Cover Image: Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For

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In Be Careful What You Wish For, two strangers decide to exchange houses in order to escape from the problems in their lives. While Prue and Madi settle into their new surroundings, somebody sits and waits for the perfect time to execute their revenge.

Most of the story is told through the eyes of a third person narrator which helps to introduce multiple characters and also provides insight. On occasion the view point changes to an unknown first person narrator who I would describe as being unreliable. This is because they only tell the story how they see it which isn’t always the truth.

The characters were interesting but my favourite is Prue because I found her more relatable and fun. I didn’t enjoy Madi for some reason (maybe she was a little bit boring) and I just couldn’t warm up to her.

I thought I knew how it was going to end but oh boy was I wrong.

I recieved an advanced copy for free, and this is my honest opinion.

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Apologies this was a DNF for me,the idea for the book is great but after the initial swop nothing much happens and I wasnt that interested in either character, nit sure why classed as a thriller tbh, it is very well written but just not the content for me

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Two women meet online and decide to swap houses, one in the city and one in the country. Madi and Prue are both looking for a change, each for different reasons, each looking to escape some part of their present life. I hesitate to use the word ‘charming’ in a thriller/suspense but there are parts of Be Careful What You Wish For (BCWYWF) that were, well, charming! The setting for one, the cozy mystery feeling and I liked the aspect of getting to know the women and them getting to know each other through the eyes of others. Aside from this, there is plenty of suspense and while the story is told mainly through the eyes of the two women, there is a third POV, that of a mysterious and hateful stalker which is chilling.

BCWYWF is a solid suspense and slow-burn mystery that has engaging characters and a well-wrought story. I’ll be looking for more from Ms. Brown!

My thanks to One More Chapter and NetGalley for providing me a DRC in exchange for my review.

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First, I would like to thank @netgalley and the publisher, @harpercollinsuk and @onemorechapterhc for the ARC of this book!

I really enjoyed this book! Its about 2 women who need an escape from their lives and decide to exchange houses. One women, Prue, goes from the county to London, while the city women, Madi, finds herself in the peaceful countryside. However, Madi has a stalker and now Prue is living in her flat! I won't say more but right from the prologue you'll get sucked in! The chapters alternate between Prue and Madi and the mysterious stalker! I thought i figured out who the stalker was at the halfway point but I was so wrong! This book kept me interested and I needed to keep reading to find out how the prologue played out and who the stalker was! This was a really good book! Be sure to check it out when the ebook is published on September 26, 2020!!

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This is packed full of suspense and dark twists. Absolutely gripping and so wonderful to read. Absolutely could not put this down

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my digital copy in exchange for an honest review.

While I did really like this book, in no way would I think of it as a thriller of any type as both the dramatic cover and the synopsis would suggest. It was more of a novel of two strangers that both just needed to escape their lives for different reasons. You have the actress who got cancer and beat it but has somehow lost the connection to her only son along the way and you have the girl who proposed to her boyfriend in front of all of their friends and didn't quite get the reaction she was hoping for. One lives in busy London and one lives in the countryside...There is one suspenseful aspect to the story line but even it isn't as scary as you might think it would be. I loved reading about each back story and I loved seeing how they grew when they traded places. All in all, this was a really good story with some great characters and a little bit of suspense thrown in. :)

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I'm not sure why this is categorised as a mystery or a thriller. Madi and prue swap houses for a month. Madi has been ill and prue has been humiliated so they both need to get away. Unknown to them both, an intruder is lurking around Maddy's house putting prue in danger. This part is not particularly well done with the infuriating use of italics to represent the intruder's point of view. I assume it's meant to add mystery and suspense but it is just irritating. The novel would have been much better without this aspect.

I'm sorry not to be more positive about this as the characterisation is solid and I enjoyed the way Madi and prue settled into their new temporary lives. However as a thriller it just wasn't up to the mark. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ERC.

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Two strangers agree to swap homes for a month. Prue goes to London and Madi goes to a small Norfolk village. Madi is an actress while Prue is a photographer. Both women are taking breaks from traumatic events that had happened in their lives. The two women quickly make new friends in their temporary lives.

The story is told by the two women's perspectives. There is intrigue and mystery but it's not a thrilling read. Both women needed to escape their mundane lives. They are both likeable characters. Each chapter switches back and forth between the two women but occasionally we hear from a third character who is unknown to us. The story starts off slowly but the pace soon picks up. This is an enjoyable read with a few interesting twists.

I would like to thank #NetGalley, #HarperCollinsUK #OneMoreChapter and the author #VivienBrown for my ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Be careful what you wish for was a little slow paced mystery, i feel like the whole idea was good . Very different idea of a story line. There was a lot of story before and the ending was good but i feel like i wanted to know more about Prue

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I would like to thank NetGalley and author Viven Brown for a free E- book Arc of this book in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own. This book follows two women who have agreed to house swap for a month in order to have a chance of pace from the problems in their lives. Prue, is a woman, who needs to escape from the village gossip of a failed marriage proposal. Maddie, is a stage famous actress, who has recently recovered from breast cancer. Can both women find what they need with a change of environment? What first drew me to this book was the premise and the creepy book cover. I was really hoping for a very creepy story. This book had some creepy elements to it, but I would not really classify this book as a mystery/ thriller, because it was not really the main focus of the story line. I enjoyed the pacing of this book. Both women were well developed characters and had great self discovery journeys. I liked how both characters became personally invested in the people they got to know during their month in the different places. The author did a great job creating a "warm cozy" country feel and then shifting pacing to transport the readers to the hustle and bustle of city life. Overall, I really enjoyed this book and had no problems finishing this book. I would recommend this book to those who have ever thought of house swapping!

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I loved the premise of this book - life swap with dire consequences. It could have been quite predictable but the author built the characters so well that there was a genuine sense of intrigue and uncertainty for the reader. The writing style was nice and tight - suitable to a plot line which balanced character development with fast pace.

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I really enjoyed reading Be Careful What You Wish For. It started off slow, but once I hit 20% of the way, I couldn’t put it down. I love the author’s style, the characters Maddie and Prue, & the suspenseful plot twists. I can’t wait to read more from Vivien Brown!

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Both Prue and Madi can use a change of scene so they swap houses- with Madi moving to Prue's village to recover from cancer and Prue to London to recover from humiliation. Both women find that there's more to life than they expected when they do this, with both of them learning something not only about each other but themselves. I had a hard time getting into the book since I was waiting for something more. I enjoyed the characters but didnt fall in love with the book. Thank you Net Galley for a free ARC for an honest review. .

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A well-written narrative with moderate suspense. Avid readers of the genre may find the novel to be anticlimactic. Well suited for those who are newer to suspense and a more sensitive reader. Vivien Brown offers well-developed characters and an intriguing plot line. The story is told from alternating points of view with a surprisingly unique perspective. 3 stars.

Thank you to #NetGalley and @onemorechapterhc for the ARC of #BeCarefulWhatYouWishFor which was read and reviewed voluntarily. All thoughts and opions are my own.

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Madi and Prue both need to escape their very different lives, one from a busy London life and one from a small Norfolk village life. This book I found to be more geared to a woman’s fiction rather than a thriller, although it still was an enjoyable read. I felt both characters to be totally different but relatable and I felt myself liking them both very much. Each chapter switches between each of their story, with the occasional chapter of a third character who is unknown.. a page turner.

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Thank you to NetGalley, HarperCollins UK, aand One More Chapter for this advanced reader's copy of Be Careful What You Wish For by Vivien Brown.

This was a thoroughly enjoyable read with a few interesting plot twists along the way. Madi and Prue both need a break from their lives and decide to switch homes. Prue heads off to London and Madi goes to a the small country village that Prue is from. Both women are taking breaks from traumatic events in their lives, hoping that a change of scenery will do them good. This is a thriller so there is some intrigue along the way, including past decisions that will impact both ladies negatively.

I really enjoyed this book. The writing was solid and the characters fairly well-developed, especially the two main characters. There were some secondary characters that didn't lend a lot to the main plot that I really could have done without but they don't detract from the story overall.

For thriller fans this one may be a little tame. It's a good read all the same, especially for fans of fiction.

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Firstly, thank you so much @onemorechapterhc and @claire_fenby for sending me the widget via @netgalley for me to read and review this book. It was described to me as The Switch, but with a twist and that could not have been more right!!!

I really enjoyed this book, I liked how it kept switching POV from Madi, Prue and a mystery third character who quite obviously hated Madi, and this added some suspense to the story.

It was a great read, flitting between London and Norfolk and I enjoyed seeing both places through these characters eyes.

Once again thank @onemorechapterhc for asking me to read and review this book.

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BCWYWF was very well-written and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I need to start by saying that I would not classify it as a thriller at all. There is a tiny fraction of thriller element interspersed with a delightful women’s fiction novel. I was very confused as I read because I was expecting that gripping thriller aspect. I really loved all of the characters and loved their storylines. The character development is wonderful! Although I guessed the twist very early on, I loved everything about the ending. I’m giving this 5 stars as a delightful women’s fiction novel with a little bit of a dark twist. I would not recommend it as a thriller. I have many friends and fans who enjoy general fiction and women’s fiction who I will recommend it to!

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I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I am still not quite sure how the title applies, but nevertheless it was a good read. An interesting mix of characters and a slightly implausible story, but it was certainly a book I enjoyed returning to.
It has an underlying bit of mystery, but on the whole a cosy read for enjoying with a piece of cake and a cup of whatever.

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Both Prue and Madi can use a change of scene so they swap houses- with Madi moving to Prue's village to recover from cancer and Prue to London to recover from humiliation. Both women find that there's more to life than they expected when they do this, with both of them learning something not only about each other but themselves. Unfortunately, though Madi has a stalker. Not a terribly dangerous one (or is it?). This is told from all three of their POVs. It's not a thriller, per se, although the stalking does add a bit of tension to what is otherwise a nice tale of two women. Don't get me wrong, though, - it's a good read. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC.

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