother to three boys after her husband died in an accident. She took over her husbands business, Anderson Media so she can keep her kids in a life they've come to know. Everything she does is to honour her husbands idea of what their kids lives should be, going to public school, not expecting things just because they have money, live in a house with a garden etc. But the business is struggling enter Tristan Miles.

Tristans job is to buy companies that are about to go under as cheaply as possible and turn it into a success. He's known as a playboy who doesn't seem to take things to seriously other than his job.

On their first meeting things don't go to well, neither does the second. Once they finally do talk properly they realise they have the same sense of humour and eventually sleep together.

I'd love to give this book five stars but I found myself frustrated with Claire when she brought up the age difference between them being an issue... it was only 4 years, which is nothing. Also they separate a few times which got a bit annoying when it all could have been talked out.

I appreciated the way Tristan backed off when it was obvious that the wizard was not going to be easy to get on side about dating his mother.

The nicknames for the kids made me smile everytime he used them. Plus the bond that gets formed between the kids and Tristan is something I could have read more about because it was so well done.

I received a free copy from the author/publisher through netgalley in return for an honest review

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Since I loved The Stopover I knew I had to read the second book in the series. The Takeover is different in a very good way from its predecessor. So it’s hard to know which one I love more!

I’m a huge fan of enemies-to-lovers romance that add heat and steam to its witty characters. And this one does it off the charts! Tristan is an arrogant and unapologetic man who doesn’t stop when he wants something or someone. But don’t let that domineering ego fool you. There’s another side to him.

Claire is a grief stricken woman who has been struggling to move on. But she isn’t a shrinking violet either. Her personally I think matched our hero’s perfectly.

The banter between the alone is well worth picking up the book to read. I love fire and sparks between characters who butt heads. So it’s safe to say that the chemistry is off-the-charts.

I loved the fact that there wasn’t any obvious twists. Plus there’s another reason that the couples don’t loose themselves in each other. Their essence and being stood against their relationship. This can be read as a stand-alone but I highly recommend reading The Stopover!

Thank you to the publisher Montlake Romance and Netgalley for allowing me to read!

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I read this ARC for an honest review
All thoughts and opinions are mine

I've been luck enough to read this author before so was thrilled to be able to read this

Loved it ! And would highly recommend

Totally engrossing and read it in one sitting - could not put this down once I started.

Loved the characters and their interaction - loved their story

Will be re-reading more slowly this time - can't say more than that

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This is my first time reading this author's work. Her writing is amazing and completely buried me in her story. Right from the beginning, I knew this was a book to be savoured and enjoyed. I was completely shattered after reading it-there where parts where I was snort-laughing,and twice I was tearing up. Tristan and Claire have this fantastic chemistry together which just grows as time goes on. Tristan adores Claire, and shows it in so many ways. I loved their banter, the way their relationship evolved, and the her sons-such great character development. I loved every bit of this book! One of my favourite reads this year.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher, who provided me with a copy of this book. My honest opinion is voluntarily provided.

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The Takeover is an exceptional love story of the ties that bind us - family, acceptance, real life emotions, angst and second chances. The passion and power of Tristian and Clarie's devotion, connection and their undeniable love for one another was off the charts. Add to that Tristan's evolution from the typical alpha male to an impassioned and dedicated father to the "three other hearts"... was simply perfect.

The writing, plot and dialogue is superb. You will laugh out loud, you will cry, you will experience pulse-pounding highs and torturous lows...and at the end, you will have a smile on your face. T.L. Swan, a new author for me, knows how to capture the readers attention and keep it there to the very end.... and writes some of the best sex scenes I've read in a long time. I am looking forward to the next book in the series.

I received an advanced copy of this book and am enthusiastically leaving an honest review.
#TheTakeover #NetGalley #TOBELOVEDBYYOU

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It was last November when I discovered the author T.L. Swan, by reading her extraordinary novel «The Stopover». I bought all of her books at once, and a few weeks ago I also read her book «Our Way», which I found one of the most amazing books I ever read. This book must be read by all readers, who will appreciate the essence of true love and acceptance. A true hymn to love.

Of course, all this time, I was awaiting for her next novel, «The Takeover». I wanted to learn about the story of Tristan, who fascinated me with his kindness and sense of humor in «Miles High Club». And, at last, I took it in my hands, only to find out that it wasn’t Tristan’s story, but Tristan and Claire’s story. A book about their families, their past, their current lives and their effort to build a future.

Tristan met Claire on the process of buying her business. He is instantly charmed by her and he claims her. Claire is a widow, who raises her three boys all alone and tries to survive in the hard world of corporations. She rejects Tristan’s business and romantic proposals and she decides to go on with her ordinary life. But both fate and Tristan have different plans.

T.L.Swan, once again, fascinated me. She created a wonderful love story, using all the platitudes of contemporary romance, without the story being cliché or stereotypical. Tristan has all the features of a usual hero of a romantic novel, only to find out that he is far from being a usual one. Claire, on the other hand, is portraired like a usual romantic heroine, but she behaves like this only to gain safety and stability in her everyday life. Their relationship is explosive and they have to learn to leave behind the bargains of their past. They must fight –some times literally– with their families, their emotions, their business plans for the future and their diversity.

This is one of the best books I have ever read. You will fall for Tristan and Claire, their relationship and dynamic. You will be amused with Claire’s intimidating and overprotective children –I loved them all, especially the “young wizard”, who won a place in my heart – you will cry with their heartache, their loss and their expectations of a new love. I wasn’t expecting T.L. Swan to make me cry again, after the “Our Way”. But she did it again. I cried, I laughed, I wandered around in Paris with her heroes and I’m truly anticipating for her next novel. I don’t know how she does it, but she makes me full of joy and hope, after every book of hers that I read.

P.S. Something tells me that in her next novel of the “Miles High Club” series, T.L. Swan will show us her skills in painting.

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I have now read all of T. l. Sean's books. This is one of my top 2 favorites. T.L. has grown so much as an author. In the Takeover we have the typical T. L. Swan vibe. The hot alpha male and the beautiful snarky woman. This time though, the aloha is a bit softer and the woman is not that typical. This book grabbed me and sucked me in and wouldn't let me go. I laughed out loud, I cried, I held my breath and I fell in love. This is a love story I will read again and again.

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Tristan Miles is the playboy of the Miles' brothers. He tends to like tall, blonde, model-like bimbos for a night or two....never anything serious. When Tris talks with Claire Anderson about taking over her company, Anderson Media, he is shot down. Three days later, Tris calls Claire and asks her out on a date. Claire cannot believe the huge pair that Tristan must have to have to have the gall to ask her out! Now, six months later Claire runs into Tristan in Paris where he is the guest note speaker at a conference she is attending. One thing leads to another and these two decide to have a week long affair and that at the end of the week, it's over. Too bad when they get back to New York, Tristan just can't seem to forget Claire. He knows she's a mom to three boys, but how bad can it be?

When Tris decides to pursue something more with Claire, he finds out just what having three boys means. While Tristan tries to navigate Claire's family life, he is also trying to teach Claire's oldest how to run a media company. It will take a lot of patience, determination and love for Tristan and Claire to find their happy ending, but it will be worth it!

I just adore this book. It was fun seeing Tristan, a very rich man shown a life that is not so privileged. I also loved all of the things that happened between Tristan and the boys. Lots of LOL moments! It was interesting seeing how a window goes through life still holding on to the memories of her husband while trying to move onward. Overall I really loved this book.

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A heart wrenching story about finding your way after losing a spouse. Ups, downs, and a few sideways moments keep those pages turning.

I voluntarily read an advanced copy.

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The Takeover is one of the best books I've read for the entire year. I read the first book in this series earlier this year and was dying to get my hands on the sequel and I was not disappointed. This book was so refreshing.

I love all of the characters in this book. I love Tristian and Claire, but most of all I loved all the sons and the way the family molded together. Watching Tristian fall in love with Claire was so satisfying, but watching him fall in love with all of her children was downright beautiful. Watching him win their hearts made my heart melt, and seeing their bonds develop over this book was perfect. I don't think the book was too long. None of it dragged. I felt like all of the scenes in this book helped us get the final story. That is rare. I've found most books either drag way too long or don't give me enough and I'm waiting more. This was the perfect length and gave me the perfect story.

I really hope T.L. Swan writes a book for all of the Anderson-Miles boys!

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I didn't care for it. at times I thought I was reading two different stories and not very good at that. I didn't care for Claire or Tristian. I felt this would be better places as erotica and all they seem to do is have sex. I'm not against sex but they didn't have any conversations about life. The one scene I did like was Tris at the school with the boys. other than that, not a fan

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I loved everything about this book! I’ve been waiting to read it since last October when I finished The Stopover, the first book in The Miles High Club series. The Takeover was even better than I had hoped!

Claire and Tristan meet when he offers to buy her late husband’s company. Claire has worked hard to keep the company afloat and is offended by the offer. They go their separate ways, but both feel a strong attraction. Several months later, Claire and Tristan meet at a conference. They agree to a fling, but Tristan wants more and he gets what he wants.

Claire and Tristan’s journey isn’t an easy one. Her three boys are in various stages of grief over the death of their father. While Tristan initially makes light of the complications associated with dating a widow with children, he more than rises to the occasion. Once he makes up his mind to be with Claire, he puts in the hard work to win over each child on the child’s terms. It is a realistic portrayal of the frustrating and sometimes funny moments involved in bringing together a blended family. I adored Tristan’s interactions with Claire’s sons. The initial meeting between Tristan and the boys had me laughing so hard that I had tears in my eyes. I smiled every time Tristan stepped in to be the father figure that the boys desperately needed.

Throughout the book, Tristan shows Claire what he’s willing to do to keep them together. This sexy, dirty-talking alpha male goes above and beyond to make their relationship work. His efforts will touch your heart. I also appreciated that Tristan respected and admired Claire’s stubborn independence. For the most part, he knew how to take care of her without taking over. He also knows when fighting Claire is in the best interest of the longevity of their relationship.

Get ready for a book that you won’t be able to put down. The Takeover is an exceptional read -- emotional, hilarious, heartwarming, steamy, and more!

Thank you to Amazon Publishing and NetGalley for this early copy of this book. All opinions expressed in this review are my own.

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I Loved this book! OMG! Tristan and Claire had me laughing sooo hard. Those kids were a TRIP! I just Loved it from beginning to end!! It was just perfection. I highly recommend this book. I am going right now to read book 1 of this series.

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This book was such an incredibly emotional journey. I felt such a wide range of things from humor, annoyance, shock, sadness, to sweetness. Both main characters were stuck in their lives and upon meeting each other, well to be fair we will say upon spending quality time together, they began to evolve and learn that things could be different. It isn't until near the end that they truly learn what is worth fighting over and fighting for. I look forward to seeing what happens with the other brothers.
#thetakeover #netgalley

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What a roller-coaster ride! Claire and Tristan can hate each other like I've never read before! This book is utter perfection from start to finish.

After the initial meet-hate scene where he tries to buy out her company, the stage is set for their next meeting, which happens to be at a conference with all the delicious proximity and curse-filled stare-downs we could want, making it the perfect setup for explosive hate sex. And wow, does it deliver! But who can resist him? Claire certainly couldn't:

"Tristan Miles is chocolate. Rich, delicious, and dreamy, he offers a high . . . but in the end, he is detrimental to your health and bad to the bone."

I couldn't agree more: Tristan is the best kind of chocolate, like a Lindors truffle. Solid and delicious on the outside, soft and meltingly gooey on the inside.

But then, after Claire goes home to her three boys and Tristan tries to follow, the fun really begins. I haven't laughed so much at a book in a very long time! What those boys put him through is enough to send even the most stalwart suitor running for the hills! So creative, so on point, and I so appreciated that the author didn't make the children perfect little angels. These are real boys, and I loved every bit of them.

What follows is such a wonderful, deeply emotional family love story that I cannot recommend highly enough. When the bubble bursts and their insurmountable obstacle stares them in the face, it's impossible not to agree with both of them, and yet you want each of them to cave so we all can enjoy the love again. The solution comes from an unexpected corner when we realize who is really responsible for their match, and my heart simply melted all over again. What a joyous HEA for such a heartbreaking beginning. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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The Takeover was my first book by T. L. Swan and I absolutely LOVED it. This story made me laugh so much, but it also made my heart ache. That’s my favorite kind of story.

Tristan made me swoon. He can be a bit of an ass, but underneath it all, he’s warm, caring, funny, and sexy. His interactions with Claire’s sons made me laugh so hard and then they gave me all the feels. Tristan has the biggest heart and he falls in love and will do anything for Claire and the boys.

Claire was rediscovering herself after losing her husband five years earlier. She was funny and so into Tristan once she gave him a chance. She was a bit protective of her heart and of her boys, but it was completely understandable. I did get frustrated with her near the end, but I knew her actions were out of fear.

The first meeting with Claire’s boys CRACKED ME UP!! I haven’t laughed so much at a book in a long time. Watching these characters become a family made my heart full.

The chemistry between Claire and Tristan was off the charts. They were hot. They also had an awesome friendship and later partnership. They were so good for each other.

If an enemies to lovers, single parent, age gap romance is your jam, look no further. The Takeover has so much heart, fun, and angst that it will keep you engaged until the very end.

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