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The Amish Midwife's Hope

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This was one of my first forays into the Amish romance genre, and I found it an enjoyable first read. It was especially fascinating to learn more about the midwife profession through Rebecca's eyes. That must be such a difficult, yet rewarding job.

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This is quite a heart touching story. Rebecca, as a widow, has suffered loss in her life, but she continues to work tirelessly in her profession as a midwife. She truly desires to help other women and her compassion shows through in everything she does. She and Samuel, a widower with a young daughter, are drawn to each other from the time they first meet. But Samuel has a difficult time excepting Rebecca’s work as a midwife, and decides to not pursue a relationship with her. However, Samuel’s young daughter, Lizzie, loves Rebecca, and becomes the key to Samuel taking another look at their relationship. This wonderful story follows a theme of faith, hope, and love that will warm your heart and keep you turning pages as you follow Samuel and Rebecca’s story.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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"The Amish Midwife's Hope" presents readers with a story of past tragedy, loss, and hope. Rebecca serves her Amish community as a midwife. Although widowed, Rebecca looks forward to the day when she will find God's choice for her to remarry and have her own babies to love and cherish. She hopes God's choice for her might be Samuel, a newcomer to her community, also widowed and father to a charming daughter. After a rocky start, it looks as if things might work out for the couple. Samuel's daughter Lizzie loves Rebecca and hopes she will become Lizzie's new mother. However, past sorrows form an obstacle for their happiness. Will they overcome these challenges and move on to find a new happiness and form a new family together?

This novel features mature, realistic Amish adults, with careers and families, which appealed to me. They are flawed human beings who struggle to overcome grief, yet trust in their families and their faith to get them through difficulties. The plot might seem predictable, but getting to the ending is worth the journey. Interesting minor characters also play cameo roles in the story. Samuel's daughter Lizzie just steals the show! What a bright and lovable child. The book is worth reading just to get to know this little girl. Readers can expect an overt Christian message, and also can expect to learn a lot about midwives! Discussion questions are included.

I received this novel from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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This is a really good read that I would recommend to anyone who loves Amish or Christian fiction in general.

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A very well written Amish romance. Good plot and well developed characters. Fans of Amish fiction will enjoy this book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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To worry is arrogant.

Rebecca Zook the Amish Community midwife knows the pain of being a widow and losing a child. She loves bringing new life into the world and helping mothers know the joy set before them. Being a midwife, you must have wisdom and compassion and she fits the role to a t. When another widower Samuel moves to the community with his young daughter, they naturally come together. However, the pain of losing his wife to childbirth is to painful as his relationship with Rebecca reminds him of what he lost. It is his young daughter that reminds him of what is to gain.

This romance has many different stories that share worry doesn't solve anything and keeps us away from the good that God has for us. The characters of mothers in Rebecca's care added to her story. No two mothers and their circumstances are alike. Samuel's daughter Lizzie brought a ray of sunshine and honesty to the story as well. It's hard to pick one favorite in this community.

A special thank you to Grand Central Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC and the opportunity to post an honest review

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This is the first book in a brand new series by Barbara Cameron. Rebecca is a widow in her community in Lancaster County, Pa. She was married but she lost her husband while he was working the farm. Rebecca isn't the only one in the community who has lost a spouse. New comer Samuel also lost his spouse. Samuel moved to to Lancaster County from Indiana along with his daughter. Will things happen between Samuel and Rebecca where they could become a couple? You will need to read the book to find out.

I enjoyed reading this book. It was very well written and had wonderful characters. I didn't want to put it down. It held my attention from beginning to end. I love when a book does that.

I received a copy from Forever(Grand Central Publishing). All opinions are my own.

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I enjoyed this book so much, I didn’t want it to end! I hope there’s a sequel in the works. I fell in love with Lizzie. Rebecca and Samuel had some tough memories to deal with while trying to decide if they were meant to be together. It’s a winner!!

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The Amish Midwife's Hope by Barbara Cameron
(Hearts of Lancaster County, 1) November 10, 2020
A midwife and single father have a second chance at the family they've always dreamed of in this heartwarming Amish romance from award-winning author Barbara Cameron.
Widow Rebecca Zook adores her work delivering bopplin in her close-knit Amish community, but the young midwife secretly wonders if she'll ever find love again or have a family of her own. When she meets handsome newcomer Samuel Miller, her connection with the widowed single father is immediate-Rebecca even bonds with his sweet little girl. It feels like a perfect match, yet Samuel seems hesitant . . .
In Paradise, Lancaster County, Samuel hoped to find the fresh start he and his dochder need . . . and perhaps a second chance for love. He never imagined he'd discover both so quickly and in one lovely, kind woman. But as Samuel falls for Rebecca, he worries that her job will only remind him of his past heartaches. Rebecca isn't willing to sacrifice her beloved calling, but she is ready to embrace the future . . . if only Samuel can open his heart once more.
This is Rebecca Zook and Samuel Miller's story.
Rebecca Zook held the squirming boppli in her arms and decided nothing could possibly be better than being a midwife and helping to bring new life into the world.
She wrapped a blanket around the boppli and gently placed him in his mudder’s arms. “You have a beautiful sohn.”
“Look at him, David,” Lovina whispered as she ran a finger down her kind’s cheek. “So tiny. So perfect.”
Turning, she stared up at Samuel Miller. Then she glanced toward the back of the buggy where his six-year-old dochder, Lizzie, watched her with an expression that was too serious for a kind.
“Nee, danki,” she said. “I’m fine.” “It’s going to rain.”
“I should make it home before then.” But just as she said it, a large, cold drop of water hit her face.
I highly recommend reading.
The Amish Midwife's Hope by Barbara Cameron is a wonderful well written 5 star book.
I am looking forward to reading more books by Barbara Cameron
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book.

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The Amish Midwife’s Hope by Barbara Cameron is the first novel in A Hearts of Lancaster County series. This is an inspiring novel. I thought the story was well-written with developed characters. Rebecca Zook and Samuel Miller were two people who had both lost their spouses in tragic circumstances. They meet and there is an instant spark of attraction between them. You could tell that they were excited at the prospect of a new relationship, but they were also scared. They wonder if it is the right time to move on and should they risk their heart again. It is also exciting because this relationship is different from the one they had with their first spouse. They did not grow up with each other, so they have so much to learn about each other. You could feel the characters emotions. Lizzie, Samuel’s daughter, was a delight. She was precocious and added humor to the story. I liked that we get to see what life is like for an Amish midwife. It is more than delivering healthy babies to happy parents. Emma Graber is someone that needs Rebecca’s help and guidance. I hope we get the rest of her story in a future book. The Amish Midwife’s Hope was an engaging story. I am looking forward to reading The Amish Baby Finds a Home when it comes out next year. The Amish Midwife’s Hope is a poignant novel about life, family, grief, friendship, love, and second chances.

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Barbara Cameron has released a delightful Amish book, The Amish Midwife's Hope. This is the first book in the Hearts of Lancaster series.
Widow Rebecca Zook is a midwife who loves her work in her Pennsylvania community.
She has been widowed for several years and still hurting after the death of her husband and unborn child.
New to the area Samuel Miller lives with his daughter and despite hurting from the loss of his wife several years ago there is a connection and between him and Rebecca.
It's beautiful to see hearts reawakening to love after being dormant , it's all in God's perfect timing as we trust him to bring us back to love and trusting.
Beautiful heart warming story you'll want to read more than once.
I really love Barbara Cameron's writing style, it's so realistic and
written with caring and compassion.
I recommend this author's books.

Pub Date 10 Nov 2020 by Forever.
I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Thanks go to the publisher and Net-Galley for the complimentary copy of The Amish Midwife’s Hope by Barbara Cameron for the purpose of reading and reviewing prior to publication. My opinions are my own, and no one has influenced them.

The Amish Midwife’s Hope is a heartwarming tale with engaging characters and an intriguing plot involving a widower, his young daughter, and the midwife, who is also widowed. I enjoyed the story because the writing is emotional, and character development is excellent.

Rebecca Zook’s character has all the qualities I enjoy most in Amish fiction. She’s hard working, caring and loves her family. She has been able to move past her loss and embrace her future. I became vested in her character from the start.

Samuel Miller is an interesting hero. There’s no doubt he loves Lizzie and had adapted to caring for her without much support from family. His grief though, has him afraid to move forward and find another wife as his faith dictates he do. My heart hurt for the troubled man throughout the story.

The romance is lovely with all the hallmarks of this genre. It centers on growing affection and friendship between the couple. Lizzie is an intricate part of their relationship and added greatly to the story. I truly wanted Rebecca and Samuel to work through their issues and find their happy ending.

If you enjoy Amish fiction with characters will touch your heart and a plot that has a great message, then you like The Amish Midwife’s Hope. This is the first book I’ve read by Ms. Cameron, and I enjoyed it. Happy reading!

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I got about 84% through this book and had to stop reading. It was a slow plot with painstakingly small details that made the book last forever. As a doula I read midwife centered books for the birth story aspect and this book was not written for that purpose. It’s a love story with minimal details about childbirth.

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In The Amish Midwife's Hope, we find the lives of Rebecca and Samuel as they unexpectedly find each other after both loosing their spouse. The story is full of hope and coming to terms with your grief. The book kept me engaged and I quickly finished it because I couldn't put it down. A must read!

I received an advance copy from Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via NetGalley. All opinions expressed are my own.

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The Amish Midwife's Hope is a new book by Barbara Cameron and will be published, November 10, 220. I was given an ARC by Forever (Grand Central Publishing) through Netgalley. I am not required to give a positive review.

This is a very good book. Barbara does a great job of sharing a great story in her first book in the Hearts of Lancaster County series.

Rebecca Zook is a midwife and widow in her Amish community. Samuel Miller has moved to her community and is a widowed single father. Rebecca being a midwife and Samuel losing his wife while trying to give birth to their second child, seems to be a real issue. Although Rebecca falls for Samuel's precious daughter, Rebecca's occupation seems to be a real stumbling block to any notion of them becoming a family.

Read this great start to a new series. In my opinion, it is a 5* addition to Barbara Cameron's growing collection of books.

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Amish widower Samuel Miller and his young daughter move to Pennsylvania for a fresh start after losing his wife and baby in childbirth. Samuel is drawn to widow Rebecca Zook, but pulls away when he learns that Rebecca is a midwife. His precocious daughter Lizzie is also drawn to Rebecca and wants Rebecca as her mother. I received a free copy of this book from the publisher through Netgallery. This is my honest and voluntarily given review. Rebecca is a strong resilient woman with a lot of common sense. It was interesting to experience a little of her life as an Amish midwife. Lizzie is darling. I love reading about her attempts to push Samuel into Rebecca's path. Samuel is still suffering from his loss. This is a pleasant and sweet Amish romance that I enjoyed reading.

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The Amish Midwife's Hope is a good story that is clean and sweet. Rebecca is a widow whose late husband died working their farm. They didn't really know how he died. Samuel and his daughter moved to their community after his uncle died and left him the farm. His wife died while giving birth. So when he meets Rebecca, even though he really likes her, since she's a midwife, it disturbs him and brings back memories of his late wife's death. Will things work out between them?

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The Amish Midwife’s Hope set in Paradise, Pennsylvania, chronicles the lives of Amish midwife Rebecca Zook and Amish farmer Samuel Miller as they seek to overcome the tragic loss of their spouses, learn to let go of fear, and take a chance on love again. Ms. Cameron is a new author to me, and I like her style. Her characters are well-crafted and endearing. The children Lizzie and Jacob are delightful. The plot flows at a suitable pace with some unexpected twists. The faith element is thoughtfully infused into the narrative. The inclusion of the Amish recipes is a nice touch. I highly recommend this book especially to lovers of Amish fiction and look forward to the second book in the Hearts of Lancaster series.

I received a copy of this book in e-book form from the publisher via netgalley but am under no obligation to write a positive review. All opinions are my own.

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This book is so good! It's well written and will keep you turning the pages. Rebecca and Samuel's story is full of hope and inspiration. I feel in love with Lizzie and Josh. This is a must read book, in my humble opinion. Thank you Forever (Grand Central Publishing) via NetGalley for the ARC copy of this book. All opinions expressed are my own.

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I love Lizzie, her love of life and excitement! Rebecca is such a sweet, caring person and midwifery comes so natural to her. I like that the author gave Rebecca and Samuel time to sort out their feelings after the unexpected loss each had had. The simple love of the Amish, with all their love and hope is beautifully described in this novel. The recipes are a welcomed bonus. Recommended!

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