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Her Amish Wedding Quilt

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Her Amish Wedding Quilt by Winnie Griggs

The beginning is so sweet the end is a great read.

Gretta is a young girl picking blackberries, Noah is skipping rocks at the pond.
17 years later

Greta's male friends seem to find their forever woman leaving Greta without a beau. Over the years she has become an accomplished quilter.

The rest of the story belongs to Greta and Noah. Cherish the beginning and enjoy the rest.

This book was provided by NetGalley and the publisher. The review is my own.

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I am in love with Amish books right now! They are the type of stories that are calming to me, reminding me that life can be simplified, and families can work together to help each other succeed. I've always admired the Amish and their work ethic, so much so that my bedroom set was purchased from an actual woodworking shop in an Amish community! That could be why Her Amish Wedding Quilt was such an amazing read for me, since in my mind I got my bed set from Noah's shop!

Normally, I do not get in the "can't put it down" mode with Amish books. They're usually my leisure reads when I feel like reading something, but am not in the mood for anything too heavy. This is the first Amish-themed book that I seriously could not put down.

This is also the first book that I've ever read by Winnie Griggs, but she has me spellbound with this new series! I don't know what it is about her writing that is so captivating, but she truly puts you there, in the minds and hearts of both Noah and Greta, feeling every raw emotion right along with them. I picked it up thinking I was in for another leisure read, but instead I was captivated from beginning to end, craving to see how the story played out. I was pleasantly surprised when things didn't work out as I thought they would, and loved all the little twists and turns.

I am already impatiently waiting for the next installment in the Hope's Haven series, and I'm kicking myself for not reading any of Winnie Griggs's books until now! Hands down, this is my favorite Amish read of 2020.

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Her Amish Wedding Quilt was my first time reading a book by Winnie Griggs. From the first paragraph of the book I was drawn in and engaged in the story. The characters, Greta and Noah, are easy to befriend and cheer for along the way. I love that Greta stays true to herself even if others try to get her to change. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes reading about the Amish or Christian fiction.
I received a copy from Forever publishing and Net Galley in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to give a positive review, all opinions are entirely my own.

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There’s much to love in this sweet Amish novel by Winnie Griggs. The two main characters, Noah and Greta, have compelling stories that quickly drew me into this book. Greta is a lovely, spunky, and compassionate young woman who has a knack for matchmaking and solving problems. However, the men who have courted her have wanted wives with quieter personalities, and Greta finds her marriage chances slowly fading away. Noah’s a widower who needs a wife and mother for his two young children. He doesn’t want to experience romance again, so he’s looking for a wife who will love his children but accept a marriage proposal that more of a business relationship. Greta agrees to find a wife for Noah. However, there are surprises ahead for both Noah and Greta as they find their lives taking an unexpected turn.

Greta is the heart and soul of this story. Since her mother’s death, she’s struggled with finding full acceptance and love from her father. I was hoping she would find a fellow who would love her for just being herself. It was interesting watching Noah’s character develop as the story moved forward. I liked this author’s writing style and the way she let her characters grow and change. I will be interested in reading more of her books. This is sweet and clean, heart-touching romance.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Her Amish Wedding Quilt is the first book I have read by Winnie Griggs and I found it very uplifting and enjoyable. The story begins on New Years Day and Greta is ready for a new beginning. She believes this is the day her good friend will acknowledge that there is more between them. Sadly, though, she is mistaken. In an attempt to get her mind off of her loss, she agrees to help her friend Noah find a wife. Noah, for his part, is looking more for a business arrangement then a love match. However, as they spend time together, the two may find that they are both looking at what they need! The story was well written and a lot of fun. I enjoyed getting to know the characters and seeing the choices they made. Greta is a delightful young lady who you can't help but love. And Noah is such a strong, responsible person that you just want the best for him. I am thankful to #NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book. I will be looking for more by Winnie Griggs! All opinions are my own. #Bookstagram #all_the_pages

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This was my first book by Winnie Griggs and I just loved it. The story had me from the first page and I could not lay it down.

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A well written Amish romance. Fans of Amish fiction will enjoy this book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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This is my first book by author Winnie Griggs and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Greta and Noah’s story will sure stay with me for a good long while. Greta is part owner of a gift shop, but she also has a gift as a matchmaker. Noah is raising his children on his own, with help from family but now he needs to find someone to marry to be a mom to his two small children. Greta was happy to help find Noah a bride, since she has been doing so well at her matchmaking.

I love these characters, so well created by the author. Greta was a pretty good matcher but the problem this time was that the more she and Noah spent time together, the more they were attracted to each other. It was fun to watch the interactions between the two. And to watch Greta with Noah’s children. This is a really sweet Amish romance and on I highly recommend.

A special thanks to the author/publisher for a copy of this book. I am not required to write a positive review, the opinions here are mine alone. I am disclosing this with my review in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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Spirited and headstrong, Greta Eicher has resigned herself to the single life. Now that her best friend, Calvin, has chosen another woman, Greta feels it's best that she carry on without getting married. Besides, she likes who she is and sees no need to change for anyone. So she carries on with her work at the quilt show, matchmaking for friends, and help care for widow Noah Stoll's two young children.

So when Noah asked for help in finding himself a new wife and mother for his children, Greta jumps in. After all, she's successfully matched several couples and feels she knows exactly what Noah needs. But when none of her suggestions work out, Greta extends an unusual offer... a marriage of convenience... a home and children for her... a wife and caregiver for Noah and his children. Still as much as the two connect as partners, something is off and threatens the future of their marriage. Can they work through their difficulties to get what they both want?

This was a new to me author, but since it was Amish fiction, I was intrigued. And I have to say that Winnie Grigg's writing did not disappoint. Although there were some elements of the story that were predictable, the characters were so well written that all predictability was forgiven. Both Greta and Noah were easily relatable as well as several of the more minor characters. I especially love the way Greta was written with plenty of sweetness, but also very human. She's a strong woman who knows how to value others, but still stand up for who she is.

The story was engaging right away, and although the book was over 300 pages, I didn't want to put it down. Yes the end was satisfying, but I was left wanting more. The characters were just that lifelike. Grigg's writing had me pulled into the plot like from beginning to end and I'll definitely be looking for more work from this author.

*Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

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Readers of Amish romance/fiction will appreciate "Her Amish Wedding Quilt," the first book in a new series. Greta possesses a forthright personality that seems off-putting to her Amish suitors. Disappointed in her recent relationship with Calvin, Greta immerses herself in her quilt shop and quilt design business. She also takes on the role of matchmaker to find her old friend Noah a new wife and mother for his children. However, Greta and Noah are in for a few surprises and moments of truth as they work together on this project.

The characters in this novel are likeable and realistic, with fears and dreams with which most readers can identify. The children are adorable and steal the show! Throw in a cat and kittens, an Amish craft mall, a cranky mother, and some scheming friends, and you have the makings of this likeable novel. I greatly enjoyed learning about Greta's artistic quilt designs too. The plot moves along quickly, engaging reader interest and motivation to continue.

Although some readers might find the story predictable, there are moments of surprise and suspense, with unpredictable plot twists and turns. (There will no doubt be some readers who want to give the characters a good shake at times, as I did!) I am looking forward to reading other books in this series, and hopefully will find out more about some of the characters introduced in this first installment. There are no cliffhangers or unfinished threads in this novel. Readers who seek a clean read, without strong language or graphic violence or intimacy, will find this well worth their time.

I received this book from the publisher and from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are entirely my own.

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Greta had a very close relationship with her mother before her mother passed away when Greta was a young teen. Feeling as though no one else understands her she takes up quilting which makes her feel closer to her mother and what she was being taught and offered a lot of encouragement by her mother before her death.
I love starting a new series because we get to meet new characters and learn the ins and outs of them, their little quirks and what's important to them.
When a love interest turns out to not choose her as she had thought would happen she pours her time and energy into quilt making feeling that connection with her mother.
She also decides it'll be her duty to be a matchmaker for handsome widower Noah who has two younger children when he decides it's time to remarry.
What she doesn't count on is falling in love with him herself .
Can this couple trust in God's timing to make a love match that will weather all storms?
Lovely book strong in encouragement,faith,hope and perseverance.
I enjoyed it and look forward to the next in the series.
Be sure to try the delicious recipe in the back of the book as well.

Pub Date 15 Dec 2020
I was given a complimentary copy of this book. Thank you
All opinions expressed are my own.

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This was my first book by author Winnie Griggs, but it won’t be the last. I found her style of writing to be engaging and enjoyable. I’m looking forward to book two in the series.

Her Amish Wedding Quilt caught my attention right from the beginning. Greta is not the typical Amish woman and she often made me laugh. Noah is quite the guy, and doesn’t have a clue what he wants. Both need healing from the past, learning to trust God. These characters have depth, and I’d love to invite them over for dinner.

There were many unexpected turns in this story, which made it even more fun to read. I’m sure I stayed up too late just to see what happened next. Add in two adorable children and you have a book that will keep you up late, too.

If you enjoy Amish fiction that isn’t the typical story then I highly recommend reading this one.

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.

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Her Amish Wedding Quilt by Winnie Griggs is a well written Amish romance. This is book one in the Hope's Haven Series. This was the first book by Ms Griggs I have read but look forward to reading more in the future..
This story has a little twist that I haven't read in any of the stories I have read. The characters are relatable and likeable. The story has a great flow that draws you in and you will love Greta, the smart, strong willed protagonist.
I was given an ARC by NetGalley for an honest review.

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Her Amish Wedding Quilt by Winnie Griggs is the first novel in the Hope’s Haven series. Her Amish Wedding Quilt is a sweet story. This is the first book that I have read by Winnie Griggs and I enjoyed it. Greta Eicher is a feisty main character. I like that she had spunk and spoke her mind. Greta likes who she is, and she was not going to change for anyone (hooray for her). Greta was also kind, thoughtful, caring, strong, creative, and a woman of faith. Noah is the strong silent type who cares deeply. He loves his family especially his two children, Anna and David. He just wanted what was best for his kids. Noah is a skilled craftsman who makes beautiful furniture. He is also kindhearted man who has had to make some tough decisions. I enjoyed the descriptions of Noah’s furniture and Greta’s beautiful quilts. I especially liked the word images of the special quilt Greta created after Calvin started courting another woman. I thought Her Amish Wedding Quilt was well-written with interesting characters and steady pacing. The romance progressed nicely. There were moments when I wanted to shake Noah. He began to care for Greta early on, but Noah was not willing to admit it nor venture into the love zone. I like how everything came together at the end for a heartwarming ending. There were some humorous moments throughout the story along with “awww’ moments with the darling kids and adorable kittens. The story does have some expected elements, but the rest of the story outweighed that aspect. Her Amish Wedding Quilt is a darling Amish tale with cute kittens, artistic quilt designs, fine furniture, a caring craftsman, a merry matchmaker, and Christmas cheer.

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When it comes to comfort reads, I find that Amish romances often hit the spot. They tend to be sweet and somewhat old-fashioned in courtship practices, which gives them the feel of a year-round, quieter take on Hallmark holiday romances. Her Amish Wedding Quilt is no exception -- it has a bit more angst than other Amish romances I've read, and some moments that made me side-eye the hero for his actions. But ultimately, the novel provides the kind of sweet, feel-good love story I want in my Amish romances, and made for several heartwarming evenings.

Greta Eicher knows that her outspoken and impulsive personality will make it difficult for her to find a match. She dreams of someday marrying her childhood best friend Calvin Stoll, who has always loved her for who she was. When Calvin breaks the news that he's in love with another woman, Greta channels her energy into helping his older brother, Noah, find a new wife and mother for his children. 

Having had his heart broken in the past, Noah is determined his second marriage will be a business arrangement rather than a love match. His sole motivation to marry is to find someone to care for his children, not someone to care for him. Yet as Greta's matchmaking attempts continue to fall short, Noah begins to realize he's developing the very tender feelings he's determined to avoid.

I absolutely loved Greta. She's confident and independent, and she knows very clearly what she wants and needs out of life. She's also a wonderfully realistic mix of romantic and pragmatic -- she recognizes her own growing feelings for Noah, understands that he will not reciprocate, and makes some very level-headed decisions about how to deal with that. She's also very capable with Noah's children, a superstar in the face of medical emergencies (none involving the kids), and brings an adorable kitten named Lemon Drop into her family's life. 

Noah took me a bit longer to warm up to, only because he had a lot more emotional baggage to work through. He had to take on the paternal head-of-the-family role at a young age, which meant he had to make difficult decisions even when he was just a teenager. As an example from the Prologue, when Noah and his brother Calvin were kids, they'd nursed an injured fox back to health. Noah released the fox back into the wild when it was healed, which was the right, and practical, thing to do, but the decision broke Calvin's heart. And Calvin's accusation that Noah didn't care about the fox or about Calvin's feelings stuck in Noah's heart all the way into adulthood. 

It takes Greta a lot of love and nurturing to help break Noah out of his shell, and at times, it was downright frustrating to watch. It was hard at times for me to understand why Greta loved Noah no matter how many times he pushed her away, and there were moments when I thought she'd be much happier as a single woman working on her quilts. One major example is Noah's jealousy of Greta's crush on Calvin. For about the first half of the book, whenever Greta tried to do or say something nice, Noah would accuse her of only trying to get closer to his brother, which honestly I don't believe she deserved. 

I was also somewhat unhappy with how the novel treated Noah's first wife. Their last few months together before her death were strained, because of a decision Noah made that his she didn't agree with. She felt that Noah's decision was unfeeling, which triggered all of Noah's insecurities from his relationship with his brother, and I felt like Greta, the narrative itself, and some of the other characters all hinted that the first wife was wrong for her actions, and that she simply didn't love Noah enough. The problem for me is that while I think Noah made the right decision, I can also understand why it would have hurt his first wife enough to pull away from him. And the book didn't really tell us how Noah tried to rebuild his relationship with her.

All that being said, Noah is still very much a sweetheart for most of the book. He clearly cares for his children, and despite all his protestations, he also very clearly respects and cares deeply for Greta throughout the book. He has developed a hard shell around his heart, and as frustrating as it sometimes was, it was also really heartwarming to see Greta chip her way through it. I also love that despite her great love for him, Greta was never a pushover, and she often called Noah out on his behaviour whenever he did wrong. 

Overall, Her Amish Wedding Quilt is a lovely, heartwarming story. Greta and Noah are wonderful together, and the author kept enough of Noah's inner mushiness revealed throughout to keep us cheering for him and Greta to find their way to their happy future together.


Thanks to Forever Romance for an egalley of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a great book! The author set the story up so that I really felt for both main characters. Greta received quite the disappointment right at the beginning of the story, when the friend that she hoped would ask to court her instead informs her that he will be courting her cousin. I felt so bad for Greta, but I was very impressed with how she picked herself up and looked for other ways that God might use her to help others.

Greta seemed like a good matchmaker. I thought she did an excellent job of trying to understand Noah, even looking below the surface of what he was telling her. It was interesting to learn more about Noah’s first marriage as the story progressed and to understand why he wanted more of a business relationship, rather than a love match when contemplating a future marriage.

Noah and Greta were wonderful characters and I loved seeing them interact with each other all through this novel. I look forward to reading future books in this series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

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Her Amish Wedding Quilt, by Winnie Griggs, is a wonderful story of friendship that grows to much more. This is a written story with warm, caring characters.
Greta is one of three daughter to a single father. He is questioning why they have not married. Greta has matched couples in the past and when a single dad is looking for a mother for his children, she struggles as he does not want a love based relationship.
I enjoyed reading this cute story. I enjoyed seeing the depth of love Noah has for his children. I enjoyed reading how Greta crafted beautiful quilts and how overly helpful she is. I especially liked how she was able to help the brothers to work through things in their past that shaped their current relationship. This story shows how easy it is for just a few things in our youth can shape how we feel toward others.
“I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author. All views expressed are only my honest opinion.”

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As expected, this work of Amish fiction provides a sweet, wholesome read. Possibly less expected, it also provides food for thought about the deep theme of the influence of childhood events on adult relationships, for better or for worse. It also gives hope that through the Spirit we can be victors over our thought-life, taking every every thought captive for Christ.

I enjoyed Noah's story of seeking a helpmate and Greta's of seeking acceptance. I am grateful to have received a complimentary copy of Her Amish Wedding Quilt from Hatchette Book Group via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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HER AMISH WEDDING QUILT is the first book I’ve read by Winnie Griggs. She grabbed me right away, from the very first page and she never let me go. Now I’m kicking myself for not making time to read her previous books! More importantly, I really love the lessons I learned. What we think we want isn’t always what we really want. Home is where the heart is. All those lovely cliches that make us keep reading sweet, clean romances. HER AMISH WEDDING QUILT is very enlightening and filled with love, respect, trust and forgiveness.

HER AMISH WEDDING QUILT is a very captivating story and will have you flipping the pages quickly to see what happens. I was instantly caught up in the story of Greta Eicher and Noah Stoll . When I finished reading this wonderful story I was happy and sad at the same time. The story was great but I wasn’t ready to leave all of the strong, caring characters. HER AMISH WEDDING QUILT is like a big bar of Godiva chocolate, you want to devour the whole thing at once but you know you will get more pleasure by savoring each chapter. This is a carefully woven story of two lovely people who have truly loved and suffered loss.

HER AMISH WEDDING QUILT is filled with twists and turns and had me swiping the pages way too late one night to finish! I had to know where Winnie Griggs was taking us and what would happen to all the people in this wonderful community. There is so much heart in Winnie’s writing that I was left with a huge smile on my face and my heart very happy. All of the characters are very interesting and believable, so much so that I felt as if I’ve known them for a long time. Fans of Amish fiction will love this book!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Forever Publishing. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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A thoroughly charming matchmaking romance, of friendship, faith, and family.

From the very beginning I loved Greta for her practical and sensible approach to things, she is a problem solver, with a big heart. Greta is an incredibly loyal friend, I loved how she is an encourager, and has a way of making everyone feel valued, speaking truth while being tactful.

This is an engaging story, with a full cast of characters ( I hope to see many of them in future books). I loved the strong sense of community and family in this story, though I will admit it was hard at first to keep all the characters straight, but only in the very beginning.

I really like how this book has a strong emphasis on friendship and family. Noah is an excellent father, and is much more reserved than Greta, but he ponders things deeply.

Overall, this was a highly engaging read with a fun plot twists, and well developed protagonists that you can cheer for to the end. I look forward to returning to Hope Haven in the future. A heartwarming read that I couldn't put down. Highly recommend!

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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