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Jingle All the Way

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I received an early ARC from NetGalley and Random House Publishing-Ballantine. The comments and review are my honest opinion.
Everly (Daisy) is all business as a partner in a well-known real estate company in Chicago. Everyone is well aware of how all business she is. Daisy hasn’t had a serious relationship in years, let alone a casual one. She even claimed she was too busy to go home last Christmas to visit her parents and siblings. This year her partner insists she take the month of December off and tells Daisy’s assistant to book her a cruise somewhere warm.
The cruise does not turn out exactly as Daisy envisioned, in more ways than one. This is a good story to pick up as Debbie MacComber has written an enjoyable feel-good story to start off your holiday reading.

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Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for an ARC of Jingle All The Way in exchange for an honest review.

Everley Lancaster (a.k.a Daisy) is a workaholic who hasn’t taken a day off in 6 years and often misses holiday celebrations with her family. After a situation with her inept assistant, who is also her business partner’s niece, causes some further stress, she is sent on a month-long vacation. First up, a relaxing, 2 week cruise, although the inept assistant purposely signs her up on a cruise of the Amazon with few amenities. This cruise was not what she was expecting. While on the cruise, she meets Asher Adams, the ship’s naturalist who tells her she will enjoy the trip but she doesn’t see it possible. After all, there is no internet and she can’t live without it! As the two weeks move on, the two fall for one another but their lives are on different hemispheres. What will happen?

This is the perfect feel-good story. Perfect to read over the holidays and/or as a beach read. It has an entertaining storyline and I couldn’t put it down. I loved the relationship between Asher and Daisy. To see how quickly they both fell for each other was what all romance novels are made of. I did find it interesting how easily they both threw caution to the wind and went after what they thought was best.
#AdultFiction #ChickLit #BeachRead #Amazon #Family #Successful #JingleAllTheWay #DebbieMacomber #Relationships

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Daisy is told to take a vacation, her assistant makes the bookings and she lives, but when she gets there she finds out she is not on a fun cruse but a one that is in the Amazon to the real natives there she meets Asher who is the person in charge of the sight seeing tours, there are spiders, fish, natives and more. this is a good story i was given a copy by netgalley but this is an honest review. if you like stories that are second chances with animals , children family misadventures and figuring out that work is not always the answer

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I Would Love To Live This Story
This is a fun, sweet, and clean romance. I don't want to spoil it, but let me say that much of the story concerns a cruise that I would love to take. Much of the story is about re-evaluating life, goals, and determining what is really important. So much of the story revolves around an idyllic Christmas on the farm. All in all, I would love to live this story and that alone makes it a great romance. I received this ARC book for free from Net Galley and this is my honest review.

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Everly “Daisy” Lancaster is used to be in charge of her real-estate business. Everly isn’t at all pleased with her assistant and wants to fire her. A forced vacation sends her on an unexpected trip. Asher Adams is a naturalist of a cruise boat. Asher has travelled the world finding adventures on the cruises. When Everly and Asher meet for the first time isn’t cordial. Will they find adventure and a connection during the holiday? A cruise during the holiday season just may bring two people together to celebrate and fall in love. It just could ring the bell of love in two lives, that’ll JINGLR ALL THE WAY through the holiday season and beyond.

Debbie Macomber uses her own personal experience with her husband on a cruise to bring to live her most recent Christmas holiday book JINGLE ALL THE WAY. Two people will fall in love on just a short acquaintance. A woman who is driven to succeed finds out that work isn’t everything. A guy hiding out from getting hurt will find that he can’t live without the one person who he can’t forget. An emotional story that will have you not putting the book down. Debbie Macomber continues her holiday book tradition with another wonderful Christmas story of love and change.

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This wasn't one of my favorite Debbie Macomber books, unfortunately. Based on the title, I was expecting a Christmas-filled snowy holiday story, and much of it actually took place on a boat on the Amazon. The inciting incident at the beginning annoyed me, and I thought that Everly could have stood up for herself more. Overall, the feeling just wasn't quite right for me but I'm sure that others will love it. Thanks to Netgalley and Ballantine Books for the advance digital copy!

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I really enjoyed this fun, Amazon adventure. Everly is a workaholic and when her assistant keeps screwing up everything, she has had enough. Her business partner decides it is time for her to take a vacation. A whole month! What will she do with all that time. When her assistant books her a cruise, she decides it is time to get away. She expects to get lots of sun and fun. What she got was an Amazon river cruise with no internet. How will she survive two weeks with no internet? Asher is the naturalist on this trip and knows that Everly is going to be trouble. When she gets lost in the jungle, has a bad reaction to a bug bite and then falls into the river, he knows she is special. They spend so much time together and become really close. He knows their relationship can't go anywhere, she loves Chicago and he loves the wide open spaces. Can they find a middle ground?

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Stressed out Everly (AKA Daisy) is forced to take a month long vacation. A screw up made by her assistant, she ends up on a cruise, just not the one that she had thought she was going on. Daisy finds that her work life isn't what she thought it was and decides to make some changes. Asher is on the cruise with Daisy as a naturalist and he finds that his life plans aren't all he thought they were either. You have to love a Christmas story with some romance, I know I do! Debbie Macomber writes wonderful holiday stories every year, and I can't wait to read the next one!

This review is based on an ARC from NetGalley, courtesy of the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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I loved this book. This is an author that I have enjoyed reading for many years. This is one of my favorites by her yet. This is a great Christmas romance story that is written with alot of heart and soul. It is a story that will warm your heart and is great for the season. The characters made the story engaging and fast paced. I had no problems connecting with them. This is a story about Everly and Asher. They find themselves on a cruise together. The trip is promised to be unforgettable but will it really be more than that for these two characters? I enjoyed watching their chemisty and relationship grow throughout the story. They made such great characters which made the story easy to read. I highly recommend this must read book.

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I love Debbie Macomber! After this book I still do!
In this book we follow Daisy aka Everly and she is a strict business woman living in Chicago. She's overworked and stressed so her boss insists that she takes the month of December off and goes on a trip. Her PA doesn't like her so much and books her a revenge cruise down the Amazon river, but what was meant to make Everly miserable may just be the best thing that ever happened to her!

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Especially in comparison with Macomber's previous books, this one seemed to lack a bit of the depth of character-building and banter that I've come to expect. It's a charming enough romance, between a workaholic real estate agent who gets spitefully sent on an Amazon "adventure" cruise and the cruise's guide. It doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it's a cute, pleasant read.

Still, the book feels somewhat rushed and lacking in some of the details that Macomber's previous books have had. In particular, the ending was rather abrupt; it's almost as if there needed to be one more chapter before the epilogue. As it stands, the ending is satisfying plot-wise but feels very abrupt and missing some of the details that I would have liked to have read about.

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As always, a Debbie Macomber feel good must-read!

This one was especially fun to read with the unique setting - while I can say I am always ready for a vacation, a surprise destination when I'm thinking I'm headed to the beach would definitely be more than I could handle lol

Macomber's novels always have such relatable, well-written characters you can't help but fall for, and this one was full of fun personas and incredible dialogue. I really enjoyed Everly's journey to Asher & the things that matter most. Jingle All the Way was the perfect story to get me in the mood for the best time of the year!

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I didn't find much about Christmas in this book. It was a typical Debbie Macomber book with the couple meeting and falling in love, breaking up, then coming together again. I was really confused how Asher found Everly/Daisy's family home at the end. Did she give him the address and I missed it?

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A typical romance set during the Christmas season is upgraded somewhat by setting the first part of the novel in the Amazon. Everly "Daisy" Lancaster finds herself on a less-than-luxurious Amazon River cruise, the result of a spiteful action by her incompetent assistant. When she becomes ill from a mosquito bite, the cruise line's resident environmentalist helps her through the pain. The rest of the story is charming but very predictable, especially when the action returns to the U.S. Thanks to NetGalley and Ballantine Books for providing an ARC.

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I love Debbie Macomber’s book’s she never seems to disappoint me.

Everly Lancaster who is part owner of Easy Home with her partner. Fed up with her incompetent Assistant Annette, which happens to be Jack's niece. She tells Jack. that she can no longer work with her and she must go!Jack decides that Everly is too stressed and over worked and insists she take a vacation. Annette promptly books her the last room on a luxurious cruise to Brazil. In an effort to make amends, she takes care of all the details, from flights to international visas, leaving Everly little to do but tie up loose ends and pack.

Initially resistant to the idea of a vacation, Everly finally concedes, believing that a cruise will do her some good. With flight delays almost pre-empting her trip, she breathes a sigh of relief that she arrives in time for the last call to board and is the last passenger to embark on the ship. The ship then immediately sets sail. Looking around as she’s escorted to her cabin, she’s quickly aware that this isn’t a typical cruise ship. Talking to the staff, she learns that this is a naturalist cruise into the Amazon rainforest, and that there is no cell service, internet or other connection to the outside world. Frantic, she demands the ship return to port, only to learn that isn’t possible. So, she’s determined to make the best of it.

Along the way, Everly meets the charming and handsome naturalist Asher Adams. As she has several adventures along the way, it turns into the trip that she never imagined and turns into an enjoyment she didn’t expect. Not only does Everly discover more of herself, she discovers that there is more to life than work and sometimes you need to take that leap and take chances to get what you really want in life.

Asher is in his element and loves the opportunity to share the experience of location with the passengers. He finds himself drawn to Everly as she is out her element and needs some extra attention to adapt. She too, is attracted to him, but both see their circumstances as impossible to pursue long term. Everly wants to take a chance and admit her feelings to Asher, but he thinks he is doing her a favor by letter her go. She leaves and her heart is broken. Asher's heart is broken and he has to decide if he has enough courage to take a leap of faith and be with Everly.

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As usual Debbie delivers a wonderful and heartwarming story with a twist of humor thrown in. Daisy and Asher are a wonderful couple who have a great beginning together.

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I loved the setting - so different and unexpected for a Debbie Macomber Christmas story! I laughed aloud so many times at Everly's misadventures on an educational Amazon River cruise. Although I knew there had to be a happily ever after ending, I just couldn't see how it would happen between these two characters, but it did, and it worked for me as a reader. Such a fun read!

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Everly Lancaster is the remarkably successful, business savvy owner of the online real estate company “Easy Home” in Chicago. Everly has always put her career first and left little room for her personal life. After having enough of her inept assistant Annette, her business partner Jack Campbell’s niece, and insisting that she be let go, Jack insists that Everly is just stressed and needs a vacation. He insists she takes the entire month of December off. Everly thinks Jack has lost his mind and that there is no way she can take that much time off and leave Jack to deal with the entire company by himself. However, maybe this is a way to teach Jack a lesson that he deserves. This would show Jack how much of a value Everly really is.

Everly had no idea where she would go as her entire life has been consumed by her job. Before she knew it, Jack was having his niece Annette book a “vacation cruise” for Everly. She’s not so sure she should take this vacation. While talking to her mom that evening, Everly promises she will be home for Christmas this year to spend time with her mom, dad, twin brothers, two sisters, and their families. In talking with her mom, she convinces Everly that taking a vacation would do her some good as she has carried more than her fair share of the business for way too long. The next day at work, Annette greets Everly with the news she has booked her a cruise to Brazil that leaves in four days. Annette has booked and arranged everything. Impressed, Everly seems to be on her way!

On her way to Brazil, Everly realizes that her role in the company has taken over her life, she is indeed stressed, she needs a real life that includes laughter, relationships and fun which she was definitely lacking. Upon arriving at the dock in Manaus for her cruise, little did Everly know what she was in store for. Her cruise was not the tropical cruise she envisioned. It was a cruise aboard the “Amazon Explorer” going down the Amazon River. She is stuck on a cruise with no Wi-Fi and no way back to civilization. And she can’t wait to get a hold of Annette! Along the way, Everly meets the charming and handsome naturalist Asher Adams. As she has several adventures along the way, it turns into the trip that she never imagined and turns into an enjoyment she didn’t expect. Not only does Everly discover more of herself, she discovers that there is more to life than work and sometimes you need to take that leap and take chances to get what you really want in life.

Christmas will be here before you know it once the cruise is over and with Everly preparing to head home to Indiana as the cruise ends, what will be in store for Asher and Everly? With Asher’s and Everly’s life so different, are they both willing to make sacrifices for the love they both so much deserve?
With the beautiful descriptions of the Amazon (some descriptions may have you squirming and laughing), the blossoming love story of Asher and Everly, readers are in for a remarkable holiday story that they will enjoy, make them laugh, and have them turning the pages as fast as they can read them! Debbie Macomber’s stories never disappoint! Thank you Ballantine Books, NetGalley, and Debbie Macomber for and Advanced Readers Copy in Exchange for my honest review.

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Every year I look forward to Debbie Macomber's new Christmas story and this year maybe even more with everything going on in the world. Once again, Debbie did NOT disappoint.

This Christmas story follows Everly, a real-estate executive who is forced to stop focusing on work for the whole month of December. While hesitant, she soon realizes that she has been missing certain aspects of life with her heavy focus on work.

This book is a sweet love story that reminds me of the importance of taking some time to slow down and appreciate the little things in life. If you are looking to get into the Christmas spirit or want a bit of an escape, this lovely story will transport you away for a while.

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for this honest review.

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This was a truly delightful book! The story is entertaining from the start and was impossible to put down. The characters have great interactions as they journey to find their way to happily ever after. Don't miss out on this lovely story.

I voluntarily read and reviewed this book; all opinions expressed are my own.

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