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You Let Him In

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This is a difficult review for me to write because I really wanted to like this book but I just wasn't feeling it. The synopsis sounded great and I was all ready for a roller coaster ride. Personally for me, and maybe I have read too many books now, but I didn't find anything about the plot to be surprising. In fact I found the story line to be a bit predictable.

The story is told in Michael's voice - Michael is the voice, Jenny's voice - Jenny is the Wife, Donna's voice - Donna is Michael's mother and Gary's voice - Gary is the individual who witnessed Michael's accident.

Michael and Jenny are a married couple with ups and downs, after an evening of disappointment and slight argument Michael leaves for a "business meeting" only never to come home as he is struck by a vehicle and killed. Jenny needs closure and forms a friendship with Gary who witnessed the accident.

None of the characters are overly likable. I found them all to be needy and whiney

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You Let Him In is a thriller with a blood curdling premise, but an unfortunate execution.

Desperation can turn us into the most primal version of ourselves. We do things we'd normally never think of, we act in ways we can't recognize. We leave our loved ones to clean up the mess in our wake. This is the position Michael puts his wife, Jenny, in after his death with both questions and past-due notices piling up.

I loved the idea of this book, but as a reader, I clashed with Andrews's style from page one. It feels as though Andrews has made the choice to go against Strunk & White's cardinal rule to "show, not tell" and the overabundance of explanation keeps this thriller from ramping up to a pace that makes your heart pound. It also keeps the voices of all four narrators sounding relatively similar and prevents the reader from forming strong emotional attachments to any of them. I put the book down feeling that both plot and characters had fallen flat.

With the right use of action, subtlety of body language, and nuance in character interaction, even a predictable thriller can be an enjoyable read. Unfortunately, this one missed the mark for me.

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Thank you to Net Galley and Hera Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
I read this in two sittings, it would have been one if I hadn’t had to do a school run. I was hooked from the beginning, it does slow down in the middle but then picks right back up at the end.
I did have an idea of how this would end but was definitely more twisty than I expected. A good and fast read with plenty of lies, betrayal and deceit. It will leave you wondering if you can ever fully trust a person.

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2.5 Stars: This one was a complete miss for me. The books starts off at a fast pace and is intriguing but then it somehow loses steam and slows down. The writing is clunky in places. The plot is predictable, the title makes it more so! The characters are well fleshed out but I didn’t connect with them. Overall it was a bit of a drag that could have e had a faster middle and a smoother ending. The plot has potential but the execution is a tad lacking.

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This is a new author to me but I was intrigued by the premise. I found it slow going at first but I was soon engrossed and really wanted to find out what Michael's secrets were.

The positives are that the pacing was good and the storyline held my interest for the duration. I also thought the chacters were well fleshed out and you could really feel Jenny's pain and confusion.

I did find the writing a little clunky at times - the dialogue, especially in the first few chapters didn't feel natural and there was a lot of repetition in the writing, there were a few instances where we were told the same thing twice in the same paragraph.

There were some loose ends that I would have liked to be tied up at the end like the whole Victoria thing. Was Gary's wife Victoria? If not then the whole Facebook thread with her was a bit random. I would also have liked to have known what Jenny was going to do with the financial mess that Michael left her in since that was a large part of the plot.

Overall I did enjoy this novel but there was definite room for improvement.

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This is the first read I have read by this author. However, I highly doubt it will be the last. I do love a good thriller book and this has really kept me engaged throughout reading this one. I was attracted by the synopsis of this one and I haven't been disappointed. The author has made me want to keep reading this one from the very first chapters, although I do feel that the book lowed down slightly in the middle. The book is filled with likeable yet complicated characters, some of whom do make you suspicious as a reader.The book is told from multiple points of view, which is often nice as you really get a feel for the individual characters. This has been a quick and easy read which I haven't wanted to put down. The author is extremely talented and I have been completely engaged by this one.

This is a strong four star read for me.

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This book was a quick and easy read. While it wasn't a bad story, it did not have any surprises or twists. The story was quite predictable.

I think the idea behind the book was great but it just needed a slightly better execution.

Thank You to NetGalley and Hera Books for this ARC!

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A strong start but had a mediocre midsection. I found it dragged a bit and was a bit annoying at times. A middle of the road read for me.

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This book didn't really hold any surprises for me.
I found the conversations stilted and awkward.
There were a few moments were it perked up,and that's what kept me reading to the end,so that's a definite positive.
It was ok.

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Thank you to NetGalley for this advanced copy.
I had a hard time with this book - I just couldn’t engage with the characters
And found the story slow and a bit dull.

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I did enjoy this book and was gripped, but a lot of the dialogue was repeated. I found it a simple and easy read. If you're looking for something easy then I would reccomenedd this. The chapters are in the view of each character.

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Jenny, her husband, Michael and their son Daniel seem to have the perfect life. Then Michael is run down in a parking lot. He dies, but he does not die alone e. A kind witness is with him till the very end. Gary. Gary was their to listen to his last words and to be made as comfortable as possible. An end to a promising life.Jenny is beside herself with grief. Especially since her and Michael and had a fight just before he had left his home for this late night meeting. She's also obsessed with the fact that her husband was not wearing his wedding ring. She knew for a fact that he never took off that ring. Jenny falls further into depression when she discovers that that the mortgage is past due and they owe thousands of pounds on their credit card bills. He didn't have life insurance and she will have to borrow money from his parents to have his body cremated. The o ly thing that brings her some solace is listening to his last moments from Gary. As the other twists and turns you discover that you are in for the ride of your life. Jenny can't trust anyone. Especially those closest to her.

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Sorry, this one wasn't for me. Struggled to finish it. It's a relatively quick and easy read but I felt there was a bit too much backstory for each character and the plot was flimsy and predictable.

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You Let Him In was quick and easy to read and I was engaged at the beginning of the story with the chapters being written from different perspectives. However, I found the main twist to be both predictable yet also unrealistic.

Thank you to NetGalley, Hera and J A Andrews for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This one was just okay. I didn't love the writing and for some reason found it irritating that Jenny was constantly calling her mother-in-law "Mum". It had a strong beginning but got a bit boring in the middle. It was pretty predictable as far as plot.

Kindly received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was the first book I have read by this author and love a good Thriller book. I really enjoyed how the story took you between 3-4 characters POV. This was a quick read and kept me interested to find out the ending! The secrets kept pouring out which made me wanting to keep reading more. The middle of the book slowed down but am very glad the ending got tied up with Michael's epilogue. I would recommend if you are someone looking for a quick read and loves suspense!

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You Let Him In was a bit of a mixed bag for me.

It’s the story of Michael and Jenny. Married for 3 years living with their 3 year old son.
Michael is killed in a bit and run whilst attending a business meeting. Only after his death does Jenny learn that Michael has been keeping many secrets from her that will affect her and her son’s lives forever.

I was looking forward to reading this book from the synopsis and the first few chapters certainly kept me eager to keep reading. In the middle of the book nothing much seemed to happen to keep me, as a reader, hooked. I know that it was necessary for the story but it felt like a book of two halves.
The ending was ok, if not a little predictable. What I did like was the epilogue from Michael to tie up all of the loose ends.
I haven’t read a book by this author before, and whilst I won’t be rushing to see what else they have written I wouldn’t rule one out.

Thank you to the Author, Publisher and NetGalley for gifting me this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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