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A Reckless Note

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Member Reviews

Kace and Aria definitely have sparks. It's an alright read. I just have a hard time with cliff hangers that just stop abruptly.

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This book sucks you in from the beginning. I loved Kace and Aria, their characters were so great together. Lots of mystery and danger that keeps you reading to find out what's going to happen next.

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Aria and Case meet at an auction and sparks fly with them. Case is a musician and Aria comes from a long line of them. This is an interesting start to the trilogy. The story will keep you wanting more as you can tell trouble is coming down the road for this couple.

I received a copy of this book via Netgalley.

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This book was fine. I think it would appeal to a lot of people who like this genre, but I kept getting hung up on little things, like the fact that Aria's name is Aria and it's about music (too cutesy) or that if she talks about music at all, it will somehow REVEAL EVERYTHING TO HIM. And straight up, this is a cliffhanger so don't read this until the other one(s) are out because it just stops.

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A read full of passion and romance.
The characters were intriguing, the story had a good pace that kept me interested, and the book in its entirety was a fun, easy read.

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this is lisa renee jones in a nutshell. If you love the way she spins mystery, adventure, plot twists and romance you will love this book about a sexy violinist and its a new trilogy. This book is all secrets lies and romance and boy is there a cliffhanger!!!

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I enjoyed this book from the begging. It was suprising and steamy read. It is not my first meet with this author but it was definitely from this fave ones. I couldn't put this, book down from the very first paiges!

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I don’t know why it took me so long to read this book because I have read the author books before and I knew I was in for a great story.
An interesting concept with great characters and a bit of everything, from angsty moments to chemistry of the charts, from suspenseful twists to the cliffhanger ending that makes me want more and I’m really looking forward to read the next books in the trilogy because now I’m hooked.

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The characters, Oh how well written Kace and Aria are. they come to life in this book, with all the details, and feelings. They are two very strong willed and formidable characters, that really do not trust anyone. As they quickly fall for each other, things turn fun and adventurous. Until they don't and damn I wasn't expecting that at all.

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A Reckless Note (The Brillance Triology #1). By Lisa Renee Jones. 2020. Lisa Renee Jones (ARC eBook).

Aria Alard and her brother Gio are the last members of their family. Their past is a mix of secrets and tragedy; leading them to live their lives under the radar; removed from the deadly legacy of their brilliant musician ancestor’s. But now Gio has disappeared. A note the only clue; tipping off Aria that he may be digging into the past and placing himself in danger. Aria’s search leads her to Riptide, an auction house where her presences peaks the interest of several powerful individuals. One of them being Kace August, a famous and edgy violinist. He’s exactly the type of person she should stay clear of; despite the sparks that fly between them and involvement would only complicate matters. Succumbing to Kace’s sensual assault may jeopardize everything Aria seeks to protect.

Wow! Sign me up for books two and three! A Reckless Note delivers fiercely independent characters, wild chemistry, and a unique and intriguing puzzle in the world of music.

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Love all types of music so was intrigued to see where the author was going to go with this- she has a wide range of writing from mysterious, erotic to easy read cowboy romances. This is a winner and can't wait to read the next in the series. Have already sold to several customers and have others in mind!

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Cloak and dagger, jiggery pokery, shadows and secrets. Mystery lies and deceit all go to make this story an exciting read.

Part of a series of stories, so pace yourself for all the twists and turns to get to the happy endings.

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My name is Aria Alard, well that is the name I go by. When we left Italy, where I was born, my mother changed our last name to her maiden name. My brother Gio and I are descendants of the Stradivarius family, our last names are actually Stradivari. After my father was killed, we fled Italy since our mother thought we would be next. We’ve always lived our lives low not to attract attention. Now that my brother has gone missing I need to do everything I can to find him. The hidden note I found in his desk gives more questions than answers. In this process, I meet the famous rock star of violin playing, Kace August. The chemistry between us is palpable. We both feel it and realize it’s something we can’t deny. Can I trust him, or do I keep lying to him out of fear.

I keep working at our store, a place I help the wealthy look for antiquities. Attending a private auction where a Stradivarius is going to come up, I am fortunate enough to inspect it, only to find out it’s a fake. You see I know that one of the Stradivarius violins has the formula inside a secret compartment that my father told me about. This is why someone out there wants to get to me, they think I know the formula. Kace and I are getting closer, but can I trust him.

This is an insanely fantastic book!

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I don't know where to start, so I guess I'll start at the beginning. Aria is drowning and her brother is creating the waves. They are both hidden in plain sight and have buried secrets to keep. But with Gio MIA, Aria is taking steps to bring the shadows into the light. Enter Kace August, famous rock violinist who draws Aria in like a moth to a flame. And wow they are scorching. But don't forget secrets have a way of surfacing. And you will end with more questions than answers as this is a true trilogy, be prepared for the cliffhanger cause the author likes to torture us.

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Aria is in hiding from powerful people that wants the secret recipe her ancestor created and they will do pretty much anything to get it. Aria is worried about her brother who disappeared and does not return her messages. She isn't used to letting anyone in worried about their safety and whoever may come for her.

Aria is determined to find all the Stradivarius violins because they can lead to the secret everyone is willing to kill for. She is able to determine if the violin is real or a replica based on the information her father taught her. Oh ... did I mention Aria is the heir to the Stradivarius history.

When Aria finds out that a violin is going to be auctioned off, she is determined to see it. She is willing to do whatever it takes including talk to the man in charge of the VIP list himself, no matter how intimidating he is. Only he is not the only one sitting at the table, someone from her past is there as well Kace August.

Kace is a very private person and is pretty much closed off from everyone. He is a famous violin player/rock star. Aria is the only one that is able to get through his tough exterior. He is willing to do whatever it takes in order to get Aria and keep her.

I put off reading the trilogy as long as I could, I really hate when you really start getting into a story and then having to wait for the continuation to find out what happens. I am used to being drawn into the world with characters, but Kace and Aria are unlike any characters I've meshed with. These two are so drawn to each other, you can see and feel the electrical charge that connects them. They both have so much baggage and hurt from their pasts that they both believe no one will be able to wade through it and stay with them. Can't wait to continue and get energized right along with them.

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I really enjoyed reading this book, it was very hard to put down. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Complementary copy given for honest review and opinion.
If you like a cliffhanger, you will love this book. I did not realize it had a cliffhanger or I might not have read it. I’m glad I did. It was great.

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I loved this story by Lisa Renee Jones. It was so good and I couldn't put it down. I would definitely recommend!

I received this ARC from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for my honest review.

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Surprising read with a sexy as sin violinist!

A Reckless Note was beautifully harmonically written, and it's the first book in the Brilliance Trilogy. Let the author pull you in with it's bravado, cantor and majestic melody and have it whisk you away with it's brilliance.

Aria keeps her families secrets tight to her chest and is in search for her brother, but at the first turn she comes in contact with world renowned violinist, Kace. What's a girl to do with a handsome and talented musician? In search for the one thing that will get her closer to her family, will her secrets unravel and come crashing down around her? In the process, her and Kace become closer but with his 'hot and cold' nature, what is he hiding as well?

I was blown away by the magnitude of Aria and Kace's chemistry. I felt like their lies only intensified their connection even more which made this story excel brighter. While reading, I couldn't release my eyes from when the author described Kace through Aria's eyes. I yearned for more and it's like I could picture his presence and emotions all from the authors words. Brilliant

*ARC provided by the author and Netgalley in exchange for an honest and trustworthy review.

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I loved Kace & Aria’s story! A great rockstar romance that captivated me from the first page! I can’t wait for more in this series!

I voluntarily reviewed this book.

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