Member Reviews

This was the final book in the Vine witch trilogy and i loved every bit of it. I’m not gonna lie, i she’s a few tears because i would no longer be seeing the characters i loved so much. I can’t say that I’m not happy about the ending because but I’m satisfied, if that makes sense. The writer has a way with words and i was completely engrossed into the world of the vine witch. Without giving any spoilers i would say that this is a must read and the good ending to a sometimes action/heartfelt trilogy.

Sidra was accused of murdering her husband and even though she is not guilty, his family are demanding her punishment. Hunted by Jamra, her husband’s brother, she must reunite with Elena and Yvette to defeat him and prove her innocence.
But Jamra isn’t the only one pursuing her. A mysterious dog and the sorceror who mixed the poison that killed her husband all have their own agendas and it’s not clear whether they are friend or foe.
This series started with a definite feel of magical realism but as it has progressed it has become more fantastical. And The Conjurer is the most fantastic of the three with flying carpets and magical jinni doing battle. Book one The Vine Witch had me hooked and honestly it’s probably still my favorite of the series but all three books are great.
I’m a little sad that the journey ends here but I look forward to seeing where this author takes us in the future.

#TheConjurer #NetGalley
" The cloud seemed to concur as it whispered in her mind: Ready your sorcery. "
That was such an amazing read, took me some time to finish but definitely worth it.
• We stan badass female characters in this households don't we? We've three, yes THREE strong women and we're here for it.
• it has jinns, witches and conjurers yasss
• The writing style, oh my god, it's so detailed but doesn't feel too much or too less. Easy and Detailed and I loved it.
• A scary villain, because what's a fantasy book without a strong rival to fight with?
• Friendship, yes, my next Favorite thing after alpha females, the three leads, being good friends and when they when they come together to get through problems, yessir!
• And yes Sidra, the lead, her story, her powers, her trials and the ending she deserved, done.
“The three like vine tendrils that stretch out and anchor themselves one to the other. An odd tangle, but one that had borne fruit in friendship”
Couldn't have described their friendship better than this.
Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

I ate through all three books of this series in two days. I love the magical aspects in this intricate world. The characters all fight for each other and are so loyal to their beliefs. It’s a historical fantasy novel with magical powers and strong magical bloodlines.
The conjurer the third book really focuses on Sidra’s story. Sidra is a Jinni who had escaped from incarceration for the murder of her husband Hariq. Sidra swears she didn’t commit this murder and will battle to escape recapture. Sidra is determined to find out who made the error that caused Hariq’s death.
Sidra is aware that Hariqs brother Jamara an angry Jinni is determined to find vengeance for Hariq’s death and vows to punish and destroy Sidra.
Elena and Yvette get dragged into war and the three fight to face off against the angry Jinni and prove Sidra’s innocence.
This book provides Lots of twists and turns along the way ending with the truth and betrayal being revealed. This was such a fantastic conclusion to this series and I love how it came to a close. I highly recommend this series.

Thank you NetGalley for a copy of this book to review and read!
Very fun third instalment on the Vine Witch series. I read this book without reading the first two ones and I still found it engaging. I was very captured by the world-building and storytelling.

“Sand Flower. Zahrat al shahra’. His flower of the desert” (213).
Sidra has escaped the relentless grip chaining her to the city by escaping with Yvette to the land of the Fee. Safe and hidden until Oberon sends her back to where the journey all began. The village she once called home, where the perfume witches reside, and where her husband was murdered by her hands. With Yvette and Elena by herside, she must come face to face with the fate she has long been fleeing from. Jamra will stop at nothing to get to Sidra and unleashing chaos onto the world of the mortals.
“The essence of a broken promise. All the tomorrow’s that would never be made to swirl in the mind by a single inhale. Close the eyes, breathe deep the sorrow of loss, and remember the dream of what might have been” (1).
This is without a doubt my favorite book through the entire trilogy. Sidra’s story is so intricate and deep with a plethora of layers just waiting to be shed. From the start, I got caught up in the intense events and the fierceness of Sidra’s character pulled me further into the pages. Jamra was by far the biggest threat the three had encountered thus far. Fate brings the three women together one more time and their individual stories transform into a beautiful story about how friendship has no limit in eliminating malicious threats.
“The three like vine tendrils that stretch out and anchor themselves one to the other. An odd tangle, but one that had borne fruit in friendship” (166).
Smith continues to provide a beautiful and vivid prose that one can’t help but be entranced by. I have a full page full of quotes that I either found to admire or were significant to the story’s themes. There are also clear signs that Smith did research into pre-Islamic and Arabian worship which is highly appreciated. As much as I enjoyed Elena and Yvette’s story, Sidra blew them out of the water. Her relationships felt like a retelling of Romeo and Juliet with the long existent family feuds between their clans. She grows so much from letting her fellow magical friends finally into her life story to no longer hiding from Jamra. Never giving up even when it felt like their was nothing more that could counter him.
“Then he vowed that she of the sunrise and he of the sunset would be destined to know only harmony because no day under the heavens could be complete without having the sun rise and fall in tandem” (56).
So why four instead of five stars? There are a couple spelling and grammatical errors through the first half. The main issue I had was that the trilogy as a whole felt to have a repetitive plot. One of the three magical females is introduced. Followed by an issue with a patriarchal figure(Bastien/The Comte/Jamra) attached to said dillema. They all come together to eliminate the threat, then each women is justifiably exonerated for their crimes. While all three were great reads, I wish there was more to the plots. I do think that the ending of this truly tied everything together well and showed how fate tied the three women together from the start of the trilogy.
“It is a peculiar sort of magic, though, this wishing. The way it manifests, swirling through the cosmos like the tail of a comet. Such a fierce desire to be realized. Lives colliding, separating, and reforming again as each stage progresses” (186).
As things tied together in the end, I do believe this is the last in the trilogy. I have gotten to the depths of these characters and will truly miss each and every one of them. Each women has been through unbelievable hardships. Yet, they have gained far more in return. Love. Friendship. Family. I look forward to seeing what Smith has in store for the future.
Thank you to Luanne G. Smith, 47North and NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The story - ⭐⭐
The writing - ⭐⭐
Overall - ⭐⭐
I really tried with this one, but could not get on with it. I think my main issue with it was sometimes the lack of exposition, eg one of the characters walks into a room and 'states their business'. I get that sometimes the author can worry that they're overexplaining sometimes, or including too much dialogue spelling it out for the reader, but for me this went entirely the other way and was poorer for it.
Fave quote - 'There’s no stronger connection between thought and memory than there is with scent.'
Fave moment- I didn't really have one, but I must admit the authors use of scents made the book more solid, and at times the description of settings was pretty visually stunning.

I really enjoyed this installment of The Vine Witch series. The Conjurer was Sidra’s story and I loved how it explained how Elena, Yvette’s and Sidra’s fates were tied from the very beginning. We learned so much more about Sidra and her mysterious past, while seeing what evolved from Elena and Yvette’s stories. As in the previous books, I really enjoyed the world building and how the senses play into each one, especially the sense of smell. I am happy with the outcome of the battle and the ending of the story. I believe this is the final book and if that is true, the ending fits it perfectly. Fun, enjoyable, entertaining, heartwarming and quick reads. Definitely worth it, in my opinion.

This was a perfect follow up to book one and two. I could not put it down. It caught me up in the story and made me fall in love with the characters all over again. I loved how the magic of the story is not over done by the magic within its pages.

This is the third book in the Vine Witch series. I have not read the first two books and I am sure it would have explained some of the established relationships but it didn't ruin my experience or make me confused with this story.
We follow Sidra a jinn who is hiding from a wrongful murder accusation which would have meant immediate death if she hadn't escaped. Now she is on the run and has another jinn that is tracking her for more than just killing his brother, her husband, he is looking for a relic.
She befriends a witch and a fairy when they are jailed together. This was a non-stop magical fantasy adventure of life and death with a lot of danger! I was definitely not expecting the ending since Jamra was closing in on them but you will have to find out what I mean.
Thank you @netgalley and @47north for my honest and voluntary review!

Initial Thoughts
Honestly, I was afraid to read this book. I love this series so much and I didn’t want it to end. I knew it would be amazing but I couldn’t bear the thought of the end of stories about these characters.
Some Things I Liked
Sidra. She was such a fascinating and mysterious character in the first two books. I’m so glad we finally got her POV. She’s sassy and witty and didn’t pull her punches. I loved her attitude.
Full circle. I applaud an author’s ability to make every little detail throughout a series feel both purposeful and significant. No stone was left unturned in this series. Every little detail, no matter how small had a reason behind it and I loved that. I wasn’t left wondering how anything happened but, at the same time, I didn’t feel like it was tied up too well. It was the perfect balance that left me both satisfied and craving more.
Scent magic. This was another really interesting element of the story. Weirdly, I just read an article about how smell is the strongest memory triggering sense and I loved that this idea was incorporated into this story.
Series Value
I loved this series. I think the world building is phenomenal and I’d love to see these characters in action again in the form of more sequels or spin offs.
Furthermore, I love Luanne’s writing. I can’t wait to read her next series which, I believe, is going to be set in Victorian London.
Final Thoughts
I adored this series. I’m so sad that it’s over but I am also so glad that I read it. This has been a wonderful journey with some amazing characters. This series made me fall in love with historical fantasy and I can’t recommend it enough.
Recommendations for Further Reading
The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern – ok, this is one of my favorite books of all time. I can easily say, if you liked The Vine Witch, you will enjoy The Night Circus. Both stories have such rich world building and are perfect fall stories.
A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness – if you liked the supernatural elements in this story, witches, demons, etc., give the All Souls trilogy a try.
Serpent & Dove by Shelby Mahurin – once again, if you liked the witches element, do yourself a favor and read this new release by Shelby Mahurin. It’s seasonal, perfect, and has multiple POVs.

I received a copy of the book from Netgalley to review. Thank you for the opportunity.
A strange but in intriguing story. It was hard to follow at times. The writing was good and felt almost day dream like at times. The characters were interesting and engaging.
A good read.

I am so excited the 3rd installment of The Vine Witch trilogy has finally been released! I have discovered this series thanks to Kindle Unlimited last year. I started with The Vine Witch (#1), my least favorite, The Glamourist (#2) which I adored as it revealed Yvette's story, my favorite character. Now The Conjurer is out and it tells us Sidra's story. Sidra is a jinni who first met Elena in prison (#2). Sidra, Elena and Yvette's relationship is blooming into a true and deep friendship in this thirst installment which makes me so happy. They are such a fabulous trio: the witch, the fee and the jinni!
The Conjurer is so well crafted! The story is very intricate in developing the jinnis characters: who they are, what their powers are, what their world looks like,.. fascinating! We also discover that Sidra used to be married and the reason why she ended up in prison was her husband's untimely dead.. or some magic gone wrong. Now, her late husband's brother, Jamra, wants revenge and is searching for Sidra to retrieve a dagger and kill his former sister-in-law. But Jamra's plan will be more complicated to accomplish than initially planned.
If you are looking for a series full of magic, fantasy, love, friendship, pick this one up. It is very fun, an easy read and I am not giving up on the idea of a fourth book being released one day.
I also have to point out that the cover of this book is exquisite! You can currently find The Conjurer on Kindle Unlimited. I love the narrators, they definitely did a wonderful job bringing that story life!
Thank you Net Galley and the publisher for this e-ARC in exchange for my honest review.

An intriguing and alluring story. Beautifully written and an engaging look at the more interesting character of the series.

Sidra and her mysterious story is finally I'm my hands! Her story was so so good and it is definitely my second favorite in the series! The trio are brought together again by forces unseen to defeat Sidras brother in-law who wants revenge and something she has been hiding for a very long time. Heartbroken without her husband she struggles to find meaning to any of it, but slowly she starts to appreciate the friends she has and treasure the memories of the time she had with him. It was a very satisfying conclusion to this trilogy that was a five star read for me!

In this third volume of the Vine Witch we learn more about Sidra's life. We can finally know what happened to her, the reason why she was in jail and who she was hiding from.
We are introduced to the magical and mysterious world of jinn and the fascinating world of the perfume witches.
The peculiar friendship between Elena, Sidra and Yvette might prove to be very powerful, in both senses.
Thanks to 47North and NetGalley for providing me with this e-arc in exchange for my honest review.
Photo of flowers by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash.com"Flat lay photography of geodes" by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash.comPhoto of coffee cup by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash.com

I've seen many reviews here with people who are totally in love with this book. For me unfortunately, that wasnt the case.
The idea behind the story is nice and pretty original, but the writing style just wasnt really for me. It took me a long time to get through the book. Actually was debating to DNF it about 3 times before actually finishing it.
I gave it 3 stars here, but it was more a 2,5 for me.

Elena, Yvette, and Sidra are back in the third installment of this fabulous series. Sidra’s story is the focus of this novel, but Elena and Yvette have her back as she fights her evil brother-in-law, Jamra over a magical dagger Sidra found on her honeymoon with her deceased husband, Hariq. Who will survive the final battle with the evil jing and his demons?
Again, just like the first two books, The Vine Witch and The Glamorist, I throughly enjoyed the magic, illusions, and spells. I was held in suspense for most of the book, which kept me reading late into the night! The characters are just so relatable, even being mystical beings, and the friendship the three ladies developed is inspiring. The book did not slow down, it was action packed with thrill after twists coming at you. Highly recommend this book and series!

I love Smith’s writing style, it has an almost classical/lyrical feel to it and it’s so smooth and lovely to read. I feel like it really fits the time period setting as well (early 20th century). The whole series has a fairytale quality to it as well that I love and I think this is my favourite of the trilogy. The story has some Romeo & Juliet themes, but is definitely it’s own unique story, with twists of fate, vengeful Jinnis, and three powerful women brought together by circumstance and magic. If you’ve read the others in the series, this is Sidra’s story, but of course features Elena and Yvette as well. Sidra is a great character, forced to confront the love and heartbreak of her past. The three women are so different, and it was great getting to know them all throughout this series.
There are definitely twists, and Sidra’s story is revealed slowly throughout the book, with a very climactic, and somewhat unexpected, ending. There may have been a couple of predictable things, but I just loved every minute of reading this. There isn’t a lot of action, but there is magic, secrets and dire consequences if the three friends can’t find a way to stop Jamra.
The descriptions of everything in this book are so vivid and evocative, especially about the perfumes, which features heavily in the plot. This book just pulled me in and wouldn’t let go, and with this series complete, I can’t wait to see what Smith writes next!
If you like historical fiction, I can’t recommend this series enough! Even if you don’t read a lot of fantasy, it is so easy to slip into this world.

I first heard about this author on BookTok. The Vine Witch series was mentioned as someone's favorite book from their TBR list, and after I saw the cover, I knew I had to read it. I rushed to request the first and second books from the library and couldn't put them down. The third book in this series I read on my kindle. I have read this entire series just this week.
The third book was beautifully written with detailed story building that continued throughout all three books. . However, it is my least favorite out of the series. It could be that the first book I would most defiantly sell my firstborn child that I do not have to read again for the first time.
This book follows the story of Sidra, which seems like a hot mess express who doesn't want to face her past. Will she be freed for good and find out what actually happens to her husband? Confronting his brother? Honestly, it is my least favorite plot of the three books, but I enjoyed how Luanne wrapped up the plot points and questions I had throughout the entire series. I am the type of reader that wants the author to wrap up the story instead of leaving me to dream it up myself.
I will be suggesting this series to many of my friends, re-reading the first two books on kindle while flagging my favorite moments, and memorizing the entire first book.
I was provided this book from NetGalley for my honest reviews. I suggest if you have Dyslexia or a reading disability to read this on an e-reader. With open dyslexia font for ease to read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this book.
Sidra is falsely accused of murdering her husband, Hariq. After his death, his brother, Jamra, assumed he was killed because of their fighting and will kill her. When she is sent to jail, she meets a witch name Elena and a fairy Yvette. After they escape from the prison, she goes with Yvette to the land of the fee, where she hides while Jarama hunts for her. To understand the holes in this book, you need to read the first two books.