Cover Image: The Dog Sitter

The Dog Sitter

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This was such a cute rom-com that I finished in one setting! As a dog lover myself, this book put a smile on my face the whole time. I adored this adorable book that made me want to quit my day job and become a dog walker. This was a nice read to escape the realities of everyday life.

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Set in the beautiful Lake District, the scenery descriptions throughout the book all sounded fantastic.

We are first introduced to Becky as she races through the smelly, mucky countryside on her way to a Dog Sitting job. The perfect opportunity to get away from it all for the next month and reassess her life in peace and quiet. So she thinks.

Bella, the delightfully energetic and crazy Cockapoo has other ideas. Greeting Becky as she opens the cottage door with a proper spaniel welcome. Bouncing, barking and racing around the garden with the zoomies.

As an owner of two very active Working Cocker Spaniels, I was soon laughing out loud at Bella’s character. You can tell that the author is talking from experience and that she lives with a crazy spaniel.

Of course, the story isn’t just about Bella. Georgina has left her much loved pooch in Becky’s ‘capable’ hands whilst she is away. There are several house rules that Georgina has stipulated as part of the job. Can Becky keep to these rules? Especially when she realises there are one of two minor details that Georgina may have forgotten to mention…

This is a ‘Pawfect’ feel-good romcom to snuggle up with on the weekend. But be warned you may crave Kendal Mint cake and proper Ginger Bread by the end. I really want Ginger Bread now.

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I'm not quite sure where to start with this book. It had positive attributes to it, but then there were sections of the book that felt so juvenile (when she constantly lets the dog get away from her, etc.), that it just sort of ruined it for me. But me being as stubborn as I am, I had to finish the book just to see if my opinion changed. It really didn't - the book was okay, but forgettable. I'm sure I won't remember much about it a week from now.

This is the story of basically crazy people that have low self-esteem issues. Yes, we have all been there, but this is one issue that just really seemed to stick out to me.

Becky is dumped and fired by her slimy boss / boyfriend and she goes into months of feeling sorry for herself. Even though she states in the book over and over that she never really cared for him; her family made it known that they thought he was a giant loser; and she began to realize that he manipulated her against her family and against the work she loved. He was always forcing her to do abstract book covers when her true passion rested with painting animals for book illustrations / covers.

Next is Georgina who really is just a fake, not very nice wench. She has a dog and she posts on Instagram constantly about her perfect life - but it is really anything but perfect. She begins to spiral out of control because her life is moving further and further away from the life she portrays on IG.

Then there is Ash. He seems very strange at first - we find out later he has ex-military issues; he doesn't want his privacy invaded; and he has suffered death of close loved ones.

Georgina hires Becky as the dog sitter while she is away for a month and Becky has to follow strange demands. Except she totally doesn't follow the instructions when it comes to Ash. Ash & Georgina used to be together and I found it uncomfortable the way Ash always spoke about how great he and Georgina were to Becky. It was like he wasn't over her. But Becky just didn't seem to care and she threw herself at Ash anyway. Again, that whole dynamic just didn't sit well with me.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review. The opinions stated above are mine without biases.

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This book was not at all what I was expecting! I thought it would be a cutesy little romance, but how wrong was I! There was so much more to it and I absolutely loved every single bit of it. I couldn’t put it down.

This is a perfect laugh out loud romcom with the additional of a hot ex marine and a gorgeous cockapoo. I sniggered and physically laughed multiple times as Becky is a really funny character. I loved her as she says it how it is and her thoughts didn’t hold back.

The setting of the book sounds idillic and left me wanting Kendal Mint Cake and Ginger Bread.

Highly recommend this feel good book! It is without a doubt a 5 star read.

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The cover of this book is really fun and engaging and made me want to dive right in. The MC, Becky, is actually an illustrator so I thought that was a cute tie-in. Although I have to say that the color of the dog is all wrong! Bella is black and they mention that several times in the story.

I really liked the opening of the book. It was comical and had me giggling right away. The scenery descriptions throughout the story were fantastic and I felt like I could really see the different vistas the book described. The Lake District sounds like a fabulous place to live and I’m now very jealous that I don’t live in England. That’s another fun thing about the book – all the different English sayings, some of them I don’t know what they mean, made the book feel really fun and adventurous.

The drawbacks for me in this story were when Becky continuously was falling all over herself whenever Ash showed up. Literally falling. I get physical humor can be funny and maybe once or twice it would have been charming, but it just continued and made me look at Becky in a more negative way. Also, Becky was constantly daydreaming, so much so that she often had no idea what was going on around her. I suppose that was on purpose so that things could go awry and her character would need to solve the problem she just created by having her head in the clouds. For me, it was just too much. Too forced. Too annoying. I would have rated this story a 2 based on these factors but the last half of the book Becky (mostly) became a normal character and the story was the main focus instead of the antics. I very much appreciated the shift in focus.

The relationship between Becky and Ash is interesting. I guess it’s a romance? But for most of the book, it doesn’t feel like one. To me anyway. But it was a cute story, the setting was fabulous, Bella was a sweetheart and I’d love to see more stories written in this cute town.

Thank you to #NetGalley for providing this book. These are my honest opinions.

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A warm and funny read with great relatable characters. I loved the growing relationship between Becky and Ash, and of course Bella, and found myself rooting for the two for them as the story unfolded. A real uplifting story which is a great escape.

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The dog sitter brings the landscapes of the lakes district of England to life with a sweet tale of finding yourself after a break up.

Becky has lost herself and a lot of her work after the end of her relationship. Taking a break from her life she goes to house and dog sit for Georgina and her famous pooch.

Alone Becky, finds herself and maybe has a cheeky love story.

The Dog Sitter feels like a warm hug. Simply the kind of book you want to read on a rainy Sunday. Pick it up for a quiet weekend read and you're in for a treat.

Thanks OMC books and netgalley.

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I got this book as a #NetGalley #ARC in exchange for an honest review. Becs is hired as a Dogsitter for Georgie, who is in a weird relationship with Ash. Bella, the adorable puppy is stuck in the middle of that relationship. Georgie forbids Ash in having any relationship with her but he keeps popping up at all times, esp when Becs needs him. He saved her several times and both just adore him. Georgie comes home early, there are some revelations as to the state of their relationship, the house, the dog that make this story really interesting. It's a very fast paced book. The characters are loveable, I found myself giggling while reading!. Everything works out in the end with happiness. The cover was the first thing to draw me in, how can you resist that cute dog??

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Grrr. Becky needs a break. She's a talented woman who regrettably trusted Teddy, who canceled both their love life and her job. Dogsitting in the Lake District sounds wonderful and indeed, Bella is a delightful dog. Georgina, her owner, warns Becky that Ash, her ex, might try to steal Bella but when Becky meets him, she discovers there's more to the story that Georgina told her. It doesn't hurt that he's really gorgeous = and nice. This is trope-y to be sure but it's also fun. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Great use of the locale, good characters (including Bella the dog), and a generous spirit make this a good read.

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I really enjoyed this book! I found it to be very cute and funny! I loved Becky and how she grew and learned to value herself and her work! Of course, my favorite part of the book was Bella. I could perfectly picture her and all of her antics! She was so cute and funny!! I also really enjoyed Ash and the relationship between him and Becky. (Georgie was a pain, well written pain in the a** lol!)

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3.5 stars rounded up to 4!

To be honest, this one took me a bit to get into. There is a bit more cursing than I usually like in a romance read, the plot seemed extremely repetitive, and there was a lot of “telling” me what was driving the main character and very little “showing” me. It became a bit of a game for me, how many different ways can she state in her mind that she wants to sleep with the male MC!? It was a bit of a bumpy start.

With that being said, after the halfway mark I feel like the author really found her stride and the book took off! The characters developed, I was able to see the depth of the story, and I began to believe the love story that was unfolding. Really all of that was this books saving grace for me! I loved the twists in the end that made Ash who he is, and I adored the way that Beck really came into her own by following her passions and shirking off the limitations and expectations of other.

I do sort of wish the ex’s of the main characters hadn’t been written so villainous and awful, it seemed a bit too easy from a readers standpoint, like I was being led to a really blatant and easy point to grasp. But those characters were balanced out nicely by fantastic family, both born into and found on their own!

All in all I enjoyed this one and I’d be willing to recommend it to a few friends who like a lower steam romance!

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I read this book in one day. I absolutely adored Becky, Ash and of course Bella.

A wonderful story set in the Lake District! Beautiful descriptions and amusing/captivating storyline!

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What is there not to love about this story. Becky is a wonderful character whose had her confidence knocked and needs to recapture her energy and self belief from childhood, with this in mind she embarks on dog sitting the gorgeous Bella.

Set in a stunning location, I loved the wonderful walks and descriptions of the lakes. The energy of Bella was wonderful and reminded me of my springer spaniel Bella who is always ready to launch into full on zoomies.

There was a bit of everything in this story, a touch of romance, exploration and adventure, a reminder to stop and appreciate your surroundings and conquering your fears and following your heart.

A highly recommended read that I'm already recommending to friends and family. The perfect story for any dog lover as the gorgeous Bella is the very essence of this wonderful story and will leave you smiling and feeling happy.

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This was a cute, funny, escapist kind of book. Georgina hires Becky to house- and dog-sit for the Insta-famous Bella, in the Lake District. A beautiful, calm setting is just what Becky needs to get over her last boyfriend/boss, Teddy, and to get back to her preferred artwork, rather than the boring design work she has been pushed into doing by Teddy.

What Georgina didn't warn Becky about was her ex, Ash, who feels he should be Bella's owner and turns up on the gated property uninvited and using various devious ways, almost like a stalker. However, Becky is attracted to Ash and can't seem to make him stay away.

The dog is cute, Georgina is a woman obsessed with living the life that her social media says she has, and Becky needs to find herself again. Put all these together and you've got a fun way to spend a few hours reading away a rainy day.

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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What a fun feel good book.
A little bit of frivolity, romance, and cute doggy love.

Becky our main character needs her life to go in a new direction so she takes on a job of dog and house sitting.
She’s recently been dumped by her boyfriend and they worked together .

I loved watching the story unfold and the delish Ash as the love interest.
Some slightly cringe worthy moments but on the whole lots of fun and laugh out loud moments.

The characters were well written and the location of the Lake District was perfect for escapism during lockdown.

It was a perfect rainy day read but I could equally see myself reading this on the beach.

A cute cockapoo named Bella was definitely the star in the book and if your a doggy lover you will adore this book.

Light hearted read with lots of fun elements.

Thank you for the advanced copy.

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The Dog Sitter is an entertaining and humorous romance. Great plot and character development. Loved this well written book. I received an advance ebook from the publisher and Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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First - gorgeous cover. A cover like this grabs my attention from the get-go!

Becky takes on a house and dog sitting position while she recovers from a breakup with a gaslighting ex-boyfriend who has stolen her self-confidence and undermined her professional confidence as an artist/illustrator. The setting is a gorgeous rural cottage in the Lake District, complete with adorable dog, Bella, and a sexy man who unfortunately happens to be the ex of the woman Becky is house sitting for.

This was an enjoyable, lighthearted romance with plenty of good humour, but what I enjoyed the most was seeing Becky blossom away from the constricting influence of her ex, re-gaining her self-confidence as she returns to the style of art that she enjoys and making supportive friends along the way.

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I’m not sure whether this was intended but I found myself comparing the “blogger” with real life! I thoroughly enjoyed this book, especially set in the Lake District and with a beautifully described cockerpoo. It also shows how you should do what you want and not be dictated to.

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Thanks NetGalley, One More Chapter, and author Zara Stoneley for giving me a free E-book Arc of this book in exchange for an honest review! All thoughts and opinions are my own.
4.5 stars
This book was the perfect weekend read! I loved the premise of the book of dog/house sitting, an artist, and a hot protentional dog napper named Ash. This book was a light hearted read. There were so many wonderful moments of doggy shenanigans (I mean what dog lover would not have a birthday party for their fur baby with games) I loved the relationship between Ash and Becky. They had such a love for Bella, the dog. Bella was an amazing fur friend that brought an artist inspiration and a love of a man, who encouraged her to take the jump into a new career. The writing and the pacing was well done. Overall, I highly recommend this book for the dog lovers out there!

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Zara Stoneley has created the cutest read with The Dog Sitter. It's fun, lighthearted and doesn't take itself too seriously. Features adorable dogs and some very nice guys. It's one of those books you can curl up with after a long day and just escape with. Would make a great Netflix or Lifetime movie.

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