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The Midnight Bargain

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The Midnight Bargain by C. L. Polk had everything a reader like me craves: it had magic, it had romance, it had wonderful side characters (they make or break a book for me) and it had friendship and sacrifice.

Beatrice is a strong, resourceful sorceress, who wants to be able to learn and use her magic so as to help her family and live her dream of becoming a mage, but cultural constraints won’t let her fulfill her dreams. But here’s the thing, she’s a fighter at heart.
Ianthe is a good natured, conscious and understanding guy, who puts the wishes of those he loves and cares about, first. He believes in equality, he has a kind heart and an open mind and doesn’t shy away from confrontations and speaking for what he believes is right and just.
Ysbeta is impulsive, a little overbearing at times, but she has a heart of gold and a determination that won’t quit!

Here’s an overview of what I liked: the book had romance but it didn’t occupy and over shadow everything else, every single character had their own identity, their own struggle. Take Harriet for example, our heroine’s little sister, she got on my nerves, but at the same time I could sympathize with her, because she was fair in her own right! That’s my biggest take away from this book, every character had a story to live, a battle to fight! Even the “Spirits” had their time to shine. I actually loved every time Nadi appeared, the interaction between Beatrice and Nadi were some of my favorite dialogues from the book. Similarly, the interactions between Ianthe and Beatrice were so swoon worthy, after ages it wasn’t the looks and the chiseled abs and the perfect jaw of the hero that was his most defining characteristic, it was his heart and understanding!

Honestly, I didn’t find any cons, I really didn’t, I enjoyed this book, it’s pace, and the message it gave: to not let anything come between you and your dreams and where there’s a will, there’s a way: albeit cliche, the saying holds truth.

I was given an ARC in exchange for an honest review. Thank you for the opportunity.

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This review and its contents can be found on my Goodreads by the link below

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this arc in exchange for an honest review. The Midnight Bargain is a regency inspired fantasy-romance that follows our main character Beatrice as she attempts to maintain control of her magic in a world determined to tear it from her. To do so she will summon a spirit Nadi, to aid her, and form an unlikely alliance with the wealthy Lavan siblings who have the means to help her change her fate.

The strongest component of this book was definitely the writing. It kept me engaged while also covering heavy topics such as body autonomy. The use of the plot to convey the importance of such was really clever and was executed very well. The characters were also really interesting. I absolutely adored Nadi, the luck spirit that Beatrice calls upon for help. She was the comic relief that we needed and the hero we deserved. Just as there was a lot to like about this book there were a quite few things that I didn't enjoy as much as I thought I would. Seeing as this has a romantic element engrained in it, I thought the romance between Beatrice and Ianthe would have been a lot better. It just felt to rushed which then made me question Beatrice's entire dilemma for the rest of the book. Loved the characters on their own, but the romance just didn't work for me. The ending also felt very driven. It got to a point where so much was happening that I couldn't keep up with it all. This is probably more of a 3.5, but I so enjoyed the plot and where it ended so there we go.

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<p>Review copy provided by the publisher. Also the author is a friend of many years standing.</p>
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<p>Sometimes a book is incredibly timely because its subject matter fits the headlines of the time when it comes out. And sometimes its timeliness is more a matter of mood: that this is the <em>sort</em> of book people will want to read in its particular era. I believe <em>The Midnight Bargain</em> is the second kind. There is nothing in it about pandemics and vaccines. Humans are not dying by the thousand, in <em>The Midnight Bargain</em>. There are glamorous balls, card parties, flirtations, enticing bookshops, hidden grimoires. Beatrice Clayborn has serious problems, but none of them involve masks.</p>
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<p>Honestly, who could not use a story that is both heartfelt and witty, full of both peril and wish fulfillment, right now? <em>The Midnight Bargain</em>'s characters fight misogyny and wrestle with each other's trust. They struggle with duty and ambition. They bind willful spirits and break down social barriers. They ride spirited horses and sail gallant ships. They wear elaborate clothes and drink fruity gin drinks. <em>I love that stuff</em>. It is the fun stuff. And right now, it is exactly the kind of fun stuff I think so many people need right now, and I'm so glad that it's coming out soon, because in October? Less than a month from the US Presidential election, many months into a pandemic? EVEN MORE SO.</p>
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Thank you Netgalley and Erewhon Books For an opportunity to read this book in exchange for an honest review.
This was such a fun story to read! Part Pride and Predjest part Sorcery Of Thorns. This book literary brings magic to the recency era scene.
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Beatrice is a girl who is just coming into marriageable age. Her father lost a good portion of their fortune in a business venture gone wrong. Now it’s up to her to marry well and bring the family’s holding back into good standing. Her success is also important for her younger sister’s prospects for her season the following season. In true Austen fashion, we meet our hero early and he is all things good reminiscent of our dear Mr. Bingley.
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He falls for Beatrice for her outspoken nature and her somewhat social nonconformity.
Beatrice has a strong gift of magic but in her countrywoman are sold in marriage to help produce strong magical offspring. When a girl marries she must give up her magic by strapping a warding collar on. This stifles her magic to protect her unborn child from becoming soulless because of the spirits they partner with to make magic. See again, regency with a magical twist!
This book will sing to the feminist in you. Woman’s rights are the main plot of the story.
While I thoroughly enjoyed this story I did find Beatrice to be very naive. There were several times I wanted to give her and Ysbeta a giant head smack for doing the things that they were warned multiple times not to do. Harriet is Beatrice’s younger sister but it definitely felt the opposite. Although Beatrice is very business smart it seems that Harriet is the one who has her head on straight. She is the one to lead and guide her sister through the social season and explain what stakes are involved in her failure.
This is a very satisfying stand-alone novel. Overall I really enjoyed this story. It collides my love of all things regency/ Austen and my love of magic in a very unique story.

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I loved the premise of this book, a world of sorcery in what feels like a regency era book? Sign me up!

But I could not latch on to the plot, I was always in desperate need of some greater overarching problem to come along but it never did. I was left wanting.

While I loved Nadi and Beatrice's monther I found that most of the other characterizations were rather flimsy, they would act out of character on occasion and varied greatly in severity of actions from scene to scene. And in the end I think that was what made the main relationship seem somewhat flimsy to me, I couldn't believe their words or promises to one another because they themselves never felt consistent.

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The Midnight Bargain is a daring new fantasy that harkens back to the lush balls and proper courtships of the Regency Era.  C.L. Polk's refreshing take on body autonomy, women's rights, and sexism propels this novel from mere fairytale romance to a scintillating work of art that is sure to become a favorite among feminists, romantics, and fantasy readers alike.

The world that Polk has created is familiar, but at the same time diverse, atmospheric, and magical.  The societal pressures to fill a certain role are ones that many modern females have felt.  Despite this story taking place in a fantasy world inspired by Regency England, many can relate to the crippling power of misogyny, although not nearly in such a literal way as a metal collar that suppresses magical ability.  The addition of the magic system provides a levity to a story that could otherwise have been a depressing saga of desperation.

Beatrice is a firecracker and I adore her character.  It is refreshing to see a feminist MC that does not completely reject the idea of marrying and bearing children.  Beatrice both acknowledges her desire to honor traditional roles and yearns for something more.  As a contrast, Ysbeta represents women that crave complete independence.  Their partnership and eventual friendship provides insight into both perspectives and gives dimension to the battle for women's rights.  Additionally, Ianthe's development from bystander to ally is thorough and convincing.  The diversity of the characters and their backgrounds provides the necessary differences to make his conversion more believable. 

The romance develops quickly, but there is enough doubt and turmoil that it doesn't feel rushed.  For a standalone, the pacing is spot on.  I won't go as far as to say the story is action-packed, but, between the secret meetings, constant suitors, and magical experiments, I couldn't put it down.

I highly recommend this book to fans of A Discovery of Witches and Sorcery of Thorns.  

This book is set to release October 13, 2020.  Thank you to Erewhon Books and NetGalley for providing me a free e-ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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It’s very rare that I finish a full-length book in one sitting. It’s even more unlikely when it’s a book I’ve already read, albeit in an earlier draft.

Fair warning here: I am a very biased reviewer for this book. I was privileged to read an early draft because the author is a friend. You may think this means I’m giving Ms. Polk an automatic double-thumbs-up, but in fact, it makes me even more critical.

Be honest with me, when was the last time you were 100% hyped for something a close friend or member of your family was involved in? How many times did you hold your tongue rather than give unwanted and probably unnecessary criticism?

(Conversely, how many times have you been a bumbling idiot and recommended plot changes that would have cost an author an award? I’ve been that idiot. Don’t be me.)

Now imagine your close friend or family member is a critically-acclaimed, award-winning SFF author. Trust me, you learn to shut your mouth Really Damn Fast.

Because C. L. is a Very Good Author indeed. I’ve learned to wait until she’s done before giving my opinion.

See my previous remarks on being a bumbling idiot.

And now it’s time for that opinion. And….whew. This is a hard one, folks, because this book really is That Good. It’s good enough that I begged off playing Warcrack for a night, curled up in bed with my iPad, and started reading.

I didn’t stop until I was finished the book. It was 4am. It was worth it.

In Other Words

Beatrice wants to embrace her destiny as a sorceress. She is born with strong magical talents, which make her a valuable prize – unfortunately, as bride to any Magus wishing to further strengthen his own magical line. Men train in the arcane arts. Women wear restrictive collars with magic-inhibiting powers. Otherwise, a rogue spirit could inhabit their unborn child’s body.

Beatrice’s family is proud, but have fallen on hard times. As such, they have heavily invested in Bargaining Season, hoping Beatrice will make a match with a wealthy man. Not only will this help dig the family out of the financial hole they’re in, but it will help launch Beatrice’s sister when her own Bargaining Season comes around.

Beatrice has other ideas. She would rather give up love and marriage for her calling as a mage. Her parents educated her in the ways of business, and if she could only get her father to listen to her advice…

On her way to a dress fitting, she locates a book that will teach her how to link with a Greater Spirit. Her hope is dashed when it the book is swept right out of her hands in the middle of the book store. Desperate, she makes a deal with a lesser spirit of fortune. Will luck be on her side?

The MacGuffin

We all know this setup. It’s a classic romance story, guaranteed to suck in those of us who like a little kissing in our fantasy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I fully endorse it.

Beatrice is dogged in her determination to get that book, becoming fast friends with the thief, and falling in love with the thief’s brother in the process. You and I and the wall know that the real point of this story isn’t that book or the romance. It’s the greater issue of women’s liberation and autonomy, and Polk is a very skillful spider in her weaving of this tale. It’s in the process of trying to get the book back – failing multiple times at her attempts to liberate herself – that Beatrice becomes a stronger character. The struggle illuminates her allies and enemies alike, and shows just what a woman is worth in her culture.


Illustration by Hugh Thomson (1860-1920)
Jane Austen has been on my mind recently. I mentioned Sense and Sensibility in my video, Bloody Wee Stitches. At the time, I was discussing costuming, and fashionable eras, and the fact that Jane Austen was more political than most would think. Like Midnight Bargain, Sense and Sensibility is often dismissed as a silly romance. Not so.

I’ve gone back to The Gutenberg Project’s text file copy of Sense and Sensibility – the section I want to discuss is in Chapter 2 (forgive me, I thought it was Chapter 1, but I was wrong).

Mr. Dashwood Sr. has just passed away. His dying request is that his son, John Dashwood, should assist the elder’s widow and daughters. John and his wife are, to put it mildly, not happy with this. They place great importance on their own worth, and the worth of their belongings. Their concern is solely for themselves.

The conversation starts with John Dashwood thinking he might settle a sum of three-thousand pounds on his stepmother and three sisters. By the end, he’s not only convinced they will happily do for themselves, but that they should feel fortunate to give him any extra monies they might have floating around.

What a dick.

Carried to Midnight

It is into this sort of world that C. L. Polk slyly places her heroine. Women, particularly women of good breeding and possible talent, are very valuable. Beatrice’s mother gives up power and wealth to marry for love. It is a privilege that is extended to Beatrice only if she manages to love a wealthy man. Even then, you have to wonder at a kind of love that quite literally puts a woman into a form of bondage that completely deadens her entire personality and world view.

The fact that Beatrice places more importance on her longing to become a mage is besides the point. Even her education is waved away as a “value-add”. She is schooled in the way of business so she will be able to spot when her husband’s household is being cheated by staff or suppliers. The expectation is that she will be a good chatelaine, and will give up any of her own interests for her husband and possible children. That collar is going on one way or the other according to the society she lives in. Beatrice is a commodity to be traded to the highest bidder.


Mantua and petticoat of bizarre silk brocade, British, c. 1708 (MET)
I wouldn’t blame anyone who missed the political undercurrents in The Midnight Bargain. C. L.’s descriptions of fancy ball gowns, luscious textiles, and gorgeous vistas steal the show.

Beatrice quickly meets Ysbeta and Ianthe Lavan, the adult children of wealthy merchants. Her acquaintance with them launches her to the forefront of Bargaining Season and its social whirl. Anything they miss, Beatrice’s younger sister Harriet is sure to point out. Ms. Polk introduces us to fashions and styles inspired by history, but placed in their own context. This creates a visually stunning world seen only in the mind’s eye.

It’s the one-two punch of fancy and authenticity that take you off-guard when C. L. rips down those walls of genteel fashion to reveal the unsharpened truth. Surprise! This book is literary fantasy disguised as fluffy romance. Cherish it. We don’t see them very often.

The Midnight Bargain will be available in Hardcover (and digital media!) through Erewhon Books starting October 13th, 2020.

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The Midnight Bargain sounded super: a regency set romance with magic! And women's rights! I flew through this one and read it in a day. The writing was smooth and easy to read and enjoy. I liked the characters, but wanted more from them. Beatrice, our main character, and her love interest, Iathne (what a name!) were lovely. I was invested in their story. However, it felt Ianthe was sort of the perfect man. He was agreeable, enough anger about women's rights, and even was a great dad. I longed to see his flaws. What makes Mr. Darcy so great in Pride and Prejudice is that his character grows over did not feel that way with Ianthe. Beatrice on the other hand did have some growth (but got her way in the end, so kind of a perfect ending?). I felt very mixed on the epilogue - it felt very JK Rowling where characters name their children for people in their lives, but just to put it there (not for any real sort of meaning). I will say I enjoyed the magic and women's rights aspect of this story and again Polk's writing was easy and delightful.

The right sort of read for me right now.

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I really loved this book! The characters were complex and interesting, and their stories were balanced well with fascinating world building.

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Set in an alternate Victorian universe, The Midnight Bargain explores the Victorian gender roles using magic as the rights and privileges women must sacrifice for their husbands. In this world, both women and men have the ability to perform magic. When a woman comes of age she is courted and forced into an arranged marriage where her husband places a collar on her neck that blocks her magic. She must wear this collar especially when she is pregnant to avoid attracting spirits into her unborn child. All magical rights are given over to the husband. In this story, two young debutantes and aspiring sorceresses team up to find a way to avoid marriage and instead choose a life of magic, grimoires, and freedom. 

This was an action packed read about bewitching feminism and forbidden magic. The neo-victorian world that the author created was detailed and descriptive without being confusing or convuluted. There are many important points and lessons the story offers about disenfranchised women, social norms, individuality, and choice. I really appreciated the fantastical interpretation of women's rights which many readers will resonate with.

There is plenty of magic found in this book from grimoires and spells to rituals and invocations. Action, adventure, mystery, and mayhem are plentiful in the story along with romance, conniving characters, and surrepitious spirits.

The Midnight Bargain is a spellbinding neo-victorian fantasy about the magical rights of women and the brave individuals who will stop at nothing for their emancipation, navigating a harsh world of business transactions, social contracts, and forbidden magic.

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I have received this ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The Midnight Bargain was a roller coaster for me. It started off okay-ish but then the pace would just go up and down throughout the book. It wasn't steady enough for me so I will admit that I got bored in a few chapters.

Then there's the romance. Eh, it was okay. I mean, Beatrice was no Elizabeth Bennet.. but she also wasn't blind to Ianthe's feelings towards her. Heck, they even said special words to one another at a certain point. They were okay to me and nothing really felt forced to me but I wasn't here for the love.

Well, unless we are talking about the magical world that is. Honestly, this word was pretty intriguing. I just wanted to know everything about the magic but was left a bit disappointed. It just felt like this book was focusing on things that weren't deemed important to me. For example, the drama.. ugh. Then the ending/epilogue was pretty cute but I'm not sure how I truly feel about this one.

It had potential to be a great love though.

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The Midnight Bargain's insides are as beautiful as its cover! Ingenious world building kept me gripped without feeling overloaded, while the pacing started gentle and quickly built into a masterful fantasy tale.

The characters are brilliant, three dimensional people with complex motivations. The friendship between the main characters was so beautifully written that I wanted to befriend them both myself.

My heart was in my mouth for most of the last quarter of the book as the story built to an incredible conclusion. I was disappointed to have it end, but feel so pleased to have read it!

I received a copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

This review has been posted to Goodreads and will be submitted to Amazon after release.

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I'd previously read another of C.L. Polk's books (Witchmark, the first in her Kingston cycle of books), with some reservations about the strength of the characterisation and its treatment of class, so I suspect I was never going to be 100% sold on The Midnight Bargain unless those two issues were dealt with better here.

The basic premise of the book is that it's set in a country where both men and women can do magic but only men are allowed to study it to a high level and women with similar powers are admired only as breeding stock. To support this, women with inherent magical abilities are locked into warding collars from marriage to menopause, to protect their children from being possessed by a spirit in utero. It's revealed partway through the book that the majority of women who undergo this have no idea what it's like until it's too late - their particular society is massively patriarchal (think Victorian laws around women owning property) and therefore self-perpetuating.

Enter our female protagonist, Beatrice, who unbeknown to anyone has already acquired magical knowledge she's not supposed to have and is on the marriage market this year only because her family are drowning in debt. A good marriage is the only way to save them, even though this is the last thing in the world Beatrice wants - she wants to become a sorcerer, even though there is no opportunity to do this, not lose her magic till she's past child-bearing age. Early on, Beatrice falls in with a brother and sister, only to discover the sister is in a similar boat to her and they form an alliance, promising to help each other learn more about magic and discover if they can both avoid marriage and the loss of their powers.

So far, so good, if a little heavy-handed in terms of the allegories about bodily autonomy. Where it goes awry for me a little is again in characterisation - in this case, Beatrice falling madly in love with her new bestie's brother after one conversation and said brother's lack of 3-dimensionality. Ianthe, for that's said love interest's name, is everything the plot requires him to be: sensitive and thoughtful, willing to turn a blind eye (or assist) in whatever Beatrice and his sister are getting up to, and pretty to boot. It's your classic YA-instalust situation, with Beatrice thinking 'well, maybe losing my magic part-time wouldn't be so bad, if I'm shagging this hottie!' and wavering all over the place.

As a standalone novel, the author also falls into the trap of wanting everything to tie up neatly - the heroes get what they want, wrongdoers are punished, there are plans afoot to turn the world upside down after Beatrice figures out how to have their cake and eat it. It's a little like eating too much cake, to be honest, as the experience goes from sweet to slightly sickening in a matter of moments and I'm not sure I liked it all that much as a result.

I received a free copy of this book from the publishers via Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.

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I was enchanted by this story from the very beginning! I cheered for Beatrice throughout the entire story and couldn't wait to see how it ended. I loved her strength and courage to stand up for her freedom and wouldn't let anything get in the way.

This book had the perfect balance of magic, romance and suspense to keep you wanting more!

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C.L. Polk's fantasy novel The Midnight Bargain is a prescient take on women's autonomy and strength. In this Regency-esque alternate world, our heroine Beatrice is expected to fall in line and marry an eligible bachelor to secure a fortune that will salvage her father's failed business ventures. However, she is a skilled sorceress (a quality many women in her world possess), but all married women are forced to surrender their magic upon marriage to prevent the magic from corrupting a pregnancy. She is resolved never to marry until she meets the handsome Ianthe Lavan and his passionate sister Ysbeta. It turns out that the similarly-gifted Ysbeta shares Beatrice's fear of losing her magic to matrimony, and the two strike a deal to secretly improve their skills and become Mages in defiance of their patriarchal society. Yet Beatrice can't help but fall for Ianthe, who respects her talents and listens to her fiery opinions, leading her to question what choice she should make.

This is a feminist tale that fantasy readers will enjoy, along with those looking for all the dreaminess of a Regency-era love story but with more resistance to the stereotypical societal pressures. I was not captivated by the novel, but I appreciated it and its firm stance on female agency. The magic systems were sometimes confusing (along with my personal pet peeve of lots of fantastical names that I don't know how to pronounce).

[3/5: A fun fantasy where a lead gets the man and to follow her dreams. Felt more YA than adult lit, so would likely appeal to both.]

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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This was, to be honest, a little disappointing. The first of Polk's Kingston trilogy was one of my favourite reads the year it came out, so I was expecting more. It's a pleasant read, but I found the rather obvious "women's power over their own bodies" metaphor rather heavy-handed and the romance unconvincing.

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Beatrice’s empowering need to do something for independence and for the women of magic shines through C.L. Polk’s novel, The Midnight Bargain.

Beatrice Clayborn is a sorceress trying to discover how she can become a full-fledged Magus by practicing in secret. When she discovers a grimoire at a bookstore one day, she bumps into Ysbeta Lavan who is also after the same grimoire, alongside her brother Ianthe Lavan. Ysbeta takes the grimoire leaving Beatrice to strike up a deal with a spirit as long as she kisses the handsome, kind, and amazingly wealthy, Ianthe. Would she decide to risk becoming a powerful Magus for a kiss to seal the deal?

I gave The Midnight Bargain five stars, absolutely loving the magic and lessons behind the story. Beatrice was a really strong character to read and through her point of view we read the difficulties it was to be a women who wanted to become independent and become something in the world. Beatrice showed that women don’t need men to fuel their ambition.

The message behind Beatrice’s actions when having to strike up the deal and work with both Ysbeta and Ianthe were something that was very meaningful throughout the story and I really enjoyed the way they became friends and held each other closely throughout this book.

I loved the way Beatrice and Ianthe had an immediate connection with each other and that both of them worked hard to show each other that they were important in each other’s lives but also showing each other that they can equally have each other out of their lives. They romance in this book in this book developed strong and they were both understanding toward each other. For me, Ianthe didn’t take Beatrice’s magic and determination for granted, he stood by her side and believed in her and how she was a strong sorceress.

This was an absolutely fantastic read and I loved the character growth of Beatrice as she developed and improved her magic more. She fought for herself and was dedicating her time to solve the grimoire and become a powerful Magus to solve her toughest questions.

This was a fantastic read that I really enjoyed unexpectedly. I grew to really enjoy the plot and the magic that was pretty well developed throughout the story made me interested in continuing to read this.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review

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The Midnight Bargain is *exactly* my type of book. Regency romance, ladies fighting for their rights, and witchcraft all rolled into one beautiful novel that sparked my soul again and again with every deepening friendship, every injustice, every bold action that could result in freedom or despair. It’s like Glamourist Histories meets Handmaid’s Tale, with more than a few nods to Revolutionary Girl Utena. My two favorite genres are clever period romance and feminist fantasy, and I honestly can’t imagine a better story to unite them as equals. I made the mistake of starting it when I only had 15 minutes free and then was irrationally angry for hours until I could pick it back up again, at which point I stayed up all night to finish it.

I loved Beatrice from the very first page. I think it’s sometimes a dirty trick to introduce a character we’re meant to like by showing them searching for books in a bookstore, because everyone who reads it is going to be like “mmm, girl I KNOW,” but the problems that led her there and the additional conflict that occurs there caught me up in her dilemmas and I was hooked. I don’t want to give away too much of the story, but Beatrice is the heroine of both a romance and a revolution, and while those conflicts are often at odds, the genres aren’t. There are so many stories out there where one or the other feels tacked on, but the writing in The Midnight Bargain is so excellent, the two in tandem feel not only natural but necessary.

It looks like the pub date is still three months away, but I can’t wait to buy a copy for myself. And, let’s be honest, probably for several of my friends too. I would devour an entire series of this, but will remain content with this perfect morsel.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for a copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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*Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc*

DNF *4o%*

I'm sorry but this in not my cup of tea. The plot has been so interesting and appealing and what I've found it was quite boring starting from the beginning.. I'm afraid I've read too many books with a sort of insta-love to be a fan of it, and the fact that the stories begins with no real introduction in the setting upsetted me a lot.
Maybe I haven't found the right connection with the author's writing style.

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This book was a quick and entertaining read. It touched on the topics of magic, feminism, friendship, loyalty to one's family, and romance. Character development is one of this book's major strengths. The main character, Beatrice, has a unique, well-defined personality and voice. Even when Beatrice makes decisions that the reader might not agree with, she has rational reasons for everything that she does. She is intelligent and charming, which makes it easy for the reader to root for her. Additionally, I was also happily surprised by how focused this character was on women's rights. This topic becomes a driving catalyst for major plot points in the book. In summation, I really enjoyed Beatrice's adventure and would happily pick up the second one if the author decides to write a sequel.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reader's copy.

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