Member Reviews

There was a lot going on with this novel and not much of it was good, unfortunately. I love Jennifer McMahon (when she's on point) but sometimes her books really miss (The Night Sister, Burntown, The Invited).
Her latest release, The Children on the Hill is a hit!
The Drowning Kind is a miss.
The storyline could not decide if it wanted to be a family trauma-drama thriller or something more supernatural-trying to blend the two together did not work.

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I really enjoyed some aspects of this book, but I do feel like the ending fell flat. I appreciated the background and development of Jax's character. I am in the psychology field and find the sections discussing her patients and abnormal psychology interesting. I wish that the author would have expanded on Declan more and how/why he was able to connect with Jax regarding the pool and the spirits. This was an outlying detail that didn't really fit into the storyline for me.
I didn't expect the ending for Jax, but it seemed full circle. While I like the supernatural aspects of the spring, the addition of the dead making it stronger and pulling people didn't feel organic to the legendary history of the spring itself. It almost felt like a forced ghost story addition rather than just letting it be a naturalistic force. Overall, a good read.

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This book was a let down for me. The high ratings on Goodreads may have given me higher expectations. I found the book to be slow moving, repetitive, and predictable. If I wasn’t given an ARC, I probably would have given up and stopped reading. The X sisters grew up in a home rumored to have a haunted pool that was previously a spring used to help heal its visitors. The catch is that the spring will grant your wishes and heal your ailments, but it comes with a cost that is often worse than what it fixes. The other sister Lexie has mental issues, so people brush off her fears about the springs and what they deem her “hallucinations”. This book goes back and forth between present day and 1929 when the spring was the part of a hotel’s amenities. The last section of the book picks up a little bit, but overall I found it lackluster and slow moving. There was so much potential. I do think this book would make a great movie or tv series with some editing.

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A spooky, creepy story that left something to be desired in the end. I was hooked at the beginning but the author left some loose ends that I wish were wrapped up.

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The Drowning Kind is another wonderful thriller from author Jennifer McMahon. Like her previous novels, the creepy atmosphere just builds and builds to a crescendo in this novel. I enjoyed the themes of family ties and especially sisterhood throughout the story.

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I don't know why it's taken me this long to discover Jennifer McMahon. After reading "The Drowning Kind," I certainly won't let her future novels go unnoticed! From this one book, I can tell she's a skilled mystery'/horror writer who knows how to hold her readers' attention.

"The Drowning Kind" is a mix of historical fiction, horror, family dysfunction and thriller. It is filled with twists, turns and "what just happened?" moments. As for character development, the novel is off the charts. It follows Jax, who returns to the family spook house Sparrow Crest after her sister Lexie drowns in a spring-fed pond. From there, the novel travels back and forth to the estate's origin as a 1920s luxury resort, replaying what happens when you yearn for something. As Jax and those before her learn, the spring gives -- and it takes away.

Sparrow Crest is cursed. Or are its female inhabitants? Do they co-exist, feeding off each other? Martha, Rita, Lexie, and now Jax and her aunt Diane? Rita and Lexie both believed there was someone calling to them from the bottom of the pool. That at certain times, they were joined by mysterious visitors only they could see. And now it's Jax who sees her dead sister.

Yes, there are events that are improbable, but that's what makes a good horror story. If we only wanted facts, we'd turn to nonfiction. "The Drowning Kind" is a well-written story with just enough scariness to keep you flipping pages. There's only one question that remains after the last page, and that is how soon can we expect the next McMahon novel?

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The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon pulled me in from the beginning. I enjoyed how there were two timelines in the book, but didn't enjoy "The Dead Game". Both narrators, Joy Osmanski and Imani Jade Powers added so much to my enjoyment. Thank you #NetGalley and #Simon and Schuster for allowing me to listen and read this book. Both formats were great, but I prefer the audio.

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The Drowning Kind by Jennifer McMahon is a page-turning read filled with hauntingly beautiful prose that chills to the bone.

One of my favorite aspects of McMahon’s books is how she combines alternate timelines, each featuring a compelling protagonist and a mystery surrounding them both.

The setting here is in Vermont, current and 1929 timeline, on an estate rumored to have a very magical pool that grants wishes.

Fed from natural spring, some say the waters are healing, others say they are haunted, even cursed. Others warn against casting wishes in fear of what the waters will take in return.

McMahon writes with touches of horror and supernatural. Leaving long shadows and watery deaths in her wake as she builds a consuming mystery of just how Jax and Ehtel’s lives will be influenced by these mysterious waters.

I could feel the cold, wet chill and smell the sulfurous brine while reading The Drowning Kind. In fact, it may change how you feel about swimming at night, at least for a while. Be careful what you wish for.

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A big fan of McMahon's previous works The Invited and The Winter People, I was excited to receive an ARC of The Drowning Kind. Like these previous works, the element of the supernatural propelled this story forward for me. The unknown of what may lie beneath the surface is a theme that applies to the lives and motivations of the characters of Jax, Lexie, and Ethel as much as the waters of this story - which become characters in their own right. Creepy, atmospheric, and with an ending that readers will never see coming, The Drowning Kind is also a haunting, heartbreaking exploration of loss and longing and the will to exert control over our fate. It is a ghost story, a love story, and a family story at its core. McMahon is a masterful storyteller who creates immersive worlds and vivid characters and weaves pathos so beautifully through suspense thrillers.

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Jennifer McMahon has became a favorite author of mine. Her books a re dark, eerie and such fast reads! I loved this book and found myself enjoying both the E-book AND the Audio version (Both Advanced Reader Copies). I highly recommend the audiobook if you want to try out something different. This book kept me on the edge of my seat wanting more and more. I was this book came to an end and actually am planing to read it again! This was everything creepy to me and keep me up some nights without scaring the whits out of me! A much deserved 5 star book!

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A story surrounding two sisters - Jax and Lexie. Lexie, who had been struggling psychologically, is found dead and Jax goes back to her childhood house and gets pulled into the history and sadness. She tries to uncover secrets from the past and a lot of alarming things start coming into focus.
The story is told in alternating timelines - past and present.
This book is a good mix of horror and thriller, which will keep the reader hooked. Personally, I did not enjoy it too much because of several unbelievable elements. But this was still a fun read.

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If you love creepy then this is the book for you! Jennifer McMahon masters dark and eerie in The Drowning Kind.

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This amazing thriller wasn't anything like I was expecting in a very, very good way! While this was my first introduction to this author, I will continue to look out for any future books or backlist that she has available because of how deeply and thoroughly I enjoyed The Drowning Kind. Within every chapter, there wasn't a moment where I wasn't completely captured on the edge of my couch, forgetting to breathe because I needed to know what was happening and needed to get to the end.

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I loved this one so much I also bought a hard copy. It’s emotional, dark and makes you think. I recommend it to everyone to add to their BOTM boxes now’!! I can’t wait to see what she writes next, I’m hooked.

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New to me author but definitely won't be last. Thoroughly enjoyed this story. Thanks Netgalley and to the publisher for letting me read this advance copy.

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This book was mind-blowing, soul churning, and left me gasping kind of book. It was creepy, atmospheric, and haunting and I could not put it down.

This book is told in two different timelines; one is in 2019 that follows Jax who misses nine calls from her sister Lexie. Jax just believes that Lexie is having a manic episode so she goes to sleep and then finds out the next morning that her sister has drowned in the pool at their grandmother’s estate.

The other timeline is based in 1929 that follows Ethel who is desperate for a baby. Her husband takes her on a trip to a new hotel just built in Vermont that has a natural spring that the locals claim can grant miracles, but it comes at a dangerous price.

This author has always been one of my must reads but this book really blew it out of the water. I was gripped the entire time while reading this and I LOVED all of the paranormal, supernatural elements to it. I love myself a thriller any day but when you throw in gothic/supernatural elements, this is a perfect book to me.

I had to reread the ending of this book twice because I was so blown away and immediately wanted to read the entire book over again before I had even closed the book. Her writing is some of the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of diving into and I’m so excited to see what she comes up with next!

*Many thanks to Gallery Books for the gifted copy for my honest review!*

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There is always something that pulls me in when a book has a hint of the supernatural weaved into a thrilling story. In THE DROWNING KIND, McMahon crafted a story so suspenseful as the unraveling of the past is exposed. This book is one compulsive read with a whole lot of secrets.

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3.5 stars/5 stars. I have been reading all of my Jennifer McMahon novels recently and enjoying them. I really liked her 2022 release but The Drowning Kind was good as well. It was spooky but I was not a huge fan of the end. Thank you bookishfirst and publisher for the early copy!

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Jennifer McMahon is a brilliant writer whose novels I adore. Mystery, drama and tension yes. Also beautiful prose and great family drama. Recommended.

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This was my first Jennifer McMahon book so I had no idea what to expect. I'm happy to say I loved it.

Things I liked: I loved the two timelines, that has to be my favorite part. I normally don't like multiple timelines and following two different people but for some reason, I actually loved it in this book. I liked both timelines equally. I could not stop reading this book, I was so invested in both stories that I had to know what was going to happen.

Things I didn't like: I wasn't a huge fan of the pacing. I did feel like at some points it dragged a little, but that totally could have been a me thing.

Overall I really enjoyed this and I will definitely check out other Jennifer McMahon books.

Thank you, NetGalley and Scout Publishing for the advanced copy in exchange for my honest review.

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