Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley. This was a good 1st book of a series. I has a good urban fantasy story with more action with some romance instead of the other way around, The characters are easy to get to know and I will look for the sequel. I liked the narrator which can make or break a book.

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This is a hilarious, fast paced, action filled read (sorry I should say listen😊) I loved every minute of it. The narrator is really good and definitely adds to the experience , brought the story and characters to life far more. I adored Ash she is so sarcastic and funny, there is fantastic chemistry and fun, but you need to read or listen to this yourself. Fabulous entertaining story

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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Listened to audio narrated by well by Deborah Wilde. I really enjoyed the narration and was pulled right into the story.

Ashira Cohen is a private investigator and believed all her life that she was a mundane. It turns out she is a Nefresh, a person with power. Her power is rare and in this first installment it's all about her figuring out, who was behind inhibiting her power and what she can do with her power as she searches for missing children and how to combat black tentacles that kill people.

Ashira isn't afraid to do what needs to be done because it's the right thing to do, even if it means sparking off with Levi the head of Nefresh House.

Levi Montefiore is the Head of the Nefresh House and he and Ashira have been bickering with each other since they first met at camp when they were kids. As they work together to deal with her new powers and solve this case their animosity turns to something more. They may have sparks but it's only a small part of this urban fantasy mystery.

This was an entertaining read, it's rooted in Jewish mythology, a feisty leading lady, with a good blend of mystery, action and interesting characters. I can't wait to read the next installment of the 'The Jezebel Files' and learn more about Ashira and Levi.

I received an audio copy through NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving a review. If you like my reviews I hope you will follow my blog.

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I loved this story! the characters are fun and easy to get to know and identify with. The snarkyness of the main character makes her stand out and her need to give everyone nicknames is wonderful. The fact that she loved Sherlock holmes and is a private investigator who calls her best friend and flatmate Adler is just amazing.

The way the magic in the setting works is new, quirky and very awesome. Its compleatly new and fresh from the way magic has been handled in fantasy/scfi before.

I truely loved this read and finished listening to it in just 24 hours. I had to know what what happend next. if you love mysteries with a touch of magic these are truely the read for you!

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Loved the funny fast paced mystery. The dialogue is amazing with the narrator. This is an addictive series.

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Blood and Ash is the first book in Deborah Wilde's new urban fantasy series set in Vancouver, Canada.
Ashira (Ash) Cohen has been pursuing her childhood dream of becoming the best possible private investigator possible. She inherited her love of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson fictional world from her father Adam Cohen who used to read to her Conan Doyle's books. Then one day Adam just walked out of Ashira and her mother's life never to be seen again. Ash went through a difficult time trying to accept her father's decision. She also vouched to herself never to be a victim or 'a mark' of somebody else's games or tricks.
We meet Ash as she is doing a surveillance job on a rebellious teenager Charlotte Rose. The taskthat was supposed to be a piece of cake almost lands Ash herself in hot trouble as she discovers that her client hid her daughter's magic powers. Being a mundane, Ash is banned from working cases like that. She could lose her licence, but this is the least of her worries. During the fight she got a superficial wound on her head that damaged a magic tattoo that Ash didn't have any idea about. Keen to investigate her own case, Ash also makes a life-altering discovery- she suddenly develops an odd kind of blood magic that isn't even supposed to exist. Now she is in big trouble with the head of the local magic community Levi Montefiore.
The world-building in this book was just brilliant. Based on Jewish culture references, it was original and kept my interest throughout the book. Ash is a strong protagonist. Snarky, independent, prone to dropping an occasional f-bomb, she is also a loyal friend and a decent person who has her heart in the right place. I adored Priya, Ash's best friend, flatmate and the only collaborator. Add steamy romance with tall, dark and handsome Levi who also happens to be Ash's childhood friend/nemesis.
Hollie Jackson did a wonderful job of giving all these characters (and many others) their unique voices. From Ash's begging for morning coffee voice to Charlotte Rose's teen sulkiness, Levi's irresistible charm and Priya's unfaltering enthusiam, Hollie Jackson showed a great range of expression. I also found that I never wanted to listen at a slower or faster rate, The story had a great flow and at the end of every chapter I wanted to hear just another one, until I listened to the whole book.
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this audiobook and now I can't wait to find out what is going to happen in the next instalment of the series.

Thank you to NetGalley, and Te Da media for the audiobook review copy provided in exchange for an honest opinion.

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I read the e-book for this awhile ago and I fell in love with the story. So when I saw that it was in audio, I jumped on the chance to listen and I still love it! The narration made the characters come to live. It is exactly the kind of book I love. Ash is a snarky, funny as hell main character. She is a private investigator who though she was completely human... until she wasn't. dun dun dun.. She has to partner up with Levi for a case and they have the whole "I hate you but I really want to see you naked thing" and that's always a good time. I loved seeing them get close and I loved the storyline. I am looking forward to the next book.

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I am so happy that NetGalley has audiobooks now! This is my first one through them.
I liked the premise of this, it just lacked in world building and was confusing. Ash is a cool main character, she's strong and tough and wants to help people. She has past trauma and is working past that, luckily she has her best friend Priya. She's super smart and pretty hilarious and their friendship was cute.

My biggest problem was the different types of magic. I didn't understand them and got confused as to who had magic and why and what the houses mean exactly. I needed clarification that I didn't get.

Levi is sexy and I liked his and Ash's longtime frenemy relationship, but he was so hot and cold and it irritated me. They had some good chemistry and seem to belong to each other, he just needs to commit to that.

The narration was pretty good and the audiobook helped me speed through this.

I received a copy of this audiobook from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

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3.5 stars

When I saw an Urban Fantasy Romance available as an audiobook on Netgalley, I knew I had to request it. I feel like it's been a little while since I read a book in that genre and while this was entertaining and funny, I don't think my need for UFR is completely satisfied.

In Blood & Ash, you'll follow Ash, a mundane who grew up thinking she had no powers whatsoever. However, one day, she finds out she actually has magic - blood magic. She can take powers from others if she wishes to. When people start to be missing, she'll try to find them with Levi, the guy she hates but hate can turn into lust and love.

Overall, I enjoyed listening to this book but I felt like I never really grasped the bigger plot, the world and how magic worked there. It was all confusing and not well explained. The pace was perhaps too quick and therefore I felt like it was a bit messy. Also, I enjoyed the romance and the banter at first but in the end, it was a little lackluster especially after Levi went on a date with another woman after kissing Ash.

(Thank you for letting me listen and review an ARC via Netgalley)

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Blood and Ash is the first book in Deborah Wilde's series The Jezebel Files. This audio book is really fun. The MC Ashira is a spitfire full of snarky attitude. I found myself laughing outload and the narrator did an excellent job bringing the story to life.

The book has good character development and world building which will hopefully be explored more deeply in future books. I would definitely like to see an expansion of the characters and maybe a bit of backstory to help make the overall arc be fully fleshed out.

Overall, this is a great beginning to a new series with many adventures to come.

I received this audio book from NetGalley for an honest review.

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A nice listenable new Urban Fantasy novel. Set in modern day, but people with magic abilities are registered and subject to their own governance. Of course there are factions that don't want them to have the same freedom as the "normal/mundane" people.

I really liked the hate to love romance. Also the female friendship was refreshing without competition.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The first installment of the Jezebel Files series, Blood & Ash tells us the tales of magic being infused into the air, in secret and in the open. We are thrown into Ashira “Ash” Cohen’s world as she investigates a missing person’s case before she is thrust into the knowledge of her possessing magic herself.

I rated Blood & Ash four stars as it was a very interesting to read about Ash’s journey when she was not only trying to succeed in her missing person’s case but in discovering her magic and the mystery behind how she got her magic now and what happened to her past.

I found the plot to be very interesting to read and fascinating and I really enjoyed reading about Ash’s magic growing throughout the book.

The narration for this book was not something I favored while listening to this book but I think that overall it was a nice read and very enjoyable to hear about all the growth in Ash and her magic was well as the plot development.

However while I did enjoy this, I found the plot was rather basic. I think that with more development this story could have been a much stronger book one and could have really lead into book two much smoother and better. While I liked the magic that was in the book, I felt like there could have easily been more incorporation the the magic. We got Ash’s experiences with magic here and there but while it was a big part of the story, it didn’t feel like it was, like it was a minor part of the story.

I did enjoy the way Ash grew stronger as a character throughout the story. I really enjoyed reading more through her view and investigating the missing person’s case was really interesting to read especially the banter between her and Levi, her long-time nemesis and her partner in this investigation. They had a lot of good moments between the two of them as well as some tension between the two that were cute and I loved reading them together.

I did enjoy this book and hoped that there would have been more to this book than what was given.

Thank you again to NetGalley for providing me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Audio-arc provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

For me, this was an example of a perfectly competent author who perhaps wasn't entirely to my taste, but nevertheless narrated with flare, kept my attention and brought the story to life. So in terms of audio book quality, this definitely passes the taste test.

I started off feeling that this was a typical UF with a cut out bog standard sexy romantic subplot. And I was wrong. Yes Blood & Ash does hit the standard UF tropes - sassy heroine - check, brooding love interest - check, mysterious power - check and check. However, Wilde makes several unique twists on the beloved original tropes. Ash, the MC, is of Jewish extraction and while she lives a more secular life, her upbringing and the circles her mother moves in really affect her life. She might have turned her back on a lot of it but she is still a product of her upbringing. Similarly, magic users are allegedly all descended from one of the ten tribes of Israel and are therefore specific types and confined by these traditions. No magic user can access all the types of magic. When you find out what Ash's mysteriously activated and hitherto unknown power is, it's absolutely delicious. (Suck it Bible scholars!) Similarly, Levi, the sort-of love interest, while rich, handsome and brooding, has a lot more depth than your average alpha male love interest as well as a surprising sweet side.

I didn't love Ashira to start with. Partly because she was almost too snarky (I know, I wouldn't have thought that could be possible either) because she used it as a defence mechanism that kept everyone away from her, including the reader. She is also quite crass. I am not bothered by swearing but in the early part of the book it felt like the Fs and blinds were obscuring the story and how Ashira crudely described things was a bit off putting. I like wit that doesn't rely on crudeness. That said as I got to know her, I found myself rooting for her. I felt for her as we learn more about her father and I winced but also nodded at how that made her interact with others.

Overall this is a fast paced and fun story. I definitely want to read the rest of the series.

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Blood and Ash is the first book in Deborah Wilde's new series The Jezebel Files. The main character, Ashira Cohen has a snarky attitude that I found absolutely hilarious and the narrator did an excellent job executing.
Just from book one we have a decent set of characters and some world building, so I can see this developing into a good series down the road.
I think I would have enjoyed this more with a prequel. Something that goes over Ash's accident. Her childhood. Her past with Levi. All of these are things that heavily shaped her personality and are referred to frequently throughout the story but not really explained. It makes it difficult to connect with the characters.
Overall, I think this was a good start to the series and I will happily continue the adventure with Ash and company in the future.

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Ashtray is a mundane private investigator, non magic user. Based in Vancouver BC Canada, the author uses great descriptions to make you feel like you are there. When kids go missing Ash starts looking into where they are going. During her investigation she discovers that she does in fact have magic, blood magic to boot. Blood magic doesn’t exist though. When Levi, the infuriating leader of the magic community and long time nemesis of Ash find out, he hires her to discover where it came from and where the kids are disappearing to.
This start to get steaming between the two as they investigate together.
Lots of good humor and back and forth jabs. The narrator does an awesome job with the voices. Definitely keeps you wanting to hear more.
This is the first in the Jezebel Files from author Deborah Wilde.

#bloodashthejezebelfiles1, #netgalley, #indigoemployee

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I wasn’t sure about this book at first but by chapter two I was really into it. It seemed a bit silly and I didn’t really like the narrator but it smoothed out my issues fairly early. It turned out to be a really fun urban fantasy book with a few cute nods to Sherlock Holmes and Jewish mythology.

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This book takes you into a world parallel to ours. It show cases how adding in one element, in this case magic, can change different parts of society as well as what would not change. For example there are still people who are prejudice but against those with magic rather than other reasons that are prevalent in our own society.

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I loved this audio book! Blood & Ash is self-described as an urban fantasy mystery and that sums it up!

Unlike many supernatural mysteries I've read, this one is rooted in Jewish mythology and I loved it!

The characters are relatable and fun to follow. There is so much personality in the main character that you can't help but like her! Also, she swears just enough to seem real!

This is definitely not appropriate to listen to at work (or read on a work device). There is just enough NSFW material in it to not take that change.

The narration was perfection. I am looking forward to reading future books in this series. One book wasn't enough for me!

I received a free copy of this audio book in exchange for my honest review from NetGalley and the publisher.

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This was my first audiobook, but I wasn't that impressed with the reader. The book was great! The story drew me in and I could almost visualize it! But that's where the reader lost me. I loved the take on magic and how it was created by Jewish men being lazy with their communion with God. There are so many threads that correspond with what is happening today. The book has racism, but against the magical community. There are sympathizers to the magical cause and even celebrated milestones for the magical community. Add to it all a menace that is sucking the life out powerful magicals, and the only female private investigator in Vancouver who is a mundane (ordinary human), and you have a great book! I can't wait for the follow up!

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Thank you NG for having this audiobook available and ready to listen.

Going to be honest I wasn’t sure what to expect going into this.. but I really enjoyed this story! It kept me entertained the whole way through and the narrator did a great job both the voices! The story line kept me guessing and I can’t wait to learn more about Ash’s magic. Levi was 🔥 also 😏

Looking forward to book 2!

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