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Graeme and Henley work for the same company, but have only met via tele- and video-conferences. None the less, they have an adversarial relationship that only gets worse when their boss pits them against each odor a promotion.

This is a light, fun, beach (or cruise!) read. Their relationship has a lot of ups and downs, with a few amusing supporting characters thrown in for interest. I think you’ll enjoy the book as much as I did.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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I loved The Hating Game, so I had high hopes this premise would be just as fun — and it was! I loved the main characters' chemistry, even though some of the supporting characters somewhat annoyed me. Of course, the setting deserves a huge mention. The description of the Galapagos and its wildlife was beautiful. It made me want to book a trip ASAP.

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I really liked this book! I thought it had a great plot and the writing was really good. I was immediately interested in the book because the description compared it to The Unhoneymooners (one of my favorite books) and The Hating Game. I really liked both of those books so I was pulled into this one. I must say that I love the kind of story where the characters hate each other, or just like in The Hating Game there's only really one person who is hating. I just love when it's all because of a miscommunication and this one was done really well. I thought the ending was really good as well but as usual I would have loved an epilogue. I feel like at times though it was almost a direct rip off of the books mentioned especially The Hating Game. Like sometimes it just felt identical but otherwise it was its own unique story. I did like the plot that they go on the cruise together though at times I was really confused as to why Walsh was with them. It wasn't until the end that I understood Walsh's part in the whole story, before that it was kind of like and why is she here? In general I thought there were some great side characters but at times I just didn't understand their purpose at the moment they were mentioned. Overall I really liked Graeme (still don't know how to actually pronounce the name) and Henley they were really cute and nice characters. I give this book 4 stars!

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This book was adorable! I loved the unique setting. The cruise ship and island were beautifully rendered. Henley was such an active character who went after what she wanted, and I related a lot to her ambition. She was still likable even though she made a ton of mistakes. I especially loved her sister Walsh! I really hope Hockman writes a book about her (wink wink). Reading this book was like going on a little cruise myself!

Thanks to Net Galley and Gallery books for this ARC!

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This was cute and with a fun premise that I personally haven't seen before in a romance novel. I thought the characters were well developed and enjoyed how their relationship developed. Now I'm dying to travel to the Galapagos! Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital ARC.

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This was a really fun, quick read for lovers of chick lit. The heroine is Henley, a woman living in Seattle who's going through a "slump" in life, who feels like she's stuck in the same place both professionally and personally. In order to vie for a promotion at work (a cruise company with a rather unimaginative name...), she ends going on a cruise in the Galapagos with her enemy, competing for the same promotion. Overall, it was a sweet story albeit parts of the story were pretty cliched and trite, and the writing isn't as sharp as some of the British chick lit writers (like Sophie Kinsella). But I liked the millennial style of writing (with texts), and I enjoyed the female workplace empowerment plot point (which arguably was more central than the romance) as well as the conservationism and corporate responsibility plot points (although pretty ironic given that this is a cruise company...). Recommend for those looking for a easy, fun read! (thank you Netgalley!!)

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This book was too much! It has everything!! A hard working, caring, lead with an amazing support system, a mysterious work enemy turned friend turned lover, and a close quarters trip to a super fun location. I absolutely devoured this. I was rooting for all the characters the whole time.

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2.5/5 stars

This novel is billed as “The Hating Game” meets the “Unhoneymooners” which are two of my favorite romances. That billing is correct, jut the two other books are better. I liked this one well enough and had a fun time reading it, but the plot and characters were not developed well enough for me.

I did not like either of the characters. Henley was fine? I got that she was ambitious, but she was annoying too. (I hate calling female characters annoying and I tried so hard to get where she was coming from, but I just couldn’t). In the end it all comes “full circle” and all that jazz, but I just did not like how she was written. Graeme was just fine? He did some cute things, but aside from being SO HOT and having a tragic backstory dude was just a mediocre love interest. Plus, in hate to love stories I need some GOOD BANTER and this was just not it.

Overall, I would suggest reading something else unless you really want a cruise ship romance.

TW: brief mentions of abusive relationship to side character

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Incredibly fun read about two characters competing for a promotion at their travel company while butting heads and falling in love!

Shipped has great characters, an amazing setting where you get to feel as though you have been transported to the Galápagos Islands, but also a great story of strong women in the workplace.

This book has everything I love for in a romance, enemies to lovers, slow burn, and incredible shared experiences with fun banter mixed in. I’m looking forward to reading more from Angie in the future!

I received a free copy of this book from netgalley in return for an honest review.

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"Shipped" was a solidly entertaining read which also touched on several points about modern society that are always good to remember - corporate inequality, toxic relationships, 'mansplaining', and the environment to name a few.

The story revolves around two co-workers who'd gotten off on the wrong foot, Henley Evans and Graeme Crawford-Collins. Pitted against one another for a promotion, their boss sends them on a cruise of the Galapagos Islands to develop their proposals for their big pitch at the new job. Add in Henley's struggling little sister, an over-amorous Russian admirer, and a stereotypical complaint-driven middle-aged guest and you've got the makings for some very entertaining encounters.

The scenery was exquisitely written. I felt like I was experiencing the beauty of the Galapagos with each stop described on the cruise. The author has clearly traveled to these places and it shows in the respect and awe she feeds into each stop along the way. From iguanas, to flamingos, to sunsets, it was beautifully done.

My one issue with this book is that it may have tried to cram too much into one story. It's not that everything wasn't well-resolved, but this book bordered on being too neatly tied up in the end and that kept me from awarding a full 5-stars. It was still a great read and I would recommend it for anyone who's planning a vacation or better still, someone who needs to escape everyday life but can't afford to actually get away. But I would be lying if I said there weren't some frustrating points to this story that are difficult for me to put into words.

** I was provided an ARC of this novel through Net Galley in exchange for my honest review. **

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3.5 stars
SHIPPED is a fun rom-com following Henley and Graeme, two employees up for the same promotion, as they take their company's cruise to the Galapagos. This was compared to THE HATING GAME and THE UNHONEYMOONERS, and I completely agree. The tropical setting was done so well; the cruise ship gave off great vibes and the islands they stopped at were so atmospheric and a lot of fun. I also liked Henley & Graeme's relationship. They had your typical enemies-to-lovers relationship progression, though I thought Henley's initial dislike of Graeme was unfounded and made the "hate" element of the relationship seem less real. As they became better friends, though, their relationship became more believable and real. Henley's relationship with her career really became more center toward the end of the book and I liked the progression of her work while she realized what she wanted out of her life and career over the course of the book. Overall, this will be a great read to put you in the traveling summer mood.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I love the cover of this book so much, it made it clear this was a summer read I needed since summer is not what we were all hoping it would be. This was a fun read for me I'd recommend if you're looking for

-enemies to lovers
-vacation romance
-close proximity
-lip sync contest
-amazing wildlife and descriptions
-amazing banter and chemistry
-a great cast of supporting characters

This was a fun read. I enjoy how independent and feisty Henley was. I think the book benefited from only having her POV, leaving Graeme as a bit of a mystery, his character developing. He was sweet, Henley's journey in her office was equally compelling, dealing with a mysoginistic boss, trying to get ahead and ignoring the rest of her life. This was a great read romance, mixed with self-discovery for both Henley and Graeme.

Rating: 4

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Henley and Graeme, two rivals vying for the same promotion at work end up forced to take a cruise together in a delightful enemies to lovers adventure story.

This book was enjoyable. I started reading it on my lunch break and actually rescheduled a task til later in the day so I could keep reading! The chemistry between Graeme and Henley is well developed and, where many books are entirely focused on the end point of the characters getting together, in this case I truly enjoyed the journey as much as the destination. One aspect of the story telling that stood out to me was the banter between the main characters. I thought it was just witty enough to feel surprising and fresh without slipping into stereotypes.

I also very much enjoyed the backdrop of the Galapagos islands. I think it would have been easy to overdo it on the details about the islands & wildlife, but the author added just enough elements to make the setting seem vibrant and realistic without overpowering the characters and their story. I loved how the setting added an escapist vibe that let me imagine just for a little bit that I was on a cruise / tropical island rather than quarantined in my house.

I did feel the ending was a little unrealistic in how favorable everything turned out for all the main characters, but in some ways thats the fun of a happy ending. I would definitely recommend this to friends & readers and especially to anyone who loves travel romance.

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The to-do list on Henley's phone takes top priority in her life, especially when a promotion at Seaquest, the boutique cruise line where she's worked for the past few years, has her on the shortlist to be selected as the new marketing manager. All that stands between her and the position is a guy she's never met in person, but who may have done her dirty on one of her best marketing efforts to date. None the less, this MBA student is determined. She just needs to take a cruise with Graeme Crawford-Collins, her nemesis . . . and direct competition for the job. Graeme, well he's a hottie, and sparks do fly. Which is great, but not the best part. Henley is named after Don of Eagles fame and she is a rockstar, girl boss on the rise. So when life isn't fair, Henley finds she can do better than her to-do list. Inspirational and adventurous, with a perfect title, Shipped is fun female empowerment at its best!

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Henley has a sister Walsh. I like the name Henley. Henley is twenty eight years old. She is taking classes and getting her career together. She is in huge competition with Graeme. I couldn't connect with the characters.

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Ok, this was adorable. Seriously- I just wanted to give this book a hug for being too cute.

This book had a ton of warm and fuzzy moments. The characters were quirky and individualistic, which was sweet. If there’s anything I’m a sucker for, it’s a good rendition of the “hate... but really love” trope.

Although this piece was absolutely adorable, there were some items that didn’t really click with me. The antagonistic vibes had a very short-lived existence. The piece also concluded in an overly fortunate way... but who doesn’t love happy endings, right?
Thank you so much for the opportunity to read this book! A more comprehensive review will be posted on social media closer to the date of release.

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For fans of Christina Lauren and Helena Hunting, Shipped is a charming, contemporary workplace romance between Henley Rose and her rival Graeme. They're both up for a promotion and their boss sends them both on company cruise. Their assignment is to come up with a digital marketing plan - best one earns the promotion.

Henley is driven, earning her MBA while working at a cruise company full time, trying to climb the corporate ladder. Graeme who's been working remotely is standing between Henley and the digital marketing manager position - defeating him is a constant on her to-do list. Henley's drive is relatable as is the workplace discrimination she combats.

The cruise and the Galapogos destination are gorgeously described.

Shipped is charming, light and a fast-paced read. Both of the MCs, while they each have emotional baggage, are likable. But for me, the relationship felt like it happened too quickly, too easily. And the particulars of the HEA were all too obvious, chapters before it happens.

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I honestly cannot say enough good things about this book. It’s by far one of my favorite romance novels I have read in a long time. I loved that the book focused on important issues such as sexism in the workplace and some heavier relationship problems. The romance between Henley and Graeme was full of sparks and I loved it. I would 100% recommend this book! I can’t WAIT to see more by this author. Fantastic debut.

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Henley Evans is a marketing professional for a cruise line who has approximately zero time for herself, let alone friendships and relationships. She is obsessed with getting a promotion and working on her MBA. Her work rival Graeme is up for the same promotion and nothing will stop her from beating him. Her last professional hurdle before landing this promotion is a marketing campaign to boost reservations on their Galapagos Islands tour with a major catch - Henley and Graeme have to actually go on the cruise...together.

Billed as a cross between The Hating Game and The Unhoneymooners, I was BESIDE myself with excitement for this book. However, I think this comparison really did the book a disservice. While I did see echoes of the two stories, Shipped is really much more about a woman's journey to self confidence and a healthy sense of professional accomplishment and female friendships than the other two were. Honestly, the second half of the book reminded me of something Sophie Kinsella would write more than anything.

Henley and Graeme are both insufferable for about the first half of the story. And I wanted to push Henley's sister Walsh off the damn cruise ship. It was a struggle to keep reading sometimes.

BUT. The second half is just fabulous. Angie Hockman does a wonderful job of weaving in a beautiful story of sisters learning to lean on each other and trust each other alongside the workplace drama. And I LOVE how Henley worked with other female coworkers at the end. Basically, I love a good enemies to lovers romance, but what makes this book so good is the empowering female relationships.

Also (SLIGHT SPOILER) I loved the ecotourism aspect. Always appreciate a good romcom with an important real world message!

Steam note: fade to black/closed door.

Thank you NetGalley, Gallery, and Angie Hockman for my eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC.

As soon as I saw this book had the same vibe as The Hating Game, I knew I had to try it! Shipped gave me all of my favorite romantic comedy feels with an exotic, vacation take and I LOVED it!

Shipped revolves around Henley, a hard working woman who has high career goals. She is fighting for a promotion against her office rival, Graeme. As a part of competing for the promotion, for research purposes, they are assigned to go on their company's cruise in the Galapagos and return home with the perfect pitch. The twist is, they have never met each other in person and will find their assignment may be a little more complicated than they originally thought...

Shipped has such a wonderful mix of adventure, heartfelt scenes, complicated sibling relationships, and witty banter between Henley and Graeme.

I read this book in one day, it was the perfect escape I needed!

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