Cover Image: Blood & Ash (The Jezebel Files #1)

Blood & Ash (The Jezebel Files #1)

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Member Reviews

I love a fantasy with an enemies to lovers plot line woven through which this book gives us. It is a great urban fantasy detective story full of mystery and intrigue with a paranormal through line. Though this book was not my favourite - I would give the other books in the series a chance for sure to see more of Ashira!

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I listened to this book with my teenage daughter. She knows a lot more about this series than me but I still enjoyed following along. Although this is not my preferred genre, it was a nice change for me.

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A new urban fantasy series. A hot snarky main character in Ashira Cohen is not part of the magic community. Or so she thinks. When all hell brakes loose she has her childhood friend Levi leader of the magic community to argue with. A modern Sherlock Holmes Ashira finds her new magic abilities will leave her kicking ass but finding new secrets to uncover. A great start to characters that you will want to follow into the next book. Narrated by Hollie Jackson she really brings the characters to life and leaves you wanting more.
Thank you NetGalley and (publisher, Te Da Media) for sending this book for review consideration. All opinions are my own.

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Fun listen, with a good story. Looking forward to reading more of the series. I really enjoyed the main character and the magic and mayhem.

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Blood & Ash is the first novel in the Jezebel Files series, written by Deborah Wilde. It was originally published on January 10th, 2020 by Te Da Media. I was given an Advance Review Copy (ARC) of this audiobook on NetGalley by the publisher, and is narrated by Hollie Jackson.

The plot of the novel takes place in the future, with the main character Ashira Coben working as a private investigator in Vancouver where magic is real, and some people possess magical qualities. She does not, at least not at the beginning. While working a missing person case, she is injured, and her hospital visit results in the discovery of a mark that blocked her powers; with them now free to roam the world, she is struggling to adjust to this new reality.

To make matters worse, the magic puts her PI license in jeopardy, and her nemesis, Levi, who just happens to be the director of all magical things, would love nothing more than to put her out of business. However, in her investigation to learn about her history and mark, she discovers corruption and blackmail, and they must work together to bring down the villains, which may even be her own father who abandoned her at 13.

I really enjoyed the plot of this novel, and I particularly enjoyed the narration by Jackson. I have not delved too much into the paranormal mystery/romance genre, and this was a good entry to get me started. This book is also the first in the series, and I hope to continue to read the rest on my own, since I have seen that they are available on Scribd, which I have a subscription for.

Overall, I give the book 4/5 stars. It is a simple novel, not too complicated, but a good entry into the genre. I would recommend it for fans of paranormal genre, and would recommend it by audiobook in particular.

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"Blood & Ash" is an overall okay book. I found it a bit predictable and didn't really enjoy the main character, Ash, or her personality. I thought I'd enjoy it more but I just didn't.

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ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I thought Blood & Ash was a decent listen. I wasn't crazy about the story but I also didn't dislike it.

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I finally got to finish this (though it took me forty forevers), but I have to say - I enjoyed it. The characterization was excellent, and the plot - while predictable at times - was entertaining and kept me intrigued.

It's kind of a Harry Dresden meets Sookie Stackhouse meets ... I don't know - maybe Shotgun Suzie from Simon R. Green's "Something from the Nightside" series? Ha.

The main character was instantly relatable, and I look forward to checking out the other books in the series when I finally get around to it.

As for the audiobook, it was good. I enjoyed the pacing and the narrator. It didn't drag or rush; it was the perfect speed all the way through; I didn't have to speed it up like I usually do audiobooks. My apologies to the publisher for taking so long to read it. COVID hit right as I was approved for this book, and I never got to download it. I had to wait for it to become available through my library before I could check it out again.

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This was a great book. I love Ash, she’s smart, snarky, and her life has been turned upside down. There’s mystery, twists, and a side of romance woven into the story. It’s relatively fast-paced, and interesting enough you don’t want to put it down once you start.

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Purchased this title for the home library, and recommended to county system for purchasing in multiple formats.

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Really enjoyed this book the plot was great, I loved the characters in this. The narrator did a brilliant job at telling this story.

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Huge fan of urban fantasy in general, and this is a great start into that. But it’s also more — I liked the protagonist a lot, and was rooting for her, not just having fun.

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I kind of understood the plot, but the narrator was all wrong and I think that's what threw me off. I don't think I'll continue reading the series but would recommend it to others.

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I had to DNF this book. I had such high hopes. It is set in Vancouver which is just a hop, skip, and jump away from me and I thought it would at the very least be a easy fun listen. I made it to 20% before I could just jot make myself care anymore. The protagonist got on my nerves and the story was just bland. I’d give it a 2 1/2 stars but I’m rounding up here.

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I was unable to download before it was archived. I was really excited about this title and sad that I missed it.

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The book is a fantastic blend of mystery, paranormal and fantasy, rolled up with amazing characters. There is a lot of magic and world-building involved which I thought could’ve been done in a better, more organized way.
I liked the quick pace, but it felt like sometimes the plot was too rushed and it didn’t give me enough time to fall in love with the characters.
The narration is where this book really failed for me. The accents got very weird and it hampered my whole experience.

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Described as a snarky urban fantasy detective series, I don't think anyone can claim this book doesn't deliver on its promise. Combined with a fantasy array of characters, complex mysteries to get lost in, and fantastic world building, this is a highly enjoyable urban fantasy novel and a fantastic introduction to the series.
The characters are likeable, their relationships believable, and the darker elements are offset by some fantastic action and a smattering of humour.
Fast paced and intriguing, I can't wait to see what happens next!

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It was an ok book but got ruined by all the confusing worldbuilding and magic system. I know there are things like Nefari , gollum and Van Gogh but I barely know what their powers are or why they existed.

The author is going for a snarky heroine but she only comes across as annoying. Even the mystery wasn't that interesting. I do am interested in how Ashira and Levi's romance develop but I wouldn't want to read the next book

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I listened to the audio book. The narrator wasn't the best, her voice is a little to nasally and her accents were terrible. I would've rather she read all the characters in her natural voice just changed the inflection because her interpretation of the characters weren't the best.

The book is a blatant Ilona Andrews rip off. Blood Magic, Magic Houses, and a PI it wasn't even subtle. I know those things aren't exclusive ideas of Andrews but it the way the story was formated and the world was built. It wasn't bad because it had such awesome inspiration. So if you are a Andrews fan with time to kill waiting for a new release I recommend these to hold you over. If you haven't read any Andrews book so read those instead, they are way better.

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Ok, I liked this! First, the audiobook was really well done and I enjoyed it very much!

Now to the book yeah? I thought this paranormal fantasy was really good! I felt interested throughout the book and the character development was great. THE DIALOG is amazing! I love witty characters and banter and this book leaves nothing out.

I would defiantly recommend both the book and the audio!

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