Member Reviews

After reading the synopsis of this book I was confused but intrigued and that's why I read it. After finishing it, I can certainly say that you should check it out because it's very very good.
I loved the storyline and I loved the characters. Mysterious Kaylin is my favourite. He is at the same time dangerous and sweet. I also loved Ash and the dynamics she has with him. She is a smart and strong character with secrets even she doesn't know. Marcus is also smart and loyal. The friendship dynamics of the group were excellent.
I liked the three POV narration (Ash, Markus & Kaylin) of the story and the author's writing. I found the world-building interesting and I want to learn more about it. The phantoms concept reminded me of the daemons in His Dark Materials series.
The romance in the book was everything I wanted from it.

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Thank you to Entangled Publishing and Netgalley for providing me with ARC in exchange for an honest review.

My reading slump was not just kicked in the but, but sent flying with a kickstart,only to land me in a abstinent state, wanting to spend more time inside this world!
Fast paced with so much action and twist and turns that your head is gonna spin!
Marcus Adicio - the future heir of Baiseen has to make his initiation journey to hone his power and bond with his phantom,because his position as a heir depends on earning his higher ranking....but when things unravel,it turns out that things are not so simple and is a lot more at stake and like the snowball effect “And then one thing led to another,” leading his crew of five on a very dangerous journey.
His best friend and personal scribe Ash, that is joining in his journey is the only non-savant in their group, but nonetheless a key part with her knowledge and wit.
But as things progress as all other things, she too is not what it seems.
Along the way the crew of five is joined by a charming sailor named Kaylin, with screts of his own, steering and helping and our favorite five turn to six as the dangers grow too.
Compelling world building and the characters have their own distinctive vibe that shine bright.
I loved Ash's in particular because it was a different from the traditional "tough in your face" kinda thing,but rather a thoughtful,supportive even when undermined for her non-savant origin, always determined and stron-willed when the need arrives.
Not to mention i was laughing so hard to the back and forth conversations with her inner voice...just priceless!
Marcus's charater development was most prominent from the begining of the book and we see his struggles,doubts transforming in to toughness,determination and courage.
And i would say the cherry on the top and the spot of color and something different was Kaylin's character .
That ending left me with gaping mouth in a middle of a cliffhanger and im not sure how I'll handle the waiting for the second book!

I can't help but add some SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER included small things only here on Netgalley that kept nudging me.
Ash's discovery of her ability to communicate with Kaylin trough thoughts i felt like swept under the rug a little bit,because though both of them were surprised and not sure what is going on they just like waved a hand and "Oh okey,cool new trick let's use it no need to talk bout it" .
Maybe they will talk about it in the second bookas they promised to discuss and clear the other things but boy they hav a lot to discuss 😂😂😂
The second thing that is my problem only - although i loved Brogal's POV and hearing his reasons when ash raised her phantom for the first time, i was left very curious how ash felt this significant moment and what was going through her mind finding this huge revelation about her inner voice.

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Great world building and I really enjoyed the fast paced plot. Slight disconnect with the characters but I think that’s more to do with me. A fun fantasy adventure

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This book will be loved by many. I, unfortunately, will not be one of those people. This didn’t do it for me at all. ⭐️⭐️ of five stars.
Great concept. Poor execution...
While the magic system and basic plot and world building was spot on, everything else fell flat. Characters were plain and inconsistent, pacing was weird, and the writing dragged on for a bit. Meh.
From the words of our Lord and Savior, Ariana Grande... “Thank you. Next.”
Thank you NetGalley and Entangled: Teen for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review. Release date: Jan 5th, 2021.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Teen for the arc of this book. All opinions are my own.

I am a giant ball of rage at that ending and the fact I have to wait for book two. I want answers!!

From the concept, the characters, the plot, and the romance to the world building and magic- this book is incredible. Despite it taking me a hot minute to get into, I really didn’t mind because the magic system with the phantoms and the characters themselves were so interesting that I kept wanting to know more. A.K did a fantastic job gradually setting the scene for both the magic, the world and this series.

Truthfully, I don’t know who I love more. Ash, Marcus or Kaylin? They’re all so different, but so fantastic that it makes it hard to choose. I like that at times each character can be a tiny bit unlikeable. They’re realistic as characters and I really enjoyed that. Plus, Ash’s inner monologue and her conversations with the voice had me cracking up! I love the dynamic and layers to each character and the dynamic of the friend group itself. It makes this book that much better. I loved that it almost had a hint of sci-fi within the fantasy when it came to the savants/phantoms/bone throwing. It made it complex, but it was written in a way that made it easy to understand the layers within the hierarchy of savants and robe colors and how the phantoms work. Overall this was just fantastically done!

If you’re looking for a new series that’s a bit different, this is for you! Check it out January 5, 2021!

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Can we adress how this cover is absolutely gorgeous ? I needed to get that out of my system first !

Now, Crown of Bones is a YA fantasy just like I love them. Even though it started a bit roughly and I was somewhat lost at first, I quickly got my head around the characters and the actions.

The Phantom system and concept is really attractive to me. It reminded me of daemons in The Golden Compass and similar books ! I enjoyed reading about the Prince's journey to his initiation and about the interactions with the team going along with him. It is a little cliché for a YA book plot, but it was well-written and conveyed the action and emotions perfectly !

I also enjoyed that the book reads pretty fast. You never have time to get bored. Action is everywhere, and I'm totally here for it ! Sometimes it was a little TOO fast, but it might have felt this way because I was too busy flying through the pages to know what happens next !

As for the characters, I need to say I loved Ash, one of the 2-3 main characters. She's smart, is a bookworm and has something special about her that we uncover little by little with the plot. Sometimes the focus on her was a little annoying because I also wanted to read about the other characters who were going through crazy stuff, but otherwise, she was perfect. I'm glad she's one of the main focus of the book.
However, Ash is not smart about Kaylinn. THAT DUDE IS SHADY ! Why doesn't she see it ? She sees through a lot of BS and weird stuff, but not through that guy. I know he's necessary for the plot, and that she's clueless because the author needs her to, but that bugged me a little. I just hated Kaylinn because of that. He tries to be mysterious etc. but that made me roll my eyes soooooo hard. The mystery dragged on for too long and I would have hoped it would have been cut short before.

To conclude, I loved that book and can't wait to read the next one. It's one of those adventures that takes you with it and makes you travel incredible lands. The phantom system is really interesting and the plot captivates you very fast. It's a must read for everyone who enjoys YA fantasy :D

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Raise. Your. Phantom.

For fans of epic fantasies and sweeping adventures, this ensemble cast will immerse you in a world of unique magic, breathtaking action and unforgettable characters.

In a world on the brink of the next Great Dying, no amount of training can prepare us for what is to come …

A young heir will raise the most powerful phantom in all of Baiseen.

A dangerous High Savant will do anything to control the realms.

A mysterious and deadly Mar race will steal children into the sea.

And a handsome guide with far too many secrets will make me fall in love.

My name is Ash. A lowly scribe meant to observe and record. And yet I think I’m destined to change us all.
A well-executed The book is a fascinating read and written from a unique perspective. AK Wilder has given much thought and energy to creating a story you will enjoy thoroughly and be thinking about long after the last page.... adventure that riffs on the darker aspects of European fairy tales.... There is a quest, opposition, a mystery, self discovery, etc. I enjoyed the world building. Overall, this is one of those books that YA fans will remember for a long time, and will be a massive hit for all.

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Thank you netgalley and publishers for the ARC of this book. I really enjoyed this read and would definitely recommend it to my bookstagram friends!

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Marcus, a young savant, is the heir to the throne of Baiseen, but he is having trouble getting his Phantom, the manifestation of a savant's inner energy, to take a full shape. Once he gives in and realizes that he just has to push fears for the future aside and let his Phantom become what it will become, he finally gets his Phantom to take it's true form.

Ash is a scholar non-savant in Baiseen and Marcus's best friend. With dreams of traveling all over the realm, she has made amends with her inability to raise a Phantom.

When Marcus must travel to the Sacred Isle of Aku to train further with his Phantom, a small team of his friends is gathered to accompany him, including Ash, who is to record their initiation travels. On this journey is where things start to happen. They meet new people, like Kaylin, a sailor with some very dark secrets, they get into some hairy situations while trying to keep the true identity of Marcus a secret. Knowledge that he is the Baiseen heir could mean even more trouble for them on their journey.

When a high savant in Aku is found to be capturing savants with a specific kind of Phantom to harness their power, all hell breaks loose. In the fight for their lives, they must get back to Baiseen and warn everyone that these people are coming.

This was a very enjoyable book, filled with some amazing characters, some incredible world building and a story that will keep you engaged and waiting for what will happen next. This band of brave individuals will keep you rooting for them from beginning to end.

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trigger warning
<spoiler> trauma, gore </spoiler>

When the heir to the throne finally manages to raise his phantom, it's almost to late. Will he and his group of friends manage their way to Aku, to earn their yellow robes and make the next step in their learning or will Marcus non-savant brother become the next king?

After not feeling in the mood for this, the book quickly turned me round to being invested in the character's progress and relationships.

This world's mages are called savants, and they raise familiars with different special abilities. Some can change their form at will, some can call things to them like accio, some are healers, others warriors.
If you're a savant, there is a special path you have to follow to hone your abilities, and it involves the journey to Aku, the training facility where savants of almost all nations meet to train and the world's biggest library is kept.

The narrative is made up of the parts, travel, training and, again, travel.

If you're here for queer stories: We have a character who's openly gay, but apart from two short instances where it's allduded to, there is no queer content in this book. Maybe a next installment will bring more.

Some things could have done better. If our favourite sailor have had no chapters from his point of view, it could have brought some thrill to the plot, because as it is, it was too streamlined for my liking.
Apart from that, I am a sucker for school of magic type stories, so I liked that aspect a lot.
I feel no urgend need to read on, but would if I could get another arc or the library should aquire further installments of this series.

This is nothing new, but what it does is solid.

The arc was provided by the publisher.

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“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”
― W.B. Yeats
Crown of Bones by A.K. Wilder is the first book in the Amassia series that follows a group of characters who are each bound by different duties in their lives. Crown of Bones is the epitome of a fun, fast-paced, magic-filled, clean fantasy story which can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.

I just would like to say that it’s not even 2021 yet (at the time of writing this review), and I’ve already got another Top Read of the year locked into place. A.K. Wilder is a new to me author and yet I cannot wait to get my hands on her back catalogue of books and indulge in some binge reading.

Crown of Bones is stellar. Told from multiple points of view, the story centers around three main characters: Marcus, his best friend Ash, and a pirate turned guide named Kaylin who only has eyes for Ash. Let me be frank: this is not a love triangle story.Marcus is solely focused on his savant training, as well as Ash’s well-being as a non-savant. A savant is a person who can raise a phantom, which are essentially extensions of someone’s soul that determine the type of magic that a person can use. The biggest part of Crown of Bones is the journey from Marcus’ kingdom in Baiseen to the training compound of Aku across the sea. While there is a plethora of new terminology, none of the new words will detract from the overall story. In fact, I believe the different languages enriches the story and paints a really impressive world that normally would overpower the plot in a new series. Kaylin proves to be a dynamic character that makes Ash’s character seem more nuanced than what other’s believe her to be.

Between the unique characters, the diversity of landscapes, regions and countries within this new world all of the descriptions paint a lush and vast setting. The characters with their assorted phantoms are all unique, and the rainbow robe system of savants is a fresh take on magical beings in a fantasy novel. I adored the storyline, and found that it was the perfect mix of world-building and plot, the characters are vivid, and the action is fast-paced.

Definitely mark Crown of Bones as a must read for 2021, and keep a look out for announcements for the other books in this new, fantastic series!

This review originally appears on Lit.Buzz.

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*I received this book in exchange of an honest review.

This book was an adventure! I really enjoyed a lot of the characters and their advance through the story. Ash was by far my favorite followed by Kaylin. Each of the main characters as well as the side characters were able to grow and become a better version of themselves. I struggled getting into this different magic system and the way that it worked. But I found myself falling deeper into enjoyment with each new twist in their story.

The concept of phantoms felt so new to me. The ways that they developed their phantoms and became more connected was interesting to me. There were a few aspects that I felt didn't make sense. Maybe those things will be more developed in the next book. The connection between Ash, Kaylin, and Marcus still confuses me. What are they to each other? The connections between them didn't really feel real to me? I understand that they were friends and maybe more, but I wish they were more solid.

I definitely will read the next one! I want to see what happens to everyone and the ending was a cliffhanger so I want to keep an eye on that! I really recommend this to anyone who loves high fantasy and adventures.

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First of all, how pretty is that cover? I know that they say don’t judge a book by its cover, but in this case, the cover was one of the first things that attracted me to Crown of Bones.

One of our main characters is Marcus, who is the heir to the kingdom. He has challenges with maintaining control over his phantom (the only warrior class phantom in the entire kingdom). His best friend is Ash, the ward of the High Savant who doesn’t have a phantom of her own and is considered “non-savant”. Together, they go on a quest with their friends to Aku, where all savants must continue their training and learn the finer points of controlling their phantoms. Their group is behind schedule, as Marcus took much longer than anyone would have expected to get his phantom to manifest correctly. Marcus and Ash are points of view characters for the novel, and I enjoyed getting to know them over the course of the story. Over the course of their journey, they discover hidden dangers and the secrets behind the voice in Ash’s head.

Wilder’s prose is beautiful and impactful. The images she paints (for example, the scene in which Marcus finally connects with his phantom in front of a crowd of expectant people) are attention-catching, and the line of “Raise your phantom” is particularly striking.

The phantom component of the book is super unique and fun to learn about. Wilder gave us the information we needed to be able to understand the magic system and the world the story is set in. Thankfully, I never felt like I was getting an “information dump”. I envisioned the phantoms in the novel as a cross between patronuses in Harry Potter and the daemons in Phillip Pullman’s His Dark Materials series. This book is best for young adults who enjoy epic fantasy and adventure reads.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you to NetGalley and Entangled Publishing for my copy.

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I did not like this book very much it was not the style I normally read and I just did not understand some of it sorry

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As an anticipated read, this did live up to a lot of the hype for it. I can only think of a couple things that didn’t fully work for me but honestly, they were very minor and I had a fantastic time reading this book!

One of the things I enjoy seeing in a book is multiple point-of-views. It helps build the characters and gives us different perspective to each situation. In this book there are five point-of-views. Some get more pages than others but each one weaves into the full picture nicely. I will say that one left me a bit confused at first but as the story progresses there is clarification as to why that character is important.

Ash is a scribe that we are introduced to pretty quickly into the book. I loved her spunk even if others didn’t like her because she is non-savant (explained later in review). She didn’t let that stop her though and is amazing at her job. Although she easily trusts, sometimes it works out in her favor!

Marcus is the heir to his father’s throne because he was born savant. He does have a brother who seems like a dillweed but I’m a sucker for brothers so I’ll let it slide, haha! Marcus has a lot to live up to since his father’s phantom is very strong and that puts a lot of pressure on their relationship. He may not always be the smartest but he does want what is best for his people and he just seems very kindhearted all around.

There are other characters but some are better to be left introduced on their own when you read the book. You’ll also fall in love with one because I know I did, haha.

In the book, we do get hints for relationships and at times it does seem like a love triangle but one party isn’t really ever jealous so I’m not sure what’s going on. I guess that would be my biggest gripe of the book is that I don’t really understand the relationship dynamics that Ash finds herself in. I also felt like one was a bit rushed and didn’t have a lot of development but I am willing to see where it all goes in book two.

The magic system isn’t quite like anything I have read before. Each person is either born savant (phantom wielder) or non-savant. Each savant has a phantom that they control. It takes on a shape of a creature, like wolves, leopards, or even a gazelle. I thought this was really cool and the author does a great job of explaining it all so it is never confusing.

The savants get categorized based on robe color and each color signifies how powerful they are. There are ones called the bone throwers and they give readings by bones. I wasn’t sure how much this would play a part in the overall plot and was pleasantly surprised that it comes into play quite a bit and even the opening lines before the prologue gave information I didn’t realize until the end of the book!

There is so much adventure wrapped into the book that I never got tired of reading it. From traveling adventures, whether on sea or foot, there is never a dull moment for these characters. Seriously, they can never catch a break! Even though a couple things felt a but obvious before the reveal, there were still plot twists that surprised me. And that ending, I’m going to need the next book asap.

Overall, I really enjoyed this one and the world the author created. It is full of interesting magic, loveable characters, and plot twists that will have you wanting to come back for me. I’d definitely recommend adding to your tbr if it isn’t on there already!

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A young adult fantasy with a dangerous quest and themes of friendship, self-discovery, and fighting for what you believe in, Crown of Bones is a unique and interesting story set in a world on the brink of war, and threats lurk around every corner.

Marcus is the heir to the throne and a Savant who has raised his Phantom. However, he struggles to control it. Ash is a non-Savant but an equally fascinating character. Strong, determined, and brave, she is one of my favorite characters in the story. Her relationship with Marcus is wonderful. They have a strong and long-lasting friendship that proves unshakable.

There are multiple points of view in the novel, which I liked. You really got to understand Ash and Marcus, as well as some of the other characters in the story. One mysterious character with a secretive past is rather intriguing, and I’m curious to find out more about him and his connection to Ash in the next book. I also want to learn more about Ash. She has some major revelations in the story, and it will be interesting to see how that changes her path and her beliefs about herself.

As much as I like Ash and Marcus, the strength of the story is the world-building. The magic system, where people can raise and control Phantoms, is so unique and fascinating. The author did a great job of creating a vivid and immersive world rife with danger and amazing fantastical elements.

Overall, this is a good start to a new series, and though I wish some of the minor characters were a bit more developed, the world-building, action, and great cliffhanger ending definitely make me want to continue with the series. Thanks so much to Netgalley, Entangled Publishing, and the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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Crown of bones is one of the best books I have read for 2020. I have never heard of A.K. Wilder before but she is definitely on my radar now. Wilder managed to achieve synergy with her characters and storyline that provided quite an exquisite reading experience.

Crown of Bones was a prodigious tale of adventure, friendship, and romance. Crown of bones was a fresh and unique fantasy world with non-stop action that captivated me from the very first page.

I adored the story of this band of misfits, who started their perilous journey as frenemies and quickly became family. The complexity of the characters and the intricacies involved in the relationships formed was truly masterful. They tugged at my heartstrings with their loveable personalities and unwitting sense of hope.

Ash is exactly how I love my female characters- strong, bold, and clever. Her perseverance despite the dreadful odds was so empowering. Her story was extremely relatable- a young girl who is so focused on wanting what everyone else has that she does not realize she is destined for much greater things. This fixation on the desire to fit in is a powerful lesson in accepting and embracing your individuality despite what others may think and I quite liked that.

Marcus is quite a peculiar heir to the throne of Baiseen as he has no stomach for war and believes diplomacy can trump violence. His growth and progression throughout the story is a powerful reminder that we can only grow if we accept our true selves.

The wild card for me in Crown of Bones was Kaylin. He shifted not only the romance dynamic of Ash and Marcus but tilted the entire plotline off course in a chaotic turn of events that had me equal parts confused and enthralled.

I loved everything about this novel- the innovation of the savant/phantom, the epic worldbuilding with its many layers and intricacies, the development and growth of the characters, and the mystery surrounding the journey.

I was utterly shattered by the cliffhanger ending and am desperate for the next installment in this series. A.K Wilder has cemented herself as one of my favorite 2020 authors and is indeed one to watch in 2021.

Thank you to NetGalley, Entangled Teen and A.K. Wilder for providing me with an arc. All views expressed are my own.

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A beautiful new fantasy story that I had been highly anticipating- and this did not disappoint! I can’t wait to read the next book, that’s all I’m going to be focusing on for the next few months. Ugh! Will also be purchasing a physical copy. Yes, I loved it that much.

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Crown of Bones is such an awesome book! I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Fantastic story with really great characters. I loved the whole phantom aspect and really loved the Ash-Kaylil relationship. So many cool surprises and the different settings are perfect. The author does a wonderful job all around. The only downfall is it ends on one heck of a cliffhanger, which is only bad if you are impatient. I can't wait for the next book. I highly recommend this to any YA fantasy fans, it is fantastic.

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This book was so good! I flew through the entire book in one afternoon. The plot was full of action and adventure which I really enjoy in a book. I will be recommending this book to all of my family and friends.

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