Member Reviews

This was a phenomenal read! The difficult subject matter was presented with sensitivity and grace.
The temptation in writing a book about children in the Holocaust would be to give in to righteous indignation and melodrama. Instead, the authors focus on the remarkable character of Eva, a twin who was determined to keep herself and her sister alive, even while undergoing severe physical abuse. The reader learns what it felt like to be a Jewish girl in a deadly environment, but is not overwhelmed by despair. We admire Eva as she finds numerous ways to survive, relying on unusual strength, determination, and luck.
Although it would be understandable, there is never a hint of the overriding bitterness one might expect to hear from a survivor. Instead, the reader comes away with the feeling that even in the midst of the unspeakable, people can survive and go on to live satisfying lives.
I think Rojany-Buccieri did an outstanding job of taking Kor's memories and translating them into a story that will fascinate junior readers. Bravo!

This aspect of Auschwitz horror has always been something that I wanted to read more about. The bond between the twins is amazing and the things that they were subjected to horrific. If you, like me, are intrigued by the holocaust, then this is definitely a title to add to your TBR.

I received an advanced reader copy of this book to read in exchange for an honest review via netgalley and the publishers.
What a read...I am actually speechless, even though the horrors of the Holocaust are public, to read about it from Eva's perspective, as a 'survivor' who has provided such hope for other survivors is just awe inspiring. People today really do complain about such minor things, when you read something like this, to have a small insight into the sufferings that so many had to endure.
'Eva Mozes Kor was 10 years old when she arrived in Auschwitz. While her parents and two older sisters were taken to the gas chambers, she and her twin, Miriam, were herded into the care of the man known as the Angel of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele and subjected to sadistic medical experiments and forced to fight daily for their own survival'.
To read this and hear how she and her sister survived throughout all those horrific ordeals - words cannot do it justice. For Eva to then turn that pain and found the CANDLES organisation (Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Lab Experiments Survivors) in 1984, and to then locate 122 other survivors is incredible, and to then go on to educate the public and the Holocaust and the importance of forgiveness is truly beyond belief.
A heartbreaking but necessary story to read about the power of healing from forgiveness.
Thank you

What a sad yet touching story. I don’t know why I am drawn to read books about this horrific time, but I seem to read every single one I can get my hands on and this one was the first I have read involving twins and what happened to them through the doctor of death. I hope his soul is where it belongs.
I am so glad Eva survived and able to tell her story. I am just sorry it had to be this story. This was such a detailed story. I think this history needs to be told and remembered and never repeated.
This story touched me I read it in no time at all. This was very well written.

I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review. Thank you Netgalley.
Whew. This book was powerful. I feel like every memoir or book I've read about this subject has hurt my heart. The devastating trauma they experienced is so heartbreaking.
Surviving The Angel Of Death is about twin girls who were subjected to the absolutely horrid experiments that occurred. It's told from the viewpoint of Eva before, during and after her imprisonment at the concentration camp. Hearing the horrors she and her twin experienced during their time there was so heartbreaking and tough to swallow.
While obviously hard to read in that regard, this book was well-written and raw. READ IT..

I received this book from Netgalley. I read this e arc in one day. This story revolves around two girls that are twins. They were apart of the experiments.
I gave this book a 4 star. I couldn't even begin to imagine what they went through. I did enjoy the book. I always find it intriguing how any of these crimes were allowed to happen.

At Auschwitz dying was so easy.
Surviving was a full time job.
Great book from an amazing woman!
Eva and Miriam are the youngest of the family, and they’re also the favourites. Growing up Jewish in Romania at the break of WWII is not easy – they get increasingly bullied, and their family is persecuted. When they all get deported to Auschwitz, the twins will keep their status in the eyes of a dark figure – some call him uncle, some Josef Mengele, but Todesengel (Angel of Death) is his most apt name. From then on is a battle not only for survival, but to stay united.
Despite how tough this book is to read, I liked it. And I most of all liked to get to know Eva, the narrator of the story.
Eva is a tough child, having to grow fast at the beginning of WWII. She’s only ten years old when she gets deported with her family to Auschwitz. She will lose her family, get a sinister “protector”, and wait one year before she will be able to slowly taste freedom again. In that year she’ll get to know the darkest side of the human heart, and she will have to be the pillar that keeps his sister and herself united, until the liberation by the hand of the Allies.
The author covers the years before, during, and after her imprisonment in the concentration camp. She explains how she managed to survive, how the camp worked, and what she had to endure being what she calls a “Mengele twin”, something that was really precious to the deprived doctor of the camp. Having the Aryan ideal in mind, he wanted to discover the secret of twins and eugenics.
Although the book is targeted to children and young adults, Eva uncovers some of the horrors she faced in the camp, even having the “priviliged” status of twins. Having to endure torture and experiments is not a privilege, and it is what ultimately killed her sister years after leaving the camp.
The new edition of this books comes with a sad epilogue – the passing of the author. The last part of the book is dedicated to Eva – the person she was, and the legacy she left.
The controversial topic of Eva forgiving the Nazi is also touched, explaining once and for all how it was her personal choice: she did not forgive them on behalf of all the victims, and this act benefits the victim, not the oppressor – that’s how you start leaving grief and anger behind, and live on your own terms. That’s how victims take control back over their lives.
I would recommend this book to anybody, regardless of their age and background.

This book is a biography of a pair of identical twins that starts in the village of Portz in Transylvania (Romania). as the only Jewish family in this village, Eva and Miriam live in relative innocence with their parents and two older sisters. When two new teachers come with nazi textbooks, the twins are called "dirty Jews." They beg their parents not to go to school, but to no avail. The father tries to find passage to Israel to live but are too late. The whole family is gathered up and taken to Auschwitz. The twins are separated from their parents and older sisters. The twins are experimented on. They survive Dr. Mengele's experiments despite Eva almost dying. After being liberated from the camp, they find life very difficult. Finally, they go to Israel. Surprisingly, Eva shares how she forgave the nazis. A Holocaust museum is opened in Indiana which highlights her views on it.
This is very well written. It is written in a first person voice.. It is a story not just about the holocaust but about survival. This is a book that hopefully will be read by all.

"Surviving the Angel of Death" by Eva Mozes Kor is an incredible memoir that deserves nothing less than a 5-star review. This powerful and emotional book tells the story of a young girl's experience during the Holocaust and her courageous journey to forgive those who committed unimaginable atrocities. Eva's resilience and determination are truly inspiring, and her unwavering commitment to healing and forgiveness is a testament to the strength of the human spirit. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the history of the Holocaust and the power of forgiveness. Highly recommended!

This real life story had me gripped from beginning to end and I read it in a couple of days, which is good for me.
We meet Eva and her twin Miriam, who live with their family in a little village in Romania, they are Jewish and the story is about how the twins survived in concentration camps during World War two. They are driven out of their village and taken on the awful cattle carts to Auschwitz. On arrival Eva and Miriam are take n from their loving family, which consisted of their mother, father and two other sisters, and taken to be under the care of Josef Mengele who used twins to do the most awful experiments on in order to find out about them.
The first half of the novel is about their time in the camp and the second half is how they leave the camp and go back home. Everyone should read this book and learn about the awful things that they amazing survivors went through and live to the tell the tale of their time.
Thanks to Netgalley, Eva Mozes Kor and the publishers for allowing me a copy of this novel in exchange for my honest review.

I had read the book before obtaining again through NetGalley, but I can only sum up to say Eva has never stopped showing her bravery when going through her own personal hell and watching others go through even worse, even if it would hardly seem possible. Eva has shared not only her story but her voice. She has shown her heart and strength in ways I couldn’t dream of being brave enough to do. She is truly the definition of SURVIVOR!

Eva and Miriam Moses were raised up with Christians in their little visit of port on the outskirts of hungry and their parents tried to shield them from The Jewish prejudice that was growing at that time in the 1930s and 40s but unfortunately despite them being the only Jewish family in the little village who was always willing to lend a hand and even hosted the incoming Hungarian military they were still taken to a Nazi camp where they would never see their sisters Alice and Edit, no other mama and their papa again. The only thing that saved these girls were that they were twins and Dr. Mangla the doctor of doom and death wanted to study them. Even getting 10-year-old Eva so sick she was put into the infirmary and not fed because they were waiting on her to die. They even had nurses in the camp that would teach them hateful Jewish nursery rhymes and force them to perform it with one little girl standing in the center as the resonated Jew. When they were free a year later they were fine people to love and care for them for years evil would be full of hate but when you know better you do better in the evil has done her best to create a great life she went on to get married and have children and although I didn’t get the best of summaries for this book it breaks my heart to think about and it’s just a testament to the human spirit how no matter what we are put through we ultimately want to live and live Eva dead even going so far as to be Twitter friends with Nikki Sixx and Shaquille O’Neal and many others . If you’re interested in World War II history in the atrocities humans can visit on each other you really need to read surviving the angel of death by Eva Mozes core and Lisa Rajani it’s truly a such a great book and one I highly recommend. I received this book from NetGalley and a publisher but I am leaving this review voluntarily please forgive any mistakes as I am blind and dictate my review.

I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher for an honest review. This book is well written. This book is told from the point of view of twin 6 year old girls Eva and Miriam Mozes Kor in Transylvania, Romania and Aushwitz. The family relationships in this book is well described. I would recommend reading this book to anyone and everyone. This book is in stores for $9.49 (USD).

Surviving the Angel of Death by Eva Mozes Kor and Lisa Rojany Buccieri is a WWII non-fiction about identical twins who survived Nazi physician Dr. Mengeles top-secret twin Experiments. A truly heartbreaking story about strength, survival and the power of forgiveness.

This was an honor to read about a twin who for many years suffered from anger towards her parents and the Nazis. It only takes roughly two hours to read and its purpose is to help other Holocaust survivors and educate young adults the power of forgiveness. This remarkable and harrowing story is told in the first person by a twin named Eva, who survived Auschwitz. She lost her two older sisters and her parents immediately when they were murdered upon arrival to this death camp. Eva and Miriam Mozes were only children and were subjected to Mengele's cruel and inhumane experiments on identical twins. Forced to starve and injected with unknown substances by Mengele, Eva's strength and her iron will to not perish in Auschwitz helped her to live through deplorable conditions. She says that she was always the stronger twin and knowing that she had to protect her twin sister Miriam helped keep her alive. She says that other victims of Auschwitz who didn't have anybody they knew and cared about were more likely to die. She told herself that she would survive the inhumane treatment and live to be free. By having to help Miriam survive that empowered her determination to be a survivor along with her identical twin Miriam.
The second half of this book is a true testament of a remarkable woman's story of educating young adults and children and other Holocaust survivors. She also had a mission to educate other United States citizens that the Holocaust was a true and real event that took place. She and her sister Miriam were all that they had after their liberation from the Soviet Union soldiers. They tried going home, but found there was nothing left for them other than a few crumbled pictures taken of their family before they were deported from their home. They were the only Jewish family in their small village. While they were torn from their home which had an abundance of fruit orchards and animals they returned home to their house and land that produced food that was taken by the village people.
Eva Mozes and Miriam Mozes went to Palestine to escape the Soviet Union who turned their country into communism. They lived with their Aunt for a while, but didn't like living in a policed state that controlled every aspect of their lives. In Palestine they were greeted by an Uncle and they were finally treated with dignity. Eva and Miriam's father made them promise to move to Palestine if they survived their ordeal. Prior to the family being deported to Auschwitz their father wanted to move their family to Palestine. Their mother resisted moving and that was the kiss of death for everyone in their family except the twins. Eva met her husband in Palestine and they moved to Indiana in the United States.
Eva was continuously teased by the citizens in her town in Indiana. At one point her son asked why Eva couldn't be like the other American mothers. For many years Eva was angry at her parents for not protecting them being mere children who were exposed to Auschwitz and the daily horrors that they were subjected to. She was also angry at the Nazis who were responsible for the nightmare Eva and Miriam lived through.
Eva found that by forgiving the Nazis and her parents her suffering finally ceased. She founded the acronym CANDLES, which stands for CHILDREN OF AUSCHWITZ NAZI DEATH LAB EXPERIMENT SURVIVORS. It was a support group.
I think that this book should be required reading for High School students! Eva's message of forgiveness is so powerful and inspirational. She is a true icon and role model even after her death by the legacies she lived as an example. I am so grateful and again I say it was an honor to read this book. I will return to it over and over again.
Publication Date: October 13, 2020. Available Now!
My huge debt of gratitude for providing me this ARC goes to Net Galley, Eva Mozes Kor and Tanglewood Publishing. This Arc was generously provided in exchange for a fair and honest review. I was not required to make my review so abundantly positive. That was my choice. All opinions are my own.
#SurvivingtheAngelofDeath #EvaMozesKor #TanglewoodPublishing #NetGalley

At the age of 10, Eva and her twin sister Miriam were pulled off the tracks of Auschwitz by Dr. Mengele. They never saw their parents or siblings again. Subjected to medical experiments, the twins never know what shots they were being given and for what purpose. Determined to survive, Eva and Miriam clung to one another. After liberation, the twins were reunited with distant family and forced to live with the trauma they had experienced. As an adult, Eva became a proponent of forgiveness, often defending and fighting for her beliefs.
I read this novel years ago. It was just as touching and heartbreaking the second time around. I admire Eva's spirit of forgiveness and her desire to live her best life. I also understand why forgiving Nazi's could be controversial. Overall, the novel was well written and engaging. It does not go into graphic detail, which makes for a good middle grade or young adult novel. Highly recommended.

An excellent and informative story that needs to be told. Not many other Holocaust stories focus on the aspect of twins in Mengele's experiments, non-fiction or otherwise. I believe Eva's story will pair well with other Holocaust texts that are being taught. A true story of survival in every sense of the word.

It's difficult to write a review as this memoir is a heartbreaking story of survival. The number of times I found myself crying over what these girls and so many twins like them had to go through.
These atrocities are horrifying. And it's a terrible feeling to realise that we humans are capable of such destruction.
If you are looking for a book related to WWII based on true events then this it the one. But be prepared because it can be traumatising.
❗️TW: WWII, death, children being used for experiments❗️
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for granting me a copy of this book in return for my honest opinion.

Firstly thanks to NetGalley & Eva Mozes Kor for the #gifted e-Advanced Reader Copy of Surviving the Angel of Death.
This memoir follows the life of Eva and her twin Miriam growing up Jewish in Romania before they were forced to the ghetto and eventually to Auschwitz where they were forced to endure horrific treatment simply because they were twins and Jewish. This is a story of survival. Of fighting to maintain humanity in one of the most horrific situations in the world.
It's so important these stories are heard and honored. We must never forget the evil that occurred and the people that suffered unimaginable torture. We must strive to challenge language and practices that seek to dehumanise people.
Although this is a tough read it, I'd argue it's a must read.

What an amazing story of survival and forgiveness. I can never read these stories without crying and wondering at the survival spirit of humans. I also can never read these without wondering at the meanness of people. I don't know where that kind of evil comes from and I don't understand how so many turned a blind eye to what was happening.
This is 5 stars for me. I felt so blessed to be able to get a glimpse into the life of Eva Mozes Kor. What an incredible person.