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All the Missing Pieces

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This book certainly wasn't what I had been expecting, however it was a truly wonderful read.
The story was well constructed and the storyline had many depths which keeps the reader intrigued throughout.
The dialogue was filled with humour, emotion, and drama and I loved it.

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The book was a bullet ride; it captured me with the encapsulation of life that Reese was lining where her father was in prison for embezzlement and the feds were after those millions until she met a man who praised her and she told him things about herself. But both were lying.

My first book by this author, I flew through the book as it was fast-paced, there were enough twists and action to keep me hooked to my kindle. The writing made me excited to know what would happen to Reese and who the new man was. That curiosity and the sense of impending danger helped me read the book in 2 sittings. You see, I had to sleep too.

Quite a fun read, full of danger and secrets.

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A dark, twisty story that leaves the reader hooked. This book has great writing and an intense tale. I would recommend being in the right head space prior to reading as parts are quite dark and depressing. There are some trigger warnings also.

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Reese Carlisle (called Pieces by her father) is having a bad life. Her father was arrested 3 years for embezzlement. Twenty Million dollars are still missing and the Feds want it ... and so do a particular couple of men that it was stolen from. Her brother died in a one-car accident ... Reese was with him in the car.

She's been called all sorts of things .. most not printable here. The FBI thinks she knows where the missing money is. They think she knew about the crime, even though there is absolutely nothing connecting her. They think she killed her brother .. but there's no proof of that either.

It's been two years since her brother died .. the only family she had left. She's more or less barricaded herself in her apartment .. rented under an assumed name... to keep reporters away. The loneliness gets to her from time to time and those are the few nights she strays outside... wig in place, disguise complete, new name & history firmly in place... and tries to forget what her real life is like.

One night she meets a new man .... She tells him her name is Denise, she's a dental assistant and she loves dogs. He tells her she's beautiful, she's smart, she's funny.

They're both lying.

Well written, suspense and mystery begins on the very first page and never lets up until the last word is read. There is always that thought that something is coming ... something dark and secretive. When the ending comes, it's unexpected, explosive. The characters are deftly drawn and I like how Reese interacts with not only her father, but the new man, as well.

Many thanks to the author / Netgalley for the digital copy of this Romantic Suspense. Read and reviewed voluntarily, opinions expressed here are unbiased and entirely my own.

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Somewhat predictable and a little slow in places, this story left a bit to be desired. It took me a little bit of time to get into the story as I kept starting and stopping but I kind of wanted to know where the plot was going, even if I didn't much like the characters.

It's not a bad read, just not an enthralling read. A bit of a dark/depressing drama more than action or romance.

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It took me a bit to get into this one. Like I actually opened and closed it a few times before I finished it. It was okay but not one I would read again.

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Wow, I loved this well written, riveting read! It is likely not for all, as it’s quite dark and very depressing, but I’m a dark, bleak lover! I thought this had done great suspense. The author made sure to write it in a manner that kept my attention from beginning until end! I do recommend to any and all who enjoy this genre, as it’s quite unputdownable and will give you some good thrills! If you have triggers on depressing and dark things, it may not be for you!

Will buzz up and rate on my lower amazon reviewer!

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I mostly read romance these days, the high anxiety books that I read primarily for years no longer hold much appeal. (I get too tense, and can't stand the suspense, at my middle age.) Because I love Julianna Keys's books, I was excited to give this one a try.

All the Missing Pieces hooked me from the start. I read it in one sitting and didn't get bored at any point. The suspense is there, but I never felt overwhelmed by the chaos in the book.

Romance is also present in the book, but I think it was a quieter part of the book. As much sex as the book had, there was only a bit of romance, and I felt like it worked really well for these characters in this story. I suppose I believe in insta-attraction a lot more than insta-love.

Both Reese and Chris were well written. I enjoyed the dance between them with the push and pull of distrust they had for each other. Neither character was a normal happy-go-lucky person. The both were scarred by life (we learned more about Reese's scars, but Chris clearly had some hardcore baggage of his own). And, although the romance in this book was dark, it never turned ugly or what I would categorize as abusive.

I would recommend this book to anyone who enjoys suspense or romantic suspense.

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3.5 stars

I like almost everything Julianna Keyes writes. I liked this, too. But.

All the Missing Pieces is dark and depressing - and I struggled to cozy up to our heroine/survivor Reece. The plot feels a tad too predictable almost from the moment we meet the second half of the "romantic" pairing and realize he's up to shenanigans. Fortunately, Keyes keeps a few secrets as the novel unfolds, and readers will have to wait to the near end for answers about a big secret our heroine may or may not be keeping.

All the Missing Pieces has a couple of gotcha moments I didn't see coming, and because of these I'm grudgingly agreeing that it earns its "suspense" label. On the other had, the 'romance' in this story is something of a joke. There is very little relationship development on page or off, and it's a BIG leap for this reader to believe the principal couple have a happy ever after in their future. I'm ride or die for the HEA so....this ending doesn't quite check that box.

On that note, suspense readers will be unsurprised by the last few paragraphs, although I wish the scene carried on longer. I was waiting for it...but the execution is underwhelming. I still have a LOT of questions about this character and his history and WTF could possibly come next.

TBH, I didn't find All the Missing Pieces very suspenseful or romantic, but it is entertaining. I'm happy to follow Keyes into almost any new romance genre she wants to try. I don't think this is even close to some of her best work...but it was a nice diversion from my usual reads.

Recommended with reservations.

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I received a complimentary copy of All the Missing Pieces in exchange for an honest review. This is not normally a genre I find myself reading, but I'm so glad I took a chance on this book. I was quickly immersed into the story, and asking myself, "what is going on?" The more I read, the more I wanted to figure out what was happening. It became really "real" when Reese found out Chris wasn't what he appeared. I never saw that one coming. This was a great find, and I'd highly recommend reading this book.

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Having loved many of Julianna Keyes's books I knew I needed to read All the Missing Pieces. And I was right- the story did not disappoint and was full of atmospheric moments. It's satisfying in both the romance and suspense department.

I liked seeing the contrast between past and present Reese. Compared to the proud and flashy old her, the new Reese was miserable and paranoid. Her change in demeanor was justified given her whole world was turned upside down by two life-changing occasions. The way she currently lived was no way to live yet through all of the bad, Reese kept her head on straight (mostly) and survived.

I was very intrigued by the mysterious stranger Reese met. However, I would've liked more background on him. After finishing the book I feel like I still wasn't clear on who he was and what exactly he wanted from Reese. The tension between them though! They were no nonsense and steaming hot.

Julianna Keyes's writing style is right up my alley. Whether she writes another suspense like All the Missing Pieces or more romance I'll definitely be keeping an eye out for her future books.

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Julianna Keyes has returned with a brand new genre for her: romantic suspense. This first foray into this new area was quite well done. It kept my interest throughout trying to put all the pieces of this puzzle together.

Reese is basically a hermit, after her father’s arrest for embezzlement, and her brother’s death. She’s the only Carlisle left, and has been a constant target for the public. She goes into hiding and only comes out for dates where she takes on a brand new persona every time. She is nervous and paranoid, always feeling like someone’s watching her. I have to say she was quite smart with the way she did things. She had an elaborate system just to come home. She meets a man one night who is a real nice guy. She breaks all her dating rules to stay around him. But, he’s hiding something too.

There is definitely more mystery than suspense. There are some suspenseful moments sprinkled in. It moved quickly, and then the end is revealed, and it took me completely by surprise! I still have so many questions after that ending! I would recommend this.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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3.75 Hearts A bit romance, a bit mystery and a whole lot of good read. After Reese’s dad goes to jail for stealing a butt-load of money Reese goes into hiding, sorta. She is still out in the world but under a bunch of pseudonyms and back stories. Then she meets Chris.

There are a lot of things to figure out while we enjoy the HOT romance between “Denise”/Reese and Chris. Does Reese have or know where the missing $20M went? If Reese isn’t who she says she is, how do we know Chris is?

Fun fast read that has a bit of everything.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you NetGalley and Julianna Keyes for gifting me an advance copy of this book in exchange for my honest review!
I am almost strictly a romance reader, but when I saw Julianna Keyes’ new book I was interested. It is, after all, spooky season and what better segue into Fall than a Romantic Thriller.
Reese has a hard a rough few years. First her father is arrested and hauled to prison for some shady business deals and then her brother dies and she is left feeling responsible. She wants a fresh start, but the company her father used to keep needs some answers first. When she meets a guy who seems to be too perfect to be true, does she follow her gut instinct or her heart?
The romance side of this book was STEAMY without being sleazy. Props to Julianna Keyes for writing a sexy scene in a way that’s actually enjoyable to read! The story started out a little slow and I was nervous I wouldn't be able to get into it, but I was proven to be very wrong!! Now I need to go back and read for Julianna Keyes ASAP!

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This was a good book
I like it but not love it. Sorry.
I expected more. But this was just a 3 stars read for me.

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Reese Carlisle lives deep in the shadows of Holden City, a far cry from her former life in the spotlight. Once a golden girl with the world at her feet, her life sits in tatters after losing it all. And while Reese doesn't allow herself many comforts, or human contact, she has been known to slap on a wig, fake her identity and go out on a date now and then... 

And then she meets the man who will once again rip her world apart... Chris Sherwood.


All the Missing Pieces was an absorbing, intense and jaw dropping read. Reese's struggle to live her life after becoming a pariah starts to unravel, and it all begins with a mystery man who keeps showing up when she least expects him. It has been a long time since Reese has allowed anyone to get as close to her as Chris seems to so effortlessly achieve, but letting her guard down may just prove to be the biggest mistake of her life... thus far...

With the recent loss of her brother and her father in prison, Reese has been hiding out from the scrutiny and disdain of the public eye. In her utter desolation, she finds comfort in only a select few things, volunteering at the local food bank and the occasional hook-up. Until she meets Chris and suddenly, she finds herself wanting to spend more than one night together, and to share things about herself that she hasn't spoken about with any other living soul. But, is Chris too good to be true, or is Reese throwing away a new chance at life with her inherent distrust...

This was an excellent read! With a bit of a slow start, it started picking up about halfway through the book, and I was completely unable to put it down! While light on the romance, Reese and Chris's connection and story was one that will stick with you. Deceit, lies and missing money, Reese has been holding her secrets close, but meeting Chris will change it all...

I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest and unbiased review.

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It is hard to categorize. It is part romance, part mystery. It is 100% fun.

Reese was uber rich, spoiled, and obsessed with appearing in the media. Three years ago, her father was arrested for embezzling 220 million dollars, 20 millions of which had not been recovered. She went into hiding because everyone was after her, thinking she knew where the money was.

Reese is a heroine with whom I generally would not sympathize, but Julianna Keyes made her very relatable. She is paranoid about people recognizing her so uses a slew of disguises and fake names, for good reasons. She has a difficult relationship with her father, also for good reasons. And has self-destructive behavior when it comes to sex, for slightly less although still good reasons.

Then Chris crosses a path a couple of times, one of which results in a very hot sex scene. It seems like coincidence. Chris seems like a good guy genuinely interested in knowing Reese but then the coincidences start piling up.

I was hooked from the beginning and intrigued. I went from thinking that Reese was too paranoid to thinking that Chris really after her. What was most satisfying is that Reese was smart and witty and wholly a woman and did find her way out. Completely entertaining.

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3.5 Stars

I don't even really know where to start with this one. I will say this...Any author that can branch out from her normal genre of romance and write something like this says tremendous things about them. The first person point of view of this book was interesting and it worked. It was beyond fascinating seeing Reese from the POV we did and written any other way I don't think this book would have been what it is and that would have been disappointing.

At times some things were predictable but the plot twists that came out of nowhere and in such a delectable way. Just sit back and be prepared for your heart to race and your mind to run with possibilities...did she do it? Bravo Ms. Keyes. I only hope we get to see more of this side of you in the future.

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This is the opening line of this book.

There's a reason Reese is living like a hermit. Three years ago, his father got arrested for stealing 200 million dollars. But 20 million dollars is still missing and they think she knows where it is. Then, his brother Alex dies in an accident. They think she killed her own brother. So basically, Reese is hiding.

In these 3 long years, when loneliness gets too much to bear, she pretends to be someone else and meets people. Just on date. Date over, that character over. But then she meets a stranger ___a nice, handsome stranger ___ finds him again, and again, and she tends to ignore her own dating rules.

It's a romantic suspense novel, well, more inclined towards romance. Okay, kind of erotic but the intimate scenes are handled well, that they didn't seem vulgar. The suspense angle gets more visible in the second half and it's equally intriguing, with some unexpected twists.

I really like the writing style. It's engaging with a reader friendly voice. The protagonists are easily likeable. The dialogues, the conversations are very interesting that helps you connect with the protagonists. I liked the Reese-Chris chemistry. I really liked the ending. It's satisfying. Overall, enjoyed reading this book. Recommended if you enjoy this genre.

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I know most of the readers really like this book but to me it was not that great. Nothing personal at all. It was just not what I thought it was going to be.
The main character, Reese Carlisle, was likable and somewhat believable. The plot was ok and could be engaging. It was just not what I wanted to read.

Thank you #NetGalley for this ARC. This is my own review.

I'm giving it 3/5 stars because I do believe some will devour this book. A somewhat recommendation.

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