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Enjoy the View

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Posted on GoodReads (November 12, 2020)
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3/5 stars!

A huge thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for sending me an E-ARC of this book for an honest review.

I have been reading this romance series over the past year, and I have really been enjoying the different stories, characters, and writing. Because of that, I went into this book with high expectations. Unfortunately, I did not love this book like I was expecting myself to. I did give it three stars instead of two because the last half of this book was really fun. However, I found the first half of this book really boring and it took me a while to really fall in love with the characters. I found myself almost DNFing (Did Not Finish) the book. I think my biggest problem with this book was that the pacing was just way too slow for me in the beginning. However, like I said, by the end of the book I was really enjoying the story and I couldn't stop reading.

I think that this book series is a very light, fun, and cute romance trilogy. If you like adult contemporary romances that have steamy romances and a bit of humor, then I really recommend this to you!

Thanks for reading!

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Enjoy the View by Sarah Morgenthaler took me completely by surprise! When I read the synopsis, I in no way expected the book to go the way it did. The story is about River Lane, an actress who's making a career change from acting to producing. Being a woman who wants to get behind the camera, it takes a while for her to actually acquire a project. So when she's asked by the Alaskan Tourism Board to film a documentary about the picturesque town of Moose Springs, Alaska, she jumps on the opportunity. Along with her two friends Jessie and Bree, she lands in Moose Springs only to find that the residents of the town will do anything to get her to give up her project. Having run off every film crew that has landed in their town, they do everything they can to make her job harder. All except for Easton Lockett, climber extraordinaire, who is drawn to River in a way he's never been drawn to anyone else. When Easton suggests shooting her documentary on the mountains surrounding the town, the three-person crew, packs up their gear and heads to Mount Veil. Along for the ride are Easton and Ben, their guides for the treacherous climb up and down the mountain.

When I started this book, I expected it to be cliched. Hollywood star falls for the rugged local and they get their happily ever after. I didn't know that I was going to follow River and Easton on the adventure of a lifetime! Yes, this is a romance. But no, this is not JUST a romance. It's about love. It's about finding oneself. It's about taking the harder paths in life to achieve something truly beautiful.

The romance itself was a slow burn. And I mean really slow. So many missed opportunities and interruptions, but it was all worth it. Easton and River balance each other out while also boosting each other up. Their mutual respect and belief in one another is at the base of everything they do. All it took was a couple of life threatening situations to solidify their bond with each other!

The secondary characters in the book just round everything out. Their friends and family are supportive and their banter is hilarious! Honestly, their were some really funny moments in this book! Even when they were climbing a mountain, they managed to find humor and joy with one another. I didn't know that this was the third book in a series, but I figured that out pretty quickly. I'm definitely intrigued by their stories and want to read them, but even if you haven't, you can still read this as a standalone.

This book is a fun romance with a dash of adventure! If that's something you're interested in, I'd definitely recommend this book!

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Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have to start saying that I didn’t know that this book was part of a series until I marked on my goodreads app that I would start to read it, but something that I really liked was that the book stands by itself very well. Obviously it makes me really curious about all the other characters that appeared in this book and how Easton was before. I need to read the other books right now!

For me, Enjoy the View was a funny and entertaining book. I love romantic stories and this one was really enjoyable.
This is the first time that I read a book by this author and as I said before, I really enjoyed this book, it was funny and easy to read. The story was cute, I appreciate very much how authors make healthy and cute romantic stories, normal stories without the typical cliche of jealousy and possessiveness. I think the thing that I didn't like very much was that I didn’t feel the chemistry between the characters completely. Rivers and Easton as individual characters were very well, each one had their own interesting story, but altogether I think something was missing.

I think this is a good book when you need something easy and cute to read. I’m absolutely going to read the other books of this series!

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I love love love this book. This series is so good. I love the characters and the authors sense of humor. I love the chemistry between all the couples. Reading this book, and this series makes me want to move to Alaska. I highly recommend this book, series, and author.

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I loved Easton! I was excited for his story from the beginning of the series, mystery man that he is. River was fun and strong. She did make me VERY MAD at one point but that’s a sign it’s a well written novel if it can evoke such strong feelings from me..

I love the author’s unique voice and sense of humor. You could take most sentences out of context and I’d still know right away who the author was.

My only complaint is I wanted more Moose Springs! It makes sense in the context of the book that it would focus on other areas but I missed the residents and their hijinks. Overall though I loved it!

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As the third book in the Moose Springs, Alaska series, I had high expectations. And friends, my expectations were met and EXCEEDED by Enjoy the View. I fell in love with Easton during the first book, The Tourist Attraction and waited with bated breath for this book to fall onto my Kindle. My mind was blown from beginning to end and I read this whole book in one sitting, it was so amazing.

I adore grumpy characters, they are one of my favorite types of characters to read. Easton doesn't really have much of a personality through the first two books, because he's a quietly grumpy man - but getting his POV rounds out his character so much. You get to see how sweet, caring, and self-sacrificing he is - especially in his career with climbing the mountains of Alaska and escorting parties up. I also really enjoyed River as his love interest, she was an interesting combination of blunt, quirky, and confident - enough to break a grumpy man out of his shell while also evoking his protective side.

One constant through this series is that they are kind of long. They feel like pieces could be removed without the end result being less, but I felt that the least with this book. There is so much action and adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat waiting to find out what happens.

Lastly, the marmot stole the show. If that sentence confuses you, you'll just have to read it to find out!

**Thank you to Sourcebooks Casabanca and Netgalley for an advanced copy of Enjoy the View in exchange for an honest review**

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This book made my nature-loving, disaster-obsessed, snow-covered heart SO happy.

Things I Liked:
♥ Sarah Morgenthaler writes the best characters, seriously. Not just Easton and River, but all of the side characters in this book were incredible. (Hello, the marmot?!)
♥ I love disaster movies. They’re my absolute favorite and yet, I’ve always found myself disappointed by disaster scenarios in books. Not here! The disaster elements on the mountain were raw and real. This book did an incredible job of showcasing the wonder of nature without romanticizing how dangerous it can be. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time, but none of it felt like it was there for shock value.
♥ Though the romance between Easton and River was perfect, my favorite element was the love that River learned to have for herself. Sarah Morgenthaler always does a beautiful job writing incredibly strong women, and River might just be my favorite so far.

Things I Disliked:
♡ The only gripe I had with this book is that the ending felt a little too formulaic. I’m a sucker for a happy ending but I felt like it was a little too similar to a lot of other endings I’ve read over the years.

Overall thoughts:
If you asked me to give up everything I have and move to Moose Springs, Alaska, I would do so in a heartbeat. This is the kind of book you pick up when you’re having a bad day and it takes you somewhere so magical that you forget why. Reading the three books in this series (I hope it’s not only a trilogy, at least!) has been an absolute joy, and each one just gets better.

Content Warnings:
Injury, illness, hypothermia, loss of limb, falling, freezing, discussions of murder, death, ageism, sexism, fatphobia.

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I love the Moose Springs, Alaska series but this adventure wasn't as much fun as the first two. River Lane's acting career is waning and she decides to get behind the camera and produce a documentary about Moose Springs. Of course Moose Springs doesn't want to attract tourists so she isn't welcome in town. Instead she chooses to document climbing Mount Veil. It is an over 14,000 foot tall mountain and Easton Lockett is going to be her guide. As Easton takes her and her two person crew on the climb of a lifetime there is attraction and friendship.

Both main characters are great. They are passionate about what they do and confident in their talents. But I had some negatives. The book seemed slow to start. It took a long time setting up the climb. Do we need to go through safety checks and rebuying camping gear? Once on the mountain it becomes more of an adventure with elevation sickness and dangers. There is beauty on the mountain but it wasn't enticing to me. (And I love mountains.) Because mountaineering is serious, humor was missing. Nothing made me laugh like in the first two books. Favorite characters got cameos, but the bulk of the story is climbing so Moose Springs isn't the star.

The series is clean for language and has one fade to black scene. The scene wasn't needed for me as at that point the characters weren't choosing to stay together. It seemed more like the author thought I must include an intimate moment to check off a list. I did like ending and will hope the next adventure will be more interesting to me. I also hope the author has a plan for Moose Springs other than we don't like tourists. That point is getting redundant and weak.

Thank you to NetGalley and Sourcebooks Casablanca for an ARC ebook in exchange for an honest review.

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Love seeing all these Moose Springs characters finding love ❤️
Big burly Mountaineer Easton has finally found his match when River Lane and her documentary film crew come to town to put Moose Springs on the map.
When River wants to climb the scariest mountain- Easton is her guide. They learn that each of them need more than just film and mountains ...

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I received an advanced reading copy of this book by Netgalley, so I’ll write the review in English.
This book was more in style with the first book of the series. It had more banter, humor and overall flirty goodness throughout the book. I loved all the characters and I loved that they were climbers. If you want cute scenes with a lot of humour I seriously recommend this and the first book in the series.
You don’t have to read the second book to read this. You can read every book in this series as a stand-alone.
Thank you so much for the ARC and the opportunity to read this amazing book!
The book is out in January 19th 2021!

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**Review will be published Jan. 14th**



But I understand that might annoy some of y’all so I’ll try to tame my emotions here.


I was nervous to dive in because I had *hyped* this book up in my mind. I adore Easton. I was ready for his grumpy mountain man self to mind some love. This did not disappoint. From chapter one I knew I was in for the perfect contemporary romance.

Easton and River’s chemistry was off the charts. Banter on point. Sly looks, and near kisses, heavens I was begging for them to kiss by the time we got there. I loved getting both of their stories and points of view. Add in climbing a daunting mountain and let the romance commence. I’m just still sitting here smitten with them. They bounced off each other beautifully and I really felt like they were a match. The conflict for this one wasn’t over drawn and dramatic. Fit right in and the solution had me giddy. Goodness gracious, read these books y’all.

It’s been sealed that I’m a Morgenthaler fan. I can’t wait to see what she writes next. Hot dang, I loved this book y’all. This entire review would be more gushing so trust me on this. Snowy, low steam, cute and fluffy, contemporary romance in Alaska. It’s all there folks.

Overall audience notes:

Contemporary romance
Language: A little
Romance: kisses / make-outs; one love scene that is so closed door you barely realize it
Violence: accidents and injuries from mountain climbing (near frostbite, low oxygen levels, falls)

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Thank you to NetGalley, Edelweiss and CasaSourcebooks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I would recommend if you're looking for

-m/f frenemies to lovers
-close proximity
-a marmot with a crush
-slow burn
-a grump of a mountain man, with a gooey cinnamon roll center
-an adventurous and a bit reckless actress
-a mountain of an adventure
-closed door

Wow I really enjoyed this one. I loved the glimpses of Graham and Zoey (who I still adore) and Easton's sister Ash. Especially with all of us stuck at home, I truly enjoyed the journey of this book. Going on the mountain climb with Easton and River was amazing. Sarah Morgenthaller's writing shined in the little moments, describing the journey beautifully without being weighed down by the details. It was exciting, romantic, funny.

This was a joy of a book to read about finding the person that sees you for yourself. Not looking for love but it finding you anyways. Easton did not disappoint, being the cinnamon roll I knew him to be. But his deep respect and love for strong women, both his sister and then River. He was just wonderful. This book showcased his protective insitincts without keeping River down in any way. River's journey finding herself as well was also a joy.

Read this book, it's escapism, and a sweet romance, and an adventure all rolled into one well written story.

Rating: 5
Steam: 1

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Ah, Moose Springs, Alaska. Home to an abundance of wild critters, beautiful scenery... and some of the craziest people you will ever meet.

Closely approaching thirty and having failed to make a name for herself as an actress, River Lane is stepping behind the camera to make the best documentary the Alaska Tourism Board has ever seen! There's just one thing that she hadn't planned on when she and her three-man crew signed up for the project. And that is that the town of Moose Springs is full of the grumpiest, spiteful, tourist-hating people she could ever encounter and they're all determined to run her out of town. Well, River Lane is not one to back down from a challenge! Any challenge!

Mountaineer Easton Lockett hadn't planned on getting involved with the film crew that had invaded town. How was he supposed to know that the red-head he put in his truck when he found her walking on the side of the road, away from town, with a suitcase, and yelling at people who weren't there was the head of the project? One humiliating afternoon holding a pizza box on the side of the road should have been a lesson learned. But no. Now Easton has been roped into leading the infuriatingly gorgeous, hot-headed, and fearless producer and her crew up Mount Vail for their documentary.

Easton and River don't see eye-to-eye on much. But they'll need to rely on each other if they want to survive the Mountain... and with their hearts in tact.

The third book in the wildly popular, endlessly hilarious and heartwarming Moose Springs series, Morgenthaler brings our attention to our favorite Human Sasquatch with a man-bun: Easton! This grumpy-faced teddy bear deserves everything good! This is definitely the most heart-pounding installment, as Easton and River tackle a mountain, showcasing the dangerous side of gorgeous Alaska. These two adrenaline junkies are made for each other. There's so much to enjoy in this book, from a murder barn, to a lovesick marmot, to Graham and Zoey being Graham and Zoey, and much more, so kick back and "Enjoy the View!"

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Romance continues in Moose Springs, Alaska. The third installment in the series centers around gentle giant Easton and out-of-work actress River. They find they have more in common than meets the eye. It’s fun and cute and enjoyable, just like the first two books in the series.

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So....I feel as though I have been missing out having not read more of Sarah Morgenthaler's Moose Springs series. As a matter of fact, I have already purchased the previous two books and eagerly anticipate their arrival! This quick, heart-warming romance is the perfect cozy winter read! Set in the picturesque and idyllic Alaskan setting is the icing on the cake for this delightful story. The better between River and Easton has a draw that kept me devouring this book and ultimately finishing it in one sitting. Through the perfectly matched romance, this book is sure to bring a smile to your face as it is presented in a fresh and fun manner. I cannot recommend this enough! Thank you so, very much, for the opportunity to have read it! I appreciate this Netgalley and look forward to more from this author in the future! Go grab this one today!

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Big thanks to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for my free eARC in exchange for an honest review.

Out of the three Moose Springs, Alaska books, Enjoy the View is by far my favorite. The few glimpses we have of Easton in the previous two books helped the reader to have a basic outline of his character. In this book we go more in-depth as we see him in his element—mountain climbing. Easton may be intimidating in appearance, but inside he’s a real softy. He’s caring and loyal, and once he loves someone he will always go back for them. River isn’t your average actress. While this premise may be basic, River herself is unique in the background and passions she holds near. Tough on the inside and out, she will not stop until she accomplishes what she set her mind to do.

One reason I loved this book best was the amount of detail the author went into. Easton is hired by River to take her and the crew up Veil Mountain, or the Old Man as he lovingly calls it. The climb is treacherous and not for the faint of heart, but River is determined. It’s obvious that the author did her research well, because I felt like I could picture exactly what the characters were doing and the different climates they experienced. The small group ends up having many mishaps, and along the way Easton and River start to fall for each other. The banter is excellent, the view is to die for (literally?!), and the plot kept me anxiously/expectantly moving forward. I’m excited for this book to be published and for others to fall in love with it just as much as I did.

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Another great addition to Sarah Moregnthaler's Moose Springs series. A fun romance mostly set on an Alaskan mountain. The only drawback is you don't get to visit much with some the characters from the first two books, but the banter between River and Easton make up for that.

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When Easton stops on the side of the road to pick up what he thinks is a hitchhiker, he doesn't expect it to be a famous actress, instead. And definitely not his next client that he's supposed to take up Mount Veil. But Easton leads River and her film crew up the mountain in their quest to capture documentary footage after no one in Moose Springs will let them film in town. Along the way, Easton and River form unimaginable bonds and perhaps start something romantic between them.

This book felt very different from the previous two in the series, mostly because 75% of of it takes place on a mountain. For the 25% in town, we get glimpses of the Moose Springs quirk (The Tourist Attraction, the pool hall, the lack of town hall...) but on the mountain we lose much have that quirkiness. The only source of humor is the incredible banter between our main characters and a lovable marmot that may replace Ulysses the moose (from the first book) as my favorite fictional animal. I don't have a problem with this, I just think it's important to note that this book is decidedly different. It's more serious with more life-threatening peril. While each of the previous two books featured a life-risking encounter with the Alaskan wilderness, that was at the forefront and a large amount of plot for this book. It was extremely emotional and felt deeper than its predecessors. I think for people who love The Tourist Attraction for it's quirk and humor, they might be a little surprised with this one, but as long as you go in eyes wide open, it's a fantastic read!

5 stars - 9/10

Thank you to Sourcebooks Casablanca and NetGalley for my free eARC in exchange for an honest review!

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My favorite in this series! The banter between a Easton and River was the absolute best. I loved how they knew how the other felt without having to make huge declarations right away. Sarah Morgenthaler definitely made me want to jump on the next flight to Alaska.

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Where have I been that I’ve never read anything by this author? This was such a good book. The characters were so well written, they kept of the page. River is hysterical, and Easton is adorable. The two just bounce of each other. There are elements of danger, which stops this book from being a dry romantic comedy. Honestly I need to read more from this author.

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