Member Reviews

Custom Built is a fast, furious and suspenseful read. Bronte and Crow story is surrounded by Mystery, Romance and emotions.

I would recommend this story to all readers.

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As always with this author, you cannot go wrong by reading one of her books. This is Book 1 of a new series, Fast & Fury, though I suspect we'll see cameos from some fan favorites, as this author tends to give the readers little sneak peeks across her entire literary universe. When female lead character, Bronte, takes a new job at a motorcycle shop, she's desperate to start her life fresh and new. But Crow, her new boss, isn't going to make it easy on her. Bronte and Crow clash from the very beginning, but who doesn't love a whole lot of angst and pushback with their romance? I know I do! And this one does not disappoint in either department. There are little twists and turns around a lot of corners with this one, and I can't wait to see where the author will take the rest of the series.

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This book was a mess of unnecessary and unrealistic situations, with random characters and stories that I didn't knew about, and the most non MC storyline that I've ever read in a MC book.

It didn't started bad though...
Quite the contrary actually.
It started with a good introduction of the characters and their whereabouts.
It was a cliche situation with the sheltered girl and the grumpy bad boy member of a MC club, but it was interesting enough to continue... and for that, I'm giving my two stars.

But then the messy twists started to happen and it didn't stopped until the end.
A few things made sense to the story at first, but mostly were there just to add some kind of shocking or emotional factor (or maybe just word count).
It was a mess of cry over someone's death in a minute, to I love you and sweet nothings in the next. And then repeat all over again.
So many unnecessary things dragging the boredom in the end... It felt like the book ended, then the author wrote another random twist 5 chapters later, just to end up again.

Everything happened to Bronte and things become so extra in the end, that I didn't even wanted to finish it.

But i did it...
Don't recommend it though.

PS.: This series is spin off of another series and their characters are all over the place.
I also didn't knew that.

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Unfortunately this book was not for me. Chantal's wind dragons MC is one of my all time fave series, however this one did not connect with me at all which was a shame

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I don't read a lot of MC romance but what I have read usually falls into one of two categories: either the MC is completely legit or completely bad. Now, I'm sure there are plenty out there that fall somewhere in the middle, but as I said, I don't read a lot of this particular romance trope. Anyway, my point is that this one seems to fall in that middle area. The characters are likable and their interactions feel like a family. There is mention of illegal activity, but this story revolves around a custom motorcycle shop. As I said, the characters are likable, and it's pretty much impossible not to feel sorry for Bronte. She certainly has her share of trouble. To be honest, the story was over the top and required a fair bit of suspension of disbelief, enough that this one could've gone either way for me. What saved it for me was Crow. I couldn't help but love Crow. He's grumpy and he and Bronte don't exactly see eye to eye at first, but getting there is half the fun. This one is easily read in an afternoon, and there are things about the storyline that I'd have liked more development on, but it's still a good start to what looks like an entertaining series. In the end, there were things I liked and some that didn't quite hit the mark for me, but I'm interested to see where things go for the characters of Fast & Fury, so I will be checking out the next in the series.

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Chantal Fernando has kicked off a new series with a bang! She has invited so old friends along for the ride and there are some surprises that you won’t be ready for.

Bronte seems like my kind of girl. Hard headed, strong willed and determined to do everything on her own. I can understand that completely. She finds herself out of a job which she finally kind of lets her uncle(someone you wouldn’t expect) help set her up an interview at a local motorcycle shop.

Crow takes one look at Bronte and throws her to the wolves at the shop. It’s sink or swim for him. He doesn’t trust her. She has no idea why and has no idea it could be because of her family. She has a long lost cousin she just found out about(from her uncle...sound familiar?) and she comes in on her first day and helps put her mind at ease.

Things at the shop and between Bronte and Crow start to get into a rhythm and tragedy strikes for Bronte. Her world falls apart when she finds her father dead. The circumstances around his death for Bronte are suspicious but for others not so much. She stands firm that she will find the truth. That’s what she used to do in her last job working for a PI and she calls in her old boss for help.

Once Bronte starts digging this is when she finds out a world she never knew existed and Crow steps in and decides enough is enough. He’s held back and now that she is dealing with dangerous stuff he can’t risk her. He cares too much and has to admit it or risk losing her. Bronte is his woman and he is determined to make them work while making her safe.

The drama and suspense keep you on your toes. The chemistry between Bronte and Crow will leave you hot and ready for more. There is so much happening even with other background characters that you know the next books in the series will be just as amazing. I’m ready to see where the series leads us.

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Romance books are my fave and I have a sweet spot for MC romance. Custom Built was entertaining, but a bit too closed door on the sex scenes for me.
I did admire Bronte. Life kept throwing curve ball after curve ball and she kept going. I was hoping for a bit more from Crow though.

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Bronte's life seems like it's just not going right at all. First she has been in and out of hospital. And then she loses her job. But her uncle gets her a job at Fast and Fury Custom Build shop. From the minute she meets the manager of the shop it seems like he hates her, but apparently it's just to hide his feelings of attraction.
You would think this is where her life gets easier but alas no😳

I enjoyed this book, I just want more action more MC type of story, I mean Crow is part of the Knights MC, I just felt he wasn't our normal Alpha Biker. He had his moments but I just wanted him to be a bit more Alpha'ish (is that a word) and more attached to his women's side. But still a good stort. Bronte was definitely the 'hero' of this story. Looking

Looking forward to seeing what comes next in this new series 😊💖

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I couldn’t connect with these characters or the story. I usually love this authors work but this one didn’t do it for me.

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Omg this was so good. Not sure what I expected but I went in blind to and I'm so glad I did.
Thanks for this Arc. Can't wait to read more form this author.

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This book is part of a series, but I was able to red it without knowledge of the previous books. The story felt all over the place, non-stop drama and reactions that didn't feel realistic. The main character seems more affected by her health condition and having a grumpy boss than by discovering something that is actually terrible about her father. I just couldn't relate on any level to the characters in this book and lost interest in what may happen to them , romantically or otherwise; it felt convoluted and over the top.

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I absolutely loved this romance.

Such a great book with a solid storyline and great characters.

I eagerly look forward to reading more from this author.

A definite recommend!

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Crow & Bronte a Fast and Fury MC book - 1

My notes 📝:

Drug kings, secrets, death, losing best friend, murder, new job, new friends, drama, love, uncle, niece, baby ... , kidnapping, custom build motorcycles 🏍, investigations, chemistry, bantering, smutty.

In this book we get to know so many characters, the main characters have a lot going on, sometimes it was an bit to much, but overall I really liked reading it and loved the storyline.

Definitely a 4 star ⭐️ read.

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Custom Built (Fast & Fury #1). By Chantal Fernando. 2020. Carina Press (ARC eBook).

And the hits keep coming for Bronte Pierce, the new hire at Fast & Fury, a custom motorcycle shop.
Dealing with personal loss and health problems, the hot, standoffish boss, Crow, soon becomes Bronte’s pillar of strength. Despite Crow’s initial standoffish demeanor, his gentle protectiveness will help Bronte see her retribution through.

Picking up somewhat where Temper (Knights of Fury #3) leaves off with Abbie discovering her father, Nevin Pierce—who is the uncle of Custom Built’s heroine, Bronte Pierce—and easy-going Crow, who was a Knights of Fury pledge and is now a fully-badged member running Fast & Fury.

MC romance is still not proving to be my catnip. But for those looking for full-on MC, Custom Built is a romance with MC on the periphery; as Crow is in charge of running a legitimate business, that side is what is more prominent in the story as both his and Bronte’s workplace. The rest of the setting is based on Bronte’s family and friends as the story is fully her POV. Overall, it’s an entertaining read with some twists, but not necessarily logical in how I would see the power plays going down when a vacuum is expected or created in a crime enterprise.

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Custom Built is the first book in the Fast & Fury Series, still Following The Knights of Fury MC.
I haven’t read ‘The Knights of Fury MC’ Series but hopped into this one with no problem, I can tell that Characters appeared from the previous Series.
I have to admit that despite being a Chantal Fernando Fan, I wasn’t terribly impressed with this book.
I absolutely loved her ‘Wind Dragons MC’ Series because the Characters & World building was amazing; but this one right off the bat didn’t hit right for me.

Now I absolutely refuse to give any spoilers, I’m just not that sort of Reviewer, with that being said read on without fear.

I feel like it was too much too fast. I’m all for insta-love but Insta-drama is too much. Then it was loss after loss, I understand character building but this seemed like something an amateur would write.
The Heroine was WAY too Naive(not in the sexual sense but overall too simple & too trusting), I feel like she lacked character depth.
I read from beginning to end... I wasn’t impressed the only thing that kept me reading was the fact that I’d gotten somewhat invested into the simple storyline.
Girl has health problems, gets fired, girl is down on her luck, is a typical Daddy’s Girl who doesn’t really know her Daddy, gets a Job from her Uncle but doesn’t really know how to do the Job because she knows next to NOTHING about Motorcycles but can book keep and then a few chapters later ends up with the Hero she didn’t initially get along with.
Long story short, there’s Plenty of Drama between the Love and lackluster sex scenes. 
It felt too mushy at parts, too dramatic at others, too much information at some parts, the characters got lost in all the words and honestly it didn’t quite connect with me at all.
Sadly I wished that it would’ve connected with me as much as ‘The Wind Dragons MC’ did but this one just came off amateur and rushed, as though not too much thought was given or they were just trying to write a quick cliche MC story that would sell.
I apologize but I’m going to have to give this a two star rating. I feel like this hasn’t lived up to the Authors previous writing abilities.

***I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.***

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Bronte Pierce is one tough cookie that I have enjoyed getting to know. Bronte was given words that no woman wants to hear, Never going to be able to carry a child . Thinking she is less than it takes a special man to show her she is worth that and so much more.

Crow runs the Fast and Fury Custom Motorcycle and is a member of Knights of Fury MC. He is 100 percent Alpha with a huge heart.

They blew hot and cold in the beginning Passion ignites between Crow and Bronte, the hotter the better. With everything that is happening around them they keep each other level headed. Bronte knows she has feelings for Crow, but what if after she tells him she can’t have kids. What then? Crow is cocky and knows his own worth, so imagine his shock to find himself worrying what a woman feels for him.

Oh my! The supporting characters are fantastic. They give intensity, fun and heartfelt moments. I for one plan on reading the previous books in the Fast & Fury Series Cameron, Temper / Abbie, Dee, Skylar/Saint, Renny/ Izzy, Billie (bestie Bronte) a tight nit group. I adore them all.

Custom Built is a story full of unsure moments, twist and turns galore, but one thing is for certain there is never a dull moment. Chantal Fernando gives us strong character base, along with white hot passion. For my first introduction to Chantal Fernando’s books, I can say I am honestly hooked!

Rated 5 Stilettos by Deb!

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Custom Built is an interesting read! I am used to a little more gritty books from Chantal Fernando, but rest assured that it definitely still has the suspense and romance that you want to read. These characters are put through the freaking ringer, especially Bronte, I just wanted to give this lady a hug because she definitely deserved it! All in all this was a good fairly quick read and I am intrigued to check out the rest of the series. I give it 4 outta 5 stars.

PS: Thank you to Chantal Fernando and Give Me Books PR for allowing me an advanced copy of the book to read and review honestly.

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Bronte lost her mom at a young age, so it’s just her and her dad and her uncle Neville. When Bronte suddenly loses her job she must find something new. Her uncle suggests she starts to work at a local motorcycle shop, Fast & Fury. Bronte doesn’t know anything about motorcycles, but she is a fast learner, it also doesn’t hurt that the manager of the place, Crow, is drop-dead gorgeous. When there is an unexpected death in her family, Bronte will question everything she has known about her life. Will she be able to get her life together to find out what is going on or will she lose her family and friends?

Thanks to Harlequin/Carina Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

I was sucked into this book from the very beginning. This book made me laugh, it made me cry and it kept my attention the entire time. I couldn’t put it down until I knew exactly what was going on. This is the first book in the series and I can’t wait to find out what is going to happen next. So much went on in this story that I can’t even imagine what else there could be.

What would you do if you found out that your family had a secret life you knew nothing about? An uncle with a secret daughter, a father with a secret business. When all of the secrets come out, no one is safe from danger. With her life and her job on the line, Bronte must do all she can to survive. In the meantime she makes new friends and new loves, but will they be with her until the end?

This is the first book I’ve read by Chantal Fernando, but it will not be the last.

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Chantal's newest series is a HIT! If you loved her writing before- be ready to be wowed! I can't wait to read the next book in the series!

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Bronte Pierce had a very good job as a private investigator. However, she lost the job - and her dreams. When her uncle tells her he can get her a job at a motorcycle company called Fast & Fury she jumps at the opportunity. Along with that she learns that she has a cousin - as her uncle only just learned that he has an adult daughter. Things are looking up for Bronte - a job and more family, which has only been pretty much her father and her uncle, since she lost her mother years ago.

Bronte fits right in at Fast & Fury, with everyone but her boss Crow. He treats her rather coldly, which makes no sense to Bronte. But she tries to be unaffected by it, focusing more on learning about the business and her cousin. Things change quickly for her, however, when someone very close to her is found dead due to an apparent suicide She refuses to accept this and decides to hone in on her prior skills and investigate. Along the way, Crow steps in and the attraction that Bronte at first refused to acknowledge soon begins to show itself. Crow begins to change, quickly and in a large way/

Crow proves to be a champion for more than one reason. Not only Crow, but everyone else who belongs to the motorcycle club that is part of Fast and Fury. Crow and Bronte begin to hit it off, even with the stress and ultimate danger that comes with trying to get behind the death that occurred.

Custom Built is a very good book to start a new series. I loved meeting Bronte and Crow and see how well they matched each other. I like the suspense that was woven into the pages of this story and I also enjoyed meeting everyone in the club. The supporting characters lent a lot of balance to this well-written story, leaving me eager to read more books in this series.

Many thanks to Carina Press and to NetGalley for this ARC for review. This is my honest opinion.

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