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Every Last Fear

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5 Stars!

Best book of the year by far! And its not even released until 2021, so it will probably be my favorite book 2 years in a row!

I can't say enough great things about this book- the premise alone makes it a must watch if you like non-stop action. Matt, an NYU student comes home after a night of partying to find an FBI agent waiting with terrible news. His entire family was found dead in Mexico with the exception of his older brother Danny- who was serving a life sentence in a penitentiary for murder. Years earlier Danny had been the subject of a Netflix-esque documentary about his case, wrongful convictions and innocent confessions.

From the first sentence- "They found the bodies on a Tuesday" I was hooked. The story is told from alternating narrators and perspectives and I had no idea how each event could be linked. Alex Finlay is brilliant at weaving in rich details, full of clues that pop up at different times in the book. This book caused me to look up words I wasn't familiar with- carpetbaggers and sycophants and verify if the Nebraska slogan really is "Honestly, it's not for everyone" - It is!! I'm assuming Alex Finlay has some type of government background because the entire story rang very true.

But let's talk about Alex. Who is Alex Finlay? Is Alex a man? a woman? Why does it matter? It doesn't, but I love the mystery surrounding this new talent. I don't care who Alex really is, all I need is for them to keep writing! They are at the top of my list of new favorite authors!

Thank you to #netgalley and #minotaurbooks for a complimentary copy of #everylastfear

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Alex Finlay has readers guessing how or if the two mysteries are even related to each other.

The story is told though different points of review though different time periods. The author keeps everyone on track with using time and names at the beginning of each chapter.

The author created characters that will have readers able to connect with from a mother who is FBI agent, to a son who loses his family more than once. The story brings closure for some and other are left wondering what will happen next to them.

The author create a world that feels as if it was current and could happen to anyone around you. The story has a flow that helps create, developed, characters and scenes that build on one another even though at the time it might not make since.

Can't wait to read more from this author.

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the advance copy of Alex Finlay Every Last Fear.

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Every Last Fear reads like the best kind of crime drama playing right before your eyes. Matt Pine comes back to his NYU dorm after a night of partying to the worst news possible news; his entire family who were on vacation in Mexico was just found dead. What at first looks like an accidental gas leak turns out to be so much more and it has everyone wondering: could this relate to the murder that put Danny Pine, Matt's older brother, in prison seven years ago.

The unique plot was built on real characters with multifaceted lives. Each chapter revealed new plot and more layers to the story, causing the reader to constantly adjust their theory on what happened. The constantly changing perspective, where everyone has a different piece of the puzzle, is engaging and gives butterflies just like all good thrillers.

The web that Alex Finlay was able to weave in this novel was intricate and fascinating. The things this family went through all because of one night are heartbreaking. The ending was satisfying. I had to mentally decompress after the amount of action my heart just went through. Every Last Fear is a new favorite of mine.

Many thanks to Alex Finlay, St. Martin's Press, and Netgalley for the opportunity to read this incredible ARC.

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I enjoyed this book. I liked the characters and cared about them. I liked the different POV’s. I liked the premise. So what happens when you realize a third the way through who the villain is? . Normally I would have lost interest and it wouldn’t be very exciting. Here, the pacing and writing was good enough to rush to the dramatic last few chapters to discover the bigger question of why. So keep going, it’s worth it.

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Matt is devastated to learn that his entire family died on their vacation to Mexico. Now, his only living family member is his incarcerated brother - arrested for a vicious murder that was then made into Netflix documentary. The FBI gets involved. As Matt follows the FBI's directives to handle his family's affairs, a series of strange events begins to unfold. Did his family die of natural causes like local authorities say? Was it something else? What was his family involved with?

Told in many alternating viewpoints during the "before" and the "after", this story unfolds lightning fast and with such emotion. I genuinely loved and empathized with so many of the characters! You really didn't know who was "good" and "bad" - much like in real life - everyone was just very realistic and human. I actually wish this book could've been longer so I could keep enjoying the story! I do feel like I would've liked to read more in certain storylines. It felt a bit rushed to me. Other than that - highly recommend. This is a fresh take on a popular and sometimes overcrowded genre!

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4 stars for this fresh take on the crime thriller genre!

There's a lot going on in this story, but not too much that it's confusing. The different elements combine effortlessly to reveal the full picture of the crimes. The multiple narrators was a smart choice as it helped me connect to the whole Pine family and Special Agent Keller. I'd definitely recommend this read to any crime junkie and look forward to what Alex Finlay offers next!

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This book was a great fast afternoon read. I love how the story is carefully woven with the past land the present. A family is faced with the trying to save a son that has been convicted of murder. Trying to save your family and your own sanity at the same time. Great story and love the twist at the end.

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This story is... a lot! There's a lot going on, and there are a lot of POVs, and there's a lot of time jumps. It all works, but it's a lot to keep up with - definitely a book I'd recommend for a one day read.

I thought it was particularly interesting to see a Netflix documentary featured as part of the overall plot and the many ways it came up. It was intriguing to see what's probably happening to the people in the film when the rest of the world is binging for entertainment. It was also interesting to see how each member of the family was handling the case and Danny's jailing.

The first line - They found the bodies on a Tuesday. - is one of the best hooks I've read this year and maybe ever.

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This was one of the best psychological thrillers that I have read to date. It was so much more than I expected. The many twists and turns made this book difficult to put down.

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Ever Last Fear was a riveting debut novel by Alex Finlay. I requested this one on a whim and was pleasantly surprised that I could not put this book down. It features Matt, a college student whose brother is in jail for murdering his girlfriend. Matt is devastated when FBI agent Sarah Keller arrives on campus to break the news that both his parents and two remaining siblings died on vacation in Mexico due to a gas leak. Matt has to travel to Mexico to identify their bodies and quickly finds that someone is following him and watching their every move. Suspicions arise regarding their death around the same time a Netflix documentary featuring the murder of his brother Danny’s girlfriend is set to be released. The filmmakers claim to have evidence that could help clear Danny’s name. Could his families murder be linked to the murder of his brothers girlfriend? His father and 17 year old sister Maggie had been digging and doing their own murder investigation prior to their deaths.

This book was action packed with several twists and turns. I loved the fact that it was told from multiple POV’s from the different family members and Sarah. This novel was incredibly well executed with complex characters and rich and dynamic storyline. This will definitely be an author I watch out for in the future and a top read in 2020 for me. Highly recommend!

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Thanks to Alex Finlay, St. Martin’s Press, and NetGalley for providing me with a digital advance copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review. Every Last Fear is an excellent thriller, told through several different points of view, that kept me quickly turning the pages until its exciting conclusion. I enjoyed this novel very much, and I recommend it highly, especially to those who enjoy a smart, well-plotted thriller. I also look forward to Alex Finlay’s next novel!

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This was quick and I couldn’t put it down - didn’t guess the ending at all! Almost seemed like real life with the Netflix documentary and everything.

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This book was the perfect example of a roller-coaster-page-turner-can't-put-down read. Wow!
A family is found dead in Tulum, Mexico. The suspected cause is a gas leak in their rental home, but then the investigation uncovers the fact that the death scene seems staged. The father, one of the victims, was recently let go from his job at a firm being investigated by the FBI. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

The surviving family consists of two sons - one a student at NYU, the other in prison for murdering his high school girlfriend. Mysterious and dangerous things start happening and the reader is left wondering who killed this family? Was the imprisoned son framed for murder? And who seems to be targeting the other son?

Enter the FBI agent who acts as the string tying all of this together. She's smart, determined, and is more than a little badass. I'm hoping for a sequel based on this character.

GREAT book. If you're looking for a fun and engrossing summer read, this is it.

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Every Last Fear by Alex Finlay – 5 Stars
Publisher: St. Martin's Press, Minotaur Books
ISBN: 9781250268822

A family suspiciously killed by a gas leak in Mexico? A son previously convicted and jailed for murder? And now, the other remaining son, Matt, must put the pieces together to gain back sanity and respect for his family. As you begin reading this, remember that the background conviction of Danny for murder that gets told via side text, is really a key to the crimes in this tale. Sure, his family is instantly wiped out right off, but is it tied to Danny’s conviction? The story is like a crescendo in music – interest and suspense continually increases until the end. I was a bit thrown off by the intermittent notes on Danny’s case, but finally realized it was the key that when investigated, unwound and reconstructed set the fireworks for an explosive ending that revealed the guilty players. Thanks you Netgalley and Minotaur for allowing me to review this fine book by Alex Finlay.

Reviewer: Rich

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E.xceeded my expectations! An absolute page turner.

Matt Pine is a promising filmmaking student whose brother is in jail- accused of killing his girlfriend. FBI agent Sarah Keller appears and informs him that the rest of his family has been found deceased while on a trip abroad. When Matt travels to Mexico to sign paperwork related to his next of kin, he finds that he is being watched and pursued; the FBI suspects foul play in the death of Matt's family. Soon a full blown cat and mouse chase ensues as Matt and the authorities work to pursue justice for his murdered family.
The characters in the story are well developed and the writing is intense- its a great rrad that you dont want to put down.
Thank you NetGalley for allowing me to review this book.


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This book was a slower read than I expected but because of that the characters were more deeply explored and I got to know them better than in most thrillers. The premise is intriguing: young man’s family killed in Mexico by an apparent gas leak, but because of the past, could it really be so simple? There were some draggy parts in the middle but it wrapped up well and I enjoyed this book overall. 3.5 stars.

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Thoroughly enjoyed this thriller. Read it in two days. Not knowing what happened to this poor guy's family kept you turning the pages right until the end. Very well done.

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Taut and hauntingly plotted...
Stunningly written..
Danny Pine's entire family except for his older brother Danny is murdered in a apparent accident. Danny is serving a life sentence for killing his girlfriend which puts him in the spot light of a true crime documentary suggesting he is innocent. Both cases soon collide into a riviting suspenseful ride that will keep you flipping pages until the very end. Thank you Net Galley for the pulsating read!

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The description of this book intrigued me, even though I had never heard of the author before this book. It seemed right up my alley!

The story was engaging and easy to follow, while still creating twists and turns. The characters were also relatable within a somewhat=egregious storyline, which is somewhat hard to accomplish.

I will definitely recommend this book to my audience!

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Every Last Fear

What a great book! A debut novel for Author Alex Finlay, a true psychological thriller.

With so many books to choose from in this venue, this one stands out. It is a “can not put down” thriller, with really great characters, plot and overall storyline

I read a fair amount of books in this category, and this one did not disappoint

Thank you to NetGalley, the Author and St. Martin's Press For my advanced copy to read.

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