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The Love Proof

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The Love Proof by Madeleine Henry is a captivating tale that will resonate with readers who adore romantic and introspective stories about the power of true love, first connections, and the human experience, particularly those who appreciate a slow-paced, emotional journey that explores the intersection of science and the heart.

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I normally love STEM based novels, but this one was hard for me to get into. It felt kind of prose-heavy where I prefer something a little more fast-paced. I can already think of friends who prefer this style of writing that I can recommend this book to though!

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This wasn't a book for me. I thought I would love it since it was geared to fans of Time Traveler's Wife but I felt distant from the main characters, Sophie and Jake and unfortunately never fully engaged. Appreciative for the chance to read this book even if not for me.

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Love proof by Madeline Henry was an entertaining and thought provoking novel about time and love and the way science may make them intersect. I was sucked in immediately by the protagonist who had a loving upbringing devoid of academic pressure and she was a genius. I thought her love interest was less interesting but I liked to see their relationship evolve. But then the relationship took a turn where she stagnated intellectually. I had mixed feelings about how the novel goes from here. I agree that being with those you love and true companionship is key to happiness but then it definitely felt like she lost an aspect that was important to her sense of self. I felt like the book was lecturing me about love but the way it did it made me feel even less sure to what it's point is. Overall, engaging characters and premise, but ultimately fell flat for me.

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Romance, Sci-Fi has taken off in the last few years, but I think I struggle to get into the Sci-Fi part of it. That said, I really enjoyed the characters.

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As a romance reader, I was a little weary about reading a book that is marketed as a love story, but The Love Proof exceeded all my expectations. I’ll be reading anything that Madeleine Henry writes.

Thanks to Atria and NetGalley for my chance to review.

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The Love Proof was a unique, fun read. I loved Sophie's character. This was very well written, and I did not want it to end.

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i tried to get into this book but DNF at about 30%. I think I just needed to walk away from romances for a little bit even though this wasnt fully a romance. I just never was excited to pick it back up.

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It is safe to say that I have very mixed emotions about this book. My first impression was that I was reading a science book. Then it morphed into a love story completely encapsulating the feeling of first love with science laced throughout. Eventually it just turned into an intellectual and slightly depressing love story. Definitely not like the romcoms that I am used to. I had a hard time relating throughout until the end. Then end broke me a little bit. Once Sophie met Liam, I saw how human she actually was and I got emotional. I may not have been a believer of this book through the physics, but I got caught up in the emotion and human aspects. I actually love how it ended <3

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From the moment I read the synopsis, I was very very intrigued. The Love Proof is a beautifully written thought-provoking romance. I absolutely adored this story.

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I may be late to the party on this one, but boy did I enjoy it! It gave me some Time Traveler's Wife vibes, which I'm always here for, and the idea of love across time is both heartbreaking and heartwarming to me. I loved Henry's writing, and amazingly, she made physics (a subject I've never liked!) interesting!

Though this book has been sitting on my Netgalley shelf for years now, I'm excited to read more from her! I'm now off to read another Henry read that's been sitting on my shelf for way too long - Breathe In, Cash Out!

Thank you to Madeleine Henry, Netgalley and Atria Books for my gifted galley!

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I listened to about 30% of this book but it felt like a chore to continue listening. The premise was promising but I had no interest in the characters or the story at all. Thanks for the opportunity.

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I think I liked the idea of this book more than the reality. The story lagged, and I just didn't like either of the characters in this "romance." Flawed characters can make or break a romance, and in this case, I feel like it's the latter. There just isn't enough growth for these characters. Then there's the science, which lost me. I'd rather just get the gist of it than to read through the gobbity-goop. We go through so much and then we get to the ending, which was rushed and unsatisfying. Basically, this one was way too easy to set aside, and way too hard to pick back up.

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I really loved the depth in this story and how it starts in the past and goes forward into the future. In this book, the main characters are extremely bright and driven. They have goals and they are quite complex, intellectual, and all encompassing. The characters both had a lot of depth and I liked that their stories were so complete. I really enjoyed the nerdy aspects and all of the facts throughout the book. I like that the characters were imperfect, yet created something so magical that passed all time. I am really in awe of this book and was completely drawn into this story emotionally. Thanks for the ARC, NetGalley.

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DNF, I have to put stars which I hate on books that I didn't finish. May be a great book, just not for me

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I REAAAAAAALLY enjoyed this. There were some bits that I was not a HUGE fan of (jake’s absurd stubbornness, for one), but overall, this was a really powerful love story. And it had science at its heart! I mean, come on.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the e copy of this one.

Overall this had a fun premise about a woman who is a genius and finds love in her college program. I did get kind of bored with this one though.

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I just really, really disliked this book. Absolutely not for me. I am sorry to this book, but I cannot read it.

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Well done, well written, with strong characters and a substantial entertaining plot. Interesting and intriguing .

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Jake and Sophie. They fell in love fast and hard until one day, they left each other. But, no matter what, they would always find each other, no matter if time goes by or no time at all. But, when Sophie’s passion for physics and world revelations dwindles, she must choose between her love for Jake or her love for physics.

I gave The Love Proof two stars, not really a fan of the plot point. While I am a big fan of books, I’m not a fan of the fact that Sophie sort of gave up on her love of physics to pursue her relationship with Jake. Why couldn’t she have pursued love and pursued her education? I also found their relationship lacking emotion. That first love and instant connection just seemed too stiff and not enough emotion seemed to be put into the relationship.

I found that Jake and Sophie after leaving each other, their relationship benefited from them breaking up. While that initial romance was good and strong and they both had each other, them coming back to each other many many years later didn’t seem to work out. One of the issues that really stuck with me is the “one or the other” situation. “You can have Jake but not physics” situation or the “you can have physics but not Jake” situation. It irks me that Sophie just suddenly lost interesting in physics the moment she started a relationship with Jake. Passion isn’t gone in an instant. It’s slow and fizzes out. You don’t find something and immediately forget about why you loved it.

The Love Proof was just too unrealistic for me to really enjoy it and during my read through, it just wasn’t very interesting for me to get into it. And although Sophie is a genius, she just was a little immature for most of the book and I couldn’t like The Love Proof.

Thank you again to NetGalley and Atria Books for inviting me to read The Love Proof in exchange for an honest review and for providing me with an eARC.

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